Someone Somewhere

Listen to I am...Live and learn [I am... all of me | Live and learn] During fight scene. (Wooohooo got my tablet back! Now I can update more)

Disclaimer: I do not own any Sega/Archie characters only my OC's. Enjoy (~^.^)~

Chapter 11

A fight & a bet.

"Finally! " Rosy yelled as she walked in the vacant parking lot of AppleBee's.

"I know what you mean sugar mama, I've been waiting for this all day!" Brandon yelled happily while rubbing his stomach. Scourge rolled his eyes and walked to the entrance to hold the door open.

"Oooo, what a gentleman." Rouge said with a big smile. She then looked being her at the guys" You guys could learn some things from him. Especially you Knuckie," She said with a laugh. Knuckles narrowed his eyes at her and scuffed.

"What are you talking about? I always do that shit for you." Knuckles said cooly while shrugging. Rouge raised a eyebrow and shook her head. She then turned on her heel and continued walking.

"Pffft yeah right,"Sonic said while wrapping a arm around Amy"I remember we went on a double date and Rouge practically had the door slammed in her face." Knuckles rolled his eyes.

"The conversation is done now Sonic. Don't need you to butt in all the time." Knuckles said annoyed. Sonic just chuckled with a amused look on his face.


When they entered the restaurant it wasn't that full. There was only seven small families and a couple guys at the bar saying "Hit me!" again and again.

"Excuse me, would you like to be seated?" A waitress asked while walking up to them with a rounded tray in her hand.

They all turned their head left to see a tall, slender, blond feline with a huge bust. She was wearing a waitress outfit with black flats. The guys widened their eyes and stared at her in awe. Which earned a elbow to the side of the guys stomach from their girlfriends. Scourge was just staring at her and licked his lips.

"Hey," Scourge said smoothly in his hispanic accent, while holding out his hand. The feline blushed and looked down to her black flats and held out her hand nervously.

"Hi," she said shyly while shaking his hand. Rosy rolled her eyes and stepped in between them.

"Can you guys flirt later?" Rosy said annoyed. Scourge chuckled at this.

"What are you jealous chica? " Scourge said slyly while putting his arm around Rosy waist. Rosy scuffed and pushed Scourge away with one arm. She then put her hand on her hips and stomped her foot on the wooden floor

"Of course not! I just want to eat."She the turned her head to the waitress."So miss can you please escort us to a big table please?" Rosy asked. The feline nodded.

"Of course, right this way." The feline lead them to a 14 seated booth in the corner of the restaurant. ( A.N you know when one side is like a giant couch and one side chairs.) The girls sat on the coached part while the guys sat in wooden chairs. The feline put down the menus and stepped back.

"Ah man, why do we have the chairs?" Knuckles complained while moving around to get comfortable. "They are not comfortable, " He complained.

"Because," Maria answered while sliding in the booth.

"Because what?" Silver asked while folding his arms and raising a eyebrow.

"Just because" Cream retorted

The guys slouched in their chairs annoyed and rolled their eyes. The waitress then cleared her throat.

"Would you guys like anything to drink?" She asked polity

"Uh yeah, I'll like a sprite and if I am correct my sweet cat will like a coke," Silver said while glancing at Blaze to get a approval. Blaze rolled her eyes but smiled anyway.

"Yes I'll like a coke." She said .

"Should I have a orange soda or ice tea?" Cream ask.

"Girl, get the orange soda. That stuff is good." Rouge said with a wink.

"Are you sure?" Cream said with a eyebrow raised.

"Positive!" Rouge said loudly.

"Shhh Rouge quiet down, you attracting attention." Knuckles whispered sharply across the table with a hand cupped around his mouth.

"What! I'm just trying to help a friend don't be a poor sport Knuckie," Rouge said while waving her hand up and down.

"Yeah, Knuckie. Be a team player." Sonic teased. Knuckles slowly turned his eyes to him.

"Don't start." He said coldly.

"Alright I'll go with the orange soda" Cream said with a snap of the fingers.

"Glad you finally decided. Now I can order!"Maria then clapped her hands together." Grape soda please!" She said with the '^v^' face.

"Yeesh Maria not so loud" She the turned to the waitress"Lemonade please" she said quickly. Then looked back at Maria."What Knuckles said quiet down." Tikal while holding a finger to her mouth.

"Aww, like brother like sister. You two are one in the same," Rosy said with both hands over her heart while gazing up.

"No! Shee was just loud. People was staring." She mumbled while crossing her arms.

"Man, everyone is taking to long to order. The poor girls legs must be tired by now." Sonic said pointing to the waitress. " Let's just order quickly then we can bag on each other. A-ight." He then learned in chair and whistled loudly." Coke please," He said. The waitress smiled and nodded and wrote the drink name on the small notepad.

"Mountain Due please," Amy said quietly.

"Pepsi for me," Rosy said while holding up the peace sign, like she was from a anime show.

"I'll have a Dr. Pepper," Scourge mumbled. Then smiled and eyed the waitress up and down. "... Sexy." Immediately the cat had a deep shade of red across her face. Rosy scuffed and folded her arms.

"Your such a flirt, you don't even know her well." Rosy half way yelled while laughing. Scourge raised a eyebrow.

"Well I can get to know her."He then paused and looked up. Then a evil smirk came across his face and he shot amused eyes at Rosy; who was just staring at him." Waitwaitwait, I get. Your jealous again. You want me all to yourself. That's why you don't want me fucking around with hot chicks. Wow Rose, you sure are persistent."Scourge said with a laugh.

(Rosy's P.O.V)

What... the fuck? I stared at Scourge with narrowed eyes. My mind was racing with thoughts as my temperature was rising. I set my hands on the table and breathed out slowly. "You just don't know when to stop... do you?" I said darkly. I stared at this bitches amused face looking back at mine. He slowly raised a eyebrow and chuckled. Ugh, he may be lookin' sexy right now, but he is one ugly mother f-er.

"Please amuse me and tell me what you mean by that," Scourge said smirking. What do I mean by that, bitch! What do you think I mean!

"Don't give me that bullshit!" I yelled while shooting up from the table. I heard a faint oh no in the back ground. " Stop making it look like I'm in love with you, I don't care who you mess wit. But don't FUCK with a regular girl from Applebee's. When you know damn well we are leaving and never coming back!"I then looked down and clutched my fist." Jeesh your such a whore!" I yelled. That earned the whole restaurant to fall silent, but I don't care anymore.

I stared into Scourge's cold eyes, that wanted to make me sit my ass down. But I stood my ground. I then heard a chuckle and seen him closed his eyes. Eeer, why does he always have to be so complicated! He then stood up and walked over to me and tugged my arm so I can fall into him. He the wrapped his arm around me and pushed down on my ribs making me wince.

"Lets talk about this outside shall we?" Scourge whispered harshly into my ear. He then lead us to the door.

(To the gang)

"Eeer, plain coffee for me, please." Brandon said trying to change the mood. The others followed and decided to stay out of it.

(Rosy's P.O.V)

I shook out Scourge's hold and pushed him away. I stared intensely at him and quickly turned away and looked at him threw the corner of my eye.

"So... you think I'm a whore do you?" Scourge said in a menacing tone. I nodded my head and sat down on the curve. I still had my eyes on Scourge.

"Well.." Scourge said while stuffing his hands in his pocket and kicking the ground with his black converse.

What does he mean by well? What kind of a comeback is that! I rolled my eyes and pushed my self of the ground. I then walked up to him and slapped him hard on the cheek. I lowered my now stinging hand and placed it on my hip. When I looked at his cheek their was a huge red mark on his face. But he still held the same expression. I growled under my breath. I was hoping for a better reaction than that.

"That's payback for saying that shit back there,"I said while looking to the side. I then heard a few steps and a hand went right in front of me and soon I seen black and felt my body flying in the air. What the fuck! I felt pain go threw my back as I hit a hard wall. I coughed a little and tried to catch my breath. I stood up shaking and wiped my mouth.

"Well I didn't expect that."I said to my self. I looked up to see Scourge running to me. My eyes widened and I jumped out of the way. He then looked at me from the side and I felt a hand on my stomach and throw me back. I quickly caught myself and back flipped in the air.

"What the hell Scourge! Wh-" Before I finished a fist collided with my face. I fell to the ground and then went deeper in to ground with a punch to the gut. I screamed out in pain while blood sprayed out my mouth. I saw a fist heading for my face. I quickly rolled over and by a split second the fist combined with the ground. Holy shit! That could of split my head in half!

"Rosy!" I heard Shadow yell. I looked to the side and saw the whole restaurant outside staring at us. I weakly smiled before getting kicked in the stomach and once again flying threw the air into a wall.

"I got this!" I yelled barely audible . I stood up weakly and looked at Scourge. "What the fuck Scourge. If you wanted to fight you could of just said so!"

"Shut the hell up!" Well excuse me. Scourge was soon in front of me and raised his fist. I dunked and did a spin kick on the ground making him fall to the ground. I quickly got on top of him and held his arms down. I stared in to his icy blue eyes.

"What are you doing! Stop it Scourge." I yelled almost pleading."What ever I did im sorry!" I carefully looked at his face for any answer at all, because this is starting to scare me. Ugh, why is he looking at me so blankly. This is boogas! I felt my body start to quiver and a few tears was starting to form. I soon went flying over Scourge but luckly I thought fast enough to do a summer salt. I stood up slowly and looked at Scourge angrily."Fine, I see how it is." I barked loudly

"Rosy you don't have to do this." Amy yelled. I shot my head into her direction.

"What am I suppose to do! Get my ass kicked like I have." I soon heard footsteps and looked to see a punch coming my way. I slapped the punch the other way and punch him in the head. Sending him to the down, but Scourge slammed his hand on the ground and kicked my in the gut upward. I was sent flying so I flipped in the air and landed on the ground. This time I ran to Scourge and tried to punch him but he blocked it. I looked down to see a uppercut coming my way.

"Oh no, not this time!"I said while doing a back flip. Scourge zoomed to me and kicked me in the stomach. I thought fast and grabbed his leg and caught my balance. I sent all of my strength to my arms and flinged him into the back of his car which left a little dint. He shook his head and got up.

"Finally decided to fight back!" Scourge yelled. I narrowed my eyes and ran to him. I ran toward him and before he can punch me I dropped and arched my back. Then pulled my body into a back bend and sent two kicks to his chin. I then, while doing a hand stand wrapped my legs around his neck. I pushed myself of the ground and was now sitting on his shoulders. I smiled and wrapped my top part of my body around his chest. I felt a hitch breath. I chuckled at this. Then I pushed my body as hard as I can and flipped him head first into the ground. I rolled on my back and before getting up I punched him in the jaw. I then unwrapped my legs around his neck and did two back flips so I can get a safe distance away from him. I saw Scourge get up while shaking his head. Then Scourge opened and closed his mouth. Ha ha ha! Got him good with that one! A sudden force was pushing me into the ground by my head. I sucked air in and held it then I let out a terrifying cry of pain.

"Rosy let us help!" Silver yelled. No!

"Stay out of it!" I screamed out in pain.

"But, Rosy yo-"

"I said stay the fuck out of it," I yelled this time looking at them. I winced to see their worried faces and the pain throbbing in my head.

"You can do better than this Rosy," Scourge whispered softly.

"Fuck you!" I half way yelled. I felt another scream slip my mouth as my head went further into the ground. I grabbed his arm and tried to tug it off but failed. So I forced my legs to move but nothing happened. Come on! I have to get out of this! I felt a ball building up in me. The feeling burnt like crazy. Like it was some kind of acid energy running threw me. Somehow I felt like I could us this. I weakly grabbed Scourge's shoulder and screamed so loud all the Applebee's windows broke. "I'm not going to go out like this!" Then a shock wave over flooded me and I let go. I felt a pressure lift of my head and I shot up. I looked down at my hand to see a purple and black aura surrounding it. Then clutched my hand. I turned my head and looked over the crowd who had their faces looking like goldfish. I looked at my hand again. What in the world did I just do? Did I just shoot a mystical out of my own hand? Seriously! What the fuck did I do! But, more importantly where is Scourge . That son of a bitch tried to kill me after he said he doesn't want to. Fucking lies! After I finally put my trust in him this what he does to me? Oh yeah, how stupid was i forget that this was what he wanted. I growled and got off the ground, the pain in my head still throbbing. I felt blood trickling down my face. I wiped it and looked at my hand to only see blood covering it. I clinched my hand and growled again. That son of a stupid fucking bitch. I looked ahead into the mist and I saw a shadow a few feet away in front of me. Is that him? I walked up to the shadow and was suddenly pulled into a bone crushing hug. A warmth spreaded over me and some how I knew this was Scourge. Plus I could smell his "I'm so sexy" cologne. Which is a very awesome smell I must add.

"I'm sorry," He whispered into my hair. I narrowed my eyes and tightened my jaw. I pushed him away roughly.

"Your sorry? Wha- uh- Man Scourge you almost killed me back there, and your sorry!" I yelled while pointing to the dent in the ground that was stained with blood "I'll be damned if I forgive you this time." I said stomping my foot. He looked at me with a eyebrow raised. Damn, why in the worst times I always have to notice how fucking hot he is?

"Well that was for calling me a whore and slapping me," Scourge said while folding his arms. What! I balled up my fist and moved one foot back and punched him right in nose. I shook my hand thinking it was a good punch. I mean from the looks of it I broke his nose.

"You always have to make things difficult." He said while shaking his head. I was soon pushed into a wall again. Jeesh I've been pushed into the wall so much times that it doesn't even effect me.

"You know, I really want to kiss you right now," ... .what? I felt pressure rise to my cheeks, I backed up to the wall and looked around trying to ignore eye contact."You know" Suddenly two arms was on the wall blocking me from a exit. Now, I really wish he smothered me into the ground. " I'm really sorry, I was just training you to use that skill you used. Nothing personal." I saw his eyes slowly close and his head tilt slightly to the left. He was coming closer and I wasn't even stopping him. Then his lips softly pressed on to mine. Wait what the- Oh my- woah... My head was spinning with emotions right now. He is really kissing me! Who the hell does he think he is! He thinks he can kiss me and get away with it?I slowly slid my hands up his chest which now notice was bare. I felt the two scars that spreaded across his chest. I grimaced at the memory of how those scars got there. Then his rock hard eight pack. I stopped there for a sec and pushed into it. I felt his chest vibrate which meant he was probably chuckled. Come on! Push him away. I finally found my self and slowly moved my arms outward, pushing him away. I looked to the side. A blush is probably noticeable by now."Woah, I forgot how amazing it was to kiss you," Scourge said with one of those awkward laughs at the end. I rubbed up and down my arm chuckling at that.

"Yeah, but please don't do that again." I said shyly looking down at the ground.

"Why?" I heard him say. I looked up into his eyes. He held a kind a serious and sad look.

"Because right now is not the right time, maybe later." Man that sounds like a rejection . Even though I really don't feel like dating him. I mean I would if I could but- wait what am I thinking. We already tried that and he was a abusive asshole who raped me. Don't forget that! I hate that I always forget what happened between us! Ugh, stupid me. I mentally slapped my self and shook my head.

"Oh... yeah your right. I guess I'm just gonna have to get you to fall in love with me after our little 'war'. Wait, why won't I start to make you fall in love with me now." "Yeah , I just have to make her fall in love with me then kill her. "

"Ha! Yeah right. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. That's a good one. But you can try." I laughed then winked at Scourge. I looked away and frowned. Yeah right you son of a bitch. Don't play that innocent card with me. I know you want to kill me.

"I will try and succeed... Trust me." Scourge said slyly while smirking.

"Fine, that's a bet." It's one pretty boy.

"Anyway your friends are probably worried so we should just clear thing up with them." Scourge said frowning a bit. Oh yeah, I wonder how they will react to the fight we had. I wonder why the popo hasn't showd up.



I ran to my friends with Scourge behind me. They all wore worried expressions. So eyes shot glares at Scourge even though the popo was here. Just goes to show how much they care.

"You guys we have to go." I then grabbed Scourge's hand which earned some shocked faces and pulled him to the car. The rest followed and ran to their cars.

"Freeze! Put your hands in the air!" On of the popo's yelled.

"Shit" I heard Scourge say under his breath.

"Rosy catch," Cream yelled. I didn't even look and catched my purse.

"Thanks!" I yelled.

"I said freeze!" He yelled again. Then gun shots started to ring threw my ears. I turned around and everything went into slow motion. A bullet heading straight toward Cream.

"Nooooo!" I shreaked. I then ran to her and took the bullet myself. I winced a bit but it didn't hurt. I looked up to Creams caramel eyes."Are you okay?".

"Are you kidding me? Are you okay?" Cream asked.

"Heheh, yeah." I suddenly felt a surge of anger flow threw me and shot my head to police. I then looked at Scourge to see him shaking his head. Then my friends who was dodging bullets. My ears narrowed onto the shooters and then the guns. I then suddenly felt about 15 bullets penetrating my body. Then... I looked at the guns. A idea formed in my head and I concentrated. Even though the about 30+ bullets was going threw me I was focused.


Everyone of their silly little weapons was blown up. Heheh now try to shoot us. I then walked infront of them and into each of their eyes. I am probably lucky I have contacts in our else I would look like a actual demon. They glared at me.

"Miss, are you and him" He said while pointing to Scourge."The once who did this." He said while moving his hand over the scene behind him. I shrugged.

"Yeah..." I then slowly turned my head to face him." and".

"Well your under arrest for ruining public property. I heard in the back Scourge's laugh. But not a regular one a evil one. I looked at him to see his eye slightly tinted red and a little line forming in the middle.

"So what. Your gonna have to chase us down then." A arm was wrapped around my waist and pushed me toward him."Come on Rosy don't hold those bullets in you. They may stain your flawless skin, release them." Uuhh... is it just me our is the creepy smile plastered on his face remind you of a pedophile's. Because it sure is giving me the creeps. But I pushed the thought to the back of my head. I then inhaled and exhaled and heard bullets clinging as they dropped on the floor. Gasps rang threw the crowd in front of me and chuckles threw the back. "Good job Rose." I glared at Scourge .

"Why do you always have to start shit." I then pushed him away.

"Wha- What are you?" A popo guy asked. I devious smile formed on my lips and I walked up to the guy who asked.

"I recall getting asked the same question before. Heheh" I looked to the side. Then my eyes glazed over to him and a smile slowly formed."We are just your average people, who does not like to be bothered with questions. " A light blue twinkled in his eyes. " Isn't that right... " I then narrowed my eyes in disgust"... angle."That's when all hell broke loose. About 5/8 of the police man sprouted wings from their backs. I smiled."Alright."

"Holy shit!" Knuckles yelled.

"So we need to battle these guys now. What a joy." Scourge and Shadow said at the same time.

"Yup" I said while flipping in between them. Then I got into fight positions. I heard trunks opening and blades being pulled out and and special guns being loaded.

"Alright now that we have our equipment out , lets do this. Tikal looks like you was right again."Scourge yelled.

"She knew?" I asked.

"Yup. Anyway here you go Rosy. I got knew and improved daggers for you." Scourge said while handing me them. I took them and slowly felt the blade. It had to be the sharpest blade ever because it sure does look like it. Plus the texture was of skulls and dragons. It was absolute beautiful. I looked up at a Scourge with grateful eyes.

"Thank you," I said softly. I then ran out into battle. My wings flew out from my back and lifted me up into the sky. Along with Rouge, Tails, Cream( And cheese who I forgot was here)Amy, Brandon, Scourge, and... wait what. A white cat was in the sky with gorgeous black wings sprouting from her back. Who is she? Wait that's the... no way! She caught me staring at her and wonder Scourge was getting cozy with her. He planned this all a long? Wow, that dumb ass is not dumb after all. I looked down to see the ground people running to the police man on the ground. Which was Knuckles, Sonic, Shadow, Blaze, Silver, Maria, and Big! Wait- I was never even friends with that cat! The only cat I am friends with is Blaze! Something is completely wronge here. I then looked around and heard my voice being called then a bright white light sent me flying to the ground. Then my vision became black.

(Scourge's P.O.V)

Aww, how cute. She is talking in her sleep. I looked at the road infront of me and glanced at Rosy. I catch a twitch on her face and then her eyes shot opened. I could tell she immediately regretted it because she rubbed her head. Heheh probably still hurts.

"So your finally up?" I asked in my usual deep tone. I heard a soft yawn.

"What happened?" She asked calmly. I looked at her and chuckled.

"Well after we had a talk about me winning your heart I slapped you so hard you passed out." I looked back at the road but kept a close eye on her. I could tell her anger was building up. I know I am going to get yelled at now. Oooo so scary. Ha, yeah right.

"YOU DID WHAT! Why would you say you want me to fall in love with you, but you slap me out cold? How dare you."

"Oh Rosy I am only kidding. You just used up to much energy and fainted. That's all."

"Oh... " She said. I could sence something was disturbing her, she usually came up with such great comebacks that I usually feel like killing her. Of course I don't cause she is needed. Huh, I wonder will I really kill her or will I chicken out. Oh well what ever happens happens I guess.

"Hey what's wronge?" I asked her.

"Oh nothing. Just thinking about how I am able to be in your car."

"What ya mean?"

"You know , you did try to kill me back there."

"No, I told you it was for training. Plus that combo move you did back there was quite nice. Would of messed up a human but not me." I said with a smirk.

"Pffft. Some friends, letting me in a car with a cocky bastard." I chuckled softly.

"Just so you know nobody saw us kissing threw the fog. Only we know." I looked up to the review mirror to see a faint blush and a little smile. I faintly smiled too remembering the kiss and her beautiful blushing face. Huh I really need to stop with this mushy crap or I won't get the job done.

"That's good. It won't cause awkward tension."


"By the way. What did Shadow do to you?" Hahah oh yeah.

"A few punches that was way stronger than yours, and he isn't even a demon. But I explained the situation nonchalantly and he let it go and walked away. Then cream handed me a Togo box by the way. You should eat, it's still warm."

"That's great! Serve you right and I need to text Cream to tell her thank you." I saw how happy she was but once she said Cream she looked lost. Not like I really care though. She probably had this dream about Cream almost getting shot and then hell breaking loose. Ugh she really can't hide her emotions well.

"Yeah yeah just eat." And from then on we just talk about stuff that doesn't really matter. Goosh this girl can't ever be serious.

(3rd person )

They stepped out their cars onto a metal ground. This place was by the beach where the ocean in shinning beautifully everyday.

"This is it." Scourge said while setting his bag on the ground. In front of him was a huge plane that had a black out siding and looked really clean. "Say good by to station square time to visit America."

And with that everyone got on the plane and the doors closed. Once everyone was prepared to leave they was off. Some of them was happy and people like Rosy and Amy couldn't help but feel like this was a bad idea but they hid what they was thinking and just stared out the window.


Wa-La!. Did you like it? So there was a restaurant scene. I edited it out though. But I think I will put it in those things we missed type of story. Anyway I actually got some of Scourge's moves from Broly: Second coming from Dragon Ball Z. I just thought Broly was so awesome and I needed to us his moves *.* Anyway they kissed yeepee. I was going to take that out too but eleven chapters seems good enough to throw one in. Bye (^0^)/ R&F&F

Songs: Sonic songs

Artist:Crush 40 other Sonic Team Artist.


My life is a bottomless pit of endless despair.

The oceans of suffering lap continuously at the shores of my life,

Threatening to drown me in the moments of my own misery.

How much farther down this winding and treacherous road

Of self-pity and moral destruction can my life be dragged

Before it spins out of control

And goes careening off into the dark and depressing Crevice of dejection and utter hopelessness.

I am against the world

Because the world is against me.

It is difficult to speak of my feelings, as I feel nothing

This depression, this path of loneliness

Has led me to become numb to the outside world.

I am a hard, calloused shell of the man I once was

Hollowed out by the years of loneliness,

Of absolute isolation

I've been able to survive these many years by hanging onto one thing

One sliver of hope that I may once more be cared for

That I will no longer be alone

Regrettably, that hope has gone from a sliver,

To but a speck of dust

Soon that speck of dust will be gone

As will I

(A.N Love this poem. So incredibly and utterly beautifully amazing.)
