Yeah I know I know. I suck for taking so long.

*Kid Flash/Wally West*

Following Artemis's directions, we ended up in one of the dryer areas of the amazon, peering at a tucked away building that Artemis claimed was a lab.

We hid behind the trunks of one of the more larger trees, about 500 feet from the lab. "So what now?" I whispered to Artemis, my eyes glued to a security camera that spanned the front entrance.

"The security here isn't very tight," she whispered back. "If we make it to the roof, we can sneak in and sneak out no problem."

I frowned at her confused. How'd she...

She rolled her eyes at my unspoken question. "Daughter of Sportsmaster, here. I've been here before."


"Alright, so once we're inside what exactly will we be looking for?" I asked. Was it a blood sample? A file? A picture? Who's to say that they don't already know about Dick's secret identity. Speaking of which...

"How'd you find out his identity anyways?"

"Look are we going to sit here and trade stories or are we going to try and protect Robin?" she looked pissed, her nose slightly scrunched up as if she couldn't believe I was talking about this.

"Fine," I said rolling my eyes. I'd hear the story sooner or later. Then I crouched down next to her. "Hop on."


"So we can get to the roof."

"I don't see how-" I grabbed onto and held her bridal style, cutting off what she was about to say. Then, with a running start, I ran up the tree we were hiding behind. Getting onto the branch, I jumped from one tree to another until we reached a branch that was hanging over the roof of the laboratory.

"My neck!" I yelled at Artemis as the branch we were perched on began to sag downwards. Understanding what I meant, she wrapped her arms around my neck and held on. I swear, she had definitely lost some weight.

With my hands free I was able to grab onto the branch, I hung towards the tip as it sagged lower and lower.

When we were about 15 feet from the surface of the roof, I let go, tumbling on impact but making sure I got most of the damage. Artemis wasn't meta like I was.

We made quickly and silently to a vent that had screws rusted and old. Seriously. Was the Light having budget cuts or something? This place was worn down.

I managed to pry open the vent, allowing Artemis to go in first before sliding in after her.

Her movements were surprisingly light. Like very light. I couldn't hear a thing as she crawled through the vent. I, on the other hand flinched every time I put my hand down and the vent groaned. If Artemis noticed, she didn't say anything.

We ended up in a storage area. It was dark and damp but Artemis and I snuck between large crates until we found the door.

"Alright what now?" I asked, turning to look at Artemis who should've been just behind me. Except she wasn't.

"Artemis?" I whispered, walking away from the door a couple of steps and squinting my eyes in an attempt to see better. Where the hell had she gone?

The door behind me opened and before I could really process what was happening, a familiar black metal ring was snapped around my neck.

"Wha-" I started before a painful shock ran through my body. I tried to keep my eyes open in an attempt to see who my attacker was. Before I could, though, I slipped into unconsciousness.


*Robin/Dick Grayson*

We were zipping across the Caribbean, making a beeline for Brazil. Using the Bio-ship's communications, I typed in Wally's private cell phone number again. He wouldn't have it. I know he wouldn't have it. If he was leaving to go help "Artemis" with something that he thought should be kept secret from the Team, he wouldn't have brought his phone with him. Regardless, I kept typing in the number, hearing for the 10th time his stupid voicemail being broadcasted over the Bio-ship's speakers.

"Hey this is Wally, you should really leave a message because it might be important. Even if it's not important you should leave one. I'm so lonely…" then he'd burst into laughter. "Just kidding. Even if you leave a message I probably won't listen to it. Just text me instead you idiot."

I pounded down on the "dash" of the Bio-ship, mumbling an apology for being so rough. "He doesn't have his phone with him and he didn't bring his comm link. What does that idiot think he's…"

"He's not thinking," Artemis said, quickly jumping to his defense. "Psimon got into his head, remember?"

"Speaking of, who's to say the rest of us haven't been affected by Psimon?" Kaldur said concerned before looking back at M'gann who was currently piloting the Bio-ship. "Do you think you can look into our minds and see if we've have been infected as well."

"Sure," M'gann said with a nod. "Robin can pilot the Bio-ship. I'm going to need full concentration to find traces of Psimon." I nodded at her, taking her place at the Bio-ship's controls. I'd gotten pretty good at piloting the Bio-ship, best on the Team actually. Except, of course, for M'gann.

I watched as M'gann walked to the space between the controls and the rest of the chairs and used her telepathy to create a steady, flat table for them to lie on. "Who's first?"

Kaldur volunteered to go first, being the leader of the Team. Unable to watch the scene explicitly due to keeping my eyes on the windows in front of me, that didn't stop me from stealing a few glances at the pair. Kaldur had laid down on the table and closed his eyes and M'gann stood next to him, her hand at her temple and her eyes glowing green.

"Contact the League, Artemis." She raised her eyebrow and opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. "What?"

"Robin… the entire League was sent to Metropolis just minutes ago. Some bulk named Doomsday is attacking and Superman needs them all there. If we call them, all we'll be doing is worrying The Flash." I glared at her for a second before sighing and slouching a little in my seat. She was right. We couldn't pull anyone from a fight that Superman needed assistance with. And telling them would do nothing but distract them.

"Done," Miss Martian said, as the green glow from her eyes subsided. Aqualad sat up from the table and looked at Miss Martian, waiting for the diagnosis. "Psimon was in your mind too. But you were just to go along with whatever Kid Flash told you to."

Aqualad nodded his head in understanding before hopping off the table. Miss Martian looked over to me. "Robin?" she asked and gestured to the table. I made a move to get up but a shocked look from Aqualad stopped me.

"What?" I asked, totally confused.

"No. Not Robin," he said to Miss Martian. "You dig through memories in order to find Psimon's suggestion, correct?" Oh. I hadn't thought of that. "You may accidently discover Robin's secret identity. It may be in our best interest to have Martian Manhunter do it after this mission is complete."

"But what if Psimon did do something that could make Robin jeopardize this mission?" Artemis asked.

"I can do a quick scan without necessarily digging around," Miss Martian offered. "Psimon's suggestions seem to have left a type of imprint. I can see if I can sense the imprint without finding out what it actually is."

Aqualad looked at me and I nodded my head. Wally was in trouble. And if Psimon did something to me that put Wally in any more danger, I don't know how I'd be able to deal with that guilt.

Aqualad and I switched places and I laid down on the table. I watched as Miss Martian's eyes glowed green again and I felt a slight tingle in my head.

The whole Bio-ship was quiet as they waited for Miss Martian to finish. Miss Martian suddenly frowned and narrowed her eyes. "Um… Robin?" she asked, moving her hand to her temple. "I don't sense Psimon but… I sense something."

My eyes widened in surprise and I sat up on the table, looking Miss Martian in the face. "It's affecting your memories, your senses, and the problem-solving section of your mind." I felt myself growing angry. I didn't like my mind being messed with.

Miss Martian suddenly gasped. "Oh my gosh! Robin… it's been in there for weeks!"


"Can you do anything about it?" I heard Aqualad ask.


"Can it be linked to a chemical or a gas?" Artemis asked.


"Or magic?" Zatanna added.


I've been affected… for WEEKS!

Miss Martian shook her head. "I can't tell without digging deeper." She looked over at Aqualad, obviously unsure of what to do.

"Will he be in danger?" Artemis asked and I suddenly felt a little ridiculous as they all talked like I wasn't there.

"If it's been there for… weeks… I would say he'll be fine. He's doesn't seem to be obeying a demand subconsciously." Aqualad continued.

I sighed and quickly hopped off the table, sitting back down at the front of the Bio-ship. I wasn't in the mood to pilot anymore.

M'gann then did Superboy and Artemis. Neither of them had suggestions.

"All this junk just to keep us busy," Artemis scoffed. "Do you think that this Doomsday guy is the Light's real plan?"

"It is possible but that is not our main objective here," Aqualad said, standing up and gaining everyone's attention. "We need to focus on recovering our lost teammate." Everyone exchanged looks with one another before looking back at Aqualad and nodding.

I looked away from Aqualad and looked out the window of the Bio-ship, urging us to go faster. Once we hit Brazil, we'll have to hope that the Bio-ship's tech can scan for Wally. If he's even still running. He could've been captured and locked away by now.

I heard Aqualad take his seat again and the ship fell into an awkward silence. I glanced quickly back and noticed everyone's worried expessions. The fact that Wally was actually missing and potentially in danger must've finally sunk in. M'gann looked almost horrified at the fact.

I felt the crushing in my chest that I had been feeling since we realized Wally had run off dramatically increase now that the ship was quiet and I didn't have anything to distract me from the fact that I had no idea where Wally was or in how much trouble he was in. I clenched and unclenched my hand absentmindedly, unable to keep still.

We were going to get him back. No matter what. The bastard was not going to leave me here all alone like that. No way. And once we did get him back all safe and sound, I was so going to kick his ass.

"Hey M'gann?" Artemis suddenly asked in the silence. "How are we going to scan for Wally anyways?"

"It's a new piece of technology that Red Tornado had added to the Bio-ship's bio-matrix. It scans for abnormally fast-moving objects within a 100 mile radius of the signal," M'gann explained.

"That's a thing?" Artemis asked.

"Well it actually hadn't been tested yet, so I don't know if it will work or not…"

The Bio-ship fell into silence as the Team took in the information.

"It's worth a shot," Kaldur spoke up and there were mumbles of agreement around the ship.

"Where should we start to look?" Zatanna asked, his fingers tapping nervously on her knee.

"Well Wally may be amazing in science but is pretty bad at pretty much everything else," I spoke up, pulling up a map of Brazil. "This means that whatever location not-Artemis told him had to be something he was familiar with. Sort of, like common knowledge.

"The only thing I can figure that he would know would be Rio, the Amazon rainforest, and Salvador. And I even doubt he'd know Salvador."

"Why do you think Psimon made Wally see Artemis anyways?" M'gann asked with a slight turn of her head.

I clenched my jaw but shrugged my shoulders. "Don't know. He might've just guessed which team member would be the best in convincing Wally to go wherever it is they needed him to go."

That seemed the most likely. My curiosity was killing me though. Just what had Wally's hallucination say to convince Wally to go?

*Kid Flash/Wally West*

I woke up in a dark, damp, concrete room, my head pounding in pain and the feeling of dried blood crusted on my face and hands. I forced myself to sit up, hearing the sound of clanking metal and winced as the sound increased the pounding against my skull. I looked down and noticed that, in addition to the stupid inhibitor collar around my neck, there were metal cuffs around my wrists and ankles that were attached to about one meter of thick, rusty chains that were held secured to the concrete wall.

I sighed depressingly before looking up from my restraints and taking in the rest of the room. It was pretty bland and the floor was small, barely six-by-six feet. It was made up for though in height. The ceiling was at least 40 feet up. A small window that was my only source of sunlight and fresh air was right above where I was chained but it was much too high, reaching almost to the top of the room. On the opposite wall, also near the top, was a window to another room that spanned the width of the wall and slightly angled down to get a better view of what was inside. I squinted my eyes to see if I could make out a form on the other side of the glass.

There was nothing on the opposite side, but the fact that the window was there still really ticked me off. It was probably used for people to look at me. I felt like a zoo animal. It sent a flash of anger through my mind. Unfortunately, that hurt too, and I groaned, clutching at my head.

So... what about my rescue?

I looked at the walls around me. Not a door. Anywhere. Like at all. How the heck did I get in here?

Whatever. I don't care how I got here, what matters was how I was going to get out. I brought my attention back to the room on the opposite side of the large window. There had to be a way in and out of there.

Exit found.

Problem was how I expected to get up there. Especially while I was chained to a wall and had this freaking inhibitor collar around my neck. I lifted my hands to the collar and began to feel around the cool metal. Maybe there was a way I could...

I rolled my eyes before sighing and letting my hands drop to my side. It was useless to try. Not without some sort of technology or something. If there was an easy way to take off the collars, those evil geniuses in Belle Reve would've found a way to do it by now.

And I guess assuming I'd be rescued was useless too. Everyone was so wrapped up in their researching, who knows how long it'll be before they even notice I was gone. Plus how would they even know where I was? Obviously, I was a victim of Psimon's Nathan's little game too and had hallucinated Artemis and it was not-real-Artemis who said something about the Amazon. How was I supposed to expect to be rescued when I left no clues to where I'd be? I didn't even have a tracker like Rob did. Or a comm link. Or anything! I was seriously beginning to regret not telling anyone where I was going.

A sudden wave of exhaustion came over me and I had a painful desire to go to sleep. Looking down at the damp floor beneath me, I wished desperately for a pillow or something. Sleeping on this hard floor was going to be killer on my neck.

I laid down, though, anyway and shut my eyes. I needed sleep. Besides, what else was there to do in here?

"Kid? Kid Flash? Kiiiiiiiiiiid?"

Oh gosh that voice. How I longed for that voice. I opened my eyes slightly in a daze before shutting them again.

"Kid!" the voice screamed and I bolted straight up, wide awake now.

Robin was kneeled down next to me, looking at me in concerned. Without thinking I reached up and grabbed him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him close. Thank god! He's here! I felt tears beginning to brim in my eyes.

Suddenly, Robin laughed loudly. It wasn't his usual creepy chuckle though. It was... different. "Get yourself together Kid. I'm not who you think I am."

I felt myself beginning to crash and my hopes died away. This was Prince, not Rob. And I just hug him. Dammit.

I began to unwind my arms from around his neck but he suddenly pressed forward, wrapping his own arms around my waist. "But don't stop," he whispered. "I rather like our current situation." I tried to push him away with the small amount of strength I had but he had a tight grip on me.

"Quite pestering the prisoner Nathan," came another voice. I looked past Nathan to see Icicle Jr. standing in the center of the room.

"Junior," I growled. "Tell your pops I said 'hello'. I haven't seen him in a while, kind of miss his ugly face."

"Hey!" Nathan screamed, before moving his face to my neck and beginning to swipe his tongue gently against the base. "Don't talk to him like that." His voice was husky and I could tell he was enjoying this all too much.

"Can we please just get this over with? You can have your fun with him after I leave," Junior said annoyed.

"Fine!" Nathan grunted before unwrapping his arms from around me and standing up next to Junior.

"What do you want?" I asked breathily.

"Information." Nathan said, crossing his arms and I felt my stomach drop. The outfit. His voice. The very Rob-like stance he was making. It was like the universe was mocking me. Annoy just made me wish for the real Rob even more, if that was even possible.

"On what? Like hell you're getting anything out of me." I spat out, despite the fact that it hurt my stomach.

Suddenly I realized that my cowl was still on. I was still Kid Flash. If they wanted information, why didn't they figure out my secret identity. Things would've been easier that way.

"How's Robin?" Nathan asked, a smug smile forming on his face.

"Doing pretty well for someone who has a crazed killer running around with his face." Nathan laughed at me, throwing his head back in amusement. It wasn't Rob's laugh. Not even close. The universe doesn't hate me after all. I felt myself clinging onto that slight difference, reassuring myself that this wasn't Rob.

"Noticed anything... different lately?" Nathan asked.

"Nathan!" Junior yelled, his arm crossed and glaring at him.

"What? I just wanted some fun with him. Not like he'd be leaving anytime soon. Not before the plan's set into motion."

"Plan?" I asked desperately. "What plan?"

"None of your business." Junior quickly said.

"Don't be so mean," Nathan said, leaning down next to me and placing his arm protectively across my midsection. "You're just upset you didn't know what the plan was up until a couple hours ago. Don't take it out on..." Nathan dropped his gaze from Junior to me, looking at me and licking his lips. "...such a helpless little hero." He lifted up the arm that was draped across my stomach and began to use his hand to stroke my chest. I quickly pushed his hand away, looking at him in disgust.

"Can we hurry this up?" Junior said, glaring at Nathan.

"Right. Of course." Nathan mumbled, as if he suddenly forgot why he was here. "So... has Robin been different lately?"

I frowned at Nathan. Different? Different how?

"Like his resolve has been diminishing. He's been making choices he usually wouldn't. Not noticing things he usually would. Stuff like that."

Rob's resolve? His choices? What? What was he going on about?

Apparently he noticed my confusion and disappointment was clearly shown on his masked face. "No?"

"Damn. Well that sucks," Junior said grabbing Nathan's arm and pulling him up. "We'll it didn't work. Let's go."

"No. No. No. Let me ask a few more questions" Nathan waved him off. Junior dropped Nathan's arm with a glare but didn't say anything. Nathan, ignoring Junior's glare, looked back at me.

"Any significant change in his life? Anything subtle?" He asked. I glared at him. He wasn't going to get an answer out of me. Nope. No way. Even if there was a significant change.

Yeah. Me. He was in a relationship with me. That's a pretty significant change. But how was that related to his resolve?

Wait. Did this mean he wouldn't have chosen to go out with me? Was agreeing to being with me... different than what Rob would've normally done? Did he really even like me?

This sudden realization made my stomach hurt but I continued to glare at him. There was no way I was going to tip him off that yes, Rob was different.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the acting abilities that Rob had and Nathan suddenly grinned widely, looking at Junior and nodding his head.


"So it did work," Junior said, an impressed look on his face.

"Set up Crock's distraction," Nathan said to Junior, who looked ticked that Nathan was bossing him around.

"Now can I have my fun?"

Junior looked at him in disgust before nodding his head. "Let me leave first."

I suddenly perked up. Junior was about to leave. That meant I could figure my way out of here. Not that that would matter, since I'm still stuck with this damn collar around my neck.

Junior leaned down and grasped onto a hole in the floor I hadn't noticed before. He pulled and a hatch was lifted up. He then quickly disappeared into the whole, the hatch's door slamming right behind him.

Where the fuck am I?

"Now," Nathan said, before leaning down next to me and taking my chin, forcing me to look at him. "Where were we?"