This took forever to get the inspiration for but I finally got it. This is based on several, random prompts that I thought of and when the inspiration for a Wally/Dick story came into my head, I decided to put them all together in one big, multi-chapter story. Please enjoy :)
*Robin/Dick Grayson*
I wouldn't say Wally and I had gotten particularly distant. We still hung out, played videos games, hit the movies, and other bro stuff. We were still holding a "best friend" label between us. It was just that one secret that was driving me crazy. A secret Wally didn't seem to want to tell me for whatever reason.
Out of respect for our friendship, I decided not to do the Robin thing. I didn't hack into cameras or follow him, sticking to the shadows to figure out what it was he was keeping from me, the rest of the Team and, possibly, his family.
Instead, I decided to do the Dick thing. The bro thing. I was going to confront him about it.
The big secret had to do with Wally showing up late to Mount Justice on the most random of days and heading straight for the shower, not even speaking to any of us until he was clean. He would also do laundry immediately after his shower and avoiding anyone during the process.
Now, of course, I had my theories. Most of them had something to do with Wally getting involved in drugs and not wanting the Team to find out. I trusted him though and decided not to jump to any conclusions. He was Wally after all.
I was planning inviting him over to my house for the night and confronting him then but when I was zeta beamed into Mount Justice just seconds before Wally, I decided this would be a good time too.
Kid Flash B03
Just as he materialized in the Mission Room of our HQ, I reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder to get his attention. He whipped around and faced me, his eyes widened in surprise. I almost laughed but something stopped me. The scent of perfume that was obviously coming off of Wally was faint but I could definitely tell what it was.
Not wanting to use words, I flared my nostrils a little bit to indicate that I could smell the perfume. He looked panic-stricken. He took a sharp intake of breath and bit his lip, waiting for me to say something.
But what could I say? This new information was flooding my brain and the pieces were slowly being put together, despite how desperately I didn't want them to. Wally was sleeping with girls. A lot of them. It wouldn't be one girl because I would've heard about her by now. No. There were many girls involved in this. Why else would he be keeping this a secret?
"Wally. Robin. What-" Wally and I turned around to see Artemis had crept up on us. Well she probably didn't really creep up. She probably walked like a normal human being but Wally and I had just been too shocked to notice. We looked at her as she eyeballed Wally suspiciously, leaning closer to him and taking a long whiff. Crap, she had smelled him.
"Wow Wally," Artemis said with a raise of her eyebrows. "Of all people, I wouldn't expect you to be like this." Wally looked down ashamed. Artemis and I stared at him for a couple of seconds before he sped off, heading towards the showers.
With Wally gone, it was just me and Artemis. I looked at her and saw how upset she was. "Artemis?" I asked cautiously. "Do you like Wally?"
She breathed deeply. "Not romantically. No. He is my friend though and I just don't like the idea of him having pointless… nights with girls whose names he probably doesn't even know." I noticed how she avoided using the word 'sex' which I totally understood.
She sighed again. "What should we do about it?" she asked. She was looking to me, expecting me to take charge of the situation. I guess it was the obvious move since Wally was my best friend but still, I didn't know how to handle this kind of stuff. I decided on the quiet approach: letting Wally make the first move.
"We act like we don't know. Eventually Wally will go crazy and tell us what's up. Besides… we aren't his mother. We don't have to be so controlling." I told her.
She raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "But aren't we his friends? Shouldn't we care about his wellbeing and psyche? There could be something much deeper going on with Wally than him just having raging hormones. We can't just sit back and act like nothing has happened."
"We also can't risk creating an imbalanced dynamic in the Team. If we don't like his reasoning behind what he's doing then who knows how that will affect us in the field." Her shoulders drooped as she took in what I was saying. "It would be easier to ignore this now than to try and dig into the situation. Wally will get over it but I can't say the same for us."
"Damn it Robin," she mumbled, realizing I was right. She walked away, heading for the kitchen and I watched her go. I didn't know how long it would be before I went against my own advice and cornered Wally and forced him to tell me what the hell his problem was but I knew I had to try. Not just for the sake of the Team but also for the sake of our friendship.
*Kid Flash/Wally West*
I had just finished putting my clothes in the dryer and I was watching it spin around. "Nice move West," I mumbled. I had always come to Mount Justice after one of those nights to avoid my parents finding out. I figured the Team finding out wouldn't be anywhere near as bad as my parents finding out. How wrong I was.
The shocked look on Rob's face, even with his mask on, broke my heart and instantly I regretted every night, every useless kiss, every sweet word I whispered in bed. How disgraceful could I be?
Now, though, sitting on the hard metal chair, watching the dryer spin my clothes, I realized I knew what I was getting into that first night. Those nights were necessary. I needed them. Who knows what kind of mistakes I would've made by now if it weren't for them. So damn Rob's shocked face. He doesn't realize how hard it is to be me.
He doesn't realize how hard it is dealing with how much I love him.
*Robin/Dick Grayson*
I locked myself in my room. I know it was highly mature of me to do so but I had just found out my best friend was a man-whore. I deserved some time alone.
Artemis was in the living room, laughing and talking with Zatanna, Kaldur, Conner, and M'Gann doing exactly as I told her to: pretend nothing had happened. I was already off to a bad start, pouting in my room like I was five again. It wasn't like I cared though and the Team probably just thought I was working on Robin stuff.
Sitting on my bed, turning the remote for my television in my hand, I couldn't shake the fact that this bothered me so much. I was being lame. Don't most boys give their friends high fives for scoring so many girls? Is that what Wally expected me to do when I found out? Congratulate him?
My television wasn't on but I kept staring at the blank, black screen. I know I had told Artemis to just forget it but I was having a hard time doing it. 'Maybe I should just head home…' I thought.
I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, ready to leave. Then I realized how weird it would look to the rest of the Team if I just left. I could lie and say I had dynamic duo stuff to do but Artemis would see right through that.
I collapsed back on the bed, lying down with my feet still planted on the floor. Gosh I hated this.
There was a knock on my door. I figured Artemis would come by sooner or later. "Come in Artemis," I mumbled, not moving from my spot. I heard the door open and feet shuffle in.
"Sorry I'm not who you were expecting Rob but I think we need to talk," I raised my head slightly and saw the face to match the voice. It wasn't Artemis, it was Wally. Definitely the last person I wanted to see right now.
I laid my head back, staring up at the ceiling. "Nothing to talk about Wally. I don't care what you do with your life. Or your body for that matter." The words came out harsher than I meant but whatever. He deserved harsh words.
I know what I said about leaving the topic alone but he had come to me about it. This was fair game.
"Rob… you have to trust me when I say there's a reason behind it," Wally said. I lifted my head and looked at him before averting my eyes to the door to make sure it was closed before putting my head back.
"Wally. I just said I didn't care. Just leave it alone." I said, still staring up at the ceiling, refusing to look at Wally.
"Rob… You have to… Just… Rob you should know…" he whispered. I didn't care how badly he wanted to tell me. I didn't want to know.
"DAMN IT ROB! GET OFF THE FUCKING BED!" he suddenly screamed. The sudden transition from whispering to yelling surprised me and I sat up quickly, probably due to reflexes, and stared at him with a frown.
"You're in my room, Wally. I can do what I want in here." I said, still frowning. Who was he to boss me around? He was the one sleeping around, not me.
Wally teeth were gritted and his eyes looked at me furiously with a hint of something else I couldn't quite place. We glared at each other for a while, waiting for one of us to back down.
Normally I won this game but at this point I didn't care. I just wanted him to leave and having a stare down with him was not going to speed the process along. I stood up, slowly, not breaking eye contact with him, and got into his face. "Of course you've probably been in so many girl's bedrooms that you've forgotten that a person's bedroom is their own territory."
He looked shocked and he took a step back. He stared at me for a second before stepping back towards me, grabbing my shoulders and looking into my eyes. "You seriously think I've been sleeping with multiple girls?"
The sudden serious look on his face took me off guard but I stood my ground. "Why else would you be keeping it a secret from me?" I pried his hands off my shoulders. "Me? Your best friend!"
Wally looked at me sadly before running a hand through his hair and taking a step back. "Rob. It's just been one girl. I promise. She's not my girlfriend. Just… a friend with benefits. Leslie and I agreed on a secret no-strings-attached relationship. That's why I didn't tell you."
"So you're doing this Leslie girl because you can't control your hormones. Wow, mature move KF." I spat back. Even though it was only one girl he was having sex with, it was still disappointing how Wally was in that kind of relationship at 16.
"Rob you just don't understand. I… I need this. Leslie's helping me." Wally said, not looking at me.
"You can go to the gym and exercise. Maybe you can even learn self-control. I know it sounds hard but you should try it sometime." I glared at Wally, fury I didn't even know I had building in my stomach. "Now get out of my room."
I expected Wally to lash back out at me but instead he looked at me with saddened eyes before turning around and walking out of my room. Feeling a little bit of guilt rising, I almost ran after him. Almost.
*Kid Flash/Wally West*
That confrontation with Rob was completely miserable. First, he had thought I was Artemis. Artemis! Why was he expecting her to come into his bedroom!? My jealousy had set the whole thing up for disaster.
Then, to make matters worse, he kept laying sprawled on his bed. His messy hair flat out against the mattress was making my heart thump uncontrollably and all I wanted to do was lean over his acrobat body and kiss him. I didn't though. Instead I yelled at him to get off the bed. The way he reacted, I was scared that he had figured out what he was doing to me. I continued to glare at him though, like the idiot I am.
I guess I should've figured that he wouldn't be satisfied with me just telling him that Leslie "helps". I couldn't tell him how though. I knew he'd be freaked out.
It began when I told Leslie about my crush on my male best friend. I told her that he wasn't gay and I knew that one day I would just jump him and completely ruin our friendship. I told her I needed to get over this gay phase and convince myself that I wasn't gay for my best friend. That's when she offered the no-strings-attached thing.
In my defense I rejected the idea at first but after she kept insisting how helpful it would be, I tried it. Needless to say I felt nothing but lust when I was with Leslie. I did the whole sweet talk thing and kissed her constantly, even outside of the bedroom, but I still couldn't develop feelings for her which, surprisingly, she was completely fine with.
I would lie if I said it didn't help though. Those nights with Leslie, if I repeated in my mind that they were something more than they really were, I was able to better control myself around Rob. I was still able to be his bro. We were able to hang out in his bedroom without my love for him be too much of a bother.
That confrontation, though, had set my emotions on a rollercoaster. Telling Rob about Leslie had clouded my mind with the real reason why I did it. I loved Rob. I loved him more than I should. I wanted him to be mine. I had never wanted to kiss him so badly.
When I knew it was past time for him to have left for Gotham, I emerged from my room absolutely starving and the smell of M'Gann's cookies were not helping the situation.
I walked into the kitchen to see about two dozen cookies piled up on a large plate and another dozen batch in the oven. M'Gann was standing at the counter, mixing up ingredients that were for, hopefully, a fourth batch of cookies. The rest of the Team was nowhere to be found.
"Hey beautiful," I said with a grin, grabbing a cookie from the plate a munching down. They weren't amazing but they were better than a lot of the stuff she cooked. She was learning. Kudos to her.
"Hey Wally," M'Gann said with a grin. I knew she liked it when I ate all her food. She always acted like she felt she needed to prove her worth on the Team. I always obliged of course, despite the fact that I would eat anything (though she didn't have to know that).
"So why were you in your room all day?" she asked. I noticed a bit of flour was caked on her cheek and walked over to the sink, grabbing a paper towel and wetting it.
"I'm a little behind in history so I was looking up some facts before my test Monday." I twisted the paper towel, letting water run down my arms and into the sink, leaving the paper towel wet . "If I don't do well in school, my parents might pull me off the Team."
I walked over to M'Gann who was still stirring. "You got some flour," I said, pointing to her cheek before wiping it off with the paper towel.
"Thanks Wally," she said with a smile. I smiled back at her before taking a seat at the counter, grabbing a few more cookies and munching on them.
I had done that to Dick once. It was toothpaste though and I had licked my thumb and rubbed it on Dick's face to get it off rather than using a paper towel. I had done it when my feelings for him were first beginning to develop and without thinking about it. I remember how scared I was over Dick's reaction when I realized what I was doing. He looked at me skeptically at first before bursting into laughter and wiping his cheek.
"Dude. Unnecessary." He had said with a smile. I had nearly breathed a sigh of relief when Dick had just taken it as a joke. Now, I almost wished that Dick had realized my feelings then and turned me down before I fell too hard for him. So hard that I was using Leslie to try to get over him. What part about that plan was a good idea again?
I was halfway done with the cookies when Conner and Kaldur walked in, Conner's hair damp and sticking to his forehead. They must've just finishing showering from training. That would make sense since, you know, we're supposed to stay in shape and practice our combat. I mentally reprimanded myself for not doing that today.
Kaldur and Conner each grabbed a cookie and found counters to lean against and we began to talk. I know I don't have much in common with an Atlantean, a Martain, and a half Kryptonian clone but it was amazing how well we all got along.
After a while, I noticed Artemis was missing. Artemis… who had smelled the perfume on me. Crap… I needed to talk to her too. She probably thinks I've been sleeping with multiple girls too.
"Where's Artemis?" I piped up suddenly. Conner, M'Gann, and Kaldur looked at me, surprised about my question.
"She left about the same time Robin did. Went home to Gotham." Conner answered.
"Hmm," I said, shoving a cookie in my mouth, feeling my jealousy rise again. We had worked through the first three batchs and were finishing up the fourth. A fifth batch was in the oven.
"I think you should go talk to her," M'Gann said. I raised an eyebrow at her, wanting her to elaborate. "It's just I kept getting these weird vibes from her, like her smiles were forced. I figured you knew why."
I found that surprising. If Artemis was upset, how would I know why? What make M'Gann think that? Unless… "Are you implying that it's my fault?" Even though it was my fault… I didn't like the idea that M'Gann would jump to that kind of conclusion.
"No! Not at all Wally! It's just that none of us know why she would be upset. I figured I'd just make the suggestion. You did ask where she was so I just thought-"
"It's alright M'Gann," I interrupted. "I'm sorry for acting like such a jerk about it. I'll go see if she'll talk to me about whatever's bothering her." I smiled and she smiled back, looking relieved that I wasn't mad at her.
I shoved three more cookies into my mouth at once before speeding away to the zeta tube, heading towards Gotham, hoping I would be able to keep my jealousy down.
For the record, Leslie is not my own character.