A/N: Hi there! This story was originally an English assignment that I wrote last year. The idea was to write a speculative fiction short story using three sources. Mine were: Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan; the myth of the famous Bermuda Triangle, and finally, the maiden, and not to mention only, voyage of the R.M.S Titanic.

**Disclaimer** I do not own the rights to any of these sources, all rights go to the rightful owners. This fanfiction is for entertainment purposes.

Titanic: The Other Story

Chapter 1: Prologue

The maiden voyage of the R.M.S Titanic; it made every news print in England. It was called the Ship of Dreams, and for good reason. A journey from Southampton to New York City, it was plenty reason to buy a ticket. Some wished to see the bright lights of Manhattan, others wanted to escape the miserable squalor of their hometown slums in England. One way or another, everyone was waiting with baited breath on the morning of the 10th of April, 1912. The indestructible, unsinkable, most luxurious and largest cruise ship ever made was about to set sail. The noise at the deck was positively deafening. Children were yelling, sirens were blaring, horns were honking, until, finally, with an even greater eruption of noise, the Titanic set sail for New York City.