Yukio sighed as he lay down on the futon that was in the room, Misa admitting that the family had agreed to have a proper room for both himself and Keiko already prepared in case they wanted to return to Soul Society.

"Its odd. I didn't expect that they would have already set aside a room for me here. I kinda wish I kept in contact with them now." Yukio mumbled sadly, Masayuki letting out a chuckle as he retorted wistfully, {Well, Misa was always the good planner out of those two and Takayu is lucky she married him. Neither of them is like the other part of my family here or would hold it against you after what happened..}

[So, what is the plan tomorrow?] Ddraig asked curiously, Yukio shrugging as he replied "I don't know."

"Let's just leave it for now. Enjoy the break we have away from Kuoh. Maybe finally cash in that V-card of yours." Isa retorted with a perverted smirk, Sparda rolling his eyes as he ignored the comment as he spoke, {Rest. Yukio, tomorrow we'll figure out what the next step will be.}

Yukio nodded as he settled into the futon, closing his eyes to try and will himself to sleep despite being uncomfortable about sleeping on his own since he had become use to at least Rias and Asia being alongside of him.


Masayuki smiled softly as he walked the halls of his relatives' home. He had only left Yukio when he was sure his son had fallen asleep as he wanted to catch up with Misa and Takayu.

{Hello you two.} Masayuki greeted the pair as he slipped into the small room the couple was sitting in. Takayu grinned widely at seeing his brother before him as he spoke "Masa... It's great to see you. I almost didn't believe Keiko-chan was telling the truth about you."

{Well, I didn't want to distract from your meeting with the whole group.} Masayuki admitted as he moved to sit down opposite the pair, Misa smiling warmly as she chimed in "That's understandable. I take it you want to talk about tomorrow."

{Tomorrow?} Masayuki asked curiously, Misa giggling demurely as she reminded him "You do remember the tradition, don't you?"

{Oh, that.} Masayuki realised as he smiled amused, {So, you want to do the trial of resolve with them.}

"But of course. After all that Yukio-kun has been through its only fair we make sure they will stay by his side." Misa spoke with a smile, Takayu grinning as he added "Plus, it'll be a good way to see what those girls are like."

{Alright then. Let me tell you what's been happening since he met them then.} Masayuki spoke with a mischievous smirk as he noticed the gleam in the couple's eyes as he moved to sit down opposite them as they started to catch up.


'I wonder how the others slept?' Yukio thought as he let out a yawn and left his room the next morning, the futon had been rather comfortable despite being use to western beds more and having the girls sleeping around him.

"Yukio!" Rias called, hurrying towards him with bedraggled hair and her kimono loosely tied as she hugged him tightly and wasted little time pressing her face against the crook of his neck as he asked worried, "Hey, are you alright?"

"No..." Rias groaned childishly, tightening her hold on him, "I couldn't sleep without you by my side."

"It was just one night Rias." Yukio commented lightly, Rias shaking her head as she clung to the silvernet before he decided to give her a needed wake up call.


Rias let out a low moan as power flooded her body, her eyes widening in surprise as she buried her head into the crook of his neck to try and stifle them. Once the power settled within her, Rias slapped his shoulder as she looked at him red faced and asked "Did you have to do that for a wake up call?"

"Well, I figure you wouldn't want my family getting the wrong impression of you." Yukio replied, Rias flushing as she nodded embarrassed before she spoke "You're right. I wouldn't want to seta back impression on your family."

She kissed him gently before heading back to her room to get ready for the day, Yukio stiffening as a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind turning to see Koneko had latched onto his side and was dressed cutely in a white kimono that suited her especially with her cat ears and tail out.

"Are you alright, Koneko-chan?" Yukio asked, getting a sleepy nod from the Nekoshou as he spoke "Come on, let's see if breakfast is prepared."

"...I'd like that, nyah~" Koneko replied, her stoic tone breaking as she yawned her last word and let him lead her towards the dining room.


Yukio tried to ignore the slight tension in the room as he sat at the large square table while eating his breakfast. There had been a bit of a scuffle when the girls were trying to decide who was to sit next to him until Grayfia and discretely coughed to draw their attention to the amused looks of Misa and Takayu. This had ended with Yukio sitting with Rias on his left and Sora sitting on his right while Takayu headed the table with Misa on his right and Keiko on her right.

"So, what do you plan to do today?" Misa asked Sora, getting a shrug from the young man as he answered "I've got today off, so I was hoping Yukio, Yuuto-san or Xenovia would be open to sparring with me?"

"Yeah, I don't mind that. Maybe Georgia-san can come along as well as she uses a sword." Yukio spoke with a nod, glancing to see the blond [Knight] nod in agreement as he added "I'm always happy to spar with a swordsman."

"That's fine with me." Xenovia spoke with a nod, Georgia nodding as well as she added "I'd like to watch at least, Yukio-sama."

"Good." Takayu spoke with a eager grin, "I think I'll come along. After all, this old man knows a few tricks with a sword."

Yukio smiled at hearing that, curious to see how well his uncle could use a sword before Misa spoke up "Then maybe I can have a chat with Rias and Grayfia. Get some embarrassing stories from you about Yukio-kun."

"I'd like that." Rias spoke with a smile before Keiko added "Afterwards you can join in with the others learning how to tap into the spiritual energy here as it should be easier then our earlier lessons."


Yukio smiled as he watched Sora practice against Xenovia, Irina and Kiba, the bokken each were holding staying strong as they sparred. Off to the side, Keiko was with the other girls, minus Rias, and Gasper teaching them to tap into spirit energy.

"Now," Takayu started, holding a bokken in each hand, "To dual wield, you need to be able to keep your focus on both swords at the same time as well as keep the power of your swings equal. Also you can use the other sword to exploit weaknesses or gaps in their guard."

"Right." Yukio spoke with a nod, adjusting his grip on the twin bokken he was holding at the ready as Takayu continued "Ideally, you'd use two swords of the same weight to help keep you balanced but as long as you're use to using both swords in either hand you should find it easier to dual wield. Now are you ready to start?"

Yukio nodded in understanding and agreement as Takayu took a ready stance before the former charged forwards to start their spar.


Rias hummed as she enjoyed the hot tea Misa had given her as they sat at the small low table, Grayfia on her right as Yukio's Aunt spoke "Well Rias. I'd like to first know why you didn't speak to Yukio-kun before he was attacked? After all, if I understand the situation back then, you should have known about Fallen Angels being in the town."

"Is this the time to talk about that...?" Grayfia started only for Rias to hold up her hand to speak solemnly "It's understandable, Grayfia. Plus the same happened with Yukio between Mother insisting on those lessons and the Ruin of Connections."

Grayfia sat back at hearing that, watching as Rias took a calming breathe before lowering her head slightly before answering Misa's questions, "I was worried he wouldn't believe me or reject me out of hand. Back then... I couldn't even sense his true nature and only thought of him as a spiritually and magically strong human with a Sacred Gear. With the Fallen Angels... I had no idea Raynare was anything but a schoolgirl and everything happened too quickly for me to save him without having to use my [Evil Pieces]."

"And the summoning leaflet?" Misa asked curiously, Rias lifting her head as she answered "I had my familiar give it to him as a fail safe. I hoped he would summon me as he was being attacked so I could save him before he died and explain things then. I will admit I was focused on freeing myself from my arranged marriage then and hoped he would be more open to helping me."

"But he was attacked out of the blue in a manner that practically ensured his death." Misa concluded, getting a somber nod from Rias before the woman asked sternly "So, you still intended to use this power in the beginning?"

"Yes..." Rias replied, dipping her head before taking a sip of her tea as Misa pointed out "If you had just trained yourself more vigorously then you'd have been able to pick out his nature, Rias, as well as that of the Fallen Angels in the town you was guardian of. It would also have helped when facing your former fiancee, even if the whole thing being pushed forwards surprised you."

Misa took a sip herself, partly to let the words sink into the redhead while also allowing her to ponder over the next question for a moment before voicing it, "I understand you didn't want to be with a womaniser but what other reasons did you have for refusing the arranged marriage?"

"It was because I wanted to be seen as myself rather then 'Rias of the Gremory' or some prize like Riser saw me." Rias answered, "Yukio was the first person to treat me as a normal person. The students at school saw me as their 'Great Onee-sama' before halfway through my first year and between those that look up to me and those that would become jealous of others I talked to, it made it hard to connect with my fellow students without causing undue trouble to those I tried to."

"When Yukio first joined my peerage, he didn't treat me as anything special..." Rias spoke with a fond smile, "He was more embarrassed at the idea of Keiko-san catching how we woke up then me being in his bed suddenly."

'I suppose my attempt to hypnotise her was useless back then as well. She was probably playing along to avoid shocking Yukio.' Rias mentally added to herself before continuing "From then while he treated me with respect, he still showed me that he didn't see me for my connection to my clan or that I'm the younger sister of one of the Maou. He fought for my freedom to choose my own husband and I want it to be him."

"I suppose it would be shocking to hear that Yukio-kun is actually the same rank as yourself if comparing the Devil Pillars with the Noble Houses of Soul Society. After all, the Noble Houses have influence with Central 46 and the various institutions outside of the government." Misa spoke with a small smile, shooting a challenging look to a surprised Grayfia as Rias looked shocked as well.

"R-Really?" Rias spoke shocked at hearing that before Grayfia commented "If Yukio-sama is supposed to be the heir of the Kamizakura Clan then..."

"My brother-in-law didn't subscribe to purity of blood then Yukio-kun would no doubt have been involved in an arranged marriage himself as officially he should be the heir." Misa explained, Rias' nose wrinkling in disgust before she asked with an accusing stare, "Then why did treat him so badly...? Why did you not protect him when he was younger?"

"Ah, Keiko-chan explained that some of his memories were viewed by those with ties with him." Misa spoke sadly, "Myself or my husband are the exception and not to the rule in our family. We didn't find out until a few months before Keiko-chan discovered what was going on and then there was little either of us could do to stop my brother-in-law, lest we get expelled from the family."

"So, you just let him suffer? Get beaten in the name of training?" Rias asked angrily, Misa shaking her head as she explained, "If we were expelled then neither myself or Takayu could treat Yukio-kun's injuries or ensure my brother-in-law doesn't go too far. We wouldn't be able to show him that not all of us hated him for being impure and favouring Fumiko-san's powers unlike Keiko-chan. Taking him, would result in a fight as my brother-in-law's connections means groups of Shinigami coming to attack us to take him back and, in truth, Keiko-chan is one of the few that could act as she did then because of her own power."

Rias calmed down at hearing that, understanding what she had been told. Yukio's aunt and uncle hadn't been able to act openly against the rest of the family as they wouldn't be able to help Yukio recover from the 'training' the others put him through because neither was powerful enough, politically or physically, to avoid the repercussions for it.

'I really was lucky that Keiko-san didn't take out what happened to Yukio on me... Or the fact I tried to hypnotise her... Or that he was pulled into my trouble with Riser. I wouldn't have survived whatever she did to me.' Rias thought to herself with a slow gulp.

"Of course in this manner I can do something to ensure your feelings for Yukio-kun isn't just a fleeting one. I do not want him to be hurt against if I can help it." Misa spoke seriously, Grayfia frowning as she asked "Do you doubt her feelings?"

"Yukio has helped Rias and the others of her peerage a lot since he joined, something that should have been her job as the 'King' of the group. I just want to see if her feelings are what she believes them to be. After all, you have tested Yukio-kun already and the test Keiko-chan insisted on shows you have learn things about Soul Society." Misa pointed out to the silvernette, Rias nodding in understanding as Grayfia's frown lessened.

'I'm lucky that Yukio is so caring despite what happened to him otherwise the others wouldn't have overcome their issues.' Rias thought to herself resolving to pass the test as she spoke "I'll do any test you want to prove my feelings for Yukio are strong enough."

"Good. I will talk with my husband and we'll decide upon the test. Please don't inform Yukio-kun of this." Misa spoke with a soft smile, Rias nodding as she stood up and left the room. Grayfia turning her focus back onto the woman once the redhead had left and asked "Why are you so insistent on testing her?"

"Really? You ask that when you referred to Yukio-kun as lowly when you first met him when Rias was the reason you had to appear in his room." Misa shot back coolly, Grayfia flinching slightly as the Shinigami continued "I am giving her more of a chance to prove herself then you did. Although, given how quickly you changed your view, it leave me to wonder how much of that was due to learning of his ancestry with Sparda rather then his actions."

"I... I made a poor judgement based on the situation I arrived upon." Grayfia admitted, Misa shaking her head as she pointed out "I would think you would be more sympathetic and understanding that standing and ranks isn't particularly important compared to character. After all, you defected from the Old Satan Faction and he was nothing more then the heir of Gremory back then compared to your former masters: the Lucifer Clan."

Grayfia grimaced as she understood what Misa was getting at. She, a traitor to her old Clan, shouldn't have been judging Yukio who had been a new member of Rias' peerage at the time, even if she had only judged him as a Low Class Devil. If anything the situation she had arrived at could be seen as more Rias' actions then Yukio given the redhead was straddling him at the time.

"I'm sure you have also had to prove yourself constantly to those who doubted you. Yukio-kun had to do much the same and it seems he's only continuing to do that with those who are supposed to be his allies and friends with the events that have happened in both Kuoh and the Underworld." Misa pointed out as she took the time to refill both tea cups, taking a sip to let it sink into the silvernette before adding "I would have thought you and Rias' parents would have at least fixed those you had years watching over and yet its been left for Yukio-kun to struggle and fight to help them."

"You're correct that I've had to prove myself since defecting and choosing to be with Sirzechs and I shouldn't have been so harsh on Yukio-kun." Grayfia started, taking a sip of tea to decide how to word her response the next point brought up, "As for my role in regards to Akeno, Koneko and Yuuto, it is generally left to their King as part of their job. Rias' parents also wanted to see how she would cope and would have helped if she had approached either of them or myself with helping them but she was... wilful... as a child and wished to do what she could by herself."

"I also understand the need for testing her but I'd ask that you would not choose something too harsh for her to prove her feelings for Yukio." Grayfia added, Misa nodding thoughtfully as she replied "Alright. It's only fair seeing as she's still young. But she also needs to learn that actions have consequences and she needs to accept responsibility for them as there won't always be Yukio-kun there to help her."

Grayfia nodded in understanding before the pair continued to drink their tea and turned things to lighter topics.


Yukio smiled as he traded blows with Sora as they sparred with a pair of bokken in the former's hands. Sora was holding his bokken in both hands with a basic Kendo stance while Yukio's own was more relaxed due to his faster reactions. Kiba, Xenovia, Irina and Georgia were watching as they both hopped back before Sora charged forwards, swinging his bokken down only for Yukio to block it with one of his own before striking out with the other.

"You're good." Yukio spoke with a grin, Sora smiling back as he replied "Not as good as you. I can tell you're holding back."

"Sora-niisan!" A young female voice called, the pair turning to see a young brown haired girl about eight years old with her hair tied into a high ponytail much like Akeno's and cinnamon coloured eyes hurry over as Sora smiled and replied "Hey squirt. I take it your parents heard about our visitors."

"Hai." She replied, bright blue eyes turning to look at Yukio as Sora introduced her "This is Ayu. Ayu, this is Yukio Hosokawa, our cousin."

"Cousin?" Rias asked surprised, Yukio jumping to see the redhead only a few steps away before Masayuki appearing as he explained {My father wasn't a kind man and he disinherited his younger brother and sister because they wanted to be kind to those who served us. I and Takayu kept in touch with them once we learnt about them in secret and carried on treating everyone with respect but that didn't stop my father or my older brother from continuing on the 'tradition'. The only reason father didn't disinherit either of us is due to our powers being stronger then our brother.}

Ayu looked to Yukio once more with amazement and bright eyes before bowing formally as she spoke "It's nice to meet you Yu-niisan."

"Nice to meet you, Ayu-chan." Yukio replied warmly to the girl, Rias adding her own greeting before Yukio finished the introduction "Oh, yeah. This is Rias Gremory, my girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you, Rias-san." Ayu spoke with a short nod after staring at the redhead, unblinkingly, for a few moments.

'Am I going to be judged by all of them like this?' Rias thought to herself, wondering if she would be judged by all of Yukio's family until she passed the test.

"Yukio-nii." Keiko called, drawing their attention to Ayu's parents and older brother just as another family arrived with twin daughters and a two younger boys.


By the time the four branch families all arrived, a party had started up to celebrate the return, however brief it would be, of both Yukio and Keiko. Yukio couldn't help the warm smile as he watched it going on around him, his family enjoying themselves with the new family he had made with the Gremory group. A glance towards the adults who were all together, including Masayuki, lead him to wonder what they were talking about beyond catching up.

"Are you alright, Yukio-sama?" Georgia asked, holding a plate of food for him as he nodded and replied "Yeah... Just a bit overwhelmed that all of these people wanted to come meet me."

Georgia stifled a giggle at hearing that, Yukio had ended up getting approached by each family as they arrived and he'd had to introduce the rest of their group to them. Both had noticed the speculative looks the parents had given Rias although the redhead had reassured them it was just to be expected with meeting her future 'in-laws'.

'Maybe they are trying to come up with a test like the Gremory did to Yukio-sama?' Georgia thought curiously, looking to see Rias talking to some of the older female children around with Akeno while the Fallen Angel twins were talking to others. Kiba and Xenovia were talking to Sora and an older male while Rossweisse appeared to be talking animatedly with the twin daughters from earlier about how [Norse Magic] compared to [Kido], Asia and Irina were entertaining the younger children and Koneko was sitting eating food with Gasper.

"I think I should go save Rias now." Yukio commented, Georgia humming as she turned back to the redhead to see her getting stared down by Ayu as he walked towards the pair.

"Hey." Rias smiled as Yukio spoke, wrapping an arm around her waist , as she replied "Hey, I was just telling Ayu-chan about my cousin, Millicas."

"Trying to play matchmaker already, huh?" Yukio asked, Rias flushing embarrassed as she shook her head, "I didn't even think about that, Yukio."

"Fufufu, maybe you want to help him find peerage members." Akeno giggled as she hugged Yukio's side, getting a frown from Rias as she hugged Yukio back and retorted "I was just saying that it might be nice for him and her to spend time around children their age."

"Yukio-niisama, can you play some music for us?" A young boy, who'd be introduced as Aki, asked with large blue eyes, others of the younger children moving towards him with an sheepish looking Asia approaching as well.

"Alright, alright." Yukio spoke, holding his hands up to the group as he added "Let me just think of a good one to play first."


'I shouldn't have ran back here.' Rurichiyo thought as she looked sadly around the prison cell she now thought of her room. There was no chains or bars in sight but the guards around the whole compound and outside of her bedroom door showed that she wasn't free to do as she liked.

'Even if I could stop the attacks that Gyōkaku Kumoi caused, I walked right into their hands without having the means to defend myself.' Rurichiyo mentally added as her head ducked, 'I could have at least convinced the guards to bring me back or made sure to contact one of the Squads for help.'

In a room in the basement of the estate, Enryu and Kenryu both sneezed as they took a break from trying to get out of the caged room they had been locked into.


Rias smiled as she recalled the previous night before taking a sip of her morning tea, Yukio had ended up playing several songs on a acoustic guitar he had with him and she had even joined in with singing some of them while the children had all sung along or danced. She had also caught the adults chatting lively and even bopping their heads along while some watched.

The redhead had opted to get up early today so she could run through what she knew about Shinigami, Hollows and Soul Society for the upcoming test she would have to take to prove herself to Yukio's family but couldn't help the small amount of nervousness she still felt. She supposed it was karma in some way for how her family had put him through a test to prove himself and now she needed to do the same.

"I see you're doing some last minute revision." Keiko spoke as she sat down opposite Rias while dressed in a pair of black leggings and pink sports bra and looking like she had just come back from a run.

"I am..." Rias started, closing the book in front of her as she added "It just helps me calm down for this sort of thing."

"Yeah, Nii-kun told me you did much the same each day of your training trip before the Rating Game against Riser." Keiko spoke with a smile and a nod as Rias looked embarrassed, the blonde soon adding "There's no need to worry about the test. You've already passed part of it when you could keep up with me during our spar, even if I was holding back, you showed a resolve to keep fighting that was the main point of my test."

"Really?" Rias asked surprised, Keiko nodding in response before the former asked "Is there anything else you can tell me about it?"

"Nope." Keiko retorted with a smirk, "It wouldn't be fair if my Kaa-san had to do the test without knowing about it beforehand and you learnt what it was."

"Yours and Yukio's Kaa-san went through the test?" Rias spoke surprised, Keiko nodding as she answered "She was happy to do it just to prove to the family she loved Tou-san. Just like you were happy to do it to prove how you feel about Nii-kun. Regardless of if you pass or not, I think you'd be a good addition to the family."

Rias nodded resolutely at hearing that, feeling more sure of herself at the words from who would be her future sister-in-law as she watched Keiko leave to wash up and get ready for the day before finishing her tea so she could get herself ready as well.


"This is the first test for you, Rias." Misa started to explain, Rias standing in front of her in the rather bare office, "This test is about Yukio-kun and the workings of Soul Society. You'll have an hour and a half to answer them all and then we'll move onto the last part. Do you understand?"

"I understand." Rias spoke with a nod, moving to sit at the desk as Misa nodded before moving to take the seat off to the side so she could observe as she replied "Then your time starts now."

With that, Rias turned over the paper in front of her and set to work on answering the questions before her. They ranged from simple ones about the Gotei 13 or how people became Shinigami to questions about Yukio's favourite food or even questions about Yukio's past. A small smile formed on her lips as she worked through the questions about the silvernet first, warmly remembering their talks and what they had done both big and small.


"So, they really at testing all of the girls?" Yukio asked with a frown as he practised on his own with dual wielding with his father in front of him while Kiba and Sora sparred once more, "Is that why the other branches visited last night?"

{Well, the girls don't have as serious tests as Rias does but that's due to her being most likely the main wife.} Masayuki explained with an amused smile, {As for the others well, they didn't know but offered to help given how many that need to be tested.}

"He means that cause you've got a harem they want them all checked that you're not going to stick your dick in crazy." Isa retorted with a smirk, making Yukio flush at the blunt explanation as Ddraig chortled [That's not stopped some of my past hosts.]

{Either way...} Sparda interrupted, {The girls all agreed to do it just to prove to your family how much they care about you.}

"Even Rossweisse?" Yukio asked surprised, Masayuki nodding as he replied {Even her. She felt it would be a good test to see how much she learnt about you after how she acted and assumed about you.}

"Huh..." Yukio spoke confused before a cough from Takayu had him continue with his practising.


'I hope I've passed.' Asia thought as she let out a breathe in relief as she finished the test she had been given, a part of her surprised that she'd been given a test about Yukio but understanding why when Keiko had explained everything to the other girls of their group who were all in the room at separate tables.

She couldn't help but squirm in her seat slightly at still feeling nervous about the outcome as she watched Keiko marking the papers in front of them all with Orihime and Gasper helping her. She didn't want to be left behind especially after taking the next step after the school's sport's day and didn't know what failing would lead to. Would she be able to continue to sleep beside Yukio or get his sweet morning kisses? Would she have another chance to take the test or could she never marry Yukio in the future like her recent dreams had been about? She knew she wasn't going to be the first, that was Rias' place, but she did want to be with him forever.

"Relax Asia-chan, I'm sure you did great." Akeno softly spoke in a reassuring tone, a soft smile on her lips hiding any form of doubt on her face. Asia glanced around at the others, seeing Koneko's stoic look back before shifting to see Irina smiling happily and Xenovia sporting a cool look. Rossweisse looked nervous while Kotake and Kotume seemed rather relaxed about it all and Georgia had a small confident smile.

"Okay. I have the results." Keiko started, gathering the papers together and drawing all the focus onto herself as she continued "You've all passed by a decent margin... even Rossweisse. This means you've all passed the 'Test of Wisdom'."

"Wait? There's another test?" Rossweisse asked, Keiko nodding as she explained "There's only one more as its a show that you are accepting of Shinigami abilities as well as being able to stand up for yourself although for you all its been decided to have you work together against your opponent."

"Who is our opponent?" Akeno asked, taking the lead as the [Queen], Keiko smirking back as she replied "Me."


Rias rubbed her wrist as she watched Misa go through her test, her hand aching from all the writing she had to do. She worried her bottom lip as she tried to read the expression on the woman's face with no luck. Shaking her head, Rias tried to ignore the growing fear at what she would do if she didn't pass this test. Sure, she and Yukio could continue their relationship but she didn't want to alienate Yukio's family from both of them, especially when they were supportive of him, although she couldn't care less what those who had mistreated her Yukio thought of their relationship.

"Well..." Misa started, drawing Rias out of her thoughts as she met the woman's eyes, "You've passed this portion by an impressive margin for someone who didn't know of our existence before Yukio-kun joined you. That means you only have one more test to complete seeing as you've passed the previous two."

"Previous two?" Rias asked surprised, Misa nodding as she answered "When you fought Keiko-chan during the tests your family put Yukio-kun through was the first test, what we like to call the 'Test of Power', meaning you are strong enough to stand by his side and not act like a damsel in distress. The second was our talk yesterday, that along with being willing to fight Keiko-chan, was enough to qualify you to pass the 'Test of Courage' showing you weren't afraid to deal with problems that may arise and could admit where you went wrong in your past."

Rias looked surprised at hearing that although it did make a lot of sense given Yukio's supportive family members being so different from the main one.

"This test is just the first part of the 'Test of Wisdom' to show that you are accepting of our society and abilities with the last part to show us you're capable of taking on lessons and use them to your own advantage." Misa continued, getting a curious look from Rias as she explained "As such you'll be demonstrating several Shinigami techniques to prove you've been taking on Keiko-chan's lessons."

Rias nodded resolutely at hearing that before Misa lead her out of the office towards a courtyard to perform the last part.

When they arrived at the courtyard, Rias was surprised to see Grayfia there as a dozen mannequins were set up against one side, each with movable limbs. Misa stopped near the middle, turning to face Rias as she spoke "I'd like to see ten different Hado and Bakudo spells performed on these targets, Rias."

Rias nodded as she turned to face the first target, pointing her index and middle finger at it as she intoned "Bakudō # 1. Sai"

The mannequin's arms snapped up behind it, crossed to restrain them from being able to use them. Rias soon ended the spell at seeing Misa's approving nod before pointing her index finger at it before she added "Hado #1: Sho."

A small amount of energy is dispelled from her finger tip to strike the target with a considerable amount of kinetic force and pushed back a few feet before Rias kept her index and middle finger aimed at them as she cast her next spell "Bakudō #9: Hōrin"

An orange-hued tendril with spiralling yellow patterns shot from her fingers, ensnaring and immobilising the mannequin by wrapping around its body while the end remained attached to her hand.

"Hado #4: Byakurai!" Rias spoke as she pointed the index finger of her other hand at the same mannequin, making a bolt of lightning fire at and strike it. She then released her Hōrin Kido before bringing her hands together and generating a crackling yellow energy around her hands as she cast "Hado #4: Hainawa."

Throwing the yellow energy forwards it took the form of rope as it flew towards the mannequin to immobilise it by wrapping around its whole body. Stepping close to the mannequin, she undid her binding on it before pointing her palm at it as she intoned "Bakudo #8: Seki."

An orb of light blue energy formed near her palm, Rias striking out with it and sending the mannequin flying as the orb burst. Turning to another target, the redhead wasted little time aiming her palm at it before declaring "Hado #31: Shakkahō"

The orb of crimson flames shot from her hand, incinerating the mannequin even as the orb explosively detonated.

"Hado # 54: Haien" Rias called next, only aiming at another target before she fired an oblong blast of purple energy which completely incinerated her target upon contact. Rias moved her arm as she gathered energy over it, swiping it across her as if drawing a curtain as she spoke "Bakudo #26: Kyokkō"

The light that emerged rippled the air, distorting it until Rias disappeared from sight and couldn't even be sensed by Misa, who was impressed as she looked around. She was only able to locate the Gremory heiress as she spoke "Bakudo #30: Shitotsu Sansen"

The former Bakudo faded as crackling yellow energy was generated on her palm, using it to draw an inverted yellow triangle. That then solidified into the shape of smaller triangles at the three points which soon fired off and hit the mannequin she had aimed at, pinning it against the wall behind it.

"Hado #32: Ōkasen" Rias cast next, the crackling yellow energy turning to just a yellow orb which shot off in an arc as she swiped her hand in the air. The yellow arc cutting the restrained mannequin in two.

'Just eight more.' Rias thought to herself with a pleased smile as she moved to aim a palm at another mannequin as she spoke "Hado #33: Sōkatsui"

Blue flames discharged from her palm, moving like a direct blast which scorched the target's right arm before she easily flowed into the next technique as she started to draw symbols in the air as she spoke "Bakudo #9: Geki."

The red energy from the symbols shone as it also appeared around the mannequin, causing it to be completely paralysed. Rias moved onto the next one easily, creating a ball of blue energy in her hand before firing it off as she cast "Bakudo #37: Tsuriboshi"

The blue orb fired out six ropes from its centre, attaching themselves to the surroundings, one of which attaching to Rias' hand, to turn the whole thing into a net with an elastic-like cushion in the middle. Rias made sparks form over her free hand before pressing it to the net as she called out her next technique "Hado #11: Tsuzuri Raiden"

The electricity shot down the blue rope to zap the mannequin caught in it, surprising Misa at how the redhead was using the techniques in a different way then most would expect as she detached the blue rope from her hand.

"Hado #57: Daichi Tenyō" Rias called, thrusting a hand out and making all of the damaged mannequins from before rise into the air before flying towards her as she swiped her other hand in front of her in a circle as she chimed "Bakudo #39: Enkōsen"

A dull, yellow energy formed in front of her in the form of a large spinning disk, blocking the mannequins from hitting her.

"Impressive... just two left." Misa spoke as Rias ended the shield and let the remaining bits of mannequin fall to the ground around her as she put her hands onto the ground as she called out "Bakudo #21: Sekienton."

A thick cloud of red smoke burst out from her hands, engulfing the surrounding area to obscure her movements, Rias not moving from her spot as she pointed her hand skywards and spin it around as she called out her last technique "Hado #58: Tenran."

A widening tornado-like blast erupted from Rias' hand, sending the smoke skywards and clearing out the area they were standing in.

"How did I do?" Rias asked nervously, Misa humming as she looked around fora few moments to let Rias' nervousness grow before she spoke with a warm smile "Congratulations. You've passed this test. Welcome to the family Rias."


Zeoticus and Venelana glanced to each other as they listened to the magical hologram of Grayfia who was standing in front of them. Both were surprised at what they had learnt about Yukio from the maid joining the group in their trip to Soul Society.

"I suppose its only fair that Yukio isn't the only one being tested." Venelana mused with a smile, Zeoticus raising an eyebrow at his wife as she added "We did rush to test him without thinking about how far along their relationship was. Even if he hasn't much involvement with them for several years we should have still consulted with Keiko more rather then spring it as a surprise on both of them. Plus he is at an equal rank when you compare their hierarchy against our own so it wouldn't look particularly good if we make it seem like he's being forced to marry Rias."

Zeoticus nodded in agreement at his wife's explanation, turning his gaze back to Grayfia to find out about the results of the test as the maid spoke "She successfully passed the test after demonstrating successfully a dozen Hado and Kido forms."


Author's Note

Sorry for the wait with this chapter, it was hard to pull together at times. Oddly, there's not much I can think to add to this for the moment so I'll leave it as it is and say hope you enjoy it.