A/N: Wow, I am so sorry for the near-2-year hiatus. I did not know what I was going to do with this story.

"Nick? Jeff?" Sebastian knocked on room 36. "You guys in there?" He slumped against the door. "Please open the door." The door opened and Nick stood, hair disheveled.

"Sebastian, what-what's going on? You don't look so good. Have you been crying?" Sebastian wiped his eyes, declining to answer. "Come in and sit down." Nick took Sebastian's arm and led him inside. Jeff got up from the bed and pulled out a chair.

"Sebastian, what happened?" The blond looked nervous.

"Did I ever tell you guys about me before Dalton?"

"You once said you were in France, studying abroad," Nick said, sitting on the bed.

"Much like anything I've ever told you guys, that's a lie," Sebastian whispered. "I come from Lennon Academy, a boarding school in the San Fernanado Valley. I was in the Glee club there, the Quarryboys. I moved here because my father's job required it."

"I've heard of them," Jeff piped up. "They won Nationals two years ago. Were you...?" Sebastian nodded.

"I led on One Night in Bangkok, the group number was I Would Die 4 U." Sebastian smiled, remembering the night fondly. "I can't believe we beat Vocal Adrenaline."

"What about the New Directions?"

"Honestly, they were good. Had Finn and Rachel not made out for like ten minutes after their duet, they would've done a lot better." He bit his lip and continued. "Anyway, just after we moved and before I started here, I came out to my parents. My mother said nothing while my father berated me. He said that they're just going to dump me here because they still—for some reason—cared about my education and didn't want me wasting away in public school. Probably would have sent me to McKinley. You guys remember how I started out?"

"Yeah," Nick said quietly. "Introverted, quiet, wouldn't talk to anyone."

"What brought this on, Seb?" Jeff asked. "I mean, you've been a lot nicer to everyone since Regionals last year, but you just seem more upset than usual."


"Oh, God, is he pumping again?" Nick groaned. "Jeff and I actually snuck into his room earlier to clean him out. Must've missed one or two." A knock came at the door and it opened to reveal Joel.

"Hey, guys, you better come out here. Captain 'Roid Rage is calling a mandatory Warbler meeting and he said that if we don't come, he's going to kill us. He looks like he's been shooting up again, so I'd get out there."

"What happened to your defiance and disregard for authority?" Nick teased, walking over to the door.

"Hunter Clarington has nearly a foot on me and he's already hit me once tonight, so... yeah." Joel slid into the room, closing the door gently behind him. "Hey, Jeff, Sebastian." Getting a better look at Sebastian, he stopped. "Seb, what's wrong?"

"What do you care?" Sebastian mumbled. "Last time you took any interest in me is when we slept together." Joel looked down.

"I know everyone thinks I'm just out for sex—"

"You are," Nick interjected.

"Shut up, Nick," Joel snapped. "I'm having a moment here. It's because I know I can't commit to anything more." He bit his lip. "I'm sorry, Seb. I didn't mean to make you feel worthless."

"Joel, if Hunter's hitting you, you should report it," Jeff pointed out.

"It's not that kind of— Just forget I said anything. And don't tell him I said anything either." Joel slipped out of the room.

"Well, Hunter will come barging in any minute. Might as well go out peacefully." Nick and Jeff started for the door. Sebastian stayed in his seat. "Seb, you coming?" Sebastian shook his head. "All right. See you in a bit then." The two left without prying.

Sebastian took a deep breath and hurried to lock Niff's door. Another knock came and he froze.

"Nick? Jeff? You guys in there?" It was Louis. "Guys, stop making out and head down to the rehearsal room."

"They're not here," Sebastian said.

"Seb, what are you doing in there?" Louis jiggled the handle. "Come on, man, open the door."

"Is Hunter out there with you?"

"What? No. He's downstairs, yelling at everyone. I can hear him from here. Now open up." Sebastian hesitantly unlocked the door and opened it to see Louis on the other side. "What's going on with you?" He opened the door wider and pulled Louis into the room. "Sebastian, what the hell?"

"Look, I can't go down there. Not now." Sebastian fidgeted and he knew his voice was high. "I can't face Hunter."

"What did he do to you?" Louis sat on the bed and watched Sebastian. "Just tell me what he's done and he will pay."

"Why are you helping me? I've been nothing but horrible to you." Sebastian stopped pacing and looked at Louis in surprise.

"Sometimes you have to forgive and forget," Louis said, smiling slightly. "All those times you said I have a squeaky voice, I'm willing to look past that now."

"I was a dick to you, Louis." Sebastian sat beside him. "I never really meant all those things I said. I was a total asshole and the power being captain of the Warblers holds made me crazy. I'm—" Louis clapped a hand over his mouth.

"Don't apologize. It's cool."

"I called Hunter out on the way he's been treating everyone and he was going to whip me into submission—or that's what I'm pretty sure he was going to do. I have this personal agenda of not showing my feelings. Well, he kind of brought that out and got all passionate all of a sudden. I took off before I said anything else."

"Wait, he's menacing people with a whip?" Sebastian nodded. "I thought I cleared out all his BDSM crap."

"Is everyone going through Hunter's room today? Nick said he and Jeff went in there to clean out his steroid stash."

"Look, Seb, I'll take care of Hunter, alright?" Sebastian nodded again. "You stay here and take care of yourself." Louis left the room.

"Where the fuck is Smythe?" Hunter demanded just as Louis entered the rehearsal room. "Herlihy, have you seen Smythe?"

"No, Mein Warblerness, I have not." Louis saluted, making the other Warblers snicker.

"Herlihy, if you're going to be smart, then sit down and shut up." Louis smirked and settled himself between Nick and Jeff. "Now, even though we are disqualified from competition, we can still practice for next year."

"You won't even be here next year," Quint said.

"Hallelujah," Louis muttered. Nick snorted.

"Can I say something?" Jeff spoke up. "Hunter, you have a serious problem. And I'm not just talking about the steroids, but you've been hitting people too." Joel looked up, alarmed, and hurried across the room to place a hand over Jeff's mouth.

"Jeff, shut up," he hissed. "I'm not hurt. I'm fine."

"Richardson, what is he talking about?" Hunter's voice was dangerously calm.

"It's nothing," Joel chuckled. "You know Jeff, full of wacky ideas." Hunter walked over to Joel and looked down at him. "I'm sorry."

"I'll deal with you later," Hunter said quietly. Joel released Jeff and sat back. "Now I've been thinking that we should start with what would have been our Regionals setlist."

"Why are we even bothering? You'll be gone by the time we compete next. Just let it go for a few months," Ted called out to agreements from the other Warblers.

"Furler, that is not the attitude a Warbler should have, even in circumstances such as these," Hunter snapped. "Everyone get to bed. Tomorrow at ten am, sharp."

"I have to study for a test tomorrow," Quint grumbled. Hunter grabbed him by the blazer. "Hunter, put me down."

"If you're not here at that time tomorrow, Carpenter, you're out of the Warblers." He dropped Quint, who glared at him.

"Something has to be done about him." Cameron shook his head. "He's a menace."

"I say we kill him," Josh piped up.

"Damn, Josh, normally I expect that kind of talk from Joel," Louis said. "By the way, where is Joel?"

"Probably getting his rocks off with Hunter." Craig joined the small group. "I passed by Hunt's room earlier and heard them doing the dirty."

"Oh, so that's what he meant." Jeff looked surprised. Louis cleared his throat, trying to hide his laughter.

"Where's Hunter?" Sebastian entered the room.

"Seb, hold on before you do that." Louis stepped in front of him.

"No, I need to end his reign of terror. I'm doing it now."