Right. I'm sorry? Apparently working full time, going to uni and writing my masters is time consuming? Excuses, I know. But I'm here and I'm bearing gifts!
I want to thank everyone who left a review even if it was a small one, it still gave me smile.
I love each and every one of my characters (yeah, I know not really mine whatever) so all of them are important. And even if I didn't like Mido-chin much in the beginning, he grew on me like fungus.
A special thanks to my fellow Russian. Спасибо большое за такой подробный комментарий, приятно знать что и у нас на родине есть любители Куробасу и особенно АоКисе =))
But to everyone, really, thank you, I wish i could reply to each one but I don't think I can find the words. And I really want to sleep.
The rating as you can see is going up. But as much as I tried there's no actual plot in this chapter, so if graphic is not your cup of tea feel free to skip this.
I read through this once, maybe twice, but in parts and not from start to finish. So mistakes and inconsistencies, expect them.
End of annoyingly long author note.
Disclaimer: They are not mine, but oh how I want them to be.
"You know, I once walked in on Kuroko-cchi and Kagami-cchi doing it on their kitchen table."
Daiki's coke went spraying all over the marble countertop.
"Give guy a warning before you say something like that, would you?! I ate at that kitchen table."
"Sorry." He didn't sound sorry at all. "I'm just saying, I mean can you imagine…"
"No. And I really don't want to. Hope you bleached your eyes after that."
Ryouta smirked.
"Actually, it was quite beautiful. Kuroko-cchi is so slender, splayed out on the…"
Aomine growled. "Ryouta..."
"All right, all right. Chill out. It was just a random thought."
"Your random thoughts are really random."
Ryouta just shrugged.
And sighted.
This was getting ridiculous.
Daiki can be really obtuse sometimes, well, most of the time. And while Ryouta considered that trait adorable and useful more often than not, right now it was really fucking annoying.
Because. Come on.
The guy just.
Couldn't. Take. The hint.
Even one as straightforward as all Ryouta's 79 kilos straddling his lap in just a button-up during breakfast. The only more obvious way to put it would be just to go and outright say "I want to have sex on the kitchen table".
And it didn't even have to be the kitchen table. Couch. Car. Public bathroom. He'd take anything, he wasn't picky.
Just a little bit kinky.
And really the sex was fantastic. Daiki in the bedroom was just as amazing as in everything else he felt the passion for. He could be gentle and patient, driving Ryouta almost to the brim and making him beg and cum so hard, he would feel boneless and light-headed for hours. Or he could be wild like a hurricane, hammering inside him with force that made his whole body tremble with pleasure on the brink of pain. Those times he would feel for days afterwards, getting amusing glances form his friends when he fidgeted, fruitlessly trying to find a comfortable position to sit.
The problem wasn't in the act itself, but in the place it took part in.
So Ryouta wanted to be a little adventurous. So sue him.
And he tried. Heaven knows he did.
Walking around half naked, taking him to dates in somewhat secured locations on the outskirts of the city, throwing meaningful glances during their dinners out.
No reaction. None.
Like beating your head on a concrete wall – blinding headache and no results.
He could just ask of course. But for all his outgoing nature, telling his boyfriend about his, albeit subdued, little quirk was embarrassing as all hell.
Ryouta glared at the bowl of rice, stubbing his chopsticks inside with more force than was required, scattering the sticky mass around and making it impossible to eat with his current utensils anymore.
"What have that rice ever done to you?" Amused voice broke through his trance, making him automatically snap a happy mask back into place, which got him a narrow eyed stare in return.
"What's wrong?"
Ryouta gave his best wide eyed look, the one that always had teachers at school blame the others for his misbehavior.
And overdid it, apparently, since Aomine's eyes only narrowed further.
"You know you're not fooling me with your 'I'm-a-cute-little-puppy-and-don't-know-what-you'r e-talking-about' look, right?"
Ryouta pouted. Daiki raised his all-powerful eyebrow.
"It's nothing important, just some work stuff," he said with a sigh. Daiki studied him intently for a few more seconds and shrugged one of his shoulders in an 'if you say so' gesture.
Ryouta let out another loud breath.
"I have practice till two. Wanna grab some lunch after?"
Ryouta smiled in genuine happiness.
"Sure. I'll meet you at Kamiya half past?"
"Yeah. Have a good day."
Aomine smiled slightly and gave him a chaste kiss, before leaving to get his gym bag and get out.
"Kise. This is a lot more information about your sex life than I ever wanted to have," Midorima said with a weary sigh, a light sneer of disgust etched into his features.
This was classical Midorima – personal conversations embarrassed him, so his knee jerk reflex was to kick. And, well, even if he did not regale Shintaro with the sordid details of his little fantasies, he did imply that what he wanted from his lover was unusual. And who knew what his green haired friend's mind can come up with to fill the blanks.
"This was not my sex life, that was the sex life I want to have. But if you want some information on the current one, I'll gladly…"
"Please! Don't. I don't want to spend all my money on therapy."
Kise laughed out loud.
"You're so funny Midorima-cchi! Ok, stop giving me that panicked look. I won't tell you. But in exchange you've gotta help me here. The only way I know is subtle and apparently subtle and Aomine get along worse than you and Kuroko-cchi."
"And you just came to that conclusion? What was your first hint?" Sarcasm was oozing from his words as heavily as blood from the head wound.
Kise stuck out his tongue.
"Very mature. What exactly do you want from me? I'm not a relationship expert. And not a gay sex expert that's for sure."
"I want advice. I can't just ask, it's too embarrassing. But he can't read the hints with a magnifying glass. And I'm out of options."
"I'm not a strategist. Akashi…"
"Did you just… suggest that I go to Akashi-cchi for the advice on my relationship with Aomine-cchi? Intimate relationship."
The tips of Midorima's ears flashed red and he hid a small cough in his taped fingers.
"I did not mean that. I just don't see why you came to me of all people."
"Well." Flattery. Flattery worked Shintaro better than any magic. "You're one of the smartest people I know, if we take Akashi-cchi out of equation. And I really don't want the part in any equation that has both Akashi-cchi and Aomine-cchi in it."
Midorima drummed his fingers on the table, which was a really annoying habit in Kise's opinion, but right now he was not in any position to complain.
"Why don't you just start with something a little less… than what you want? Just be your usual pushy self."
"I'm not pushy."
Shintaro eyebrows met his hairline.
"Fine. Maybe sometimes. A little less… that might work. See I knew you can help me."
"I only hope to never know what I just helped you with."
"Why are you kneeling in front of me?"
"Hmm." Ryouta's hand went up Daiki's thigh, stopping on the inner side near the zipper. "I missed you."
Eyebrow rose.
"I've only been gone one day."
"See? Too long." He let the smile touch his lips, as his hand inched closer to its goal.
Aomine's breath hitched, eyes widened a little.
"Y-yeah. I guess."
Button popped open. Daiki's adam's apple bobbed as he took a big gulp. The sound of the zipper was so loud in the quite room, that both of them twitched a little.
Never taking his eyes off Aomine's rapidly darkening ones, Ryouta took the cloth out of the way, wrapped his hand around the base of his boyfriend shaft and squeezed a little. Aomine's fingers tightened on the sofa cushions, drawing creasing lines around his hands. Kise bit his lip to keep his smile from widening. A whooshing breath wafted from Daiki's lips, his eyes now pleading, though Ryouta was sure he would never admit to that.
He let his smile quirk to the right and then deliberately slowly lowered his head and snaked his tongue out to taste the slit. Aomine jerked in response breathing out a hoarse sound somewhere between a moan and a grunt as his head fell on the back of coach, exposing his corded neck.
Ryouta licked his lips in anticipation and then without so much as by your leave descended on his lover's cock, burying his nose in the springs of his pubic hair.
It was a good thing his gag reflex was almost nonexistent.
Because Aomine jerked even harder, brining himself even further down Ryouta's throat and fisted his hand painfully in the hair on the back of his head.
"Fuck! You're…"
Kise hummed in response, sending vibrations straight to Daiki's balls, making them tighten dangerously.
Shit. It would not do to cum so fast.
He tried very hard to comprehend where that sudden treat came from, but the only thing that could do hard right now was his cock, sliding in and out of Ryouta mouth.
He closed his eyes, trying to stop the assault of images that were not helping his stamina at all. Ryouta's lips around his cock, swollen crimson red, glistening with precome and saliva, a pleasure, like Aomine's member was the most delicious popsicle written all over his face.
Unbearable. It was fucking unbearable. Ryouta sucking cock was the sexiest thing he's ever seen. That image coupled with delectable feeling of hot and wet around his arousal was more than any man could take.
If it was possible around such girth, Ryouta would be smirking. As it was he have been. Mentally. But even the mental one was quickly fading as blinding arousal took its place. Giving such pleasure to the man he loved, making him moan and writhe uncontrollably just from the feeling of Ryouta's mouth around him was empowering.
He always felt lucky, that Aomine choose him. That he was the one able to reduce that intimidating powerful man to a blabbering mess of gruff sounds and instinctive thrusts. It made him feel giddy, made him feel like he could do anything if he was able to tame this wild jungle cat.
Aomine's fingers suddenly dug into the back of his skull, not pushing just holding and in the next instant a bitter liquid poured on his tongue, prompting him so swallow greedily until the very last drop.
Sleepily hooded, but very satisfied eyes met his as he licked his lips suggestively.
Step one complete.
He did not expect for step two to come as quickly as it did. Or for it to be a whole leap actually. But that was Daiki, he was always ahead of everyone.
"Bedroom," Daiki gritted out in his ear, laving his tongue along the shell.
"No. Here," He barely managed to force out of his mouth, breathing labored, his body tense.
And hard.
Painfully hard.
"You want to fuck on the back porch?" Still barely a whisper, but now an incredulous one.
"Yes," He hissed.
Just thinking about it… Fuck.
"Right here, where anyone could see?" The surprise was there all the same, but amazement also was. And something else. Something like…
"Fuck," he moaned when Aomine' hips buckled up into his, the feel of his straining arousal making Ryouta's eyes pop open.
It was dark and it wasn't like they were out in the open. There was a fence and the porch itself was somewhat secluded. But that fence also went no further that Aomine's shoulders and if their neighbors decided to walk around their backyard they would be definitely seen. And, well, Ryouta sometimes was so vocal, that they would probably be heard in any event.
Case in point: they could get caught. And that thought was making Ryouta's body run fever.
And apparently Daiki wasn't as opposed to idea as he originally thought. His dark blue eyes were like coals burning holes through his lover, catching fire all over the place.
"You want me to strip you naked right here, where anyone could see if they so wished?" His whispered question made Kise tremble from head to toe.
"Make you ride me until your knees are raw from scraping on the wood and you're moaning so loud the neighbors will hear?" He now growled in Ryouta's ear ceasing his breathing and almost making him cum right then and there.
"Yes! Fuck, please."
"You have an unexpected kinky side, huh?" Aomine said smirking, his gaze gleaming onyx in the dark.
"Fuck, Dai. Are you going to fuck me or not?"
"No lube."
Oh, hell.
Ryouta's hand fumbled in his back pocket producing a packet of lube and a condom and then slapping both on Aomine's chest.
Daiki's mouth fell open.
"You planned this?"
Now he was really incredulous.
He never thought Ryouta innocent. Hell, who would? The guy was sex personified.
But. Public sex? Well, not exactly that public, but borderline there. Who knew maybe…?
And then it clicked.
The hints. Big and small ones. Parading around the flat half naked, winking at him before going to the bathroom in the restaurant, talking about seeing Kuroko and Kagami together.
Not public.
"You like the feeling of almost getting caught, don't you?" He asked, hand squeezing that delicious backside that used to distract him so much during practice.
The blush that bloomed on the bridge of Ryouta's nose in response made Aomine's cock strain against his zipper. That was all the answer he needed.
He put both packets to the side and carded his fingers into Ryouta's sleek hair tugging his head down for a bruising kiss. Tongue snaked inside his lover's hot mouth, stroking in and out like a demonstration of things to come.
Daiki's other hand delved under Ryouta's t-shirt. Up his back. Down. To the front. The man in his lap arched when two fingers lightly pinched his nipple, pushing their arousals painfully together, making them both moan loudly into the night air.
One quick motion and Kise was topless, staring at him a little wide eyed but a smirk tagging on his plump lips.
"Do you have any idea what you do to me?" Aomine asked tracing a line down his neck with his tongue, teeth nipping against the sensitive collarbone.
"I might have some idea," Ryouta breathed out huskily, bearing down with his hips. He tagged on Aomine shirt, making the man raise his hands to let him pull it over his head, and then dived for another kiss.
Large palms smoothed down Aomine's back, short nails scraping lightly on the way up, his hands tightening on his lover's hips in response. Soft chuckle sounded against dark man's mouth, nails digging a little dipper eliciting a shudder.
He really couldn't wait much longer.
Tanned hands made a quick work of the belt buckle, not bothering to slip it from the loops and going straight for the buttons instead. Ryouta sucked in his stomach when rough fingers made contact with his skin. He lifted up helping to push his jeans down and off and then tugged down Aomine's basketball shorts, thanking every god he knew for his lover's simple choice of clothing.
The position should have been uncomfortable. Ryouta's knees did feel like they're going to go raw very soon, but the rational part of his brain that will sorely regret it later, was currently on a shutdown leaving only molten lava that was his blood rushing straight for his groin.
Daiki's hands were leaving burning trails all over his skin, kneading, pinching and soothing. His tongue was painting elaborate patterns down his neck and swirling around his nipples, teeth coming next, making him writhe in pleasure and loud keening noises escape his lips.
Hands inched under the waistband of his boxer briefs squeezing his ass, tracing the seam, playing around his entrance. He clenched involuntary and then relaxed as much as it was possible, grinding down onto those fingers for more and Yes, right there.
Underwear was discarded and fingers came back slick with lubrication.
All of his nerve endings tingled with sensations when one of them inched inside.
Torturing him in a ways that only Daiki could.
Prompting his own fingers to clench and dig into the broad tanned shoulders. Aomine's hand jerked from the sensation, his finger going deeper and Kise shuddered and moaned in response.
Their lips crushed together, wet and sloppy, tongues all over the place. Kise inclined Daiki's head to the side and trailed moist kisses down his neck, biting at the juncture, feeling the answering moan reverberate on his lips.
Another finger went inside. Slowly again.
Too slow for Ryouta's liking. He pushed back, taking both deep inside and catching Daiki's surprised curse with his mouth.
"Fuck. Don't do that. I don't want to hurt you."
"You're not hurting, Dai. I'm not made of glass. I want it like that."
"Like this?" He asked, almost taking his fingers out and then pushing them back inside with force, repeating the motion couple of times.
Ryouta cried out in pleasure.
"Or maybe like this?"
Out again. And then, instead of two, three fingers stabbed inside.
"Nghhaa!" Was his only answer, not that he was waiting for one.
Daiki's eyes hungrily took in his lover's flushed face, trembling puffy lips, sweat glistening all over his pale body illuminated by unusually bright moon. His hair was already wet with perspiration and clung to his temples and forehead, but still surrounded him like a halo.
Daiki's breath caught in his throat.
Ryouta was beautiful, utterly beautiful.
And Ryouta was all his.
"Now. Please, Ryo. I need…"
"Yes, inside me. Now."
They quickly divested of the last articles of clothing and soon Ryouta was again straddling now completely naked Daiki, who was sitting with his back against the banister.
He was ready, so ready he was aching.
Ryouta took Daiki's member in his hand and stroked once, twice until he felt him tremble from the strain of trying not to come.
"Ryo," He growled, taking Ryouta's hips in vice-like grip that would probably bruise. Ryouta licked his lips and positioned himself. He teased his entrance and Aomine a little, rubbing but not pushing inside, smoothing his other hand at the nape of Daiki's neck and tugging on the soft hairs there.
Daiki's eyes closed, like that of a lazy cat being petted, giving Kise a momentarily relief from their stifling heat. And then opened again, doubling in force of their intensity, leaving him dizzy and gasping for breath.
His thought process died down to the one single minded purpose. Which he achieved the next moment by pushing down on Daiki's cock, engulfing him whole in one swift move.
They both cried out in surprise, a sting of pain ripping its way up Kise's lower back and a wave of pleasure rolling in Daiki's abdomen.
He reached his hands to steady Ryouta's hips.
"Fuck." Nothing else coherent was able to come out of his mouth. They gazed at each other, taking a moment to adjust, Daiki's hand drawing a soothing circles over Ryouta's tailbone. The latter brought their foreheads together and drew a long cleansing breath.
The next thing Aomine felt was a delicious friction of his partner moving slowly up his shaft and then slamming forcefully down, arching against him as he continued his movements.
All of his senses were on edge, burning, tingling with pleasure, driving him slowly up, to what he knew would be a thunderous crash on the way down. Ryouta's nails were possibly shredding his back, but all it did now was only add more to the desire cursing through his body.
It was building and building, making him close his eyes, even though he doesn't want to. He wants to see Ryouta shatter when he reaches completion. Even though he's seen it many times already it never gets old. It always amazes him and makes him tremble from the thought, that he's the one making this man loose his iron control like this. He's the one who breaks this mask named Kise Ryouta, that is only taken off in front of the closest friends if ever.
Only his hands and his lips and his cock inside that velvety heat, that make all pretences crumble in those eyes and make them shine, like the gold in the sun, make his nose scrunch, squeezing them shut and his mouth fall open in the most undignified manner, read and puffy from all the kisses.
He forces his eyes open, just in time to see Ryouta throw his head back, moan reverberate in his lungs and his seed spill all over Aomine's abdomen and his own hand. The walls around his member tightened almost painfully. Couple more thrusts and he was too tumbling down into abyss.
"Next time just ask, ok? You know I'll give you anything," Daiki's voice rambled quietly in his ear, his hand drawing uneven circles on Ryouta's back.
He drew his nose up the dusky jaw inhaling the scent of sweat, sex and Daiki. Content smile made its way onto his face.
"I love you too, Dai," he murmured in a quiet voice. Because if that wasn't a confession he didn't know what else it was.
Sooo... Five pages of pure smut.
This was awkward as hell. First time ever I went this graphic. Hope it turned out less awkward then I felt writing this.
And leave me some love! =)