Down the bad streets, a blacked out 2000 Acura Intergra GSR T-top was flying down the streets, terrorizing the early mourning ghetto. The grey, silver and black wolf driving the powerhouse was heading to the rich side of Portland Oregon, to pick up his beautiful girlfriend. He heard sirens, and looked down to see he was going over one hundred. He downshift from fourth to thired, hitting 8800 rpms, and took a pretty sharp corner. After that, the cops were no more. He pressed his Staples 'That Was Easy' button and chuckled as he shifted into fourth to keep from over-revving. The turbos started to howl, turning into a whine. He slowed down to thirty as he arrived in front of a large gate, him hitting a button, and it opening. He pulled in the driveway, stopping in front of the door, shutting off the car, and ring the doorbell. He was greated by his girlfriend's father, Winston.

"Hey Humphrey, how are you doing this mourning?"

"Great, sir. Just looking for more work. This mafia stuff is not paying enough for me to take care of my younger sister and te medical bills for my mother. I just got a good job at Bestbuy" Humphrey replied, Winston nodding understanding.

"I agree. We got everyone we need to get. Theres no one else that will make a deal anymore. Anyway, come in" Winston said, Humphrey doing so. "Kate should be out any second now. You can go find her, just keep the funny buisness for after school" Winston said, and Humphrey nodded. He walked through all the rooms of the mansion, finding her in her changing room, and knocking. Kate told him to come in, so he did, to be greeted by an almost naked Kate.

"Hey baby. Sorry I'm taking forever" Kate said, while hugging Humphrey. Humphrey kissed her.

"It's okay, I'm your boyfriend. I put up with this stuff and love it" Humphrey replied. He looked into her wardrobe, and saw a metalic blue, short dress, and picked it out. "I've never seen this one. How about this one?" Humphrey suggested, looking at his beautiful golden-tan girlfriend, in her dark blue lace undergarments, her fluffy tail swishing behind her.

"That is a great choice. Help me put it on" Kate said, turning her back to him. He unlaced the dress, and slid it over her head, adjusting it on her before tightening the laces to what she wanted, and putting a nice tie in it. She looked in the mirror, and adjusting her golden, blue streaked hair, into a nice position. She looked around in her closet for some sparkling blue shoes, findng them within seconds. She slid them on, and did a quick twirl for Humphrey.

"You look even more pretty than I could imagine" Humphrey complemented.

"Thank you. Any reason why your wearing a whole suit?"

"The same reason I picked you out a dress" Humphrey said, slyly.

"Your taking me on a date?"

"We gotta winner!" Humphrey sarcastically announced. "Now, let's get going. Don't want to be late" Humphrey said. They walked out of the room, and said goodbye to Winston. Humphrey opened the passanger door of his Integra to let Kate in, before jumping in on his side, and starting the highly modified Honda VTECH four cylinder engine, it let out out a fierce but quick growl. He reversed out of the driveway, closed the gate, and sped off to Oregon City Highschool. Humphrey followed the speed limit through the streets, letting the twenty two inch Lexani LTC-701s spin slowly. Kate loved Humphrey's car, but didn't know why. Almost like how she loves and is drawn to Humphrey himself. She personally has a Bently SuperSport, but, she doesn't drive it when she doesn't have to. It's to heavy feeling, and too quiet. She loves the rear seat massagers, though. She goes into the car to get message when Humphrey can't. Which to think about it, is not that very often. Humphrey is allways there for her and allways has been, ever since she can remember.

"Love, we have a half day today. So, after twelve, the day is ours. Wanna stay the night with me tonight? My sister is on her period and she gets really cranky" Humphrey stated.

"Sure, why not?" Kate said. "Doesn't Hayley have a boyfriend though?"

"Yeah, I don't really trust him, though. From what I seen, he doesn't seem to treat her right. But, that's how all guys in her generation act"

"I understand. I was lucky to find you over another wolf. I don't think anyone in the whole world would replace you if something was to happen... again" Kate said, with a hint of sadness.

"Hey, that biker treated you wrong. It was only a little piece of metal in my chest. It didn't kill me"

"Humphrey, you don't understand what's going on in my mind when that happened. He called me a hoe. That is no reason to get you shot. I was devestated when I heard that sound, but luckly he missed anything important" Kate answered starting to tear up.

"Don't cry, it's okay... That's not the only time I've been shot. I'm a tough wolf. Nothing will kill me or hurt you, ever. As long as I'm still breathing, and even if I'm not" Humphrey said, making Kate feel better. Then, the worst thing happened. He looked in his mirror as he heard faint sirens. "Okay, Kate. Hold on" Humphrey said, shifting down from fifth to second, ending up in 7000 rpm, and after that, he started flying through oncoming traffic, hitting one hundred before shifting into third, using every revolution coming from the engine, and making it count to outrun the Chargers and Crown Vics. Humphrey always though it was funny he can outrun professionally trained drivers with cars with engines two, sometimes three times bigger. But this four banger was different, pumping out twelve hundred horsepower, and nine hundred foot pounds of torque. The frame of the car can barley keep the power on the ground. This car outruns anything, even Buggatis. And to top it off, the license plate was 'My Dmon'. The car was certainly a demon, that flew it self from the deepest depths of hell.

"Were almost to school, and the cops are gone. Slow down" Kate said. Humphrey followed her request, soon turning into the parking lot of Oregon High. The school wasn't perfect, but it was decent. Humphrey parked and turned off the car.

There we go. A brand new story I thought of while digging holes for a fence. Tell me what you think, and don't worry. WLIYOM II will be continued, this is just a story I'll be working on, since eveyone (or almost everyone) said they wanted a story where Humphrey doesn't have a massive amount of wealth. He lives in a 1 bedroom house in the ghetto. That poor enough for you? I hope so. Please, follow and review.