It all seemed too good to be true, a simple illusion or a dream that the Team and Klarion are all experiencing all at the same time. The only one who wasn't stunned or gaping at the sight of Doctor Fate standing over the now unconscious mortal Vandal Savage, is Etrigan the Demon. Fear and defeat spread throughout Klarion and Teekl's body and soul, knowing now that with their leader of their organization has been defeated and no longer immortal, along with learning that their group had been taken down thanks to Etrigan and Doctor Fate using the Time Freezing Spell, meant that their organization will be no more.
The Lord of Order then held out both hands over the knocked out form of Vandal Savage, allowing them to glow in a golden aura.
"Dnib mih ni sniahc(Bind him in chains)." By his command, the aura surrounding his hands summoned out golden-chains and had them coil themselves around Vandal Savage, almost like a snake would coil around its prey before it devours its victim whole. It constricted itself around its victim, circling itself four times up to Vandal's shoulders, then three times down to his back and finally coiled around his arms, where it connected itself with its other end and sealing themselves together to prevent its prisoner from trying to escape by pulling on the ends. Once the chain has done its job, Doctor Fate grabbed a fist full of the back of Vandal's coat with his left-hand and then made his way to the group, where Etrigan placed his right-hand on Klarion's left-shoulder and tightening his grip that frightened his mute nephew even more than he already was from the sight of Vandal becoming mortal. "I believe our bargain has been made and kept, Etrigan." Doctor Fate said to Etrigan the Demon, as he held out the villain in front of the demon as if the villain was nothing more than a bag of garbage, which he technically is at the very moment.
"Agreed, Nabu." Etrigan replied back to the Lord of Order, who took the knocked out villain out of Doctor Fate's hand and soon has both his hands full, with his left-hand holding onto Vandal Savage and his right-hand keeping a death grip on Klarion. He then turned his gaze to Teekl, who snarled very low when their red-eyes met but didn't do anything to break free himself from the tight grip Superboy and Wolf have on him. Etrigan's eyes then glowed even more red. "Creature that has grown in size, revert to normal before our eyes."
The large saber-tooth tiger-cat silence his growling from the words the demon has said to him, then he flattened his ears to his skull and lowered his eyes, clenching his demon-red eyes shut as he felt his body being forced back into his cat-form. Wolf and Conner released Klarion's familiar when the feline's body shrunk to his cat-form, knowing that the cat pose no threat to them as long as Klarion has been muted by his uncle to prevent him from using any of his magic.
"You may not admit it, Teekl, and may never admit it, but even you should've seen this coming... You knew this was going to happen, and yet you chose to not speak about this to Klarion." Klarion, stunned by what his uncle has said to his familiar, stared shocked at his cat-companion, as if asking him why he didn't say anything to him or how he knew this was going to happen. Making growling sounds to the team, Etrigan and Doctor Fate listened to what Teekl said to his silent master.
I would've told you, and I would've tried to warn you that this would happen, but you haven't been heeding my warnings lately and would only ask me on what you want to know about... Besides, I did tell you weeks ago that The Light wouldn't last for very long and its leader's reign would end right before him. The cat then turned to stare at Doctor Fate, his eyes glaring daggers of hate and disgust at the hidden face underneath the Helmet of Fate and the small figure that wears the suit of the Lord of Order. Although, I never thought it would be a thirteen year-old child that would help Nabu bring the downfall of the Immortal Vandal Savage or The Light Organization, especially a child who never held or possessed any gift of magic ability at all in his young life... Who, no doubt, that he pulled the stunt on creating a clone of himself to fool Lex Luthor and Queen Bee on believing Doctor Fate is no more... I hate to admit it, but that child certainly earned the rights and the honor of being your host and apprentice... Underneath the Helmet of Fate, Doctor Fate glared back at the cat, but instead of anger and annoyance that the Team thought he would glare back to the cat, his gaze held pride and, surprisingly, satisfaction on the second to what Teekl just said about the Boy Wonder.
"And now you have met that certain child and host, Teekl, and may never again another like him, unless it's one of his bloodline." From within the Helmet, Nabu can sense the shock and surprise from the boy's mind and heart on what he just heard from the Lord of Order, himself.
[Nabu...] If he did have a body of his own and was standing with the boy, Nabu would've given him a serious look that would hold no lie for the child he has bond with the last few months they've been together.
[I meant what I said, Child, and I would never make anything up like that if I didn't actually mean it.] From inside, he could feel the boy smiling at his words, but can still hear the panting of exhaustion the child's feeling at this very moment and can sense that he's barely hanging on to consciousness and is quickly losing his battle to stay awake. [You don't have to force yourself to stay awake any longer, Richard. You may rest now; I won't be using any more magic until you regain some of your strength to head back for the Tower of Fate.]
[You sure?... But... What if I... Fell asleep... Right now... And then... You end up... Unconscious... And won't... Wake up... Until... I do?...]
[Nonsense; we have separate minds and thoughts. And since I have control over your body and more conscious enough to stay awake, I'll be able to still take over and allow you to get the rest you desperately need, at this very moment.] Nabu can still feel the boy feeling uneasy to his request, which the Lord of Order finds very understandable, because the child having to always be on his guard twenty-four/seven when he used to work with the bat, even when he's resting or taking a break from hero-work.
[But... What if-?]
[Richard. We've won the battle, prevented a war from happening, The Light has been taken down and Vandal Savage is reduced to being a mortal for the rest of his days... There's no need to worry now or for us to still be fighting. Etrigan will take care of Savage, Klarion and Teekl, and the League will soon awaken from their slumber within an hour or two... You can rest now, I promise you that we won't have to use any more magic until you're strong enough to perform a spell to send us home. I don't mind to wait until you're conscious enough to send us back to the Tower of Fate... There's no need for you to stay awaken any longer... It's okay to rest now...] His words met to the pregnant silence, making Nabu wonder if he finally gotten through to the child on sleep, but knows that Richard's still awake and could most likely be thinking on what the Lord of Order just said to him.
[...Alright... I'll rest... But not until... Etrigan... Takes them... Away and... Out of the... Watchtower...] Nabu chuckled quietly to the boy's proposal, which he has a possible feeling that he'll fall asleep long before they leave the Watchtower, but has smiled in satisfied to the boy's agreement on resting.
[Very well, Child.]
"Well, I believe it's time that I take my leave and deliver this mortal scumbag to Belle Reve." Etrigan informed the Team, smiling from what he just said about Vandal Savage. "I never thought I would get to say those kind of words about Vandal Savage, until now..." He then turned to his nephew and Teekl, glaring down at them with not the same satisfaction he had about Vandal Savage, but he did have an approving look that tells the Team and Doctor Fate on how glad he finally gotten his hands on his trouble-making nephew after so long. "I believe you both know on what I'm going to do to the both of you... I hope you both had enjoyed what freedom you just had, because you won't be getting it back for a long time." Both Lord of Chaos and familiar lowered their heads in shame, knowing what's to become of them. "Mother's Grief. Father's Shame. Soon he goes from whence he came."
"Uh... What does that mean?" Kid Flash asked, who's not very good with poetry, let alone what spells his allies and enemies would use when summoning their magics, unless it's something he can understand and put inside of his speedster mind.
"I'm sending them to his room." He explained to the redhead and just like that, both Klarion and Teekl were covered in a dark-red aura, before they instantly vanished, out of sight and now out of mind for the time being. He then held up his now empty hand to nothing but the air, which a red-portal magically appeared in front of Etrigan the Demon. He then turned to the Team, a smile of gratitude on his hard and monstrous face that many believe of him to be nothing but an evil monster. "I thank you, young heroes, for allowing me the opportunity to finally capture my nephew and putting an end to his 'little games'."
The Team smiled back at the demon, showing that they were glad to be of help to the demon. He then turned to Doctor Fate, knowing that he would have to quickly speed up his thanks from sensing how tired and exhausted the thirteen year-old is, after having to use multiple spells all in one day, including the two S-Class spells that not many sorcerers could pull off without being entirely drained of their magic and nearly losing their own life on performing the spells.
"And thank you both, Nabu and Dick Grayson, for making all of this possible... I know this is to what we agree on and my way of showing my thanks to you." He stated, lifting up the deadweight of Vandal Savage in his hand. "But I feel as if there could be something else I can do for you, for helping me put a stop to my nephew's games." Doctor Fate chuckled and shook his head.
"We've already told you this before, Etrigan, that we've wanted to help you capture your nephew, because we wanted to, not just because we had to. Besides, my host doesn't take awards that easily for helping out or accomplishing the goal of our mission, even if he does deserve to have something for all he's done for the both of us and to what he's done for the Earth." Etrigan chuckled at the Lord of Order's remarks.
"That, my friend, I agree to." He stated, before he swung Vandal Savage onto his shoulder and slowly made his way into the portal. "I bid you all farewell, my friends, until we meet again." And with that said, he went through the portal and the Team watch the red-portal vanished right before their eyes. Then, seconds before Etrigan has left the Watchtower, a holographic calendar came up in the center of the room, which reads, "January 1st, 2011".
"HAPPY NEW YEAR, JUSTICE LEAGUE!" The Watchtower announced to the Team, and then started playing a 'New Year' song. Finding himself standing next to the true girl he has feelings for, Wally scooped Artemis into his arms.
"I should've done this a long time ago," he said to the little stunned archer. Getting to what he means, Artemis wrapped both her arms around the redhead, smiling to what he was having in mind.
"No kidding," she said to him. Then, without feeling embarrassed that the Team is watching and are no longer going to deny their feelings for each other, they both leaned in and pressed their lips against each other, having their very first New Year's kiss. Also having the same idea, M'gann wrapped her arms around Conner's neck and leaned up to have that first kiss that many people claim to be a symbol for a happy and new beginning of the new year. While Kaldur watched his teammates that are enjoying their New Year kiss with their love interest, who have all been like his own siblings he never gotten the chance to have, Raquel walked up to him.
"Liking this team, more every day." She told him, before she stood on the tips of her toes to give both the Atlantean and herself their own first New Year kiss, which was also a way of Raquel on telling and letting Kaldur know that she's had a crush on him for quite sometime now, having to see him on the television and saving innocent people from the bad guys, and was hoping that he would give her a chance for them to be together and be a little more than just friends. To answer her question, Kaldur lowered his head down, so that she didn't have to stand on her toes any longer and wrapped her within the folds of his arms, which was a very clear sign that he has accepted her affection and is willing to give themselves a chance as a couple.
While Wolf, Sphere, Zatanna and Red Arrow watch the scene play in front of them, Nabu turned his back to the scene before him and quietly sat down on the floor in a lotus-position. Dick has finally allowed himself to sleep, though he did stayed awake long enough to watch his friends, who have been like his older-siblings, celebrate their victory on defeating Vandal Savage and experience their first New Year kiss with their love interest, and the moment he finally allowed himself to rest, the aura surrounding Doctor Fate's small-form fade away. Sensing the Ancient-Sorcerer's magic being gone, Zatanna turned her attention to the Lord of Order, watching him taking deep cleansing breath while sitting on the floor in the lotus-position, instead of hovering over the ground that he would normally do.
Now forgetting about her team and family enjoying their New Year kiss, Zatanna made her way to the Lord of Order. After seating herself to the right-side of the Ancient-Sorcerer, though she only had her legs normally crossed and not in the lotus-position, she finally decided to make herself be known.
"Nabu?" She questioned softly, knowing that he didn't like to be interrupted when his mind is set on something or is trying to focus on something. Surprisingly, instead of snapping at the one who interrupted his meditation, Doctor Fate simply reopened his eyes and turned to stare at the girl.
"Yes, Magician Child?" His voice, though it was also spoken in a soft voice, has gained the attention of the Team, who had all enjoyed experiencing their very first New Year kiss, and Red Arrow, who was in deep of thought on what he should do or say when the League would awaken from the effects of the Cure-Tech, and soon found himself surrounded by the young heroes, including Wolf and Sphere. Nevertheless, he kept his full attention on Zatanna, waiting patiently for her to ask whatever she wanted to ask of him.
"I-... Well, uh-... How's Dick?" Now that the whole team knows who Robin really is and that Batman would have no objections about them knowing both their secret ID, there was no need of them to be afraid on using Robin's true name.
"He's merely tired," the Lord of Order explained. "Extreme exhaustion to the breaking point of nearly collapsing himself to sleep. Do not fear, young heroes." He quickly informed the rest of the Team, who all had worried looks on their faces when Nabu described on how tired the Boy Wonder was. "All he needs is a few hours of rest, then he shall awaken. After all, not many sorcerers, let alone a child who's just learned and is still learning to use the Arts of Magic and Sorcery, can pull off doing Two S-Class Spells on the same day and be able to walk away with their own life to live and tell the tale." Wally and Red Arrow both smirked at the last sentence Doctor Fate just said.
"Yeah..." Wally agreed, thinking back to the good old days where Robin would pull off death-defying stunts and unnecessary risks in order to save innocent lives, including the Speedster, that the redhead swear that the ebony has some sort of death-wish whenever the Boy Wonder walks away from his deathtrap as if it were some cakewalk. "He always has a certain habit on giving us all heart attacks with the stunts he would always pull."
Doctor Fate chuckled at his remarks, recalling on having to witness and see Richard's past-life from within his young mind, before he became a vigilante and was taken in under the care of the Dark Knight of Gotham.
"Ah, yes, I believe the cause of his 'daredevil stunts', is because of his past-life as a Flying Grayson; performing death-defying stunts, always showing off such majestic arts and passion when up on the trapeze with his family while defying the Laws of Gravity... Back then, I sensed so much lightness in his heart and pureness in his soul... I never thought how much sadness and pain for one so small and very young would have to endure in such long, but short time, and will have to live with that pain until his very last breath of life."
Everyone lowered their heads from the way Nabu has just expressed how much Dick's life has changed from such happiness to a tragic event, knowing that though they may never know the pain and injustice that the thirteen year-old has to go through for the rest of his life, that they, too, feels his pain and will do whatever in their powers to make that pain less painful as possible.
"So... How long will it be until the League wakes up from us ambushing them and placing the Cure-Techs on them?" Red Arrow asked Nabu, feeling very uncomfortable with them sitting on the ground in silence for nearly five minutes, though he was more uncomfortable on what Green Arrow and the League will think of him once they tell them what's been going on.
"They shall awaken within the hour, two hours at most." The Lord of Order answered the clone-Roy, already sensing the fear and self-hatred the older Archer and redhead holds inside of him, which he can tell was making his host having trouble sleeping in comfort from the negative emotion pouring off of Red Arrow. So, he decided to try and ease the clone's soul and worry to rest. "Elder Archer, you are not at fault for this sort of fate to befall upon you. None of the events that had came to be for these past months, is not your fault."
"But it is my fault," the redhead stated. "This wouldn't had happened if it wasn't for me. If I'd had known about my estrange behavior on Independence Day and from the way I just left my brothers without a having a single thought on what would happen to them, then none of this would've happened, but I didn't." He then stared down at the floor beneath him, staring down at his hands, looking rather lost and unsure on what's real to him and what is there to believe in. "...If I hadn't been cloned, then everyone's lives would be much better before I came around. The real Roy Harper would've taken better care of the others, he wouldn't had acted like a spoiled brat when presented to the Hall of Justice. And he would never had allow himself to be capture, or even betray the people that became his family... I'm not even worthy on being a hero, let alone be called a hero, when I'm just made by an evil organization and their plan on harming innocent people on Ear-"
"Roy." In that simple word, the redhead ceased his talking and stared into the eyes of the thirteen year-old boy that he has came to know and loved as his own baby brother when the child was still at the age of eight. The whole Team went quiet, giving Nabu the silence he needs in order to get through to the older redhead's head. "First off, cease your talking; my host can hear you, even as he slumbers, and is making him feel uncomfortable and unable to rest peacefully." Roy did as he was told by the Lord of Order, completely giving him his entire attention. "Second... It does not matter if you are the real Roy Harper or if you are a mere clone of the original: You are Roy Harper, ex-protégé of Green Arrow, eldest brother of the Young Justice Team... And Red Arrow, Hero and Full-Fledge Member of the Justice League, sworn to protect the lives of innocent-beings on Earth from those who wish to bring chaos and destructions for whatever sick pleasure they have in-store within their minds... Now, tell me honestly, when you found out that you were a clone and have been working for the Light, did you find their plans or their actions satisfying?"
"What? God, no!" Red Arrow yelled, looking rather disgusted at the question he was given and didn't want to hear about it ever again in his entire life. At his answer, Nabu nodded his head in approval, having to not hear or see within his aura a lie.
"Good... That's all we wanted to hear."
"Wait a sec? 'We'?" Raquel repeated, hearing from the way the Lord of Order said it, that he wasn't including the Team into the conversation when Red Arrow answered his question.
"Yes, 'we'... I'm afraid my host has awakened from the negative emotions and wish to speak to you at this very moment." The Team's head lifted up from what Nabu was trying to say, all of them having worry looks and expressions on their faces.
"You mean, Dick wants to speak to Roy? Like, right now?!" Wally didn't seem that thrill about their baby brother wanting to speak to Roy, especially when he just gotten no less than ten minutes of sleep and is most likely still too weak to be up at this very moment. "Try to put him back to sleep with a Sleep-Spell, or tell him that we'll handle this situation on our own, or something! He shouldn't be pushing himself to stay awake after having to drain himself from using those two spells, all because of some conversation that we and the League can take care of on our own!"
"Young Speedster, you don't have to yell." Doctor Fate told the sixteen year-old, pulling off Robin's own batglare that has somehow sent shivers down his spine and sent a chill to freeze his soul. "Also, he can hear you. Why else did you think he awakened from his slumber? He still has his senses that he still uses from outside of the Helmet. Also..." The Lord of Order then turned to face M'gann, who sat on the right-side of Red Arrow and the next to her boyfriend, who has his arm wrapped around her to keep her close to him as possible. "He was hoping that you, Young Martian, would put up your Telepathic Link on us, so that he wouldn't have to overexert himself from overusing his magic ability and would still be able to talk with the Elder Archer. He promises that he won't be up for too long; all he wants is for the Elder Archer to listen to what he has to say to him, and to not be interrupted until he finishes his speech."
"Oh! Uh, of course... Did he wanted this to be a private conversation between him and Roy?" M'gann question, silently hoping that the rest of the Team would be allow to hear what Dick has to say to the older-archer, along with wanting to hear his voice, alone, and not in control or mixed up with Nabu's voice. He went silent for a few seconds, before he came up with an answer.
"If you all wish to hear what he has to say and as long as you don't interrupt on what he has to say for the Elder Archer, he shall not mind if you all wish to be part of the conversation." Happy to hear that they're given permission to listen in on what their youngest member wanted to say to Roy, M'gann's eyes immediately glowed light-green and has established the Link to all of them.
[I have installed the Link, Nabu... Dick, you may go ahead and talk to Roy, he can hear you now.] M'gann
[Thank you, M'gann... Hey Roy, it's been a while, hasn't it?] Dick
Even while using the Mind-Link to link their minds and thoughts together, the Team and Roy can hear on how tired and weak the thirteen year-old is and can also hear the shortness of breath he's taking from within the Helmet of Fate.
[Dick...] Roy
[What? That's all you've got to say, after all these months, just 'Dick'? Man, I didn't think I wouldn't be missed that much.] Dick
[No! It's not that! I'm just-!] Roy
[Hey, I'm just messing with you, Roy. You're just having trouble finding the right words to say. I mean, it's been awhile since we've seen each other, let alone heard from other.] Dick
[...Yeah, exactly... I missed you, Dickie.] Roy
[I missed you, too, Roy... Before you say anything else, I just want you to listen to what I have to say to you. No matter what you try to object and try to claim that isn't true or is your fault, I just want you to hear me out. Then, when I finish to what I had to say and you still feel to what I say isn't true, talk to Nabu about it, or wait until Uncle Ollie wakes up and try to talk this problem out... Okay?] Dick
[...Okay... I'll listen, I promise.] Roy
[Good... Roy, just like what Nabu just said to you, it wasn't your fault; you didn't ask for any of this to happen, you didn't ask for the actual Roy Harper to be kidnapped, and definitely didn't ask to be made as a mere pawn for the Light to use for bringing down the Justice League... And yet, it already happened and we can't do a thing about it change the past... Well, we sort of can, but that would result to rewriting history and altering the fabric of time, which we won't know if it'll have us feeling the Aster, or cause a major Disaster to our future, heavy on the Dis'.] Dick
[Dude, we really miss your use of vocab.] Wally
[Thank you, Wally. But, anyway, back to the matter at hand... There's a reason to why these events happen, and we never truly know if it's really for the better or for the worse for the Earth... That's why we try to make the most of it and to turn a tragic moment into something better... Remember what happened on Nine-Eleven?] Dick
[How could I forget about that? It was one of America's most tragic events in history.] Roy
[Yes, it was... You may not believe it, Roy, but I was there when that happened... Back when I was still with the Haly's Circus, I was but a toddler, three years old to be exact. I was in New York City, but not in Gotham City during that time, on that very day and year. My family was putting up the bigtop for a show that they were going to perform the next day on a dry field that was miles away from the city, while my Cousin John and I were feeding the animals. 8:30 in the morning should be considered too early for a toddler to be up, but even as a toddler, I always wanted to be up with my family to help out our circus family with chores that I could easily do with my cousin when the adults and roustabouts are to put up the bigtop and get their equipments ready for their big performance. It was but a clear and beautiful day, that should've symbolized a calm and graceful day... Until, without warning, the plane came by.
I was too little to not be able to understand, so little to not know the difference between the good and evil, life and death, of how our world actually works and what people can do to one another... Twenty-two minutes later, while feeding Zitka and the other elephants, that's when I saw the first plane crash, followed by the second plane, eleven minutes after the first... I saw the Twin Towers fall, I watched the fire that engulfed the plane... I even heard the passengers their screams of terror and fear when it happen... Even to this very day, I can never forget their screams, or watch them either fall to their deaths or be consumed in fire.] Dick
Everyone could feel the breath being knocked out of them, finding it too hard and too painful to hear that their brother, one who held so much hope and faith that everyone and the Earth will be safe and spared from evil, has just witnessed one of America's most horrific events in history at a very young age that no child should've seen in their life, an event that came long before his fate of being a hero had even occurred.
[Oh, God... Dick...] Roy
[John, who was going to turn ten years old a few weeks from that day, grabbed ahold of me and pinned me against his chest, as the event played before our eyes from afar. Tears ran down his cheeks as the towers fell, and the continuous screams of victims being send off to their deaths rang through our ears, as if reminding us that we can't save them... And that it was our fault that we're not even trying to get into the city to save them, while we just stood there, letting them die!] Dick
They all can hear the hurt inside of his voice, and their hearts thumped heavily inside of their chest from feeling the distraught and unbearable the boy had held in for so long. The Team, including Roy, wanted nothing more than to pull him against them and wrap him within their embrace, to tell him that it wasn't his fault for something like that to happen, especially when there was nothing he could've done while he was very young. However, they all made a promise that they wouldn't interrupt him talking to Roy and make him accept the fact that none of the Light's doing was his fault.
[Even as a toddler, I felt like it was my fault that they were dying and I was just standing there, being held by my cousin, watching them suffer and die from so far away from the city... I thought that I should've known it was going to happen, that if I'd just known something so tragic, so horrifying would happen on a perfect and beautiful day, that I could've made a difference and saved those people...
But I didn't, and there was nothing we could've done for them; we were just too far away from the city, that we wouldn't have been much help for the police or the firemen who had rescued those who could be saved from the Twin Towers. We would've only gotten in the way of their job and duty, or even gotten caught in the debris from the parts of the tower continuing on falling...
When it finally stopped... When the fire was finally put out, when the tower could no longer crumble... When the screams finally stopped but was replaced with everyone crying and sobbing for those who didn't make it, I knew that my young life would never be the same, that my view on Earth would never be as I'd viewed it, ever again.] Dick
His voice has lost whatever innocence it had left in it, replacing his with one who speaks of a person who just lost all joy, dreams, even will, to believe that there's still goodness within the Earth. Like he's just given up on believing in anything to tell him that everything's going to be alright and that good thing will happen to make everything better. Roy immediately grew worried for his baby brother, scared from the thought that he just forced the small-teen to relive that tragic day and have him convinced that he was the cause of nine-eleven to happen... Maybe that he was the cause of the real Roy Harper to be kidnapped and be replaced by a clone. The eighteen year-old wasn't going to let Dick fall back into the hurt and depression that he had to experience when he was just a toddler, or to go through the thought of blaming himself that he didn't even cause to happen.
[But, Dick, you didn't cause that plane to crash! You didn't kill those people! You and your family weren't even part of New York or involved on what just happened during that day! It wasn't your fault that they died! It wasn't your fault that you had to witness that terrible day that ever came in the History of Earth!... It wasn't your fault for what happened to Roy, or my existence!] Roy
Silence was all he's gotten, adding more fear to the redhead and Team that the guilt Dick's been holding in for so long could make him unable to listen to reason and force him to forever hold on to that guilt, it would slowly consume him from the inside until it would break him and destroy him for who he is.
[Why should I believe you? If we tell you that you aren't the cause of the Light almost bringing down the Justice League and you still continue to blame yourself for it to happen, then why should I believe you when you tell me that it wasn't my fault that all of those people in the plane, the workers of the Twin Towers and average citizens of New York, didn't die because of me?] Dick
Roy had to think long and hard on how to answer the boy's question, because if he makes one little mistake to what he says to the thirteen year-old or if he leaves anything out and doesn't get another chance to say it, then Dick would never be the same Boy Wonder that he and the Team came to knew and love as, ever again. The eighteen year-old had to really use his head on what the right words he has to use in order to answer the boy's question, but he couldn't figure out what to say to the boy, when he wasn't sure what the answer would be if it were Dick that was answer his question... It then came to him: If he wanted his question to be answered with something that he expect Dick to come up for the answer, then Roy would have to think up what that answer would be if Dick were answering a question he came up with. So, the redhead pondered on what he would say if he were Dick and what he would say to answer the question... He instantly figured out what it would be.
[Because, you weren't the cause of it... It was those who made those events happen... And we were just there, not knowing on how those causes were going to effect us, and how it shouldn't effect us if we didn't cause it to start at the very beginning.] Roy
Even though he couldn't see his face, since the Helmet of Fate is shielding his face from anyone ever knowing who he really is, Roy could've sworn he could see Dick smiling in gratitude and success, knowing that he has finally gotten through to the archer to their problem.
[...You finally get it, Roy... If we were at fault for such events to happen, then how could we be at fault for such disaster to be brought upon us or to those we care for, if we, alone, had never seen the events be play before us or ever come to believe it would ever happen right before our very eyes?
Even if we did see them coming, there's no doubt in my mind that the events would've still happened, with only some of the outcomes being played differently than they would originally be played out if we were to try and stop the fate of the events from ever happening.] Dick
Roy lowered his gaze to stare at his hands that both laid in his lap, knowing that what Dick has been saying to him is right and are true; he couldn't be at fault for what the Light has done to him and what they made him do, consciously or subconsciously, especially if they were at fault on kidnapping the real Roy Harper in order to make a clone and manipulate it to believe it was Roy Harper, until it was the right moment to bring down the Justice League and do whatever they'd planned on doing to the Earth.
[And if you think about it, Roy, if none of these events ever happened or had even started from the beginning, then we wouldn't have been able to bring them down or see that the terrible event can bring something good and its own inner beauty.] Dick
That time, Roy and the others were confused on what he meant, and they all thought of the same questions in their minds.
'Beauty? What kind of "inner beauty"? How could there be inner beauty from what happened to those people on nine-eleven, and what kind of inner beauty is there from the Light's plan?'
[What do mean by 'inner beauty', Dick, and what kind of beauty do you mean by, when there's no way there can be any sort of beauty to come out from such horrific and unforgettable events?] Conner
That time, they all heard the boy let out his heartfelt cackle, letting out its happiness and its hope, without holding or hiding the pain or sadness his voice once held minutes ago.
[That, Conner, is the beauty of it... You may not be able to see it, nor can you sense it, but the beauty that comes out from such disaster, is what it brings us in the end of its event. Heck, sometimes, it can even show us it's beauty during and after the event that plays before us.] Dick
[Uh... If you don't mind to tell us, how is it possible?] Artemis
[Alright... You may not know it or believe it, but ever since nine-eleven has occurred, it was not only a reminder that we should never forget of such tragedy that came before us, but it was a symbol of something important and an event that made everyone realize something special: It was the day, where the citizens had actually stood together, side-by-side, as a family, and tried their very best to save those people, even if it meant at the cost of their own lives... It was the day, where we, the people and citizens, had came to those cries for help and show that no matter what happens, we will be there for those people who needs our help, no matter the consequences or the risks we'll have to take, even if it meant that we can save at least one of those lives from danger.] Dick
His speech touched their hearts, and his words warmed their souls. Even those who had never heard or had known about that tragedy, felt like it has truly changed their lives, but not for the worse, but for the better. As heroes, it's their job to stop evil from harming the innocents, with their only help is each other and other heroes out there who wish to fight for the right cause.
Soon, they realize, when the Teammates who had to go through the Training Simulation, realized that while they were fighting the ET, they weren't alone in that terrible war: They had help, from both heroes and people of Earth who didn't have superpowers but still went to the battlefield to defend their home and their people. Heck, even on some of their missions, they had help from normal people they either were in charge of protecting or was caught in the crossfire of their mission, which they know if it wasn't for them, the Team wouldn't have been able to succeed on their missions or be able to save those millions of lives.
That's when they knew that Dick was right: Nine-Eleven isn't a tragic day to remember by, it was a day to remind us all who we, the people, are and will always do, be there for each other.
[Wow... I never thought that something, so brutal and horrendous like that, would actually leave us with that sort of beauty...] Wally
[Not many people do, Wally, but once they do realize what that day meant to them and saw what it brought us, will they soon see that the Earth isn't black or white.] Dick
[But, Dick, what sort of beauty is there from the Light ever coming up with the plot to bring down the Justice League?] Zatanna
[That, Zee, is something that we should never forget for as long as we live... Us.] Dick
['Us'?] Kaldur
[Yes, Kaldur... Us. All of us, being here, together, as our own Team and family, it's what the Light's plot has brought its beauty with... Roy, you may not believe it, but you leaving us on Independence Day, is what made this Team be how it is.
If you haven't left us or told us about them keeping the secret of the Watchtower, then Kaldur, Wally and I wouldn't have any reason to actually investigate Cadmus to see what the League was hiding from us if they kept their actual secret headquarters from us, meaning we wouldn't had rescued Conner from Cadmus on being the Light's secret weapon in their plan.
If you haven't gone off on your own to be your own hero, then Artemis wouldn't had joined us if the Team already had an archer on board, and would probably be forced to join Sportsmaster and Cheshire into working with the Light, if she never joined us on the Team, let alone had bonded with us to trust us who her family is.
And, though I think it was a bit harsh when you didn't trust Artemis and make her look like she was the traitor, if you haven't told the others that she let Cheshire get away on your mission on tracking down Sportsmaster, then we all wouldn't had been able to see all of our faults we had on the Team and we wouldn't had been able to open to each other about our problems.] Dick
[Wait, how did you knew about that mission?] Artemis
[Don't think I haven't been keeping an eye on you guys when I left the Team to be Nabu's host, Artemis... I was watching over all of you guys, even when none of you couldn't sense or see me, I was always there for you guys...
So, you see, Roy, if you hadn't been part of the Light's plan- No, even before that. If the real Roy Harper hadn't been kidnapped and if you have never been made, then none of us would've been able to figure out what their diabolical scheme would be. We would've probably just gone into the battle without coming up with a plan, possibly be taken down and the Light would've succeeded of their master plan on defeating the Justice League and ruining the world... Roy, if it hadn't been for you, we would've died.] Dick
That thought, the realization, scared the older-redhead. He never really thought about it, or even the possibility that his existence, his creation, alone, would actually spare his friends and his adoptive family from their deaths that could've befallen on all of them, if the real Roy Harper hadn't been kidnapped on that very day he was sent to go undercover and investigate LexCorp.
And yes, thanks to Doctor Fate and Etrigan the Demon doing the Freeze-Time Spell, they and the Team were able to take down Ra's Al Ghul and stop him from taking the real Roy Harper and Match for their next phase of the Light's plan. Now that they have the real Roy with them and with both Doctor Fate and Etrigan being able to regenerate his right-arm that was amputated in order for Cadmus to make Clone-Roy, the Team, Red Arrow and the League will help the real Roy get used to the sudden changes of the years he had missed, for having to be sleeping inside a pod for years, with some help from Oliver and his clone.
Roy now sees that none of the events that the Light made him do was his fault, and it was all thanks to his baby brother, who had chose to make a toughest decision for the Team and their makeshift family, for making him see the truth of his existence and making his future a bit more brighter.
[Thanks, Dickie.] Roy
Again, the older-redhead could sense and possibly could've sworn to have seen, his baby-brother smiling that he has accomplished on making Roy, their Roy Harper, no longer guilty of his existence and see the beauty of his creation has actually brought to the Team and the Justice League.
[Anytime, Roy... Anytime...] Dick
Soon, the Team is met with silence, coming to terms that Dick has finally went back to sleep after sensing the negative emotions had finally vanished, and M'gann ceased her Telepathic Link. Their hearts are lightened and their mind are settled with ease, thanks to the words and speech of the thirteen year-old who has been and will always be their baby-brother. If he were to have a superpower, then his powers would've been the ability to have people see the beauty and wonders the Earth is truly made of from what he views the world through his Cerulean/Sapphire-eyes.
After checking the time to see how long they've been in the Transportation Room while Dick was getting through to Roy, which was about twenty minutes, the Team and Roy decided that it would be the best time, while they waited for the League to come out of their sleeping, would be to take the opportunity to spend time together, then to check up on real Roy at the Watchtower's Med Bay, and then comeback later to check up on Doctor Fate, who went into his meditating state and looks to be in a deep trance, meaning it would be best to leave him and Dick alone to get the rest they'll need to regain their strengths. Until then, most of the Team went off to explore the rest of the Watchtower, while some went to off to different parts of the Watchtower where they knew the League are sleeping at the moment and are to bring them to come to the Transportation Room and inform them on what just happened.
As for the rest of the teammates, they chose to stay within the Transportation Room and keep Doctor Fate some silent company in case he snaps out of his meditating trance.
Sorry if this is short. I wanted to finish this chapter before 9/11 came, but I got held back on schedule and because I wanted to make a tribute for today, I've decided to send in part of the chapter that's meant for this day.
I just made up that Dick and the Haly's Circus was there when 9/11 happen... I hope that wasn't offensive to anyone about using 9/11 in the story (if I did, I didn't mean to and I'm really sorry), but I really wanted to write that part to dedicate those who were there when it happened and to express my feelings for those who died on that very day, so that they'll never be forgotten and that we should remember what that day, to this very day, means to us all...
Also, I'm in college (I started college on August 12th). The good news, I'll be doing part time (my mom's idea; she wants me to get use to college [she kept on telling me it would be different than high school], before having me go to the college that's in the city. She's sort of thinking on going back to school, even though that she has already gone to school and has a great job as a NICU nurse) and will be doing 2 classes (Even though they're not my idea; I'm already not liking one of them; personal reasons) on Tuesdays and Thursdays until December 12th. So, I'll have enough time to do both schoolwork and write stories.
I promise that I'll get the next chapter done. Okay? So, if you can, please be patient with me and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter (even though it's short and I'm sorry for that).