Disclaimer: I own neither Harry Potter nor Naruto, nor any of the characters, and concepts associated with them.

'words' = thoughts

"words" = spoken

"words" = spoken by monster, or used for emphasis.

"words" = foreign language (e.g. Parseltongue, French or Gobbledygook)

This post is not a new chapter, but I realized I forgot something important, in the last one, so think of it more as an addendum, I am writing the next one, but it is still a few weeks from being ready.

Chapter 2B: The Mizuki Incident

"Mmm... Ramen," Naruto thought as he polished off another bowl of the nectar of the gods. There was, in the young blondes opinion, no better way to celebrate his one year anniversary as a Genin than with a few late night bowls of the stuff.

It was so good that the boy was about to enjoy yet another one when a sharp point made itself known against the back of his neck.

"Uzumaki Naruto," a voice as cold as the steel digging into his flesh stated, "place your hands flat on the table."

moving slowly so as not to discover the unsaid but implied "or else" Naruto complied.

"Hey what's this about? The boy isn't doing anything wrong!" Ichiraku said from behind the counter.

"Shut up Civilian, Uzumaki is under arrest for stealing the Scroll of Sealing. Now then boy, tell us where you hid it, and don't make it any harder on yourself than it has to be."

"What are you talking about?" the blonde asked as he tried to lean into the table, away from the tanto blade.

"If that's the way you want to play it," the Chunin said with a smile before turning to two teammates, "Arata, Gorou, why don't you two, take him to the T&I department, I'll go and let the Hokage know we captured him."

Before Naruto could even take another breath two sets of hands grabbed him, locking his arms behind his back, and dragging him up from his stool, before pushing him out the door.

Naruto was about to complain more, but just as he opened his mouth fireworks went off from behind the Hokage building, illuminating the face of the three ninjas, all of whom looked like they were just waiting for an excuse to show the Genin what they could do.

A few minutes later the trio had arrived at a nondescript door in the ninja section of the village. It took several minutes of banging before someone answered, the torture and interrogation department being something you normally made an appointment for, and filled with people who had ways to make you regret bothering them at 11 o'clock at night.

"What do you want?" a grumpy shinobi asked as he looked through the peephole at the three ninjas.

"The Genin Uzumaki broke into the Hokage's office and stole the Scroll of Sealing, we need to find it," the ninja to the blonde's left said, pushing the boy towards to the door.

"ID Cards?" after verifying that both the Chunin were in fact Konoha ninja the T&I man ushered the three in.

"Where do you want him?"

"Where's his ND-519?"

"His what?"

"You know the paperwork you were given either at the jail, or the administration building," the man said impatiently.

"uhm...we don't have that."

"What do you mean you don't have that? Ya mean you lost it between the jail and here? Then you'd better go and find it, or get another copy." The specialist said, angry at being woken up by these incompetents.

"No I mean we didn't take him to the jail, we brought him straight here after we picked him up."

"What is this shit? Did you guys really just wake me up for nothing?.. What did you just make Chunin yesterday?"

"Hey no need for the attitude, we were told he stole the Scroll of Sealing, we tracked him down, and captured him, Nobu has gone to report it, and we brought the prisoner here, sorry we didn't know that there were all these procedures."

"Of course there are Kami Damn procedures! What do you think we just go around torturing people willy nilly? This isn't Iwa you sick fucks, and Torture and Interrogation isn't something that is done off the cuff, it's an art and a science that's gotta be done properly to get results.

At the same time as Naruto was being guarded in the front office of the Torture & Interrogation building, an oblivious and yes, freshly minted Chunin Nobu Watabe arrived at the Hokage tower. Protected by the feeling that he was about to be hailed as the hero of the hour the young ninja breezed into the foyer, walking right past the information desk as he made his way up the stairs, through the first secretary, into the anteroom, past the Hokage's chief secretary, and into "The God of Shinobi's" office, ignoring every undignified squawk and brushing past every raised hand in the process.

The leader of Konoha was in the middle of a briefing with the senior shinobi when the Chunin barged in loudly declaring, "Hokage-sama, we have captured the Uzumaki!", a proud smile on his face, and ignoring the fact that he had cut the village leader off mid-sentence.

Instead of showstopping silence followed by torrents of praise raining down on him the teenager was met with looks of confusion by many of the people in the room.

Sarutobi finished his sentence before turning to regard the latest addition to his briefing, "now then Chunin Nobu, what did you want, and why did you feel it was acceptable to barge in here?" the Hokage asked in the quiet voice of restrained fury.

"Sir, I came to let you know that we had captured the traitor Uzumaki Naruto!"

"And why are you calling Genin Uzumaki a traitor?"

The question threw the Chunin for a loop, this wasn't how this meeting was supposed to go!... well the old man was getting on in years, the ninja thought as he started to explain, "because he stole the Scroll of Sealing Hokage-sama."

"And why do you think he committed this heinous crime?"

Chunin Mizuki informed us of the theft and ordered us to apprehend the criminal."

"Ah, how did Mizuki look?"

"Eager for the hunt Hokage-sama, he even had this big scroll on his back, filled with who knows what for when he caught up with the traitor."

"Really, a big scroll, was it by any chance a cream coloured one with a green border?"

"Yes sir it was,... is this a new piece of kit we're being issued?"

"new kit, no, in fact some parts of it are very old, in fact that was the scroll in question."

"The scroll, you mean the Scroll of Sealing? So we already have it back then, that's excellent!"

"No we don't, Chunin Nobu, the traitor still has it."

... It took the teenager a few seconds to process that last statement, but when he did, it was noticeable to everyone in the room, who by now were looking at him with a mixture of pity, irritation, and one or two smirks.

"so, Chunin Nobu, I would suggest you go outside and release the Genin," the old man said after letting the now thoroughly embarrassed boy stew for a few seconds.

"Yes sir, I will run to the T&I department right now!"

"What? The T&I department, why in Shinigami's name would he be there?" The old man asked as a wave of killing intent suddenly crashed upon the Chunin in front of him.

"Well, s..s..sir, you see, he didn't have the scroll on him when we found him, so I c...came to report to you while my teammates took him there to g...get the info from him."

"Well then you better bring him, and your teammates, here right now, and if you're stupidity has caused one scrap of damage to my Genin, I will order the department to do the same to you five-fold!"

"Hai...Hokage-sama" the boy said before sprinting off, running like he was being chased by a demon.

A euphoric Mizuki jumped through the trees as he congratulated himself on his success, 'that'll show those assholes, not ready to be a Jonin my left nut,' he thought as he pushed off from another branch. Mizuk,i busy congratulating himself, made his way east at top speed, the love fest only coming to a halt when the night was suddenly illuminated by fireworks from his former home.

To the civilians it would look like nothing more than that some people were having a party, but to all ninja of Chunin rank or higher the sight told a different story. The traitor had hoped to be passed the second line of guards before the signal went out.

The destruction of Konoha's main ally Uzushiogakure in the second shinobi war, had caused Konoha to realize that guards at border outposts along the land of fire weren't enough, they were two spread out, creating a risk an enemy could slip through the cracks, so a second tighter net of guards existed 20 miles outside of the hidden village to warn of any forces headed towards the village. The guards were made up of hunter nin, used to living rough off the land for long periods of time, and hiding away unseen, so that no trader even knew they were there, keeping it as one of the Leaf Village's hidden aces. They also served a second function as well, if the right signal was given, they turned inwards, tightening like a noose around their home. It was now a game of bulldogs, Mizuki vs. the guardian shinobi and kunoichi.

The traitor dived-on through the trees, pushing his body to maintain a sprint, the only option being to slip through the line of advancing ninja while they were still spread out enough for it to be possible. Mizuki's luck did not hold though, once again his plan was only half thought out as the rogue ninja was sighted by a returning shinobi who immediately shot off his own firework, letting his team know where to converge, before launching a brace of kunai at the fugitive.

The bright phosphorus glare was all the warning Mizuki had of his bad luck as he quickly dived down and to the side, knowing that something was surely following up this blinding light that temporarily destroyed his night vision. vaulting himself onto another tree the traitor searched for the opponent. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Mizuki shouted out, his voice filled with fraudulent outrage, as he tried to pinpoint his new opponent.

"Stop, and lie down flat on the ground, with your arms out perpendicular to your body and your palms up," the other ninja said.

"You idiot, I was sent out by the Hokage to catch the fugitive, I'm not the one you're meant to stop!" Mizuki shouted back hoping the bluff would work. "Don't tell me you already let the traitor get past you!" He said as he pushed off to the next branch, only to once again be stopped by two kunai embedding themselves in the branch next to him.

"Stop, and lie down flat on the ground...

"...with your arms out perpendicular, Yeah I know the drill, and I'm telling you to let me pass, or do you want to be busted down to Genin, where you'll spend the rest of your days doing simple D Ranks?" the academy instructor replied before once again preparing to leap to the next branch only to see shuriken sprout from the branch by his feet.

There was only one move left open, he dropped, following the directives of the hunter-nin, throwing the scroll down near where he would land.

Reaching out with his arms to brace his descent Mizuki crushed a couple of smoke grenades into the dirt that he had hidden in his palms. The thick explosion of fumes covered his next action, to push off the ground and dive into the underbrush, giving him a few seconds to activate his secret weapon.

'Crap,' the guard thought as his vision was obscured by the haze. Palming a kunai into his off hand the shinobi kept his eyes peeled for his opponent. He didn't have to wait long though, as suddenly off to his left the former academy teacher launched his attack with an overhand strike at the shinobi's face.

Mizuki had somehow transformed, no longer did he look like his normal self, instead his features had become more feline, with tiger stripes covering his body that had also expanded, ripping his clothes to tatters. The transformation caused a moment of hesitation in the Chunin guard, as he took in his enemy, a moment that Mizuki took advantage of. The first strike was successful, knocking the shinobi back, and was quickly followed up with another punch to the other side of his face. The hunter was now the prey as the loyal ninja quickly backpedaled, blocked, and dodged in an attempt to deal with this new threat.

The fight raged on in this vein for several seconds with Mizuki constantly on the attack, not giving his adversary a chance to launch a strike of his own. Punch was followed by punch, with elbow strikes and slashes from those knife like fingers thrown in for good measure. Constantly moving forward, his new speed and power allowed him to land several strong hits and cuts as he gave his opponent no quarter. Another minute, the traitor thought, and victory would be his.

A minute though was more time than he had. The first sign that something was wrong was when Mizuki felt a sting in his calf that quickly turned into a throbbing burning feeling. His blood lust had led to tunnel vision allowing a kunoichi to get behind him and slice through his calf muscle with a tanto she held in her left hand, now stained with his blood. Under normal circumstances that cut should have been the end of it, a limb no longer able to support the fighter's weight should mean the opponent was now on the ground, to be dealt with at leisure. However a combination of adrenaline and strange transformation allowed him to keep his feet.

Mizuki had made a second mistake though, while turning to assess the new threat he had turned through the direction the kunoichi had attacked from, blinding him to a second shinobi attacking from the other side. The newly arrived ninja made use of it, using his body as a battering ram and launching himself at the upper back of his enemy, knocking the traitor to the ground. Once there, Mizuki's movements were restricted. Lying on his front, he couldn't see much to attack. Seconds later he found his legs held down, and his arms ripped from under him and held down, until blood loss, and the sense of defeat, robbed him of his ability to put up much of a fight, and allowed the loyal leaf ninja to truss him up like an animal, meters of ninja wire digging into his wrists and ankles, before bandaging his wound, and knocking him out as they prepared him for transport back to the village.

A search of the area by other shinobi responding to the first's flair also uncovered the Forbidden Scroll, and with a sense of victory the loyal shinobi and kunoichi returned home, their prize dangling from a freshly cut pole carried by two of the victors.

While one captive was being carried back another sat, in understandable fear, inside the lobby of the torture & interrogation building. Naruto knew that there were a lot of citizens of Konoha who really didn't like him, and while at the moment he was safe, all it took was one enterprising asshole at the administration building to cut some orders and one of the many specialists in this building would make a lot of peoples' fantasies come true.

The tension was palpable as all four ninja sat around waiting to see what would happen next when the banging of a fist on the metal door announced Nobu's return.

"So you got his ND-519" The T&I Chunin asked once Nobu had identified himself.

"What? No, the Hokage has ordered me me to collect those three and report to his office," the teenager replied trying to sound nonchalant about the whole thing, hoping to hide his mistake.

"Great, they're over there," the T&I specialist said, pointing to the group who were already making their way towards the exit.

"So what happened?"

"Dude, we screwed up, and we need to get to the admin building fucking immediately," he replied, taking to the rooftops and setting a strong pace for the rest to follow.