Hey guys, this is my first PewDiePie inspired fiction. (OH GOD SHUT UP GOOGLE CHROME I KNOW HOW TO SPELL MY FAVORITE YOUTUBE GAMER GOSH. AND I KNOW HOW TO SPELL YOUTUBE TOO!) I really did plan out a huge plot for this fiction. This idea for this fic was sitting in limbo in my enigma of a mind for months now, and I've decided to publish the first chapter now. I do not own the rights to the characters used or the person who made them. I simply made a story.

Also, if I ever get RPG Maker, I might make it into a game. But I suck at making games so deal with it.

Disclaimer: I don't own.

Warning: M for language, romance, gore, character death, adventure, drinking, drugs, sexual actions, and other.

Pairings: Felix x Marzia, Felix x Stephano, Felix x Cry, Piggeh x Chair, Chair x Mayo, Red x Sammy Sue, Torchy x Chair, Piggeh x Everyone, Gonzales x Stephano, Gonzales x Sammy Sue, Gonzales x Torchy

There's a lot of pairings. Get over it.

Also, I'm making it my goal to write at least 2,000 words per chapter. This chapter just makes the cut because it is 2,000 words exactly.


"I'll name him… Stephano. Come on, Stephano!"

At the time, it was a simple phrase, a one-liner to pique the interest of the easily attracted viewers. But to him, it meant the world.

The night sky was a black wormhole sprinkled with luminescent twinkling, shining brightly in the Italian town. Bedroom set to match, the monitor shined blindingly in contrast, the blinking letters and numbers faded into the white background. He shouldn't have waited so late to upload his videos, and he was tired to boot. Slumping over his computer chair, he tapped his lazy fingers, waiting patiently as the 64% on the screen slowly turned into a 65%.

"Felix," he heard a small voice call from outside his bedroom. The door creaked open to reveal a youthful lady with cascading caramel hair and tanned skin, all concealed with stylish pajamas with frills and dogs dotting the fuzzy pants. "Felix, it's late. Why aren't you sleeping?"

The man smiled at his girlfriend tiredly. "Last video, Marzia," he yawned. "I'm going to upload it and then sleep, I promise."

Marzia sighed, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the doorframe. "I don't want you playing so late at night. It might ruin your health."

"I'm not playing—"

"Sleep is good!"

Felix intended on rolling his eyes, but instead closed them for a rest. "Alright, alright. The moment this uploads, I'm done."

Marzia smiled and approached her boyfriend, placing a small kiss on his forehead. "I'll see you in the morning."

He, in turn, smiled back. "Of course."

Turning her pink clad back on him, Marzia cooed, "Goodnight, PewDiePie."


The door was once again closed and Felix slumped back into his chair. "Just a little bit more to go," he thought, staring at the mind-numbing screen. It always took a long time to upload videos, and often he would go to the outside world while he could. But, at nights like these, he was obdurate. He couldn't simply step out for a while. And it was much too late and he was much too tired to record another walkthrough. So, he stayed and waited.

Up on top of Felix's shelf, just above his dresser near his bed, stood three gifts he got from his loyal followers. He always held these presents dear to him, it showed him how utterly and stupidly funny he was, and how much he enjoyed it, and how much it paid off. Felix loved having his job online—he couldn't have asked for a better one. He would have continued to make videos even if he wasn't getting paid, simply because playing games was what he wanted to do. His life was made.

Even so, he had a life outside to maintain. Marzia was always looking at his videos enthusiastically, and she enjoyed watching every last one of them. It was through online interaction that pulled them together after all. But that still didn't change the fact that Felix needed to treat her like his girlfriend. He didn't want to wallow by himself all the time. He wanted to spend their youth together, no matter how much sacrifice needed to be made, simply because he loved her.

Swirling thoughts of conflicting responsibilities gyrated in Felix's head, and he took off his headphones and laid his head down on the edge of his desk for comfort. His weary eyes needed a moment of peace, and he was willing to give in, if only for a minute or two. As soon as he fell into a comfortable hunch, he did not catch his snoring as he wafted into a new realm unknown to him.

Meanwhile, the browser continued to load: 70%... 69%... 68%...

He did not know when he woke up or where he did, of even how he got there, but one thing was for sure: Felix was not in his warm and toasty bed, waking up to the sun shining through his window or the bright, bubbly voice of his lover. Instead, for a delightful compensation, his head was pounding and his bones aches from the lack of cushioning for the entire time of sleep. His eyes were bleary and mind clouded, but he was able to make out the faint dripping sound of stalactites from a certain distance. The ground was damp and soft with dirt and maggots, and support beams were embedded within the walls, marking rooms and keeping the ceiling from collapsing upon it. The scene looked very familiar…

"Amnesia…?" he asked himself, hissing through his teeth as he stood up in his high tops. "'s so real…" Curiously, Felix put one hand on the moldy archway, scratching off some sort of semi-deadly fungi. "Is it real? No, can't be. I must be dreaming."

Aside from the steady drip-drips of the distilled moisture, the only noise that Felix could make out was the soft padding of his shoes and the shakiness of his own breath, coming out in white wisps of fog, even though the area wasn't as cold as he would expect.

"So real…"

Felix was so lost in his own hazy thoughts that when he tripped over something metal, his heart skipped three beats as he face planted the dirt, burning his palms over the sediment raw. "Ah—ow!" He grinded his teeth and hissed, holding his hands to his body. The ground was much coarser than first thought, because seconds brought warm rubicund liquid rushing down his palm in rivers. Lightly patting his wounded hands on his shirt, smearing droplets of blood on the black and white "brofist" and looking around, Felix spied the metal device that caused his demise. A half-damaged, old, rusty lantern lay at his feet.

"A lantern in Amnesia… how nostalgic. And to have it lying around like this." Picking the lantern up by the thin handle and shaking the broken glass out of the canister, he examined the object a bit more. "If this is Amnesia, then… Oil. I need oil for the lantern to turn it on."

The traverse between his point and the next encounter with something of interest seemed to take as long as it took a leap-year baby to turn forty. Albeit, his hands were now almost positively catching infection, Felix leaped with glee as he reached a simple wooden door in a long string of rooms that structured the hallway. "I fucking hate corridors…" Hopefully, at least one room had the goods he wanted.

Through the pain and burning in his palms, he smeared his blood on the doorknob as he pushed the door open. "I need to find oil or something otherwise my sanity will go down… hm?" The moment Felix walked through the doors, the dim light from the hallway shown onto a perfectly placed note atop the table in the room's center, along with a can of oil for him specifically. Cautiously approaching the set as if it would jump out at him, he landed his land on the oil can. Letting out a long sigh of relief to calm his heart, he quickly took the oil and poured it into his makeshift lantern. Instantly, the fire turned on. "Alright!" he cheered to himself. "Genius Pewds strikes again!"

Now that the room was so much lighter, Felix could now read. Picking up the note on which words were scrawled and scribbled in haste on dead, crackling paper, he read the note to himself.

"First of all, Pewdie, you must come to the center of the map. The center of the map is where the Grunts, Kaernks and Brutes can't get to. Move quickly and don't be such a pussy; Mr. Chair, Mr. Piggeh, and I will be waiting. And try not to get sidetracked either. I know that you easily lose focus if I'm not there, but sadly, I have to watch your back in case danger arrives."

"That's weird," Felix said, throwing the paper on the desk. "It must be a custom mod. Wait… Does that mean Stephano is waiting for me?!" Running with newly founded mirth to meet his friends, Felix exited the room and went through the corridor, looking for his friends. "Where would they be…?" Opening a door with a loud "MEH," Felix came across nothing in particular. "This place lacks teleporting naked guys. Good. I hate teleporting naked guys."

Scrutinizing all of the rooms and coming across several bottles of laudanum and sanity potions, he was surprised by the low-key, mellow aura of the room. The corridor was friendlier and the well timed whispers of the walls were nearly missed.

"It seems that I just need to continue on… BARRELS!" Felix screeched, running toward the cold wooded drum and slapping them with the palm of his hand, knocking them all over. "RUBRAWRUBRAWBU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! WERE YOU EAVESDROPPING ON ME?! HUH?!" Felix smacked the enemy one more time before storming off. "Damn barrels… I hate barrels…"

Meanwhile, the barrels whispered among themselves.

"He's alive…"

"… knew it…"

"… plan… action…"

"… ow…"


When he left the corridor with a lack of supplies, bros, and excitement, though he'd never admit it, Felix was slightly unsatisfied with the scenario. Not once did he come across one of his friends. Perhaps this was Hell. A place with nothing happening and nothing bound to happen. Everything was just as it is with nothing to look forward to. "This is so weird," Felix admitted, feeling slightly unnerved at the plainness of it all. "Is anything going to happen? These custom maps are the strangest things…"

Now that he thought of it, he never remembered logging into Steam or even getting on his computer, making his intro, talking to the bros. "Maybe it's just a dream?"

"Maybe if I just go to sleep here, I'll wake up in my bedroom as if nothing happened," Felix said to himself, looking for a bed to lay on. He had long forgotten his quest to the location Stephano gave him, and was more focused in going home, leaving this dream before it turns macabre, even if it was going to put his life in danger. In one room, he found a bloodstained mattress with claw marks on it. "Ew, somebody had their period!" he squeaked to nobody in particular, laying hesitantly on the frail sheets. Luckily, the blood had long since dried over. Felix then turned off the lantern without anything else to do and closed his eyes, waiting for sleep.


As if on cue, a servant Grunt let out a low growl before banging his claws on the door leading to the sleeping gamer. "Oh no!" he thought, tensing up before relaxing again. "This is just a dream. It can't hurt me."

The Grunt continued banging on the door as if it smelled him, sensed his presence, before it swung open. The heaping body roared and stormed over to Felix and got ready to strike at the stilled form.

"AAAHH!" the human screamed as his shoulder was ripped to shreds, eyes wide open and sanity slowly draining. "SON OF A FUCK!" Hardly bracing himself for the next attack as he cradled his bloody, torn up shoulder in his hand, the Grunt slashed down again with its piercing metal spikes…

… But only got half way.

By now, Felix's sanity was extremely low, he could feel himself going insane. He needed some sanity potion and laudanum really badly, but his supplies were on the nightstand and he didn't have the sense to get any. He was too lost in his own world of pain before the Grunt's screams of torture were over and the skin and flesh of the servant fell to the floor, no longer mobile. A golden sword was wiped of rubicund blood as another life form approached the gamer, who was hardly conscious.

"Pewdie…" a heavy French accent called. "Pewdie…"

The last thing Felix registered was cold hands trying to slap him awake and that angry accent that he made himself.

I don't know why there aren't any tabs on the last part but whatever.

You would not believe how much research went into making this series. I had to look up every little detail to make things happen. Lovely things.

Like did you know that laudanum is a drink mixed with cocaine so it makes you high and therefore relieves pain?

Yeah, I know that shit.

Review for next chapter.