Hey Minna! It's been a while since I've updated ._. I didn't know how to put my thoughts in words so it took a while Dx Also my exams just finished as well. Anyway, here's Chapter 6 ^^




"… Lu-chan!"

"… Ah!" Lucy exclaimed, as she snapped out of her daydream. She and Levy, her best friend, were walking to school together.

"Lu-chan, is something wrong?" Levy asked. "You've been spacing out for a while now."

"G-gomen, Levy-chan. It's nothing, really!" Lucy assured Levy.

N-not good. What happened yesterday is stuck in my head… Lucy thought, remembering what happened yesterday.


"Hey Gray. Didn't we pass by the road to your house earlier?" Lucy asked Gray.

"I was just going to return a DVD I borrowed from a store a few meters away from here." Gray replied.

"A store? I don't remember a store being ther-"

"It's new." Gray cut her off. "Anyway, I'll be going now. Later, Lucy!" He gave her a last wink before running away.

"I've heard rumors of gangs increasing in this town. I'm glad you're okay." Spetto smiled.

Gangs? … Could this be the reason why Gray… Lucy thought, a blush rising to her face.

Lucy felt a blush creep to her face, which didn't go unnoticed by her best friend.

"Are you sure you're alright, Lu-chan? Your face is turning red." Levy asked, a bit worried.

"E-eh? Yea, I'm perfectly fine! Ahahahahahaha!" Lucy stuttered.

"… Well, ok…. If you say so." Levy replied, still a bit worried. "Anyway… about the test on math….." Lucy, unfortunately, was lost in her own world again.

N-no way he walked me home because of that! Lucy said to herself, slapping both her cheeks, attempting to snap out of her daydreaming.

"… Er… Lu-chan?" Levy sweat-dropped.

"… You know what? I am feeling a bit dizzy. I'm gonna stop by the infirmary. Why don't you go on to class ahead? I'll be fine by myself! Bye!" Lucy told Levy, then dashed towards the infirmary.

"O-okay?" Levy managed to say, confused on what just happened. (Gomenasai, Levy! I keep letting you be ignored Dx. Don't worry, I'm gonna make Gajeel appear soon /w/!)

"Haaa…" Lucy sighed, lying down on the bed at the infirmary. What's wrong with me these days? She thought to herself.

"…? Did anyone sigh?" A familiar male voice from the other bed called.

! That voice…!

The beds were separated by curtains, but the voice was too familiar to Lucy to mishear. Lucy took notice of 3 figures on the other side.

"Eh? I don't hear anything, Gray-sama." A female voice replied.

"Me neither. You're probably just imagining it." Another female voice said.

Why the heck is Gray here? With girls in the infirmary nonetheless! Lucy felt anger running through her veins.

"Yea… Maybe you girls are right…" Gray said "-cough, cough-"

… He coughed?

"Ne, Gray-sama, are you ok?" The first female voice asked.

"You don't look very good…" The second female voice added.

"-cough-… No, I'm fine. Just a little dizzy from yesterday…" Gray told them.


"Now that you mention it, it was raining pretty hard last night." The first girl thought out loud. "You didn't have an umbrella?"

T-that's right. He refused to borrow my umbrella…

"Yea. Damn fever…" Gray complained.

It's my fault he's sick…

Lucy quickly stood up and moved away the curtains, placing her hand on Gray's forehead.

"Are you alright? How are you feeling?" Lucy asked, worried about the person in front of her. Gray was surprised about her sudden appearance. After realizing what's really happening, he relaxed and smirked. He faced the other two girls, still confused about what just happened.

"Excuse me, ladies, but I need to have a private talk with Lucy, here." Gray gestured to Lucy, who was rummaging through the infirmary drawers, trying to find a thermometer. "Could you girls leave us alone for a while?" Gray winked at them, trying to infatuate them.

"H-hai~" The first girl replied with a blush on her face.

"W-well ok then…" The second girl replied, still a bit hesitant. "Let's go, Aceto." "Hai, Angel!"

As the exited the room, Angel shot a glare at Lucy, who finally found a thermometer.

"Ne, Gray! Put this in your mouth while I get some water for you to drink." Lucy told Gray, brisk walking to a water dispenser at the corner of the room. Gray placed the thermometer in his mouth and stared at the blonde.

She's changed over the years… He thought. Her hair's grown longer. Her eyelashes as well…

… Her figure's gotten more feminine. She's got a mature aura around her now…

Lucy, after getting a glass of water, walked back to Gray, careful not to spill the water.

"So, how's your temperature?" Lucy asked.

Her voice has gotten higher… It's like she's an entirely new person now…

Gray handed her the thermometer. "Here, see for yourself."

Lucy examined the thermometer and her eyes widened.

"39 degrees Celcius?! That's one high fever you got there!" Lucy told Gray, worry evident in her voice. "Do want some more water? You hungry? Do you want me to keep quiet and let you sleep? Ah! I saw fever medicine in one of the cabinets over there! Let me go get it!" She once again brisk walked towards the cabinets. "This one isn't good… This one makes you sleepy… This one just isn't effective enough… This one isn't even fever medicine!" She trailed off.

"… Pfft…"

Lucy heard this and turned around. "What's so funny?"

"No matter how much you've changed physically –cough-, you're still the same old Lucky Lucy in the inside, aren't you –cough, cough-?" Gray chuckled, while coughing in between lines. "You always know which one is which. I can't even tell the difference!"

Lucy once again felt blood rush to her face. "I could say the same to you! You might look more masculine now but your attitude is as bad as ever!"

"So you're saying you actually observed my body? Lucy, I didn't know you were that kind of person~" Gray teased, obviously enjoying her reactions.

"I-I am NOT!" Lucy shouted, her face as red as a tomato. "P-plus, you used to get sick a lot as a kid so I have to come prepa-" She stopped before she finished her sentence. I-I can't tell him that I prepared for him! She turned around to avoid having Gray look at her face.

"…" Gray was surprised, but then smirked. This girl… never fails to amuse me.

Gray then suddenly grabbed her by the wrist. He pulled her towards him and made him sit in between his legs. Then enveloped her small, fragile body in his arms. (I'm not really sure how to explain this… Gray has his legs spread out and bended. Lucy is in between. It's really hard for me to express this in words so ._. yea. More or less it's like he's hugging her with her back facing him while seated down on the bed.) Lucy, as slow as ever, couldn't do anything but be surprised. When she finally realized the position she was in, turned scarlet red.

"Wh-wh-what are you doing?!" She screamed, struggling to get out of his grasp.

"It's cold. I need you as a make-shift hot water bottle~" He chimed, only holding her tighter.

"Wh-what do you mean by 'It's cold'?! You love the cold! You're just making an excuse to-" Again, Lucy stopped in mid-sentence. It's my fault that he's sick…


"… Gomen ne, Gray…" Lucy apologized.

"Eh? What for?" Gray asked, confused with her apology.

"It's my fault that you're sick. I should have persisted and let you borrow my umbrella…" she stated, her head down.

"What are you talking about? It's my fault for not taking up your offer." He replied, shifting a bit.

"Y-yea but still…"

"Yea, yea, whatever. What's in the past is in the past, alright?"


"… Or would you like me to give you a punishment~?" Gray whispered, his hot breath tickling her ear.

… And again, Lucy turned dark red. Possibly even darker than scarlet.

"~~~~~! Y-y-y-you IDIOT!" Lucy yelled, hitting Gray's forehead with the back of her head.

"OW! That hurt you know!" Gray complained, rubbing his sore spot.

"It's your fault for being so perverted!" Lucy barked back.

"Oh yea? Take this!" Gray started to tickle her.

"Kyaa! Hey! Stop! Hahahaha! Please!" Lucy laughed.

"Hahahaha!" Gray laughed along. They were having so much fun that they failed to notice their shift in position, until now. Lucy was now lying flat on the bed, clothes messy from all the tickling. As for Gray… he was on top of her.

"…" All they could do was stare at each other.

Doki, doki… Their hearts went.

E-EEEEEEEEEEEEH?! Lucy screamed in her head. H-how did it end up like THIS?!

Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, Lucy forcefully pushed Gray off her, her cheeks flushed pure red.

"… U-um… I-I think I should be g-going to class now." She stuttered. "T-take care of yourself, o-ok? Bye!" She stood up, rushed out the infirmary and closed the door hard. She then leaned her back against the door. Her heart wouldn't stop beating fast. At the same time, Gray sat on the bed, a slight blush evident on his face.

I could feel her breathe… He thought to himself while covering his face with his hand. And she smelled nice…

"D-damn…" He muttered.

"Dangit…" She muttered.

"My heart just won't stop…" They said to themselves softly.

... Yeaaaaa I don't know either...

I wasn't so sure if I should have posted this chapter yet since I felt like something was lacking. But then, I know you guys want a release so... :D

Anyway, the official GrayLu week will be from September 15-21 so be sure to spread the GrayLu love xD I will be doing my best to post a chapter on that week so wish me luck :D If I don't... ;A; -sulks in a corner-

R&R Minna!