Hey minna! This is my first fanfic so please be kind to me! ^^


GrayLu (I'll probably add some more later.)


Lucy Heartfilia had her heart broken 2 years ago. She's never liked a guy since then. What's she gonna do if the same person who broke her heart transferred to her school? Will she have the courage to move on? Or will she stay scarred for life? GrayLu (Sorry I stink at summaries! .!)


"I-I like you, Heartfilia-san!" A senior of mine confessed to me, with an evident blush on his face. "I've liked you ever since I saw you as a freshman. Please go out with me!" he said bowing deeply.

I stared at him for a bit and replied. "I'm sorry. I don't think I can like you. Thank you for liking me for all this time though."

He raised his head and I saw a sad look in his eyes. I felt a little bad for him but… Me accepting his confession will just give him more sadness. After a while, he smiled sadly at me and spoke.

"I see… Well… Thank you for listening to my confession anyways, Heartfilia-san." I smiled at him back then, turned around, and walked towards the school's main building.

"Lu-chan! Ohayou!" My best friend, Levy McGarden called, walking towards me.

"Levy-chan! Ohayou!" I replied, waving to her.

"Ne ne! I heard a senior called you to the back of the school this morning. Let me guess. Another confession?" she said, poking me with her elbow lightly. "How many guys confessed to you this week? Around 3?"

"Well you heard right. Including the senior is 5." I replied. "Hey. Usually at least 10 guys would confess to me in a week. Do you think that maybe they finally lost interest in me?" I asked her, with a hint of hope in my voice.

She just chuckled. "No, it's because you've rejected so many guys that everyone is starting to lose hope. I mean, You even rejected Loke!"

Loke was one of the most popular guys in school. He's been known to be very good looking, to the point where he was sponsored in the Weekly Sorcerer. Almost all the girls in school have a crush on him, except for me and a few other people. He has some good points but he's a really big playboy.

"Yea, yea, I know." I replied with a sigh.

Levy went silent for a moment and then said "Ne, Lu-chan, why'd you reject so many guys? Ever since you've transferred here a year ago, I've never seen you interested with a guy before. Are you keeping a secret from me?"

"No, I'm not. This topic never came out so I didn't tell you anything about it." I replied.

"Well then, tell me now!" she said, diverting all her attention to me.

I was silent for a while then said "Oh ok… When I was in middle scho-"


"Ah! The bell! We're gonna be late! Tell me later ok? Race you to the classroom!" Levy exclaimed and ran towards the classroom. I stayed put for a second or two then ran after her.

"Levy-chan, wait up!"

We arrived in the classroom, panting, with a few seconds to spare. Once I went in, I directly went to my seat near the window and sat down in relief.

Thank God I arrived on time. The teacher just arrived, too! I thought to myself.

After greeting the teacher, she spoke "Alright, class, we have a new student." Murmurs started to grow around the classroom.

"A new student, huh? Wonder what he's like"

"I hope she's cute girl."

"Wait a second, it looks like a guy."

A guy? Ugh… I just hope he's not the kind to fall in love with me at first sight I thought to myself, feeling bored and looked out the window.

The teacher coughed, which caught our attention. "Anyways, please introduce yourself."

I heard the new student go inside the room, followed by girls squealing. I assumed he was good looking, not that I really care. Either way, I stole a glance at the new student and my eyes immediately widened. I felt my world just crash on top of me.

No, it can't be…. It's….


I know, I know, this is really short ._. I wanted to know if I should continue this story or not. Do you think I should stop or continue? Please R&R minna .!