Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters. Mischief managed.

A note before the story. This is a different fic with Harry,Susan and Hannah pairing. Harry WILL BE A PUREBLOOD, but NOT A BIGOT like some of the other Slytherins. His mother Lily is a descendand from Ravenclaw and was a pureblood, but hid her heritage because of her own parents and family.

Relationships will slowly start to develop. Harry will take up the Potter and Peverell inheritances and have his magical abilities unblocked. He will be emancipated before first year as a result of his headship. This will be unique in his situation as he is the last remaining Potter and Peverell descendant.

ANyway, I won't give away too much, so here is the first chapter.


It was 30th of July, 1987, almost six years after the tragic deaths of James and Lily Potter. Their son, Harry, was the survivor of a killing curse thanks to the dark lord Voldemort, who took his parents' lives.


"Lily! Take Harry and run away, he's here!" yelled James from downstairs.

Lily was comforting Harry and hugging him. "We love you so much Harry, you are loved very much by us and some dear friends of ours, we will not let you go."

A dark figure was approaching Godric's Hollow, where the Potters took up residency. He unlocked the door and James stood in his way. "Get away from me blood traitor!" he hissed.

"NEVER!" James yelled back.

"Avada Kedavra!" The sickening green light hit James in the chest and he fell dead, resulting in a maniac laugh from the wizard known as Voldemort. "Now to the baby."

Lily saw the figure approaching and hissed, "What the hell are you doing here, you snake face bastard?!"

The dark wizard sighed and replied, "Lily, we can come to some agreement here. Please give me the boy and I will not touch you."


"I don't want to shed more pure blood Lily. Yes, I know you are Ravenclaw's descendant, so why did you hide your heritage?"

"It's none of your bloody business, now piss off!" screamed Lily. She knew that James was dead and tried to run.

"There is no point escaping Lily. You would make a good wife for Severus."


"Very well. AVADA KEDAVRA!" The green light hit Lily's chest, ending her life. Voldemort laughed and faced the prophecy boy. "Now Harry, no one will stop me. I am the most powerful wizard in the world! AVADA KEDAVRA!" He aimed at Harry's chest, but something different happened. Voldemort found himself thrown back and almost lost his powers. "What the hell is this?!" he screeched. He then saw a scar appearing on Harry's forehead and was terrified. Soon he started to fade and lose his body. "This is not over Potter! I will be back, mark my words!" He then vanished, leaving two dead people in Godric's Hollow, with Harry the only survivor."

End flashback

At number 4 Privet Drive in Surrey that morning, Harry sat up so quickly, covered in sweat, as if he had a nightmare. Suddenly, he realised that he saw how his mother died for him, and he shed a tear. His thoughts were interrupted by a doorbell and his aunt screaming for him to open the door.

He obediently went to the door and found a middle-aged woman wearing a robe with some kind of stick in her hand. "Hello ma'am," he said hesitantly.

"Hello Mr Potter," replied the woman.

Harry had his eyes wide open and said, "You know me ma'am?"

The lady chucked and said, "Of-course I do Harry. You look like your father when he was your age, and you have your dear mother's eyes."

"You knew my parents?" he asked, shedding a tear.

The woman smiled back and said, "They were very, very dear friends of mine when we were at school, and they asked me to look after you if something happened to them. Forgive me, I am Amelia Bones, head of the Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry of Magic."

"Err, pleasure to meet you ma'am."

"BOY! WHO IS AT THE DOOR!" yelled his Uncle Vernon. This was a Saturday where the whole family was at home.

"Sorry ma'am, please come in."

"Thank you Harry," she replied.

As soon as the two adults saw the woman with Harry, they screamed. Petunia said, "YOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, FREAK?!"

"Err, sorry ma'am," replied Harry. "They use that word with me all the time."

The woman glared hard at them and pointed her wand. "You will respect me muggles! I am not here to kill you, but to take Harry from you."

Vernon and Petunia looked at each other, and the man replied, "Well good riddance if you ask me! We didn't want this freak in the first place, but that old fool told us it was for this so called greater good! You take him and have his bags packed and leave us in peace!"

Amelia nodded and turned to Harry. "You may pack whatever you have and come with me Harry. I need to speak with your relatives," she used that word in sarcasm. As soon as Harry left, she turned to the other two. "What the hell have you been doing to him?"

"It is none of your concern woman!" yelled Vernon. "I will not have your kind defiling our lovely home!"

"Yes, I can see it is a 'lovely' home where you give your nephew hand-me downs and not feed him properly. Now listen here, if I find out that he has been physically abused, you will not like your life, got it?!"

"Are you threatening us freak?!" yelled Vernon.

"SILENCIO!" she yelled. Vernon was yelling but nothing came out. "Now I will be gone with young Harry, who will never step foot here again, and will start my investigations as to how he got here in the first place where he should never have come. For your own good, he better not have been abused!"

Harry came out with a plastic bag with only his pyjamas, toothbrush and toothpaste. Amelia glared once more at the adults, which had Petunia frightened. "This is all I have ma'am," said Harry in a low voice.

"YOU HAVE GIVEN HIM NO CLOTHES TO WEAR, EXCEPT FOR THE ONES HE IS WEARING?!" screamed Amelia. "YOU ARE DISGUSTING MUGGLES! MARK MY WORDS, IF I FIND SIGNS OF ABUSE IN HIM, THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY!" She cancelled the silence charm that she had on Vernon. Turning to Harry, she put her hand on his shoulder, smiled at him and said, "Let's go Harry, I will take you to my home, where you should have been after your parents tragically died. Your parents made me your guardian should something happen to them and I intend to take you and look after you very well."

Harry glared at his 'relatives' and said, "Thank you ma'am. I will never consider this my home again." Much to his surprise, she hugged him lightly, but knowing that she had mentioned that she was great friends with his parents, he hugged her back and vowed that he wanted to spend time with her. He would soon learn just how dear friends she was with his parents. Little did they know that the protection wards at Privet Drive started to fall.

When Harry and Amelia left, at Hogwarts in the headmaster's office, some instruments started to shake until they were burned. Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster, was stunned and sighed. "Harry my boy, what have you done? The blood wards on Privet Drive fell. Where are you? I need you there for the greater good." Dumbledore had to make an inquiry as to who took Harry, or if he escaped. The headmaster was worried sick and called a meeting with his order to start investigating for Harry who is missing from Privet Drive. "Good day ladies and gentlemen," said the aged wizard. "The reason for the call is about Harry Potter. He has gone missing and the blood wards at Privet Drive have fallen. Alastor, take some Aurors with you and inquire at the Ministry. Severus, can you pay a visit to Privet Drive?"

An elder woman looked stunned at Dumbledore and said, "What are you doing Albus? Why is it that of all the magical people out there, you have a huge interest in Mr Potter?"

"That's what I would like to know too!" said Alastor with a gruff.

"My dears, I will answer you in good time, but this is for the greater good," replied the headmaster.

"How long am I gonna listen to that greater good shit Albus?" asked Alastor. "Your greater good killed James and Lily Potter for Merlin's sake!"

The old man sighed and said, "It could not have been stopped my boy."

Severus Snape sneered and replied, "I will not go to that mad woman's house headmaster. If Potter has disappeared, then so be it. The brat will show up one time or another."

"SEVERUS!" yelled the elder woman. She was the deputy headmistress, professor McGonagall. "How dare you speak of James and Lily's son like that! He is just a kid! It is unfair to hold a school grudge against a boy you have never met!"

"My dears, let's not quarrel," said the headmaster tiredly. "Severus, you will go and ask about the boy," he said in his grandfatherly manner.

"Very well, headmaster. And if he is not there and has indeed left?"

"We will continue to search," said Dumbledore.

After the members all left, Albus sighed and thought to himself, 'Where are you Harry? You better not be at Gringotts. It is for the greater good that you stay away from there and from magical people.' Looking back to the past, he sighed and said, "James, Lily, I am sorry, but it is for the greater good that Harry die by the hand of Voldemort to fulfil the prophecy." After talking a lemon drop, he started to make his own inquiries.

A/N: There's the first chapter. Dumbles will not be evil, but misguided. He will continue pushing Harry to go back to Privet Drive until Harry has enough of him. Snape will continue holding his grudge and will pay every time.

THis is not a fic where Harry finds out that Dumbles stole money from the Potter family vault, remember, Dumbles is not evil. He will tryhave Ron Weasley make friends with Harry and try bring Harry and Ginny together, but it will not be successful. Harry will have his magical abilities unblocked but this is a few chapter later when he goes to Gringotts with Amelia Bones and claims his inheritance.

Lastly, please read and review. I would appreciate constructive review. Please no flames, or your review will be deleted. If you don't like my version of this story, then don't read it. After all, it is FICTION. Some have commented that I tend to bash Ron Weasley in my fics, and they don't like that. Quite frankly, I really do not see Ron as a good friend to Harry. He was always the jealous type and jealousy ruins friendships. Again, those who don't like it, please do not flame in reviews.