
Rated: T

Summary: A beautiful 17 years old blondie girl with no past named Lucy Heartfilia encounters a handsomely strong vampire named Natsu Dragneel. Would they get along? What would happen if Natsu was involved in Lucy's past. How will she react? How will she decide? More importantly, what will she do if she fell inlove with the guy who is involved with her past?

Chapter 1: The encounter

"Mama! Papa! Where are you?" the 10 years old blondie cried.

"hey, are you okay?" she turned to see a pink-headed boy, but due to her tears she cant clearly see its face

"you okay?" it echoed in her ears many times until


Lucy smashed the alarm clock on the floor. "oh! That dream again! Why cant I see his face?" she said while burying her face in the pillow in frustration. "Hime, its time for your bath or you will be late on your first day of school" said virgo, her maid. "Virgo.." called lucy. "what is it hime?" virgo said.

" Why cant you tell me anything about my past?" lucy asked. " sorry hime, but I don't have the right to tell you anything, well instead of that why don't you take you bath already? You will be late on you first day of school." Said virgo. Lucy nodded.

-Time Skip-

Lucy POV – in the car

"Loke! Cant you drive faster?i'm gonna be late" i said. "well if you don't want to get in an accident, its better to drive with this speed." Loke drived safely until they arrived at Fairy High (FH).

Normal POV – at school

Lucy made her way to the school gate and stared at the big building infront of her. "wow this is cool" she said while sensing a stare from a certain boy, she turned around looking for a certain person who gave her goosebumps from staring, until she saw pink-headed man wearing black pants with a printed t-shirt and a scarf around his neck.

"Oh great, first day of school and I already got a goosebump from that pink-headed school boy," she paused and then she realized "Pink?" she turned again to look at the pink-headed man, but sadly, he was nowhere in sight. This fact made Lucy feel a shiver in her spine.

She thought that it might just be her imagination, so she made her way to the principal's office to get her class schedule.

-At the principal's office-

Knock Knock!

"Come in" said makarov the school principal. "what can I do for you my child?" he asked. "hello sir, I'm Lucy Heartfilia the transferee student" she answered. " oh is that so? So you came for your class schedule am I right?" she nodded "well then, Mira-san!" he called Mirajane the school Secretary

"what is it sir?" Mira asked politely

"this is Lucy Heartfilia, the new student I would like you to give her the school schedules and the school map" he said

"yes sir, come with me lucy" mira said

"Hello Mirajane-san nice to meet you! I'm Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia"

"what a cute name you have there" Mira said while handing her the schedules and school map

"Thank you Mirajane-san" Lucy said

"You can call me Mira-san" Mira said

"Thanks Mira-san" said Lucy

Lucy made her way to the class room , earning lots of stares from the students. Well it was unavoidable, she's a beautiful girl with glass-hour figure, perfect curves and stuffs. She blushed and looked downwards to avoid people's stare, but then she bumped into a blue haired girl.

"oh I'm so sorry" Lucy said while helping the blue haired girl pick up the books she dropped

"its okay, I'm Levy, Levy McGarden" levy smiled

"I'm Lucy Heartfilia" Lucy answered

"so you like books?" lucy asked Levy

"I don't, I Love them!" levy answered " how about you Lu-chan?"

"I love books too! I'm actually an author but I'm still working on my novel" Lucy answered

"really? Can I read it when its finished?" levy asked

"Sure Levy-chan! You will be the first to read it" Lucy smiled
Levy was beaming in excitement while making their way to their room

Natsu POV- at the classroom

I'm sitting at the backside of the room looking out the window while thinking about that beautiful blondie i saw this morning. She's beautiful and cute

"Damn! She was cute" I mumbled to my self

Later on i sense a familiar strawberry vanilla scent. Where have I smelled this before? Why is it so familiar? I turned around to find where the scent came from and it led me to the beautiful blondie i saw this morning. My eyes widen and i stood there infront of her stunned and shocked. She herself was shocked too.

Normal POV –

"uhmm.. hello?" said Natsu

"hi, im L-Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia" said Lucy nervously

Natsu was shocked once again when he heard her last name. a chill came down to his spine and he felt his knees were cold and weak. Lucy kept standing in front of him dumbfounded.

"what's wrong?" Lucy asked

"nothing's wrong, excuse me" Natsu excused himself and went to his seat and looked out the window

"Heartfilia? Where have I heard of it?" Natsu mumbled

And the teacher arrived

"Good morning class!" Macao said

"starting from today I'm your homeroom teacher and we have here a new student" the teacher said

"Hello, I'm Lucy Heartfilia please to meet you all" Lucy introduced herself

"uhm Lucy you may sit there beside Mr. Dragneel, the pinky one" Macao said

The boys laughed and the girls giggled.

"serves you right Flame-Brain" Gray said

"shut-up Stripper" Natsu said with a glare at Gray. Then he looked at lucy who sat beside him

"ahem!" Natsu fake coughed to get her attention

"by the way, I'm Natsu Dragneel" shake hands with lucy

Lucy smiled while blushing that made Natsu blush too. However, Macao noticed Natsu blushing

"Natsu! What's with the blushy face!?" Macao announce to everyone

Natsu and Lucy's face became so red while steams came out of their ears

"Teens" Macao smirked

-Time Skip- Lunch Break

"hey do you have someone to eat lunch with" Natsu asked

"N-no" Lucy said

"Shall we eat together?" Natsu said, Lucy blushed ten times harder than she blushed at class

"Sure!" Lucy smiled sweetly at Natsu.

Natsu and Lucy made their way to a big sakura tree behind the school. The view there is stunning. Lucy's eyes widen. Natsu chuckled

"do you like it?" Natsu asked

"Yes! Its beautiful"

The sakura tree was surrounded with beautiful flowers, the place was more like a meadow with a beautiful view infront of it. All they could hear there is the birds singing and the wind. It was so peaceful. Natsu looked at her while she was beaming on happiness because of the view.

"hey, would you like to eat here with me every lunch?" Natsu asked

Lucy's eyes widen while blushing and her heart was beating like there was no tomorrow. She paused for a while.

"sure!" she smiled

CHAPTER 1 is done

The next chapter will be posted later after 3-4 hours :D

Hope you liked it