A/N: Alright you aca-nerds, here it is...the epilogue! Again I really need to take a moment to say thank you to all of you that took the time to read this story and a huge Fat Amy tummy slap to those of you that left a review or sent me a PM, you will never really understand how much each word has meant to me. I can never ever truly put into words how thankful I am that you guys put up with the irregular updates and how you all stayed invested anyway. You are truly amazing followers and I appreciate every single one of your nerds. We went on an adventure together and I hope that I did justice to this fandom. I love you awesome nerds! I truly hope you enjoy the final chapter, please leave a review if you can. Love forever and always.

1 year later

A lot had happened over the one year since Chloe woke up from her coma, the couple had decided to stay in Wilmington and to their delight Aubrey and Jesse moved there as well and just one street over. Their daughter, Ashley, and Jake got along great and he protected her like the big brother she never had.

The couple had kept in contact with Mrs. Swan, she had spent a lot of time with them in the hospital when they were there and spent time with them in their new house whenever she could.

The year had not been an easy one, Chloe and Beca both had to deal with a lot of fallout from their traumatic night with Matt. Chloe dealt with nightmares and for a long time the smallest things would make her jump, it took a lot of therapy and a lot of love from Beca and Jake but she got through that. Chloe was still nervous around new people and letting Jake out of her site still put fear in her heart…But she was working on it.

Beca had the same fear in her heart, but she was being strong for Chloe and she was going to do whatever she needed to in order for Chloe to be comfortable again. Beca had to deal with the physical fall out, her left hand was still not perfect, if she mixed for too many hours it would be sore for a couple of days. Her limp was almost non-existent, but there were days when Chloe could see the pain in Beca's eyes when she walked a little too long, or put too much pressure on her leg.

Beca was sitting on her backyard steps watching Jake play basketball, her eyes were on him but her mind was focused on the black velvet box burning a hole in her back pocket. She heard the backyard door open, glancing up she saw Aubrey take a seat beside her.

"You've been super quiet today" Aubrey nudged Beca's foot with her own. "What's up?"

"Nothing!" Beca answered quickly, to which Aubrey raised an eyebrow. "I mean…Fuck…." Beca took a breath, glancing at Aubrey before glancing back down. "Can I share something with you?"

"Beca" Aubrey started slowly. "When you were confined to a wheelchair, I helped you pee…I think you can tell me anything after that"

"I thought we were never going to talk about that!" Beca threw her a look that should have killed Aubrey.

"Okay" Aubrey laughed. "What's up?"

"I um…" Beca cleared her throat. "I bought a ring for Chloe"

"Like a promise ring?" Beca rolled her eyes.

"What are we twelve? Let me just give her note and have her check yes or no" Aubrey rolled her eyes at Beca's sarcasm. "No a fucking engagement ring" Beca quickly glanced at Jake to make sure he didn't hear her swear, Chloe would kill her if their boy started sounding like Beca. Lucky for her, he was too focused on playing.

"Wow" Aubrey gave her a smile. "That's a big step"

"What, bigger than me up rooting my life and moving here with her last year?" Aubrey nodded with understanding. "A couple of months ago Chlo asked me to officially adopt Jake"

"That's amazing Beca" Aubrey knew that this day would come, Jake and Beca bonded on a level that could only be considered mother and son. Blood doesn't make family. "I mean it makes sense, you are his mom might as well put it on paper" They shared a smile.

"This whole thing, us, it started with such fear and it was so hard" Beca turned her eyes to Jake, she couldn't imagine a single day without that boy. "I mean, I wouldn't change a single moment of it if that meant that I would end up right back here. With Chloe in my bed and Jake as my son, not a damn thing" Beca turned back to Aubrey. "But maybe this could be a fresh start to us, give us another story to build together, as a family" Beca tucked her left leg under her right. "This has been a hard year, getting over everything that went down and recovering from it all. That-" Beca leaned in closer to Aubrey and lowered her voice. "That son of a bitch deserved to die, but Chloe is still dealing with the guilt of taking a life" Beca leaned back against the step behind her. "I just hate that he has a mark in our story, as much as I wouldn't want to change anything, I don't want him to be a single part of our lives going forward"

Aubrey leaned back beside Beca; she took a moment to take in everything Beca said. "I get it" When Beca looked at her, Aubrey nodded. "I do, but its time you both closed that book and you start a new one together" Aubrey paused when Jake made his way over to them; Beca lifted him on to her lap. "You're already a family, maybe it is time that you make it a little bit more official"

"How do I know if it's time?" Beca placed a kiss on Jake's head.

"Oh Beca" Aubrey ran a hand through Jake's hair. "You just know"

Later that day, the couple were on their own, Aubrey and Jesse had taken Jake for the night. Beca was going to spend the night mixing and checking some of the new demos that were sent her way, Chloe was going to spend the bulk of her night grading papers. It was so domestic and so natural; it made the velvet box sitting in her pocket burn and the need to pull it out unbearable.

"Where the fuck?" Beca was in her kitchen, looking for the USB she was sure she kept on the counter earlier that day.

"Here baby" Chloe placed the USB in Beca's hand and placed a kiss on her cheek as she walked passed her. "You left it in the bedroom"

"How did you know I was looking for this?" Beca asked with a small smile, putting the USB into her pocket, her fingers brushing against the box.

"What, like you think I don't know what your confused looks mean?" Chloe let out a laugh as she moved to their fridge, pulling out a pint of Ice Cream.

Chloe turned her back to Beca as she settled some items on the dining table, as she dug into the ice cream. She hummed a small tune and let her hips swing to the tune in her mind.

Beca could do nothing to pull her eyes away from her love, Chloe was in sweats and a hoddie, she had no makeup on, and her hair was up in a messy bun. Yet she had never looked more beautiful to Beca, Chloe was always stunning but something about her being so carefree and comfortable made Beca's heart soar. In that moment Beca knew that she wants days like these every day, she wanted to be the reason Chloe felt like this. She wanted to call Jake her son, officially, and damn it if it didn't make her heart skip a beat at the thought of calling Chloe her wife. Aubrey was right, she did know.

"Marry me" The words left her without thought.

"What?" Chloe spun around, spoon half in her mouth but shock all over her face.

"God I love you" Beca laughed, she stepped closer to Chloe and too the spoon placing it on the table. "I kind of wanted to do a whole thing but this just feels more like us" Beca took Chloe's hand into her own. "We have been through so much, pain, suffering, nightmares, healing, but we've done it all together" She felt Chloe squeeze her hands. "I want to do that for the rest of our lives, I want to do things together. I know that marriage is just a piece of paper that states what we are to each other, but I want to call you my wife" A smile graced Chloe's face. "I want to marry you" Beca leaned her forehead against Chloe's. "You went on adventure with me a year ago by trusting me and coming here, and it changed everything for us" Beca pulled back a little and pulled out the ring box from her pocket. "Go on another one with me" Beca popped the box open and sitting inside was a beautiful princess cut diamond ring, it was sitting on a simple sliver band but it was breath taking. "Will you marry me?"

Chloe glanced at the ring before connecting her eyes with Beca again, the ring was beautiful but the love shining in Beca's eyes is what really took her breath away. Chloe never once doubted that Beca loved her, but seeing Beca wanting to make their love official did unexplainable things to Chloe's heart. She took her other hand back and put both of them on Beca's cheeks; Chloe leaned in close before whispering. "Yes" And then Chloe kissed her…fiancé.

Beca pulled back with a smile. "Yeah?"

"Yeah" Chloe nodded, tears collecting in her blue eyes.

Beca took Chloe's hand back in her own before slowly placing the ring on her finger; it looked perfect on her hand. "I love you so fucking much, Chloe" Beca put their foreheads together again.

"I love you so fucking much too, Beca"