Hey new chapter.

Review and Enjoy!

Disclaimer:I own nothing.

Nobody's POV

Thalia and Piper came in dragging Annabeth in between them.

"I don't wanna meet anybody else!Just more people to know what a screwed up life I have."Annabeth groaned clearly annoyed.

Thalia rolled her eyes"It was a one time thing."

"Yeah and how were we supposed to know the Stoll brothers would do that."Piper jumped in.

Annabeth glared at her and Piper put her hands up in defense.

"I promise we didn't kno-"Piper pleaded but Annabeth cut her off.

"Pipes"Annabeth said"I was joking.

Pipers eyes widened and her cheeks flushed.

Annabeth jumped onto the couch"Well"She said"aren't you going to introduce me to more people so they know what a fucked up life I have?"

Everything from then on went down hill.

Percy's POV

When I first layed eyes on Annabeth my whole world stopped.

But the first time I did see her she had a huge bruise on her left cheek.

She was the most beautiful girl I'd ever met.

Her intense intimidating stormy gray eyes bore into mine as mine did the same to hers.

"H-Hi I-I'm Percy Jackson."I stuttered.

"Annabeth Chase."She said with a smile.

"You can s-sit here next to me if you want."I stammered.

Her cheeks tinged with red and she looked down.

Then Nico crept up behind Annabeth and her eyes widened and she tensed.

All of the sudden her elbow came in contact with his chest and sent him flying backward.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"That was all I heard from Thalia after that.

Annabeth put her hands up in defense" ,you know I can't control them."

She helped Nico up and Thalia was still rolling on the ground.


Nico looked up on the words'baby pictures of Thalia'"Now what was that about baby pictures of Thalia?"

Annabeth laughed and Thalia instantly got off the ground.

"You wouldn't."Thalia threatened.

"That's what I thought."Annabeth retorted.

Thalia rolled her eyes"Now,about the revenge thing I got some ideas."

Thalia looked around as if waiting for someone to say something.

What I hadn't noticed was that Annabeth had moved over to sit beside me.

I liked having the feeling of her beside me or close to me.

Apparently Annabeth got fed up with the eery silence and lost I mean literally lost it.

"Well,Pincone,face you gonna say something or just sit there waiting to lose your virginity?"

Thalia looked up and raised an eyebrow"Excuse me hun,but I've already lost mine,It's you that we're waiting on."

Annabeth Pursed her lips"Well at least I haven't lost mine to somebody like-"

Thalia didn't let her finish her sentence"I thought after it happened we said never to speak of that name."

Thalia let it hang in the air:that name.

I didn't question were to afraid to see what Thalia might do to us I mean look what she just told us.

She specifically said"Now,about the revenge thing I got some ideas."

I mean she was probably thinking something like"So we'll need guns,knifes,ropes,and duck tape."

But I can imagine that coming out of her mouth.

"Ok then miss bossy"Thalia muttered.

Thalia proceeded to glare at Annabeth.

She was quiet for a few more seconds.

"Lord have mercy,get on with it woman."Annabeth nearly screamed.

"Jesus Christ Annabeth."Thalia said throwing her hands up in exasperated.

"Well"Thalia said"first off I'll need some duck tape and a knife."

"Whoa,whoa,whoa Thalia hold up.I would love for you to do that but I mean why can't I do it it'd be so much fun."Annabeth said with a smile on her face.

I thought it was weird that she actually wanted her step-mother dead.

But I can perv and bastard of a step-dad will literally rape and butt rape my mother.

It's terrifying really I mean I'm an only child.I'm traumitized.

"Are we going to be killing people,because if we are I'm totally picking out our clothes."Silena jumped in.

We all looked at would anybody think of saying something like that?

I mean I know her mum is Aphrodite and all,but er...

"Actually Silena,I think I know where Thalia is going with this."Annabeth said.

"My mum is famous architect,also known for her I'm not trying to brag or anything."

She started to ramble."What Annabeth is trying to say is that she can come up with a strategy and find a way to get now everybody shut up so I can say something."

Every went silent.

If anybody hadn't seen me blow up before they have now.

"Sorry"Annabeth muttered.

I looked at Annabeth.

'Sorry'I mouthed.

She flashed me a smile and I just for a second I think I saw a little sparkle in her eyes.

I looked away from her eyes and began to talk"Ok before we go and kill somebody can I ask why we are?"

Annabeth tensed beside.

Thalia had an ice cold glare set right on me and I was starting to get uncomfortable.

"Um,Percy"Piper called"Annabeth can tell you that another 's kinda,er,you know personal."

Another eery silence.

What is up with people and doing that it's getting annoying.

Annabeth pursed her lips and took in a sharp intake of breath.

"Y-yeah,Percy,I-I'll tell you later."

When I looked back at her she was trying to hold in tears.

I've never been good with all.

Girls have always confused only reason I said that is because I've never asked a gil out.

They always ask me out.

Trust me I'm not gay,100% straight.

"Um,I'm gonna go now.I'll uh, meet you guys back here tomorrow and I'll tell you the plan."Annabeth said,but I could tell something was wrong in her voice.

She started to get up and leave.

"Don't leave Annabeth."Thalia said.

"Come on Annie you don't have to do anything."Piper added.

But she was out the door."Annabeth."I cried and ran after her.

When I got out there the first thing I noticed was that the sun looked like it was setting.

But I got that thought out of my head.

My head swiveled right and left searching for Annabeth.

I ran down the sidewalk and looked down one side...Nothing.

I looked down the other side and saw a flash of blonde hair turn a corner.

Found her.

I took off down the sidewalk.

I turned on the corner.

When I looked farther down the sidewalk I saw Annabeth starting to slow down.

I broke into a sprint.

When I got to her I saw that she was crying.

"Annabeth?"I whispered

She looked cheeks were red and her stormy gray eyes were blood shot.

"Um,Percy,what are you uh doing?"

"I came after you"I said quietly"I didn't mean to ask anything personal."

She nodded her head softly.

"It's ok."She whispered.

"Can I ask you a question?"She asks.

"Yes sure."I say nervously.

"Have you ever felt drawn to someone?"She asks quietly.

"Yes actually I have."I confess.

What I meant by that was that I was feeling that way about her.

She was beautiful and amazing and *cough*sexy*cough*.

"Do you wanna come over to my house,then I could drive you back to Thalia's afterwards."I said.

She looked into my eyes.

But it wasn't what I saw before.

Instead of that twinkle in her eye it was sadness.

Fear is what I saw.

She was scared of something...Or someone.

When I came back to reality I noticed that Annabeth was tugging on my hand.

"Percy,are you ok?"

"Yeah."I said looking around.

Then she said"Yeah I'll go."

I smiled.

From there we walked to my house.

What I didn't know as that both of our families were taking a trip to Australia.

I was going to make Annabeth mine.

And I wasn't going to let anything get in my way.

Heyy everybody what up?

As you can see I changed some stuff up a bit with the introductions so just letting you know.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I've had constant homework,I've been reading the Mark of Athena,and of course I had writers block.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed.

Keep in touch with me on twitter myahhawkins & on Instagram myahhawkins101.

Review Plz!