War with Heaven

Summary: After an encountering Sabertooth on a job, Lucy feels that Fairy Tail doesn't need a weakling like her and leaves the guild. 2 years later during the X793 Grand Magic Games Lucy returns... but she is part of different guild known as 'Heavens Wing'. Now Fairy Tail is determined to bring Lucy back, but 'Heavens Wing' as other plans for this year's games... especially for Fairy Tail.

I don't own anyone from Fairy Tail; I do however own the story and the members of Heaven Wing, so no stealing. Apart from that, enjoy.

Information on Heaven Wing

Information: Heaven Wing is a legal guild, whose power is said to rival Fairy Tail, Sabertooth and Lamia Scale. The guild believes that magic, either good or bad, has a right to be used willing by the mage and that they will guide mages away from the darkness and help them sore into the heavens. Like Fairy Tail they treat each other like family and will not hesitate to punish those who hurt their family. Plus, they also tend to roughhouse around the guild and cause a bit of a ruckus, so in retrospect you could say Heavens Wing is a more powerful, and brutal version of Fairy Tail. The guild was said to be founded hundreds of years ago and that the very first guild master was indeed an angel. The guild was mostly hidden and isolated by the Magic Council, but after Lucy joined the guild began to slowly introduce itself into the world, until it was recognised enough to compete in the Grand Magic Games. After Lucy Joined Heavens Wing and told them her story, they now hold a powerful grudge on both Fairy Tail and Sabertooth and hope that one day they'll be able to bring them to justice... Their Justice. The Guild also holds 2 secrets: one is said to be the 'Holy Light' of the guild, the other is the 'Dark Shadow' of the guild.

Guild hall Location

Heavens Wing's Guild Hall is a large floating island that existed years ago and was said to have a powerful magic keeping it afloat. It travels around the world cloaked by a powerful, magical mist to hide it from all but the pure of heart and Heaven Wings members. Some members of Heavens Wing think it was the work of the very first master of Heavens Wing, others think it was the work of powerful light mages that existed during the era of Zeref, and a very few believe that it was sent as a gift from heaven itself. The floating island was named Eden.


Michael Heathen V (Age: 85, Rank: Master, Primary Magic: Take Over-Angel Soul, Secondary Magic: Heaven Magic, Weapons: Rod of Heaven.): Michael Heathen is the 'father' of Heavens Wing, and therefore the strongest mage in the entire guild. Michael comes from a long line of Heavens Wings masters who passed the title down generation to generation, each master stronger than the last. He cares deeply for his 'children' and their safety, if a drop of blood is spilt from even one of the members he will not take it lightly, in fact, he won't rest until the culprit of the crime is sentenced and judged by the 'Holy Light' of Heavens Wing. He maybe old, but his fighting skill, magic power and stamina say otherwise, he can take out 5 whole guilds, legal or dark, without breaking a sweat.

Primary Magic Spells: (Angel Souls give enchanted speed, strength and Magic Power.)

Angel soul; Michael: Grand Cross, Holy Light, Grand Sword, Judgement.

Angel Soul; Gabriel: Gabriel's Horn, Shining sword, Divine Arrow.

Angel Soul; Seraphim: Seven Star Strike, Heaven's Archway, Great Wall.

Angel Soul; Raphael: Wrath of Heaven, Tower of Faith, Heaven's Fire.

Angel Soul; Cherub: Holy Law, Holy Light, Champion Armour.

Secondary Magic Spells: Divine Arrow, Shining Sword, Holy Light, Heaven's Archway, Tower of Faith, and Heaven's Fire.

Other Spells: All 3 Heaven Wing Sacred Spells.

Mary Heathen aka The Heaven's Champion (Age: 22, Rank: S-Class Mage, Primary Magic: Take Over-Angel Soul, Secondary Magic: Sword Magic, Weapons: Sword of the Pearl Gates.): Daughter to the master and one of the strongest mages in Heaven's Wing, Mary is not the kind of mage you can piss off and walk away from unharmed. While she is not the oldest S-class mage, she does tend to act like a big sister to the other young mages; like trying to get everyone to behave, getting pissed easily if someone gets on her nerves, and beating the life out of anyone that messes with her or her family. Think of her as the Heavens Wing's version of Erza. She likes chocolate cake, sunny days and disciplining mages who did something wrong.

Primary Magic Spells: (Angel Souls give enchanted speed, strength and Magic Power.)

Angel Soul; Uriel: Seven Star Strike, Holy Blade, Lion's Roar, Celestial Armour.

Angel Soul; Ophanim: Divine Arrow, Shooting Star Strike, Righteous Light.

Angel Soul; Ariel: Heaven's Lake, Song of the Sirens, Fall of Atlantis.

Secondary Magic Spells: Heaven's Wheel, Silent Step, Dragon Fury, Scared Earth, Frozen Souls, and Poseidon's Blade.

Other Spells: 1 of the 3 Scared Heaven Wing Spells.

Jack 'Wako' Veaster (Age: 28, Rank: S-Class, Primary Magic: Colour Magic, Secondary Magic: Ball Magic, Weapons: Ball.): The oldest S-class mage in Heavens Wing, and the classic guild clown, Jack's personality is a bit childish and playful, but don't be fooled by that or his looks, his strategic planning and powerful magic is nothing to laugh at, piss this mage off and you'll be black and blue before you can even raise a finger. Jack acts like the big brother of the guild, looking after his fellow guild mates and protecting it from any foes, but he also tries to gain a few laughs and smiles from them every now and again. He can always be seen rolling on a big black and white stripped ball. The level of Jack's magic power is unknown, but he was given the chance to become one of the Ten Wizard Saints but declined the title.

Primary Magic Spells; Red mode: Fire Tower, Wako Ball- Red Comet. Blue Mode: Aqua Tower, Wako Ball- Blue Star. Yellow Mode: Lighting Tower, Wako Ball- Thunder Bolt. Dark Green Mode: Bamboo Javelin, Wako Ball- Forest Seed. Orange Mode: Magma Tower, Wako Ball- Molten Rock. Purple Mode: Poison Tower, Wako Ball- Venom Shot. Grey Mode: Iron Pillar, Wako Ball- Cannon Ball. Pink Mode: Sticky Colum, Wako Ball- Gum Ball. Light Blue Mode: Ice Spear, Wako Ball- Crystal Shot. Light Green Mode: Air Vent. Black Mode: Shadow Pillar, Wako Ball- Dark Shot. White Mode: Nova Colum, Wako Ball- Laser Bolt. Rainbow Mode: Skyscraper, Wako Ball- Heaven's Cannon, And Blank Mode: Random Choice, Wako Ball- Mystery Ball.

Secondary Magic Spells: Pinball, Flash Bounce, Wako Ball, Dodge Ball, Dummy Balls.

Other Spells: 1 of the 3 Sacred Heaven Wing Spells.

Luke Saint aka Komodo (Age: 20, Rank: S-class, Primary Magic: Heaven Dragon Slayer Magic, Secondary Magic: Mark Magic. Weapons: None.): Heavens Wing's Dragon Slayer, and most stubborn mage in the entire guild, Luke Saint never backs down from a fight once it's started. Head strong and clueless about any dangerous situation, this young Dragon Slayer is willing to defend his guild and his family, even to the very end. Like the other dragon slayers, he is also searching for his foster mother, a dragon named Holista, the Heaven Dragon. The element this dragon slayer eats must be holy based like a cross, grail, bible, holy water, even the light itself. He is usually the most common member in the guild to cause trouble and start fights, which usually rewards him with bumps and bruises from the higher up mages, mostly from Mary. He is usually seen going on missions with his exceed partner Jasper and Lucy, plus known to very few people, he has developed a crush on Lucy.

Primary Magic Spells: Heaven Dragon's Roar, Heaven Dragon's Claw, Heaven Dragon's Slash, Heaven Dragon's Wing Blade, Heaven Dragon's Talons, Heaven Dragon's Blast, Heaven Drive (Increases strength, speed and magic power) Dragon Slayers Secret Arts; Heaven's Fury, Holy Roar, Angel Blade. (Dragon Force greatly increases speed, strength, stamina, and magic power.)

Secondary Magic Spells: Tracker Mark, Homing Mark, Magnet Mark.

Lucy Heartfilia aka Spirit Charmer (Age: 19, Rank: S-class, Primary Magic: Celestial Spirit Magic, Secondary Magic: Spirit Magic, Weapons: Fleuve d'étoiles, 13 Gold and 5 Silver Celestial Spirit Gate Keys.): The once former member of Fairy Tail, Lucky Lucy is now one of the most popular, kindest and most lovable members of Heavens Wing. Shortly after joining Heavens Wing, Lucy immediately wanted to become stronger so she could prove to herself that she could become as strong as Natsu and the others, and after help from the others members of Heavens Wing and her spirits, she finally realized that dream after passing the S-class Exam and becoming an S-class wizard. She still retains her stubbornness she got from Natsu and still uses her celestial spirit magic, but now after 2 years of training and missions not only has she been able to learn a second magic, she is also strong enough to open as many of her celestial spirits gates as she wants, even all of them. Like Luke has a crush on her, she has developed a crush on him.

Primary Magic Spells: Celestial Spirits Gold; Aquarius, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius, Leo, Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces, Libra, Ophiuchus. Silver: Crux, Horologium, Lyra, Nikora, Pyxis.

Secondary Magic Spells: Spirit Scan, Spirit Copy, Spirit Heel, Spirit Search.

Other Spells: Urano Metria, 1 of the 3 Sacred Heaven Wing Spells.

Jasper (Age: 9 Rank: Exceed, Primary Magic: Aera, Secondary Magic: None, Weapons None.): Jasper is young exceed partner of Luke, that travels with him, no matter how crazy or dangerous the mission is. He was found as an egg years ago and was hatched and raised in the beliefs of Heavens Wing, learning how to talk properly, learning how to use his Aera magic, and how to be mischiefs, thanks to Luke. He knows about Luke and Lucy's feelings for each other and enjoys teasing them because of it.

Primary Magic Spells: Aera, Max Speed; Normal or Bullet.

Sam and Sarah Belzub (Age: 16, Rank: Normal Mages, Primary Magic: Soul- Splitter Magic, Secondary Magic: Darkness Magic 'Sam', Light Magic 'Sarah', Weapons: Bamboo Staffs 'Both'.): Sam Belzub is a young, happy, go-lucky kid, who is not afraid to help his friends no matter how bad the situation is. His main magic involves splitting his own soul in two and summoning it help out in battle, the result of this magic created his twin soul sister, Sarah, who has the same personality as Sam, but is more feminine and more supportive then violent. While his… I mean their magic is still improving; they are very skilled with close combat and carry bamboo sticks as their weapon of choice.

Primary Magic Spells: Soul Splitting-Duo.

Secondary Magic Spells: (Sam) Black Arrows, Shadow Mold, Shadow Ball, and Black Scythe. (Sarah) White Shield, White Flash, Prism Beam, Mirage.

Jasmine Kell (Age: 15, Rank: Normal Wizard, Primary Magic: Uranus Magic, Secondary Magic: None, Weapons: None.): Young, sweet, innocent, these words describe the young sister of Luke Saint, and Heavens Wing's youngest member. While she and Luke are not related by blood, Jasmine sees Luke as an older brother after finding and adopting her after her home village was burnt to the ground by Zeref worshipers, and left her homeless. Like she sees Luke as a big brother, he sees Jasmine as a little sister, someone he cares deeply for, and cheers her up when she is sad. After they both joined the guild, Jasmine wanted to be as strong as her brother, so she began to learn the secret arts of Uranus magic, magic said to be used by the Sky Titan, Uranus. So small and sweet she may be, but her magic makes her a very powerful opponent.

Primary Magic Spells: Sky Pillar, Sky Fist, Falling Sky, Call of the Heavens, Secret Uranus Technique; Gathering of Heaven.

Clare and Suisse Talon aka The Harpy Sisters (Age: 21, Rank: S-class, Primary Magic: Sniper Magic, Secondary Magic: Aera, Weapons: Clawed Gloves, Clawed Shoes, Blaster-like cannons.): Twin sisters, twin lookers, twin fighters. The Harpy Sisters are the gun slinging, fast flying S-class mages of Heavens Wing, they are never seen apart, they are never seen without their wings, and they are never seen showing mercy to their targets, they won't stop fighting until the job is complete or until the enemy has been beaten into unconsciousness. Since they are twin sisters, they try to make their appearance as different as possible, like when Clare dyes her red, Suisse dyes her hair blue, another way is that Clare wears a white tank top with the number '1' on it, while Suisse wears a black tank top with the number '2' on it.

Primary Magic Spells: Prometheus Long Shot, Aries Homing Shot, Gaia Ground Shell, Charged Cronus Shot.

Secondary Magic Spells: Aera, Max Speed, Sonic Claw.

Drew aka Death, Warren aka War, Constantine aka Conquest, Fame aka Famine, AKA The Four Horsemen (Age: Drew- 27, Warren- 25, Constantine- 26, Fame- 24, Rank: S-class, Primary Magic: Death- Reaper Magic, War- Chaos Magic, Conquest- Territory Magic, Famine- Thorn Magic, Secondary Magic: All- Horseman Magic, Weapons: Drew- Dual Scythes, Warren- Screaming Blade, Constantine- Dual pistols (Mercy and Revolver), Fame- Spiked Whip.): Heavens Wing's top horse riders and enforcers, they take their orders from 3 people only: The Master, Mary, and Jack. Plus they go on jobs that most people would find suicidal. The came to Heaven's wing after being cast out of their home because they disagreed with the village's treatment to the slaves that worked there, once joining Heavens Wing they worked hard together to become stronger, while also forming friendships with others in the guild, though they rarely spend time in the guild hall. Drew is the leader and the one that shows little emotion, he defends his brothers and the guild by throwing himself into hordes of enemies, wielding his Dual Scythes, where this guy goes, Death isn't far behind. Warren is the headstrong powerhouse member of the Horsemen, and the one that usually runs into fights without thinking, while Warren is a bit of a bruiser he, like the rest of the Horsemen, has honour when it comes to fighting and duels. Constantine is the silent, gunslinger of the Horsemen, he can shot and reload so quickly, that by a time any guild notices he's there at least a quarter of said guild is down before they can even defend themselves, while he is silent and seem cold hearted he does go great lengths to defend his family and guild. And finally there's Fame the only female member of the Horsemen and the one who can eat a mountain of food and wine without her figure changing, she really tries to avoid fighting at front, but if her guild or family is threatened she isn't afraid to send enemy guild home with 20 to 50 thorns in their backsides.

Primary Magic Spells:

Drew- Reaper Wave, Final Slash, Reaper's Wrath, Soul Extinction, Reaper Form (Reaper Form increases strength, speed, stamina, magic power and defence.)

Warren- Chaotic Smash, Volcanic Fist, Dying Scream Slash, Chaos Form (Chaos Form increases strength, speed, stamina, magic power and defence.)

Constantine- Lava Territory, Gravity Territory, Whirlpool Territory, Conquest Form (Conquest Form increases strength, speed, stamina, magic power and defence.)

Fame- Dancing Thorns, Garden of Roses, Barbed Vines, Famine Form (Famine Form increases strength, speed, stamina, magic power and defence.)

Secondary Magic Spells: Summon The Beasts, Full Charge, and Horsemen Charge.

Unison Raids:

Scared Comet- Mary's Scared Earth + Jack's Red comet

Heaven's Rain- Mary's Shooting Star Strike + Jack's Dodge Ball + Luke's Heaven Dragon's Roar + Lucy's Sagittarius Arrows + Harpy Sister's Prometheus Long Shot

Golden Star Strike- Jack's Wacko Ball + Mary's Celestial Armour + Luke's Heaven Dragon's Talons + Lucy's Capricorn + A joint duel kick from the Harpy Sisters

Holy Shadow Strike- Sam's Shadow Ball + Sarah's Prism Beam

Wrath Of The Apocalypse- Drew's Reaper Form + Warren's Chaos Form + Constantine's Conquest Form + Fame's Famine Form

Sacred Spells of Heavens Wing

Garden Of Eden

Heaven's Judgement

Angelic Host

Writer's Note "There you have it. Information on the guild that will be competing in the next Grand Magic Games. I write up the rest of the story later, also I've read Fairy Tail Chapter 316 and all I can say is 'Fiore is totally SCREWED!'