When All the Stars Are Calling
Summary: A series of lectures on ancient languages puts Garion Williams, aka Harry Potter, into a position to right an ancient wrong when Garion befriends Daniel Jackson. Non-slash! Friendship DJ/HP.
A/N: This will be put under Labyrinth/STG-1 crossover with minor Harry Potter-verse. Garion was Harry Potter, in another life. He will have some flash-backs to that past life, but that's about it. GF wrote this during NaNoWr, so it is completed.
Disclaimer: Stargate, Labyrinth and Harry Potter belong to their respective producers, writers, authors, and playwrights. Frau and I don't own any of these except for the DVDs, Books. We also will give credit where credit is due at the bottom of the chapters as Garion is known to drop quotes and burst into song from time to time.
Chapter 1: By the Pricking of My Thumbs
Garion sighed. The 'Meet and Greet' reception seemed to be going on forever. He was bored stiff. If it wasn't for the fact that his father threatened to hang him over the Bog of Eternal Stench by his toenails he wouldn't be here. Come to think of it, hanging over the Bog might be more interesting! Smelly, but definitely better than the verbiage that was being flung around.
He looked over at his mother, Sarah Williams. Normally she would go by the name of Sarah King, but she was in author mode currently. Thus, the use of her maiden name. It made sense to Garion, he, after all, used her maiden name as well, ever since he had been adopted into the Goblin King's family.
He stifled another yawn. Great. If he fell asleep here his mother would never let him hear the end of it. Not to mention what his father would do...
"Bored?" asked a bespectacled, mousy-haired man as he came to stand beside him, drink casually held in one hand.
"Sort of." Garion grinned, offering his right hand. "Garion Williams."
"Dr. Daniel Jackson. So Ms. Williams. . .?"
"Mother. And yes, she's old enough to have a son my age," Garion said with a smile. "Of course, tell that to my twin brothers. They're about a year younger."
"I see." Came the amused reply. "So are you taking classes here?"
"Me? Not hardly," Garion scoffed with a snort. "I don't need a degree. Though, I may take a couple of your seminar classes, Dr. Jackson. Your language classes sound interesting." He also knew that there were several people, human and non, who would love to pick this man's brains.
"You might say I'm a student of languages. Words have power, you know." Garion turned to look for his mother. There she was talking, to some prof who, ". . . thinks he's god's gift to women." Garion muttered under his breath.
Daniel could've sworn that Garion just mumbled in fluent Mandarin Chinese!
Dr. Daniel Jackson had come to this reception with some reticence. He was taking a short sabbatical from his work at Cheyenne Mountain when he got an offer to do a series of guest lectures at a small ivy-league college in Upstate New England. He hadn't been sure it was genuine, after all, he'd pretty much cut his own throat in academia with his, 'heretical' claims. But no, the offer had been made in good faith, and so here he was.
General Hammond and Jack had not been too happy with him, but he needed this break for his sanity's sake. Dying, and coming back to life, did that to a person.
Finding someone else here as bored as he was tonight hadn't been much of an effort.
The response he was getting from those around him was mixed. Some of the attending professors scoffed at his even being present; while others wanted to know more about the ancient languages he could read, or even speak.
He noticed the young man he had tried to strike up a conversation with saunter over to rescue his mother from yet another pompous academic. He watched with some amusement as the professor that was trying to flirt with her suddenly paled and excused himself.
She turned to Garion and said something in a huff, only to have the young man shrug and hold up his hands in a very Jack-like gesture of "I dunno. Beats me." Together they headed back to where Daniel was standing.
"Dr. Jackson, may I present my mother and your fellow guest lecturer, Sarah Williams. Mom, this is Dr. Daniel Jackson."
Sarah smiled as she offered him her hand. Normally, someone so beautiful would have left him tongue-tied. However, after years of meeting aliens, being married to a beautiful woman and dealing with ascended beings, such diffidence and discomfort were things of the past.
"Ms Williams. I've enjoyed your books, especially your tales of the Goblin King. Tell me, where do you get your inspiration?"
For the next half hour the trio talked, covering a multitude of subjects. Eventually Garion quizzed Dr. Jackson on the number of languages he knew. And by the end of the reception they were on a first name basis.
Sarah assured Daniel that Garion was a child prodigy when it came to languages. Of course, neither of the trio would admit that they knew several non-human languages as well.
Daniel was staying for three weeks in a small studio apartment furnished by the college for guest lecturers. It was three rooms: a kitchenette/living area and a bedroom. It wasn't much but he'd lived in far worse. At least it had some interesting views from his window other than four concrete walls with pipes running through them like in his rooms under Cheyenne Mountain.
Sarah and her son were living in a bit nicer apartment down the street. The college wasn't paying for their accommodations. According to Garion, his father pitched a fit when he saw what had been provided, and had promptly made his own arrangements. Garion informed Daniel that his father was not a man to be thwarted, what he wanted, he got.
The day after the Meet and Greet found Daniel strolling across campus in search of his assigned lecture hall when he heard his name called.
Garion ran up to him, dressed in jeans and a cream colored poet's shirt, with a guitar case slung over his shoulder. In Daniel's mind Garion looked like a young Jack Sparrow clone, sans the dread locks, with a red scarf tied over his forehead to keep the wild black hair out of his eyes.
"Mind if I walk with you?" Garion grinned.
"Shouldn't you be with your mother, to protect her from the wolves of academia?" Daniel smirked as they turned to walk further into the commons.
"Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered I have delivered her safely to her lecture hall, and split. " The grinning youth smirked. "Besides, I've heard them all before, and believe me, she can take care of herself. It's father you really have to watch out for." His rakish grin took the threat from his words.
Daniel laughed and so began an interesting friendship.
Over the course of the next three weeks, Daniel and Garion spent a lot of time together. Garion was, in Daniel's opinion, the perfect student. The one all professors dream about pouring their knowledge into.
He was a quick study, anything Daniel threw at him he absorbed like the proverbial sponge. The kid seemed to assimilate the dynamics of language effortlessly. He also found particular amusement in keeping Daniel on his toes by switching languages in mid-sentence. It was a shame that Garion didn't want to further his academic career, he had a genuine talent, but without a degree…
Daniel did finally meet Sarah's elusive, and extremely intimidating, husband: Jareth T.G. King of Tuatha Enterprises. Jareth's company focused on literature and the arts for their philanthropic contributions. Part of his financial conglomerate was a publishing house, and they were always looking for authors, playwrights and song writers. They promoted the Arts in a world that seldom saw value in them in this age of instant media. So the mythological reference fit, in a strange sort of way.
It was clear to Daniel that Jareth adored his wife to distraction, and she him. And it was equally clear that Garion idolized his father. During their many talks
Daniel found out that Garion had been adopted at 15 months of age by Sarah and Jareth. Sarah had just given birth to twins when Garion came to live with them. Thus he understood Garion's statement when they first met.
The three weeks were over and Daniel was gathering up the last of his papers and stuffing them into a briefcase. Just because he had been on leave from Cheyenne Mountain didn't really mean he was on leave from the bane of his existence: Paperwork.
He was so behind on it. Not only was he behind, and over worked, his department was very under-staffed. There weren't that many linguists in ancient languages willing, or able, to work the hours he did. They also had to pass the military's almost impossible hurdles of security checks.
There was a knock at his door. It was too soon for Garion to be calling. Unless he had been kicked out of his mother's apartment again?
Daniel shook his head at that thought. Garion wasn't unruly or wild, except for when he tended to play his music too loud. No, it was the fact that Garion's father was visiting, and Garion was a bit of a third wheel. Daniel understood that all too well. He and his wife Sha're had often had to sneak away for quality time themselves,and having her brother Skaara around a lot did put a damper on it.
Opening the door, Daniel started to say, "Get kicked out again? What is it, about the third time this ….? Oh hello Jack, Teal'c and Sam! Come on in."
Col. Jack O'Neill was leaning against the doorjamb wearing cargo pants and a black leather jacket. His eyes hidden behind a dark pair of ray-bans. The tall, muscular black man standing beside him was Teal'c. Major Samantha Carter, also dressed in civilian clothing, was peering over their shoulders.
"Well, clearly we aren't who you thought we were. So who were you expecting?" Jack leered.
Stepping aside to let them in, Daniel asked, "Um, why are you here? I'll be back in a couple of days."
"The place hasn't been the same since you left," Jack said as he strolled into the small apartment and plopped himself down on the sofa. "So who were you expecting?"
"Colonel. That isn't very polite," Sam exclaimed. "Besides, we've been faxing Daniel almost daily. It's not like he's been totally out of touch."
"Indeed." Teal'c followed quietly in. His presence seemed to fill the room. He walked over to the window and looked out.
Daniel sighed and moved to finish closing his briefcase. "Just a friend. I am allowed to have friends outside of Stargate."
"Oh? What's her name?" Jack teased.
"His name is Garion Williams and he's the son of my fellow guest speaker. And no, Jack. Just no!"
As Daniel finished up packing his belongings for the trip back to Colorado, he filled his team mates in on his three weeks here. He told them about Garion, a prodigy-linguist who loved puzzles, had a flair for the dramatic and a deep love of theatre and music.
"There is a boy with a black case walks this way," Teal'c rumbled softly. Jack and Sam joined him at the window to see the approaching person. He was dressed, in what Sam would call, retro-Renaissance Faire with his ruffled poets shirt, snug black pants and knee high boots.
"Does he have black hair with a scarf around his forehead?" called Daniel, not looking up from his packing. At Teal'c's grunt, he muttered, "that's Garion."
A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. Sam opened it.
"Konnichiwa, Daniel Sensai. Ogenki desu ka," Garion said with a bow.
"Konnichiwa Garion-kun. Please we need to speak English for now," Daniel said.
"As you wish. I see you have guests. Wait, I know, let me guess," the seemingly hyper-active young man covered his eyes with his hand and pointed through spread fingers. "You are Murray, Jack and Samantha," Garion said as he pointed out each one. "Daniel-sensai has been telling all about his friends. Konnichiwa!" Garion finished with a proper bow.
Daniel pinched his nose. "Since we had plans for later, I take it you were kicked out again?"
"Not really." Garion replied with a huff. "Father took Mother home, and said since I did a good job of chaperoning her I got a 'get out of jail free card' as long as I stay on this side of the law."
Jack's eyebrows went into his hairline as Daniel laughed.
"I don't think it's so funny. Do you always have problems staying within the law?" Sam asked.
Garion looked a bit sheepish and shrugged. "By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes." He replied with a smarmy waggle of his eyebrows.
"That's not an answer!" she huffed.
Daniel snickered. "That's the best you'll get out of him, Sam. Garion here was raised in the theatre." He abruptly changed the subject to refocus his friend's eccentric behavior. "So did you decide on our last meal together? Pizza or Chinese? My treat."
"Beats me. I brought my own chopsticks so I'm good to go!" Garion reached in his case and withdrew said chopsticks, flourishing them proudly.
"Actually, we passed a steak place on the way in, and I'll pay," Jack spoke up, now that food was being mentioned.
Garion wrinkled his nose. "Sorry, not much into steaks. Too heavy for me, but if you 're paying I'll find something, lead on McDuff!"
"Who is this McDuff?" asked Murray.
Garion placed both hands over his heart and faked a swoon. "He doesn't know McDuff? Oh how philistine!"
With a long suffering sigh, Daniel explained: "It is a saying from a famous play called "Macbeth…."
Garion interjected: "McDuff was a warrior in the play. The quote is "Yet I will try the last. Before my body, I throw my warlike shield. Lay on, Macduff, And damn'd be him that first cries, 'Hold, enough!' It has been taken out of context over time to mean someone who takes the lead, and we shall follow."
Teal'c raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Daniel knew that he'd have to explain the playwright to his friend later.
Garion agreed to meet them at the restaurant and left. In fact, he was waiting for them in the parking lot, leaning against a custom made black racing motorbike.
Jack and Sam gave a low whistle as Sam commented what a sweet looking ride it was. She now understood the comments about 'this side of law' if that was what he rode.
Dinner was a mix of story-telling and general mayhem as the team got to know Garion and understand just what Daniel had been doing for the past three weeks.
Teal'c was the only one that noticed that every few minutes; Garion would drop a bit of food under the table. He tried to see why he was doing it but couldn't find a reason for his behavior. He did note that there were no scraps of food on the floor when they got up to leave.
When they parted for the last time, since Daniel would be taking an early flight out, both linguists exchanged e-mail addresses and other contact info. Garion also handed over a season pass to the summer stock theatre. "Just in case you get another vacation. Mother would love to have you and I could learn another new language!"
They watched as Garion popped a wheelie in the parking lot, just missing being hit by a car entering and disappeared into traffic.
Jack shook his head. "Crazy kid."
"Jack?" Daniel caught his team leader's attention. "I want him on my staff. I need someone like him, he's being wasted doing summer stock and escorting his mother around. He's a prodigy when it comes to languages. He knows more earth languages then I do."
"Danny. You heard him. He doesn't have a degree and is home schooled. I doubt …."
"It doesn't matter!" Daniel ran his hand through his hair. "Look you and Gen. Hammond have been after me to get more staff. The problem is there aren't many out there willing to put up with the secrecy or leave their tenured positions. Garion's a natural. Please?"
"I'll see what I can do, Danny boy, but it's a bit of a stretch if he doesn't have any formal schooling."
"Did he say how old is he?" Sam asked.
"He's about 20, 21. I think. I know he's college age, because he crashed many of the frat parties on campus. Jack?"
"I said I'd check into it. Let's head back. We got a long day tomorrow," Jack said, hiding a yawn.
Garion raced through the night. Thankfully, this time he wasn't being chased by anyone. A low shadowy underpass was up ahead. He slowed as he became covered in darkness.
"Let's go home, Grease."
The custom bike shimmered and Garion found himself astride a lean, black horse-like creature with several horns of various sizes running down his forehead.
Greased Lightning was a goblin steed. Lean, and mean if you crossed them. They were a hybrid of elven steeds and nightmares, especially bred Underground in the Labyrinth.
A drunk, homeless man woke from his stupor to a loud, echoing, clarion call. Looking at his almost empty bottle, he tossed it aside as he tried to find who, or what, had made that spine chilling sound.
Gen. Hammond sat at his desk, reading the latest batch of reports. His second in command and head of SG-1, Col. Jack O'Neill, sauntered in.
"Have a seat, Jack," the general waved him to an empty chair. "I'll be a second."
"Sir? What about Daniel's request? How is it going?" Jack asked, helping himself to a cup of coffee before taking the offered seat.
"The reports are favorable. Seems that Mr. Williams has some important family connections. His father's firm, Tautha Enterprises, is very prominent and has done a lot of good in the community. And Robert Williams, Garion's grandfather, is a well-respected lawyer. According to the reports Garion Williams was adopted into the Williams family at 15 months, when his birth parents were murdered. There wasn't much about his biological parents except the fact he had no living relatives and was put up for adoption. We were unable to find any birth records pertaining to his past."
"So he isn't a security risk. So what's the problem?" Jack asked.
"Mr. Williams has no academic records. He was raised in New York, on the grounds of a summer stock theatre along with his twin brothers. What school records there are state that the boys all tested out at, or above, genius level, especially Mr. Williams. They've been in plays and musicals since they could walk, which would explain why Mr. Williams' memory retention is so advanced. How sure is Dr. Jackson he wants this young man on his team?"
'He's very adamant, sir," Jack informed him. "Danny has been e-mailing Williams since he got back. He's very impressed with him. I've seen several of their communications. Frankly sir, it's all geek to me. From what I'm seeing, they tend to switch languages in mid-sentence."
"I see. I want you to go with the retrieval team to contact Mr. Williams. Get his parents approval and bring him back here. I want to meet this young man, before we tell him more about what we're doing here."
"And the rest of SG-1?"
"They'll remain here. Teal'c cannot go for obvious reasons. Dr. Jackson and Major Carter are busy with their own projects at the moment. A perfect time to go, don't you think?"
"Yes sir."
Garion was perched in his preferred hiding spot, high up in the rafters over-looking the stage. It was also his favorite thinking spot. He'd always had a thing for heights, even in his past life as Harry Potter. As Harry, he loved flying on a broom and the freedom it gave him.
He still didn't like enclosed areas, but he could deal with them if necessary.
"Music man, music man!" piped a squeaky voice beside him.
Garion turned to see a small brown creature with pointed ears and a needle-pointed nose beside him. "Yeah Squirt?"
Squirt, a goblin, was once a wished away child, and Garion's special goblin since he could remember. There were several other goblins who hung around Garion, but they weren't Squirt.
"Music Man, the Lady want you! Now! In Lady's magic making room. Strange men with them. Smell funny, makes Squirt sneezy."
Garion stood on the narrow beam and stretched. He had no fear of falling from such a height. He opened his arms for Squirt to jump into them. "You know you need to hide right?"
"Squirt knows. Squirt goes into music casey thingy."
Garion smiled. "Alright but no making a mess in there. It took me forever to get the smell out last time."
"Got it, Music man!" Squirt promised as Garion stepped into a shadowed corner of the rafters and disappeared.
Jack O'Neill was making himself comfortable in the office of Sarah Williams, noted authoress of children's books. She also ran the office of the Meadow's Grove Theatre. She was a beautiful and poised woman, and if Jack was any judge of people, not one to anger.
He was accompanied by another USAF Major, Paul Davis, a Homeland Security Officer, who stood silently in the background.
They were waiting for her oldest son, Garion, to arrive.
"So you gentlemen want my son for. . .?" she asked.
"About three months ago, you met a Dr. Daniel Jackson, is that right?" asked Major Davis.
"Yes, we were guest speakers at the same university. He spoke on ancient languages and I on writing professionally," Sarah confirmed.
"Your son," Jack said, taking up the interview. "took a shine to Dr. Jackson. Daniel was also impressed with the number of languages your son can speak."
"My son has a name: Garion Williams," Sarah chided them firmly in her most regal tones. She sat as if she was holding court and, in a way, she was. The men responded accordingly.
"Garion has always been fascinated with languages. He's developed quite a knack at learning them. His tutors had a hard time keeping up with him."
"About that, you home-schooled all three of your sons?" Major Davis queried. "Isn't it a bit detrimental to their futures?"
"Not at all," she brushed their concerns aside. "Their father paid for the best tutors for the boys. The twins will be taking over the family business when they come of age while Garion . . . well, let's say he has a life-long vocation and has been well prepared for it."
"And what type of vocation?" Jack asked intrigued.
She smiled. "It'll be in language and diplomacy. You really don't need a formal degree in those if you have the right backing."
"Telling secrets again, Mum?" Garion asked he stepped into the office. "Hello. Colonel O'Neill and Major . . "
"Major Paul Davis, Pentagon. Seems you and Dr. Jackson have been exchanging some interesting
e-mails," the major said, shaking the young man's hand.
Garion laughed. "My words fly up, my thoughts remain below: Words without thoughts never to heaven go."
"Say what?" Major Davis questioned confused.
Sarah chuckled, "Garion is known to quote Shakespeare at the oddest times. We had fun watching Dr. Jackson keeping Garion so challenged."
"That's Danny boy," Jack said. "He works with some real interesting languages, but he's understaffed. Most people in his line of work just don't want to leave their cushy tenure jobs. We were wondering if you would be interested in helping out and helping your country."
"Seems promising," Garion said.
Major Davis who had been studying Garion was a bit surprised at what he saw. Here was a very talented and polite young man who was very fit and if the calluses on his hands were anything to go by…The file said the lad was a musician and an actor. So how much was going on here, acting or genuine?
Garion perched on his mother's desk next to her keyboard. "I wouldn't mind working with Daniel and to see him again. He seemed an alright dude. A bit sad and a little misunderstood, but a decent bloke, all in all. However, I just can't drop everything and go with you without some compromises."
"What type of compromises?" Jack asked a bit suspiciously.
Garion smiled and held up a hand. "One, I take my music and instruments with me…"
Jack nodded. "Agreed."
"Two, I keep in contact with my family here. We're getting ready for summer stock. Sometimes, I am needed to deal with the temperamental equipment here."
"That might be a problem but I'll see what I can do," Jack said. "However, most of what Daniel deals with is classified."
"Understandable," Garion gave a nod. "Lastly, when it is time for me to move on, I can just walk away." This was very important. No assignment could be permanent for him. He had commitments here and duty to his father and his gift.
"No promises. Danny didn't say how long he needed you for, only that he needed some help," Jack said before Davis could protest. "We were wondering if you are up to a trip to Colorado to meet with General Hammond and look over Daniel's collection of ancient languages?"
Garion looked at his mother who shrugged. "You know that your father has no problem with this. Just keep him informed. You know how he can be."
"Speaking of your husband, are you sure he can't make this meeting?" Davis asked as both he and Jack stood.
Sarah nodded and sighed as she stood. "Something came up and he's a tied up at the moment." Which was code for 'He's dealing with a wish away.' And she wasn't very happy with it, but still...
Garion shrugged. It was one of the reasons he'd been hiding in the rafters. His brothers went with their father and, thankfully, he didn't have to deal with it. He had immunity in his position as a True Bard. Even though he was the oldest of the trio, he was adopted, so not in line to inherit the Goblin Throne like his brothers. For which he was truly thankful.
"Father is always after me to broaden my horizons," Garion said as he hopped off the desk. "It won't take me long to pack. I do want to see the contract before I sign it though. What are the weight requirements? It'll make it easier to pack if I know ahead of time."
Jack pulled out the contract, information files and plane tickets. "Look these over. You can give us your answer by the end of the week. A round trip plane ticket, first class, is included if you accept. If not, just send everything to the enclosed address."
"And if anyone from NID comes around, be careful! They do not represent us, and are operating outside of Air Force parameters. Call us if they do contact you," Jack advised them.
Sarah and Garion exchanged a look before agreeing. "Don't worry Colonel. They wouldn't dare cross my father," Garion assured them.
After they left, Garion turned to his mother, who was running her hand through her hair. "It's alright Mom. The seers all said I have to do this."
"I know Garion," she assured him as she draped an arm over his shoulders. "But I don't have to like it."
"How bad is it this time?" He asked, changing the subject.
"Bad. I hate child abuse, and so does he."
The Shakespearan quotes were from Macbeth, act 4, scene 1; Act 5, Scene 8 and Hamlet, Act 3, scene.
Roughly translation: Konnichiwa, Daniel Sensai. Ogenki desu ka: "Hello Professor Daniel. How are you today?"
Since this story is completed, we thought we would go ahead and post it. Several people have been asking for it when they learned we had written it last Nov.
We hope you enjoy it. -GF and the Frau