Hello friends! Here we are at the last chapter! Can't believe this little idea I had two years ago would actually come true! Thank you all of you who have helped and encouraged me! I would like to point out that there will be no sequel because there couldn't be a better ending than this! Again thank you so much for all the reviews!

Reyna P.O.V.

My father never was a skilled fighter. He always had someone do the fighting for him. It was very easy to get him on his knees with my bow at his temple pointed at this throat.

"Please Reyna I'm your father." He said begging me not to kill him.

"That means nothing to me." I said raising my bow and arrow ready to kill him.

"No please I will do anything!" He said desperately.

I hesitated lowering my arrow. For the first time in my life I summoned all my lessons and commanded all the power only a princess could. I raised my chin so I was truly looking down on him and pulled back my shoulders in confidence. I spoke in a steady icy voice.

"I will not kill you. You will be tried for your many crimes against the kingdoms such as cheating people out of taxes and unfair murder. The truth will be revealed to your subjects so they may know what a corrupt ruler you are. You will clear all charges against Captain Killian Jones and his crew. And lastly you will leave me alone. No matter what shall happen to you whether you are thrown in jail for the rest of your life, or executed or released you will leave me alone. You will never show your face to me again and I will live my life. You shall agree to these terms or I will kill you."

He closed his eyes and sighed realizing that his hands were tied.

Quietly he said "I agree to your terms."

My father looked so defeated. I had never seen him like this. He was on his knees in front of me agreeing to stay out of my life.

I had won. He was gone. The ever present threat in my life was gone. I was no longer scared and I could lead my life. I was free to marry the captain. I was free to move on and never look back.

Just then the captain burst through the door and glanced at the room followed by two of his men who quickly rushed in and took my father away to the dungeons.

"I take it that your father is taken care of." The captain said awkwardly standing in the doorway.

"Yes he will be tried in our courts. The people will decide his fate whether he is to live or die or serve time. I don't really care what happens to him now though." I said with an uncomfortable shuffle of my feet.

We stood in silence for a while before the captain spoke up.

"So what do you plan to do with your life now? I know you have a wedding to prince john to attend to tonight."

I chuckled. "I'm afraid I can't make that engagement. You see there is this pirate."

The captain crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame with a smirk

"We fell in love a while back. Sadly he went away and I don't know if he still feels the same way. A lot has happened since then." I said still playing along nervous that for some reason after all that had happened the captain would not want to be with me anymore.

"Well perhaps you should ask him?" He said getting up from the door frame placing his hands at his side looking intently at me.

I stopped smiling and met his gaze getting serious.

"Capt- Killian, after all of this, all of the trouble that I have been to you, do you still want me? Did you truly mean what you said?" I asked looking away nervous for his answer.

He never said anything so I started stammering an excuse before I was cut off by the captains lips.

We embraced kissing each other for a while. And for a short time it felt as though it was just the two of us in the whole world.

"I plan to marry you as soon as physically possible. I plan to live a long and happy life with you. And I plan to take every adventure with you right by my side." He said smiling and looking into my eyes.

I looked deep into his blue eyes and felt at home.

"How soon can we be married?"

With that he grinned and we walked out together talking about wedding ideas while stepping over dead bodies, a typical romantic stroll for the two of us.

*2 weeks later*

Killian P.O.V.

My ship had never looked more beautiful.

White flowers were scattered everywhere. Some were in bouquets across the ship some were tied to the ropes. We had a cabin boys stand up on the crows nest and drop petals so it looked as if it were raining soft beautiful white petals.

The remaining men had all cleaned up as well as I. I was dressed in a nice pair of black leather pants with freshly polished boots and a new white shirt. Lefty who was officiating our wedding was wearing a new blue coat with gold polished buttons up the side.

We were standing at the front of the ship which had all of the cargo and ropes cleaned off so it looked neat. The entire scene was completed by the most gorgeous red orange and purple sunset that had ever been seen out on the sea. The waves were steadily rocking us we chatted amongst ourselves looking out at the backdrop waiting for the main event.

Finally Lefty cleared his throat and we all turned around to see her.

She was holding the roses as more white roses had descended from the crows nest making her look like something out of a fairy tale. She took a step forward and continued her journey down the aisle.

As she came into better focus I could see her simple silk dress that was draped across herself. Half of her hair was pulled back so we could see her face and the rest of it was left natural. The waves stretched across her hips as the caught the sun and reflected pure gold. I often asked her why she didn't just cut her hair because she just complained about it so much. She said that every time she cut it, it would just grow back the next day.

She approached the alter area I was at and only then could I see that she was actually wearing a crown instead of the traditional veil. I smirked knowing how ironic it was for her.

My princess.

She stopped right in front of me as lefty stood behind us facing the rest of the crew as the petals continued falling with the slightly salty breeze softly blowing her hair.

I whispered as Lefty began saying the dearly beloved "I was worried you wouldn't make it."

"I was debating whether to come or not but I didn't want to be a disappointment." She said looking up at me smirking.

"I'm glad you came anyway princess." I said with a smile.

She took my hand in hers, "Well, you know what they say. You can never trust a thief."

And with that we began the rest of our lives handling whatever king, or monster, or magic could throw at us together.