Just taking a night off from my Brittana fic and playing with an idea I had after tonight's episode of Glee. (Two-shot).

I do not own Glee based content or characters. Let me know what you think.


Brittany walked into the empty classroom and waited for the rest of the Glee club to arrive. She wasn't usually early but, being that she was repeating most of her subjects from the previous year, she often found a reason to skip out on class if it became too repetitive.

She fiddled with her phone, refreshing her Facebook newsfeed and giggled at picture Kurt had sent her of two kittens cuddling up together. One of the kittens was honey coloured, the other dark brown and Brittany sighed realising this was another one of Kurt's not-so-subtle hints.

Kurt sent and average of two messages per week and at least one of them had some reference to her and Santana. Prior to the kittens, his last message had simply read "Drive up there and see her."

Santana had made the drive on a couple of occasions but, right now, Brittany didn't feel it was worth four hours in her bomb of a car just to see Santana shake her head and apologise yet again.

When she had phoned Santana to say she was seeing Sam, she had expected an angry response. She predicted tears and she even considered the possibility that there could be begging and if any one of those things had occurred she would have ended things with him straight away. Instead, Brittany was met with another of Santana's 'mature' responses. "I'm really happy for you Britt. Sam's a lovely guy. I just want you to be happy."

If happiness was laughing and knowing there was someone who was always nearby with a hug at the ready then, yeah, she was happy. Brittany, however, had learnt that happiness was meant to feel bigger than that. Happiness had come to be looking at someone and knowing exactly what their smirk meant. Happiness had come to be stealing kisses when nobody was around. Happiness had come to be a glance across the room, a delicate touch. Happiness for Brittany had been able to be summed up lying under the covers of someone else's bed, night after night, and communicating everything without a single word. That someone had been Santana. Happiness didn't feel the same anymore.

Brittany was stirred from her daydream by the bell signalling the transition time between lessons and, one by one, the rest of the Glee club trundled in.

As Sam walked by he offered her a tight-lipped smile and she saw the sadness which still resided in his eyes after a month. She missed having his arms wrapped around her. She missed feeling close to someone. Ultimately, she missed her friend. She and Sam shared a similar sense of humour and he had been there for her when Santana left, and again when she returned only to say the distance had taken its toll and it was over.

Brittany always knew Sam probably liked her as more than a friend and, needing to feel close to someone again, she let him in. She wasn't prepared for the guilt which would accompany her decision, however. When that guilt didn't subside she needed to be honest with him, and herself, and say she'd misread her own feelings.

Sam sat on the other side of the room and she made a conscious effort not to look in his direction. Marley sat down beside her and as she flicked her hair it tickled Brittany's cheek, causing her to giggle.

Finn began yabbering on about the upcoming dance and that his big idea was to have the girls sing to the boy they wished to ask to the dance. Brittany rolled her eyes. Finn was as frustrating as Mr. Schue and, like his mentor, he didn't ever appear to have thought through his ideas entirely.

There was poor Blaine sitting down the end near Sam. He didn't want a girl asking him to the dance. Would Unique get to sing to a boy and if not would she be offended if a girl sung to her? What about her? What if Brittany actually wanted to go to the dance and ask a girl instead of a guy? Maybe she could break out into a rendition of 'Girls Just Want to Have Fun' and see if the irony made any impact on Finn at all.

Marley raised her hand to ask a question and as she lowered it back to the desk it came to rest on top of Brittany's. Both girl's flinched and Brittany felt her face flush at the tingling which had quickly travelled up her arm.

"I'm sorry." Marley cringed and turned to Brittany with a shocked expression on her face and the blonde couldn't help but laugh.

"It's fine, really." She smiled at the girl beside her and noticed, certainly not for the first time, how amazingly her eyes shone in the light.

When Finn had finally finished carrying on, the group was dismissed and Brittany found herself watching as Marley packed her folder into her back and swung it over her shoulder causing her long brown hair fall around her face.

Brittany hesitated as she exited the classroom. She was supposed to be turning right to have her fortnightly check-in with Figgins, something he did with all second-year seniors. Feeling a nervous excitement overtake her, she turned left instead following a striped knitted sweater down the corridor.

Reaching out, she tapped Marley on the shoulder and couldn't help grinning at the warm smile on the girl's face as she turned around.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Brittany felt the words rush out as she tried to cover up her nerves by holding her folder tightly against her chest.

"Yeah." Marley offered the blonde a confused smile, intrigued by the glimmer in her eyes.

Brittany could hardly keep the smile from her face now that she had the brunette's attention. "Ah, my name is Brittany…"

Marley looked away shyly, sensing the blonde was flirting with her. "I know."

"Okay, I wasn't sure, we've never actually had a conversation before," she offered a shy smile before continuing, "…it's exciting."

Marley stopped at her locker and leant against it as her brow furrowed, contradicting the wry smile on her face. "I know we've never spoken before, but that doesn't mean I don't know who you are. It doesn't mean I haven't noticed you."

Brittany felt her pulse quicken slightly. "You've noticed me?" She questioned Marley's words, hoping that the girl meant something more by that.

"Of course I have. It's impossible not to in that uniform." Marley felt herself blushing now and Brittany let out a breathy laugh and turned to lean against the lockers next to her.

Brittany hoped that by not standing directly in front of each other it may help to calm her nerves a little and make her feel less self-conscious, especially after that comment. She wasn't about to let it go though.

She raised her eyebrows. "My uniform, huh? What about it?"

Marley brought a hand to her face, pretending to scratch her nose in an effort to hide the increasing heat in her cheeks. "It's just so…red and you're so…tall…it kind of makes you hard to miss." Marley groaned at her awkward attempt at an explanation and covered her face with both hands, shaking her head slightly.

Brittany reached out and pried one finger away from Marley's face and waited for the girl to glance sideways before she spoke. She grinned as Marley turned her head slightly and peaked out at her from behind her fingers.

"I'm sorry, that was a dumb thing to say." She lowered her hands, hoping she'd reached her maximum level of humiliation for one conversation.

"It's fine. I am super tall and my uniform is so red." Brittany tried to lighten the mood and felt her heart skip slightly as the girl threw her head back and laughed. "So…the reason I wanted to speak with you was to ask if you were going to ask anyone to the dance?"

"You mean sing my request?" Marley hoped Brittany understood where her sarcasm was directed.

The two shared a laugh and Brittany nodded.

"No. None of the boys in the club interest me. I mean, I liked Jake for a while but I found out that he basically won me in a trade-off for a song. Ryder won the solo, Jake won the girl, but I'm not prepared to be someone's prize. It's not exactly the makings of a beautiful romance, right?"

Brittany nodded again. "Every girl deserves more than that Marley." She swallowed to clear her throat slightly before speaking again. "Look, umm...I hadn't planned on singing my request either, but…I would if you wanted me to." Brittany looked down at her shoes shyly and waited for Marley to respond.

"Hey." Marley nudged her shoulder against Brittany's and waited for the blonde to look back up. When she did she noticed a change in the look in Brittany's eyes and wondered what the blonde was thinking. Turning towards Brittany, Marley stepped a little closer before leaning her shoulder against the metal lockers and against the blonde's red Cheerios jacket.

"Are you asking me if I'll go to the dance with you Britt?" Marley teased, trying to illicit a smile from the blonde.

Brittany pressed her lips together as she nodded and frowned slightly in anticipation of the other girl's response.

"Well I'm not going to make you sing your request but, just out of interest, what song would pick if you had to?" Marley enjoyed watching the other girl squirm a little under her gaze.

Brittany rolled her eyes at herself before answering Marley's question. She had thought about it while Finn was talking and had felt her feet begin to tap out a rhythm. She turned now, facing Marley and leaning herself against the lockers. Cringing slightly, she admitted to the song which had been in her head previously. "Beauty and a Beat."

Marley felt her mouth stretch into a wide grin. "You would sing me a Justin Bieber song?"

Brittany looked down again, feeling anxious and just wanting the girl's answer. "Well I would, but singings not really my thing, which is why I'm asking you if you would like to go to a dance with me. Dancing is totally my thing."



Marley reached her hand down towards Brittany's and squeezed it lightly. "Yes, I would love to go to the Sadie Hawkins dance with you Brittany." Feeling her heart race in her chest as she made a quick decision, Marley pulled on Brittany's hand, bringing the girl closer to her, and placed an innocent kiss on her cheek before grinning at the blonde and walking away.

Brittany's eyes widened as Marley's lips left her skin tingling and watched the brunette head down the coridor. Instantly she felt a lot closer to happiness than she had in a long time.

I know it's not Brittana, but it's just meant to be a little bit of flirty fun.

Are people keen for a Part 2 which covers the night of the dance?