
The first time Tom Marvolo Riddle has ever seen her was in his orphanage, The Wool's Orphanage, in middle of London through the window in his small, shadowy room.
That day, September 24th, 1933, was a rainy day and gray clouds hung low above dark London's sky. Tom shuddered from the coldness as he stared through the window to see people running, searching for a place to rest until the rain stopped.
Among those adults running in the rain in different direction, Tom found a little girl, about his age, running in the crowd.
But it wasn't the rain she was trying to escape from, it seemed that someone-, or something was chasing after her as she continuously looked back to her shoulder. Tom Riddle stirred in his hard chair to have a better look at her; she wasn't just an ordinary girl, Tom thought. She wasn't those girls who played with their baby dolls, she was different somehow, although Tom couldn't explain how different. Until, he noticed one reason that made her look different from other children; she seemed to be alone. No mother or father of her's were to be seen near her. But there were other reasons that made her exceptional.
She was running towards the rusted iron gate of Wool's Orphanage, then she creaked it open, to Tom's surprise. Then he heard loud bangings downstairs which were from the front door, that sounded like to be in a hurry. Next, he heard the old door creek open, and heard Martha's kind voice. "Hello, are you alone? How can I help you?"
Tom heard the girl's squeaky. panicky, out-of-breath voice, "Hello. Please, can I come in?"
"Sure, my dear," and he heard the door close again with a loud creek.
Tom got up and went up to his room's door to peek outside. Just as he thought, many eyes were peeking through some of the doors that faced the second floor corridor, investigating the situation.
Tom closed the door as he rolled his eyes and went to sit over by the window again. Most of children were happy to get together and play with eachother. But some children who weren't open-minded as others usually liked to spy on eachother to see what they were doing. The eyes that were peeking through the doors belonged to those children.
Beneath the floor Tom heard , the head of orphanage, announce to the children who were playing in the living room, "Everyone, Dennis, ssssshhh... Ehem. Everyone, today I would like to introduce your new friend, Genevieve Bellamore. Let's give her a warm welcome, and, Rosaline, you'll be sharing the same room with her."

AN: This is my first time making my own fanfiction story, so I may not be a good author as Lady Moonglow who wrote the famous "Have You Ever", but I am thinking that by posting my stories, I could improve more. So please accept this story even if it's really weird and doesn't make sense! And my first chapter, the Prologue (I know it's really short, and I'm sorry about that). This chapter's intension is to raise readers a question of "who Genevieve Bellamore is", and I'm thinking to answer that question later on in my story.