The First Day

The day started like any other day. I was at home living with my parents. I certainly had no job, which was for sure. Instead I lived through excuses and made them everyday so that I would not have to walk in the heat of summer. Okay maybe that is just being lazy but isn't everyone!?

Somehow I would have preferred the cold winter days then to this horrible heat. In fact, just the mention of going outside made me squeal. It's not that I don't like the outdoors. I love the outdoors! However I cannot bring myself to walk around in unseasonably hot weather, when I know, that; I am prone to get sick with dehydration. I sweat to a point that it's rolling off of me. Disgusting! I know and that is why I try to avoid this whenever possible.

It's true though about what some people say. The older you get, the more prone you are to getting sick. I'm already several months older then eighteen. I get sick from everything I eat. Maybe that's why I need to lose weight. I wished to change myself for the better. What if everything could change into something different?

Yes, if things were only different . . .

I wish my life would change for the better . . . .

I wish Pokemon were real . . .

That night I dreamt' and I felt a wind brush my face for the briefest second as I closed my eyes.

Alone far away I heard a voice calling my name.

Natasha . . .

Natasha . . .

Mew! (Natasha)

Mew! Mew! It cried Alone I stood wondering if I could go to them

I stood in a darkened room on a lighted platform.

Mew! Mew! It cried alone far away I head a voice and my whispered wish was lost to the winds

A strong wind blew none to gently

Mew! Mew! Meww! Meww! Alone far away they heard my silent wish

The wind became a roar.

Mew! Mew! (Your wish will be granted!) Alone far away I heard the tinkle of glass

The key has unlocked the door.

Mew! My wish and as I stood I felt the comfort of another

A flash of light and all became clear.

Mew! Mew! I would be alone but not without a small change . . .

Countless creatures surrounded me.

I was not afraid.

A smile graced my face then.


The next morning dawned bright but the echoes of one little cat remained. I wanted it to be true. Rushing out of bed I was met with disappointment as I saw nothing out my window that would indicate real pokemon. With a heavy heart I got dressed for the day. Somewhere deep down I still held out hope that something good would come of all this.

Three weeks later . . .

Some time had passed but again every morning. I would check out my window for any sign that the dream I had was much more then some fantasy that my mind made up.

Mew? What is a Mew? I know it is a legendary Pokemon or a psychic cat. Pokemon are creatures with extraordinary abilities. They become our companions and of course they will do anything for their trainers. Yes, that would be me, a trainer but with one wrong problem. Pokemon doesn't exist except in TV shows, anime, video games, plush toys, clothes and even food boxes. There is no such thing as pokemon in this world.

Far away in another world Pokemon thrive, get captured or join with a worthy trainer. You know I probably would give up staying in this world and join the pokemon any old day. But, as life would have it sometimes wishes don't always come out the way we planned. Sometimes events have their own way of working themselves out.

A few minutes after 8:00 in the morning, and I was now wide awake due to the light shining through the curtains of my room. My room was like any other teenagers room except that it was crowded. I had a computer in the right corner of my room and boxes lined up on the left side. Though, I had boxes almost everywhere you looked in my room. I had an old TV that was slowly giving me problems. It showed everything in the color red. The TV was older then me because in order to turn it on you had to push or pull a button. It's surprising that it lasted this long but I guess sooner or later I was going to have to bug my parents about getting a new TV, or save for one. That is if I ever got a job.

Early in the morning I would usually rub my eyes, reach over and put my glasses on or turn the light on. For some odd reason I could not reach my eyes as if . . . Huh! My arms were too short. To my surprise I had three little fingers. Looking behind me I saw a long pink tail with a fluff at the end of it. Aren't Mew supposed to have bulbous tails? Why is my tail fluffy at the end and more importantly, how do you walk with feet bigger than yourself?

I tried to talk but all that came out was a cat call. Mew!

"Mew! MEW! Mew! (What has happened to me?)?" I cried out. I almost started to cry right than and there with frustration. Taking a deep breath to calm myself I began to think. I knew what I was without looking at my pokemon guidebook.

I had been transformed into a Mew. Something happened during my dream three weeks ago. I think the original Mew that heard me, the one pokemon that answered me decided to make things a little funny by turning me into a Mew. Why go through the trouble to change my entire species? My dad had always said, "Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it." The only problem is that I made a wish to go the Pokemon world not become a pokemon. What if deep down Mew saw a true desire to become a pokemon and now this is the result. She probably didn't know what to turn me into so . . .

Many thoughts whirled in my head but one seemed to be louder then the others. If I was a Mew then maybe it was possible that pokemon would begin appearing everywhere on the world. They would most likely evolve from other people and animals in order to become real... Well, however they become real, things would change real quickly. I couldn't help but wonder what changes could be wrought from one simple wish?

It was only too bad they became real after the horrible event last year in September. If they had been real then thousands of people would be alive today. Mewtwo, would have been able to teleport everybody out; while, teleporting the injured to the hospital. Things would have been ultimately been solved. Osama Bin Laden would have been found and teleported to a maximum security cell by, Mewtwo. But, unfortunately it wasn't like that. People died and there will be families without a mother or a father to come home and say it's all right. Even today in my own imagination, I believe that it could have been different if, Pokemon had been real.

What's done is past and right now I was going to have to worry about my current condition. I was a pink cat that could lead to me and my parents being thrown out. What I needed to do was to find a way to become human again or at least make the illusion of it. I know that my dad might not be fooled with it, though. My dad was a psychic and so was I but; now more so then ever due to my unexpected change in species.

I think the first order of business was to learn a levitate move. I had a feeling that learning a move was going to take a little time, but I had to learn it.

Jumping up in the air I tried thinking I want to stay in the air only to land horribly on my tail. Ouch! I hoped that nothing was broken. That was a bad approach to this. Maybe I need to think like a bird or something. Nothing happened at first but I couldn't help but wonder the whole time how frustrating this was. Another thought occurred to me that maybe I was going about it all wrong.

Relax and try to feel everything around you including your own power. Standing in the middle of my bed I tried to relax. It kind of felt silly of me to be trying to do this but if I didn't then how in the world would I be able to get anywhere. Without even realizing I was already floating. Ouch! I know it was real stupid but if I had my eyes open I probably would not have hit my poor head on the ceiling. Unfortunately I fell back to the ground and almost twisted my foot.

What a day this was turning out to be. Sighing I realized that I was probably a long way off from mastering levitation. At least I knew how to levitate even though my eyes were closed the whole time. Looking to the clock I realized only thirty minutes had gone by. All that effort and I'm still where it all began from the time I woke up. Even though my parents were at work I couldn't help but feel worried that they would find me like this.

Uug!! This is so . . . frustrating! I just wanted to pull my hair out but that was a no go since I had microscopic hair. AHHhhaaa! I yelled but it only came out as a cat yowling. That shut me up rather fast for I in all my wonderful wisdom forgot about the thin walls of the apartment in which my family lived. The sound of banging could be heard on the front door. Standing rigidly and stiff I waited with baited breath for whoever was there to go away. It wasn't like I could go and answer the door without trouble. After twenty minutes had passed the knocking stopped leaving me a little relieved.

Now how do I levitate again? Oh Yeah! I just have to relax and feel my power but with my eyes open. This might be a little tricky to accomplish but I know I can do this. I just need to concentrate.

Trying again I relaxed but kept my eyes open. There! I felt that. It felt like a warm wind that caresses you when it's chilly. A feeling began to rise from my chest as I slowly began to rise again into the air. Was this happiness? All I knew was that I wanted to zip around the room at a breakneck speed. Whatever lets go wild!

Zoom! Bang! Groaning I realized then that I should take things a bit slower. Hitting my head on the wall and leaving a dent in it was probably not a good idea. How in the world am I going to explain to my parents about the dent in the wall? I wanted to rub my head but because of my short arms the most I could reach is my mouth. After a few seconds I light bulb went on in my head. Why not use my tail? Suffice to say I learned real quick that a tail does not equal are plus opposable thumbs. I ended up doing a forward flip in the air.

I had learned to levitate myself but I wonder if I could do the same thing with objects.

For one second I thought about it and could help but feel fearful. Maybe I should just move on. I think my next step would be to transform back into my human form. Man, why do I get the feeling this is going to be a doozy. I guess the move I should learn was a Ditto's transform ability. At first nothing happened when I first tried. Using all my psychic ability I tried to transform myself into the human form I knew so well.

I closed my eyes and concentrated and at first nothing happened. Then after a few seconds a felt taller like I went into a growth spurt. I opened my eyes and saw my blue eyes staring back. I had in fact done it. I was human again except with one little problem. I had blue eyes instead of my brown eyes. Concentrating a little more and my eye's were normal again.

It was strange watching oneself change, but what can I say, I was myself. I had nothing to be ashamed of, except that I was fat. I hated it but, if I appeared as skinny, my parents would know something is up. Well, I could fool my mom but not my dad. After all he is a Scorpio sign like me and therefore I can't hide from him. In other words he knows the Scorpio behavior better then I can. The only other answer was to tell him before mom got home.

I really should tell you my name and it should come as no surprise. Just do me a favor and don't go looking for me. With Ditto's transform ability I can appear as anyone or anything I want. He! He! With everything said and done, my name is, Buganheim. You wish! Really, my name is, Natasha. Most of my friends call me, Tasha for short. He! He! Okay, I have to admit I am giggling for no particular reason. Must be part of Mew's nature or maybe I'm just happy to have learned enough to get by for a day. Though I couldn't help but think of all known pokemon attacks listed in my guidebook.

With a chance to do some good, well, I was going to enjoy having mew powers. I decided to learn some other attacks. What I found was something remarkable. I didn't have to forget any of the previous moves that I had just recently learned. I guess I was the exception to replacing old moves. I think though that I have to be willing to forget the move or moves.

In the next few hours I learned psychic, disable, transform, psych-up, tail whip, telekinesis and psych-heal. Learning moves was hard but by the time my parents come home I'll be able to do things I hadn't done before. I had about an hour before my parents would come home. I decided to learn one more move. I decided to learn teleport. A sudden chill went up my spine as if I was attempting something wrong. I just hope I don't land in a toilet or something bazaar like a man's bathroom. Now if it was a cute guy my age then I would have no room to complain. Drool…

Sigh! Okay onto business. In order to teleport one needs a definite destination. Should I teleport to the library in Bethlehem? Hmm . . . With a destination in mind I began to concentrate and again feel my power. In that moment I hit a snag and nothing happened. I closed my eyes and tried a little harder. Nothing! I was still in my room. It took about half an hour to actually teleport. I teleported to the downstairs bathroom but levitate saved me from making a very big mess. I flew out of the bathroom and looked at the clock in the kitchen.

My mom was going to be the first to come home today. I didn't know if that was a premonition or a warning but I took to walking normally on the ground. I do have to admit though that my eyesight and other reactions had changed. In fact I had changed more then my parents would ever realize. The only problem was getting them to understand that my powers were more important then looking for a job. Besides, I don't think they would have treasured the day I destroyed a few buildings because of loosing control of my powers. In thinking all this sounds of keys at the door drew my attention. Fear taking hold I scampered up the stairs to my room and waited with baited breath.

"Puki, I'm home! Have you found a job, yet?" My mom yelled out, upstairs. I stayed quiet like I was not upstairs. Yes, I know! My mom refers to me as, Puki and my dad refers to me as, Na. I was upstairs checking myself over to see that I had no flaws. I didn't have any.

"No!" I simply answered. I already knew that mom would not say a thing but my dad was the other problem. Two months and I still had not a single job. They both were either worried or just furious that I had not done anything. Well, actually I have done a few things like trying to ignore them at all costs. I know that sounds mean but, after living with my parents for all my life, you get a chance to understand that they don't take things lightly.

In grade school I had the habit of getting bad grades like an, F. I know that's really bad but you also have to understand what I was going through at the time. I got teased everyday by the kids in my class for either being fat or for having dandruff in my hair. If it wasn't one thing it had to be something else. Everyday had been the same. I made wish after wish that something would change like moving away so that I could go to school with a completely different set of classmates. There were even the times I wished that I had wings so that I could fly away. Unfortunately, I had to stick with the school that I was in all the way to Eight Grade. I hated every minute, every second, every month of my life then.

Life does however have its ups and downs. You think that life will help you get through your problems but you're wrong. My dad once told me that if something is meant to happen it will happen. No one can change their destinies or places in life. You can think that if you choose something it will be what you want. You are surly wrong. Destiny is what leads us in the direction that we are meant to follow. When you're where you are supposed to be all doors open for you. No person, authority figure, rules, laws or higher power is going to stop that which is meant for you. It is almost like you touch a door and the key mysteriously appears out of thin air. You still have to take hold of that key and turn it. You have the power but are you willing to go for it? Are you ready to take that giant leap forward?

In every aspect I was Mew but for all intents and purposes anything seemed possibly at this very moment.

End Chapter

For an opening I just want to say Thank You. Thank you to all those that have reviewed and been patient with me as I know all of you want to know when a new chapter will be out. I have chapter 12 on hold for reason. Revision was most definitely needed in this story. I had to delete paragraphs and rewrite whole others. I have also tried a little bit of humor to the best of my ability.

If anyone has ideas for humor and where I can add it to this story please say so in a review. I would much appreciate it very much.

Also later in this story I will not whatsoever change the starters to something else. I know someone complained about this but to this person… stick your finger where the sun doesn't shine. I have my reasons for things and people placed oddly. There is a method to my madness…

Okay, on a lighter note I will get right to work on revising chapter two and hopefully everything will run smoothly from there.

I am sorry for taking so long to update this story. Please forgive me.

Have a Happy Holiday everyone!