"Mm.." Kurt closed his eyes again, his head pounding out of control. "Mm..ne-nu.."

Blaine pushed the button to signal Nurse Karen to come in as he held tightly to Kurt's hand. "Everything will be alright, Kurt. Okay?"

Before Blaine could hear Kurt's response, in walks the nurse, clipboard in hand and a smile on her face. "Oh he's awake!" exclaimed the nurse excitedly. "Is he responding to your voice?"

"H-Head.." Kurt's eyes were tightly closed shut the entire time, his speech slurred. The hospital lights too bright for his liking. The nurse dimmed the lights down as she paged the doctor.

"Go ahead and open your eyes, honey. I turned the lights down."

Kurt slowly opened his eyes, his vision a little better, and immediately landed them on Blaine. He smiled softly, blue eyes meeting hazel and whispers, "Bl-Blai.."

"Hi sweetie, just relax you don't have to talk at all..." Blaine tried to hold back more tears, but couldn't help it. They fell against his will. In the short amount of time he's known Kurt, he's never felt more connected with a person than he does with him. The thought of losing Kurt scared him. He wasn't sure if he was ready to lose another person he loved.

Love. Was that it? Was it possible he was already head over heels in love with this man? It's possible. His mother always told him he was a sucker for love, but whatever it was, he wasn't planning on letting Kurt go anytime soon.

"Honey, can you tell me if anything hurts at all?" Nurse Karen scribbled something down on her clipboard and headed towards the bed. "I just paged the doctor, we're going to take him down to a MRI scan..."

Blaine eyes go wide in response, "I-I just-"

"He'll be fine, honey, I promise..." She glanced at him for a quick second and focused all of her attention back at Kurt. "Honey, can you say your name for me?"

"Kun-Kurt..." He wheezed out.

"Good job, Kurt...I want you to just stay as relaxed as you can, as you wake up more things are going to hurt a lot... Understand? If you do I want you to either blink twice, or squeeze Blaine's hand..." Karen spoke calmly.

Blaine watch Kurt with careful eyes, waiting for his response, his heart fluttering wildly as he felt Kurt squeeze his hand..

"He did it..." Blaine's voice was quiet, as he wiped furiously under his eyes with his free hand.

"Good." She looked at the door and Kurt's doctor stood there, and she nodded at them, "Kurt, we're going to be taking you down for some testing okay? A lot of people will be around you and Blaine will not be in there with you, but you'll be okay."

Kurt's eyes went around frantically as nurses crowded around him.

Blaine gently touched his left shoulder, Kurt's scared, shattered blue eyes meeting hazel orbs, "You'll be okay..."

"E-English please?" Blaine shook his head, eyes scared, trying to understand the doctor.

"A good part of his right side is paralyzed..." The doctor said plainly.

"C-can he get it back?" Blaine swallowed thickly.

"Fifty-fifty chance... His speech is very slow, he was complaining about headaches which is normal."

"So he won't need another surgery?"

"No, if things go for the better and not the worse..."

Blaine let out his breath he didn't realize he was holding in, "Oh thank God..."

"He'll be staying here for a while, remaining in ICU, but allowed few visitors, that'll be you and Ms. Berry... He could start physical therapy here."

"He-He'll need that?" Blaine bit his lower quivering lip.

"Yes, but now we want to keep him as comfortable as possible... We don't want to add any stress to him what so ever..." Blaine nodded at the doctor as he spoke. "You can see him, he'll be back in his room..."

"T-thank you, Doctor..." His voice broken and quiet, crossing his arms on his chest, casting his eyes down.

"He's strong Mr. Anderson... I'm positive he'll prevail..." With that, the doctor turned away, walking down the hallway, leaving Blaine alone in the ICU hallway.

Forcing himself to move his feet, Blaine sauntered back into the cold quiet room, that same dreaded beeping filling his ears, making his stomach drop. As he slowly walked out to the bed, as quiet as he could, not knowing if Kurt was asleep or not, he noticed some of the rosy pink back in Kurt's cheeks. His head with gauze wrapped around covering the stitches across his head. Cuts still covered with bandages, but not as bad as the thick bleed-through gauze at the beginning. Blaine silently pulled back the chair to the side of the bed, watching as Kurt's nose twitched, making a light smirk on Blaine's lips. Kurt's powered blue eyes slowly shifted open, his eyesight still fuzzy as he attempts to make out Blaine's dark figure in front of him. Blaine watched him with careful eyes, only wanting to cup his cheek, but afraid of hurting him.

His eyesight failing on him, Kurt let out a small sound of distress like a little cry from a puppy, his head starting to throb again. Slowly, he reached up touching the gauze on his head and Blaine stretched out taking Kurt's hand.

"No, don't be touching that... You have stitches under their..." Blaine spoke softly.

"M'head..." Kurt's speech indistinct.

"I know your head hurts, Kurt... do you want anything? Water? Pain medicine?"

"Want m'dad..."

That made Blaine's heart sink to the floor, "He ca-can't, Kurt... I'm sorry..." He knows how much Kurt misses his dad. They would stay up late until four in the morning talking about their parents. Blaine was still lucky to at least have both. He would have no idea what to do if his father died how Burt did.

"I-I kn-kno.." Kurt's face screwed up, getting frustrated with his speech.

"Just go back to sleep... I'll be here in the morning..." Blaine gently kissed Kurt's knuckles lightly rubbing Kurt's cold skin on his arm.


"I promise..." With that, Kurt closed his powered blue eyes, letting the sound of the EKG machine, and Blaine's warm hands on his arm lull him to sleep. Blaine sunk down in the hospital chair, rubbing his thumb over Kurt's knuckles absent-mindedly, being pulled into sleep.

The next morning they were both awakened by Rachel entering the room with bags of presents and get well soon flowers. Blaine got up out of the chair and helped her with the load. "Thank you!" Rachel said, putting the gifts down on the chair in the room. "All of your model friends wanted me to drop these off. I think I even saw a cheesecake in one of the bags!"

Kurt attempted to sit up, but still very frail he gave up, laying on his back. He made a small nose sounding like a 'come here' for Blaine to come by his side. Blaine went and took Kurt's hand in his. "You sleep well?"

Kurt cleared his throat nodding slowly and directed his attention to Rachel. "Ra-Rache..." He sighed deeply, annoyed at not being able to speak correctly. "B an-and me-me-"

"We met already." Rachel smiled, cutting Kurt off. "Actually, the other day. I had to force him to eat and drink, just to get him through the night."

"Sorry about that," Blaine said giving her a small smile. "I'm usually more enthusiastic when meeting new people. I'm actually a big fan of yours."

"Well that's very flattering, Blaine."

Kurt's head began to pound. He shakily let go of Blaine's hand and pointed up at the mobile table at the water.

"You want water, Kurt?" Blaine reached over picking up the cup, a straw placed in it. Blaine put the straw between Kurt's lips, taking slow sips as the room temperature water soothed his dry throat.

Rachel took a seat next to Kurt's bed and gently rubbed his arm. "You'll be better in no time, honey. Up and running around again like a little bouncing bunny..." Kurt moved Blaine's hand away, cracking a small smirk, Blaine and Rachel looking at each other smiling.

"I think we already have him back..." Rachel grinned.

A month had passed in order for Kurt to start walking on his own and getting back into his natural routine, though still in the hospital for everything, Kurt was determined to get one hundred percent better. And he had! His mobility on his right side improved dramatically, able to carry light objects, hold his phone. He even started texting again, sending Blaine messages when he had to leave for Vogue for the day. He got bored in the hospital, his head thinking that if he just did more and more, he'd get out of there.

Blaine was helping the entire time, helping him dress and wash, feeding him, making sure his pills were crushed and mixed in water (cause that's the only way Kurt could take them), whatever Kurt needed, Blaine was there for him. It made Kurt appreciate Blaine more and maybe, just maybe he fell a little bit more in love with him.

After leaving the hospital after that month, it was Kurt's first morning back his apartment. They were sitting at Kurt's kitchen table, eating a bowl of cereal, Fruity Pebbles for Kurt, when Blaine looked up at Kurt, eyes full of love. "Hey beautiful…"

Kurt looked up from his bowl and blushed shyly then looked back down at his bowl, "I'm not beautiful." He mutter chewing his cereal.

"Are you kidding me?" Blaine scooted his chair closer and took Kurt's hands in his. "You are absolutely beautiful." His fingers lightly traced the scar along Kurt's forehead. "You're healing nicely. You can hardly notice the scar."

Kurt tried to give him a smile, but he just couldn't. His thumbs caressed Blaine's hands and he took a deep breath and got up from his seat, taking his bowl to the sink. "If you want, we can have that dinner with Rachel tonight. I need to get out of the apartment anyways."

"Yeah, I think that'd be good, for the both of us." Blaine paused looking over at him. "Kurt?" The man turned on his heels and looked back at his boyfriend. "Come here." Blaine patted his lap and Kurt limped over sitting right on it, arms wrapping around his neck and looked into his eyes. "You are beautiful and I would never lie about that..." His voice softly, gently rubbing Kurt's hip with his thumb.

Kurt glanced down away from Blaine's gaze and nodded, slowly getting off Blaine's lap, "I'm going to take a shower..."

Blaine sighed quietly, watching as Kurt walk lamely away, "Okay..."

"How are you feeling?" Rachel ask softly as Kurt limped into her apartment.

"Oka-okay, just really tired..." Kurt replied.

"It's the pills, the doctor says non drowsy, but they knock him out..." Blaine gently put a hand on Kurt's upper back and Kurt gave him a weak smile back.

"If I don't eat much, I'm sorry... th-they get rid of my appetite too..." Kurt folded his arms across his chest, his normal happy cheery voice, plagued with slurs and stutters.

"It's okay, honey, I'm still cooking, so just go rest on the couch." Rachel smiled as Blaine took Kurt over to the couch before joining her in the kitchen. "How is he?"

"Speech is improving... keeps having these dizzy spells that scare the crap out of me... he stands up and gets this blank expression like he's about to pass out." Blaine sighed as Rachel handed him a wooden spoon to stir the pasta sauce.

"It's just his body regulating itself out, he'll have another CT scan soon and if anything is abnormal the doctors will tell us..." She sighed, cutting up bell peppers tossing them into the sauce as Blaine stirred.

"He's barely eating... This morning he had half a bowl of cereal and a few bites of an apple and that's it..." Rachel took the spoon from Blaine, lowering the fire, striding over closing the kitchen doors, Blaine having a confused look on his face.

"That's it? That's all he's eaten?" Rachel crossed her arms looking at him.

"That's it... should I be even more worried than I am?"

Rachel bit her lower lip and sighed before speaking, "When his dad died, he shut down completely. Didn't sleep, didn't eat... I had to force him to at least take a bite of a cracker... About two months after his father passed, he fainted during a fashion show and then sent to a rehab for anorexia." Blaine leaned against the countertop his bright hazel eyes falling to the ground. "He..what he saw in his eyes was perfection during that time...and now with this, I think he'll want that even more..."

"Great..." His voice flat.

Rachel sighed deeply and lifted up his chin their eyes locking, "I haven't seen someone care so deeply for a person in my life... let alone him... I know for a fact that he loves you for everything you've done for him..."

"He tells me that every day..."

"Good, but we have to remind him everyday that he's perfect scars or no scars..."

"I try too, Rachel! I do... He just looks so sad..." Blaine's voice broke.

"He's sad because he isn't working and doing what he loves... He's sad because he knows he's not one hundred percent better yet!" Rachel voiced loudly.

"He should be happy that he's alive!"

"I am happy I am alive..." Blaine spun around seeing Kurt standing in the frame of the doorway. "I'm more that hap-happy that I'm alive..." He slowly shuffled his way to Blaine. "I know how clo-close I was to death, Rachel told me that if I wasn't going to wake within that next week th-they were going to take me off life support. I'm hap-happy that I know you were there every single day next to me, even though we're barely dating..." Kurt's clear blue eyes filled with tears. "And you have no idea, how grateful I am for that... because truthfully, no one besides Rachel would have done that for me..."

Blaine gazed up at Kurt, his heart swelling with love, speaking softly, "I love you..."

"I love you too..." Kurt smiled softly knowing he didn't stutter, "Now I'm starving!"

Author's notes: Brief and I've only grazed over it with correction, sorry for mistakes. :) Writing by both of us. Now I'm gonna sleep. Reviews are loved we have a general idea of what we want to happen, but if you guys want to see anything more tell us! :)