Article from the Coruscant News:

As we celebrate the success of the Jedi as they fight on in the Clone Wars and their victory on Hoth, it is with a heavy heart that this reporter bears the citizens of the Republic this saddening news.

The rumors that the Jedi had sent two of their own back to Geonosis three months ago is now known to be true. The beloved heroes Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Knight Anakin Skywalker were to investigate the possibility of entering the abandoned Separatist facilities and recovering any lost and forgotten information in their systems.

While the Jedi still refuse to release all the details, Master Windu did shed a flicker of light on the subject. During their investigation, the droid facilities had imploded with the two Jedi in it. The causes for this are either unknown or unsaid at this time. Master Kenobi, our condolences be with him, was injured severely and Knight Skywalker is said to be unfound.

"We have made as thorough a search as the wreckage down there will allow us." Stated Master Windu this morning, "It is not easily that we give up on one of our own, but it is impossible to cling to an unrealistic hope. Even if Skywalker had survived the implosion, it is absurd to assume that he has managed to live this long."

With great reluctance, the Jedi Council and the Republic Court have declared Knight Anakin Skywalker to be dead. Our hearts go out to those that may have known him and we wish he could be told how much the Republic is grateful for his sacrifice.

"He will be missed." The Chancellor expressed his remorse over the news of Knight Skywalker's death. "I've known him since he was just a boy; Anakin is the closest thing I will ever have to a son."

Viceroy Organa also had his share of words over the Jedi's death, "He fought bravely to keep this Republic together. I know, for we talked many times; my office will not be the same without his stubborn arguments. Anakin's death is as much a loss to this war as it is to me."

Many others have shown regret over this awful tragedy. The Jedi, however, remain relatively silent about it; whether out of secrecy, remorse, or respect- we can only guess at. Undoubtedly he will be missed by what was the closest thing any Jedi has to a family.

While the Jedi Order has indicated that they are going to hold a private ceremony in Knight Skywalker's honor, Chancellor Palpatine is currently said to be arranging a memorial for him both on Coruscant and on the Chancellor's home planet of Naboo. The Chancellor has stated that he will place Senator Amidala, who is currently visiting her family, in charge of the arrangements for the one on Naboo and that he would personally see to the memorial here.

Such a hero will not be forgotten, nor the cause that he fought for. "His sacrifice for the liberty of the Republic, in vain will not be." Said Jedi Master Yoda in a rare moment with the public, "Win this Clone War, we will. So that others may not die, fight harder, we will."

It is with great sorrow that we say goodbye to the Hero With No Fear; by his acts of valor, he has earned himself a place in the hearts of the people. Knight Skywalker, rest assured that we sorrow at your passing, and may you remain peaceful in the force knowing that your fight will not be counted as a loss.