A/N: Very Short little one-shot which is the result of what happens when I spend 2 full days with Thre3.

Disclaimer: Still dont own Castle :(


To tell you the truth, she missed him. He was away in California on another book tour and she was stuck in New York with paperwork. He had already been away for 3 days and would be gone another 4. This was going to be the longest time they have been apart since they got together almost a year ago. She didn't know how much longer she could take this.

Kate was still staring blankly at the mountain of paper in front of her. She just couldn't focus. She missed him. But she just couldn't bring herself to call him. Kate Beckett was not a clingy girlfriend that could not go 3 days without seeing him. She was supposed to be the strong independent woman who could take care of herself.

She gave up about 5 minutes later when she realized she was the last one in the bullpen. She tossed the paperwork aside to find her phone. She opened her messages hoping to find a text from him saying he missed her. But nothing. He was supposed to be the clingy one in the relationship, not her. She grabbed her coat and bag off his chair and left without another thought.

Kate stumbled with the keys before opening the door, take out in hand. Castle gave her a key to his loft before he left and told her that she could stay there is she wanted. Martha had gone with Rick on the tour and Alexis was still at college so she had the loft all to herself. She headed straight for the kitchen, feeling very at home as she found plates and cutlery with ease. She ate the Chinese takeout slowing and in the silence of the loft.

Tiredness fell over her and she made her way to the bedroom. Kate knocked off her heels and collapsed on to the bed. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and began to just stare at the lock screen. She just really needed to see his face at least if she couldn't bring herself to call him. She was going to scroll through her photos and find the ones that they took at Central Park just last week.

Her jaw dropped when she saw them. Filling pages upon pages was selfies of her boyfriend, the one the only Richard Castle.

Some were nice where he was just smiling or blowing a kiss to the camera. But then they got weird. There was several where he was pouting and doing that weird duck face thing. There was a few dozen of him winking. A couple were even just really close ups of his mouth, eyes and nose.

But the last photo is what surprised her the most. It was another selfie, taken on this very bed to be exact. But this time Rick was naked. Well not entirely. There was a small camera that appeared to be strategically placed.

Kate didn't know whether to laugh or be angry at him. She figured angry was more her thing.

Castle! She texted part annoyed but she also couldn't deny the hilarity of the situation. It was typically Castle behaviour after all.

Several seconds later she received her reply.

I take it you found my present. Lucky you

Kate had no response but to laugh. She quickly locked her phone and grabbed her things. She headed straight out of the loft and to the elevator.

One thing was for sure, she was going to be on the next plane to California.
