Chapter 16

Ally's POV

2 Months Later

It's June now and Uncle Jeff has been dead for two months. Sometimes I don't believe it, like he is still alive and he's going to dig his way up from the casket in the ground, then come after me.

I still have nightmares, too. I guess I'll never be fully over it.

But Alexis seems okay, even if she is an orphan. Dad finally got custody of her and now she's my sister. It's funny she always seemed like a little sister to me.

The only thing I'm terrified of now is Mom coming back and telling her. And then we'll have to go through all the crying again. I'm tired of crying all the time though. I just want to forget but I guess I can't. You can never forget things like that.

Austin got out of the hospital, they said the bullet went through his leg and caused a big hole. There was a lot of blood. He can't walk that good any more but he goes to therapy walking sessions and things like good for him.

A few weeks later after all the shit went down Dad finally made me go to therapy. But mine is different, we focus on more of anger and memories. It sorta helps, Alexis goes to.

Finally, after looking at my ceiling for two hours, I get up from my bed. I decide not to change out of my pajamas. I tell Dad that I was going to Austin's house, Alexis runs through the dining room.

"I'm going with her!" She screams, and then runs out the door. I follow her out the door.

"I think I know the reason you're going."

She looks back at me. "Why?"

"Because you have a crush on my boyfriend's friend, Luke,"

She blushes and crosses her arms. "It's not my fault Austin has beautiful friends."

I push her a little. "Get in the car."

Oh! I got a Subaru; it was a random present from Dad. It's blue and beautiful. I love it.


I pull in and park in the Moon's driveway. His parent's cars weren't there; they must have been at work or out and about. I unlock my seat belt and follow Alexis inside.

When I walk in I got the scent of blueberries and chocolate.


I turn my head into the living room; Austin was sitting on the couch waving at me. I smile and walk over to him. I kiss him on the cheek. "Hey sweetheart,"

"Ew, you guys are weirdos."

I turn around. Alexis and Luke were in the kitchen. (The living room looks into the kitchen; there is no wall in between.)

"Shut up, you are just jealous." I say. I walk around the couch and sit next to Austin. "Why do I smell blueberries and chocolate?"

"Because Luke made muffins," Alexis yelled. She was trying to show off her, 'boyfriend'.


Austin and I were sitting on his back porch swing, talking and eating muffins.

"So how are you?" He asks.

I nod, "I'm good. What about you?"

He shrugs. "My leg hurts but you know I'm good."

I sigh, "Can you please stop making me feel guilty about that?" I ask. "I already feel bad about it enough."

"I'm sorry." He says with a smile. Then it fades and he looks at me. "Why do you feel guilty about it?"

I shrug. "I feel like I could've prevented it."

"Ally, there was nothing you could do. He had a gun."

I felt tears swell up in my eyes. "I know, I know." I try to wipe them away quickly. Austin catches my hand and holds it.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I'm okay, you're okay, and Alexis is okay. We're good."

I laugh. "She has a bad crush on your friend, Luke."

"I couldn't help but notice that." He smiles for a second. "I love you, Ally."

"I love you, buddy."

He leans in but I push him away. "Nope,"

"What? Why?"

I take a muffin into my hands. "I'd rather put my lips to this baby."

"You're mean." He says. "I don't like you anymore."

I laugh, "Okay, I was gonna kiss you later but never mind."

He looks at me. "Fine, I guess I still kinda like you."

I laugh again, "You're weird."

He laughs, too. "I guess I am."

"Now eat the muffin."

He takes it out of my hand and begins eating.

I lay my head on his shoulder and let out a big sigh.

At that moment I felt like everything could get better. I think I believe that thought now.

HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! It's finished.

This is the first story that I've started and actually finished, I kinda feel proud of myself.

Thank you to the many people that have reviewed and read this story. It makes me feel good and happy that at least some people like the way I write. You guys are so beautiful for reading the story all the way through.

OH and I will be having another story coming up. But it will not be a sequel to this one, I'm not sure if I'm going to make one yet.

But please look out for my name and for my new story, and yes it will be an Austin and Ally story.

Oh and I am a girl. Just so everybody is clear.

Anyways thanks for sticking with me and reading this story. You guys are literally beautiful.