Thank you for reading this story and sticking around for the final chapter! Your reviews and support mean a lot to me and I hope you will enjoy this chapter as well. It is a bit mushy maybe, but it's Clyde. And Clyde and mushiness just go together.

Also: SMUT

Lemonade equals love

Summer seemed to stretch endlessly ahead: just a long streak of warmth, sleeping in late and doing things with Craig. Clyde felt like a happy retard when he woke up and realized he really was dating his best friend. He knew he would probably miss him terribly during the two weeks he would go to the Netherlands to visit his mother's family with his father and sister. The dreary Dutch summer and the odd mixture of Dutch and English his relatives always threw at him now only seemed funny and a small obstacle in his vacation. Even the idea of hours of flying and having dinner at exactly 6PM couldn't bring as much as a dint in his happy mood. Not when after those two weeks he would probably mostly fill his time with hanging out with Craig in the park, at parties or just at home. Just like now, when he was waiting anxiously for Craig to show up. He had already made some grenadine lemonade and put a jug of it on his desk. They had agreed to just hang out like they always did playing some videogames.

Dating your best friend was the best, Clyde thought as he straightened the sheets of his bed absentmindedly. You still got to do all the fun stuff with each other only now, when he would lose in the game, as he usually did, he could try to forget that by making out a bit with Craig.

Clyde looked at his freshly made bed and thought of the last time they had ended up there. With a blush he remembered his sister casually mentioned at breakfast one day that Clyde must have become so religious all of a sudden because she kept hearing him say: 'Oh God, oh God, oh God.' through the wall just before he and Craig came downstairs. His father had started laughing really hard and his sister had grinned knowingly as Clyde just stammered some excuse and knocked the milk off of the table. Craig had smirked and had just continued eating his breakfast. That had only been a quick jerking off session as they were supposed to have dinner downstairs. Craig had snuck into his room during the night and they had just kissed and hugged throughout the night. Clyde was too much on edge with his sister right next door to be able to have sex. But when Craig had pushed his hands in his sweatpants Clyde couldn't say no.

He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard his doorknob turn and Craig entered the room.

"Hey, how did you get in?" He asked as Craig stepped up to him. Already he could smell Craig's incredible smell and he felt himself feel so very comfortable as he took a deep breath to take in more. Craig only smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. Clyde threw his arms around his shoulders and leaned against him comfortably.

"Your sister was in the garden and saw me coming so she let me in."

"Aha, okay." Clyde's mind was already elsewhere as he ran his hands over Craig's dark red shirt, his fingers sliding over Craig's hipbones as he did so. He could see Craig grin at his obvious distraction. Craig kissed him again and backed up. They both had smiles plastered across their face. Clyde's: wide and happy. Craig's: small but equally happy.

"Want to game?" Clyde asked. Craig just nodded and ran a hand through Clyde's hair.

"You sure you ready for me to beat you again? Then sure." Clyde moved away and grabbed the lemonade. Craig already sat down on his couch and turned on the TV and the play station.

"Here." He handed Craig a glass of grenadine lemonade and took a big sip of his own glass himself. It was already getting quite warm and he was thirsty constantly.

Jus then Craig's phone beeped and he fished it out of his pants. Clyde caught sight of the screen 'Tweek' and he nearly went to grab the phone out of Craig's hand. He was still unsure what to think about Tweek, even when Craig had reassured him that there really was absolutely nothing between the two of them and would Clyde please stop whining about it? His interest in the text however was once again poorly hidden and Craig caught his eye as he opened the text. He read it and then showed the phone to Clyde.

"Here, to ease your mind." But he didn't sound angry, more amused at Clyde's unease and jealousy. Clyde took the phone and read the text. If he didn't text Tweek himself he would have been surprised at the serious, almost emotionless tone he used in his texts.

"Asked Annie out today, she said yes. Thanks for your advice."

Clyde smiled.

"He really asked her out? That's great!" Craig took his phone and pocketed it again.

"Yup, he needed to find his courage for it and finally did. So, are you okay now?" He grinned and petted Clyde's hair. "Will you stop being jealous now? Do you finally believe that there's nothing between the two of us?" He mocked slightly. But Clyde could see he was also partially serious. Clyde leaned in and kissed him.

"Yes." Craig smiled at Clyde's reassurance. "Want to start gaming now?"Clyde proposed.


Clyde turned on the TV and the playstation, booting up the game. He handed Craig a controller. It didn't take long for them to be engaged in a furious battle. Both of them were equally desperate to win. Sometimes Clyde would let Craig win, to make him happier, but not today. He figured Craig was already happy because he was with Clyde, so giving him a victory over him was just out of the question. It turned out that neither one of them could really beat the other. They either finished seconds apart or they alternated in winning and losing.
After their tenth game they took a short brake and Clyde leaned in to kiss Craig, deciding to have them both share a victory. He kissed Craig and poured all his passion and feelings for him into it.

Craig yanked him close by the scruff of his neck. Their kiss was already harsh and desperate. A hot surge of passion shot through Clyde and he wanted to touch his boy friend on his chest, his back, everywhere. So he decided to do just that. Clyde's hand found Craig's jeans and quickly he unbuttoned them and pushed them open. A desperate moan sounded from Craig's lips as Clyde wrapped his hand around his erection, jerking him off swiftly. Craig panted against his lips and Clyde just licked over his lips teasingly. An idea suddenly occurred to him and he broke their kiss. He slid onto the floor and pushed Craig's legs apart.

"What are you doing?" Craig asked, confusion clear in his expression. Clyde was silent and just unbuttoned Craig's jeans, sliding them down a bit. He looked up at Craig, nervous, but continued his actions and dragged Craig's boxers down. Craig kept looking at him, apparently lost for words as Clyde leaned down and closed his lips over Craig's erection. He had never done this before, so he felt quite uncertain and worried he might be really bad at it, but he had wanted to try it for so long now that his initial nerves couldn't stop him. He kept his eyes on Craig's as he took him in deeper. Craig moaned and closed his eyes, one of his hands sliding into Clyde's hair, urging him on. With some hesitation he pressed Clyde down a bit more and Clyde moaned at Craig's obvious desperation. Clyde sucked a bit harder and Craig's hand tightened more.

"Oh, oh God." He moaned above him. The sound only spurred Clyde on more, taking him in deeper. His hand moved to Craig's erection jerking him off while simultaneously sucking him. Craig moaned loudly above him and started to tug on Clyde's head.

"Come on." Craig moaned and he grabbed Clyde's shoulders. Clyde removed his mouth from Craig and looked up. Craig pulled him up and kissed him fiercely.

"Let's move this to your bed." Craig proposed, pulling him up. They both moved to stand in the room, Craig kicked his pants off impatiently and pulled Clyde towards his bed. Clyde followed him eagerly and pushed Craig down onto the sheets, kissing him hard. His hand found Craig erection again and he jerked him off fluently. Craig moaned and tugged him down, pressing him against his chest. Clyde's mouth moved to Craig's neck, licking him and biting down tentatively. Craig moaned appreciatively and Clyde bit down harder, grating the skin between his teeth. Another low moan came from Craig's mouth.

His hand never stopped moving as he sucked and bit at the sensitive skin of Craig's neck. Craig's hand moved to his shirt and he took the hint, moving up to discard his shirt, Craig did the same and pulled him down again. Clyde felt desperate and shifted down, kissing down Craig's chest. Craig's hands moved over his chest and shoulders, sending shivers over him. He noticed that Craig liked it rough just as well on his chest as on his neck. He sank his teeth into Craig's nipple and he heard a loud moan above him. He had a feeling he should have known Craig liked it rough and he enjoyed it immensely to hear Craig's appreciation. When his mouth moved to Craig's stomach he felt a hand settle in his hair, pushing him down slightly.

"Clyde…" Craig's voice was low and deep. "Just, ughn, come on…" Craig moaned. Clyde understood and moved down further. He took a deep breath to give himself more courage and licked a long line over Craig's erection. Then he took him in, sucking him softly. Craig's hands combed his hair almost shyly. He started to slowly bob his head up and down. He had never done this before and wasn't used to taking Craig in too deep so he used his hand to help him along.

"God, Clyde…" He heard Craig moan as he sucked at just the tip.

"Fuck, you're doing really good." Craig seemed to realize Clyde needed some reassurance. Just as Clyde moved down to take him in deeper he heard some rummaging above his head. He was pulled up again and moaned when he their tongues meshed together again. Craig grabbed for his jeans and Clyde backed up. They both moved their hands to slide off his jeans and boxers. A warm hand closed over his neglected cock and he whimpered needy at the contact.

"Hm…" He hummed lowly and closed his eyes. Craig worked him the way he had worked him before: slow but accurate and Clyde felt he was again rapidly losing control of himself. He was tugged down onto Craig's chest and as his hand fell next to Craig's head to keep him propped up he knew what the rummaging sound had been: lube. Craig's hand grabbed the lube and opened it. But Clyde bit his lip in doubt.

"I-I don't know, I'm still pretty sore." Recovering from sex had proven quite difficult. He was really sore and he was still quite stiff and even thinking about sex was unsettling. But Craig ignored him, instead he grabbed one of Clyde's hand so that Clyde was forced to rest on his elbow. His eyes went wide as he watched how Craig squirted some lube into his hand. He could only stare as his Craig spread the lube over his fingers in an equal coating and then guided it down, between his legs. Clyde whimpered when he saw how Craig spread his own legs, pushing Clyde's hand between them.

"I thought you didn't want to bottom." Clyde chocked out, turning red as he thought of slowly pushing himself into Craig. Craig just trailed Clyde's fingers over his bottom, dipping lower and slightly inside. Clyde blushed even more as he saw Craig sigh at his touch.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Craig whispered. "If you don't want to…"And he moved to push Clyde's hand away.

"No!" Clyde whispered back and he moved closer, hovering over Craig. His hand was shaking as he trailed over Craig's ass again, barely daring to push one of his fingers inside.

"I want to, you- you know I do." He stammered. Craig's eyes had closed and his hands gripped Clyde's shoulders. Everything in his stance was urging Clyde on. So slowly and carefully he pressed his finger inside, earning him another moan. He swallowed when he felt how tight and warm Craig was. Slowly he pushed his finger all the way in. He took a moment to get used to the feeling, but Craig didn't want to take it that slow and he twitched his hips. Clyde bit his lip and started to push his finger in and out of Craig. They both moaned at the feeling. Craig's fingers slipped into his hair, combing it and pulling at the strands as Clyde started to push in harder. His movements became easier and more fluent.

"More." Craig rasped and Clyde obliged with a whimper, pressing a second finger in. Craig tossed his head back, hair spreading over the pillow. Craig moaned softly as Clyde resumed his movements. Clyde remembered about the prostrate and softly pushed his fingers up. Craig made a desperate whimpering sound and Clyde pressed his erection against Craig's thigh. Clyde started spreading his fingers a bit, stretching Craig. The other boy was panting softly and he could see a blush starting on his cheeks.

"Clyde." Craig sighed and he tugged at his hair. Clyde groaned in need as he bucked his erection against Craig. He felt the hands leave him and saw Craig grab the lube again, squishing some onto his hand. He withdrew his fingers and settled between Craig's legs. He moaned as Craig's hand spread the lube over his erection.

"You sure?" He whispered, even as he carefully positioned Craig's legs high up over his waist. Craig pulled him in for a hungry kiss.

"Yes." Craig's hand continued to spread the lube over him. Urgency swept over him as that warm hand slowly jacked him off. He pressed forward and Craig's hand left him, moving to his waist and pressing him into him. "Just go slow." Craig whispered as Clyde brushed over him. Clyde moaned and leaned in, kissing him again. The tip of his erection found Craig's stretched entrance and he pressed into him just barely.

Their eyes locked and Clyde couldn't look away from Craig's darkened ones. The usual gray overshadowed by his pupils that had dilated enormously. Craig's hair was all sweaty and messed up and the blush spreading over his cheeks and down his neck. Clyde knew he himself didn't look much better. He blushed easily anyway and he was sure right then he must be red down to his chest. And already could he feel tiny beads of sweat slide down his back. Craig's hand on his waist pressed him down some more. And Clyde exhaled in a whimpering sound as he took Craig's cue and pushed into him, as slow and as gentle as possible.

"Oh, oh, shit." He couldn't help but swear loudly. Craig was hot and smooth, stretching tightly over him. Craig's arms wrapped around him, holding him close. Clyde panted fiercely and kissed Craig over and over on his lips.

"Craig, Craig, oh God." Craig kissed him back, breathing harshly. Their breaths mingling. He pressed their foreheads together and with some hesitation he began moving his hips. Craig moaned under him, the sound barely audible but driving Clyde insane nonetheless. He pressed in a bit harder and just a tad faster. Pleasure zipped through him as he felt Craig's heat around him. Moans were slipping out of him uncontrollably. Craig angled himself up, making Clyde brush over his prostrate.

"Hmm, yes." Craig moaned. Small, breathy sounds escaped him as Clyde moved into him. The sounds made Clyde's mind all foggy and hungry for more of them. He kept aiming for that spot, hitting it harder. Craig fell back against the bed as Clyde worked him over thoroughly. The sight was priceless to Clyde. He had not expected such submission of Craig. But the proof was right in front of him. A spread out and flustered Craig, moaning under his breath. But the nails that were digging into his shoulders and the way Craig was pushing back indicated that although Clyde was the one on top he was not entirely the one in charge. His shaking arms could barely hold him up and Craig seemed to notice.
Craig pushed him away, so that his hand pressed against Clyde's collarbone, propping him up over him. His moans were deeper and more desperate. Clyde saw him bite his lip and he leaned heavily against Craig's hand, moving harder and faster. Craig's free hand grabbed his erection and started to jerk in time with Clyde's movements.

He couldn't get enough of looking at Craig. His best friend and now boy friend that was so eagerly, so willingly lying underneath him. He felt the words tumble out of his mouth before he could stop himself.

"Oh, fuck, fuck, Craig! Oh, God, I love you so much!" He bucked up harshly and Craig mewled desperately under him, clawing at Clyde's shoulder. The sound nearly set him off completely. He kept moving in hard and Craig repeated those desperate sounds. He couldn't stop rolling his hips swiftly and hard. His moans turning to loud grunts as Craig started to clench and contract around him.

"Shit, shit, ow, Clyde!" Craig moaned under him and ejaculated over his stomach. The sight of Craig crying out was the last straw for Clyde and he groaned and winced as his own orgasm hit him hard. His shaking hands could no longer hold him up and he collapsed onto Craig's chest. Craig wrapped his arms around him, holding him close. Both of them ignored the stickiness for the time being as they just lay there panting. Clyde pressed kisses to Craig's sweaty forehead.

"Oh, fuck, that was nice. "

"Hm, yes, it was."

"But I thought you didn't want to bottom?" He asked again. Craig quirked an eyebrow.

"I can be flexible." Craig smirked and Clyde smiled back.


Craig ran a hand through Clyde's hair and kissed him on his mouth.

"Let's take a shower, shall we?"

"Together?" Clyde's eyes lit up, Craig just rolled his.

"Of course." They got up from the bed and Craig just walked out of Clyde's room stark naked. Clyde grabbed his boxers and slipped them on quickly. He followed Craig towards the shower, noticing he was walking with a slight limp. A grin formed on his face as he realized that he had done that. He closed the bathroom door behind him and nearly dashed into the shower with Craig, who was already turning on the water and testing its temperature. Clyde smiled as they got under the water. He grabbed the shower gel and started to wash Craig's chest and shoulders. With a sigh Craig closed his eyes and let Clyde wash away the sweat and cum on his abdomen. Clyde moved to his knees and thoroughly soaped Craig's legs.

"Oh, on your knees, Donovan?" Craig teased above him. Clyde looked up and smirked. He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Yeah, you like?"

"Certainly." Craig whispered. Clyde moved up and he kissed Craig on the mouth. Craig grabbed the shower gel and returned the favor. Clyde hummed in approval as Craig's strong and soaped up hands moved over his back and his chest. He giggled and squirmed as Craig tickled his armpits and sides. They hugged and kissed some more under the warm water stream and things only got awkward for a moment as Craig had to clean himself more thoroughly, getting rid of Clyde's semen. Clyde grabbed a towel and toweled Craig dry, tousling his hair and kissing him while doing it. Craig just smiled and grabbed the towel once he had finished. He dried Clyde softly and affectionately and Clyde blushed at Craig's sweetness. Clyde dressed himself in his boxers but Craig didn't bother with it and just trotted across the hallway stark naked again.

In his room Craig was dressing himself again. Clyde did the same and while he did that he realized something. He had confessed his love for Craig in the middle of their passionate moment but Craig hadn't as much as acknowledge him. He frowned as he pulled his shirt over his head. Did Craig not feel the same? Was he not ready to say it? Maybe Craig just saw him as a way of passing the time? Craig was already finished and started to make the bed, sitting down on it when the sheets were spread neatly once more. He patted the sheets next to him, inviting Clyde to join him. Clyde smiled, his worries momentarily forgotten and he joined Craig on his bed. He snuggled up to him and Craig turned on the TV, that was still visible from that angle. They settled on watching a rerun of 'Family Guy'. But Clyde couldn't help but frown as he remembered his unanswered confession. A hand started to stroke his hair but it did nothing to relieve him off his worries. Why hadn't Craig said it back? It wouldn't leave his mind. Craig sighed and his fingers slid through Clyde's hair over and over.

"Just ask it."

"What?" Clyde asked back confused.

"I know you want to ask me, so just do it." Craig was onto him, as always. Clyde turned to hide his face against Craig's shoulder.

"It's okay if you don't want to say it, I get, it's a big thing to say." He felt cold all over as he continued.

"Besides, maybe you don't feel the same so-."

"Are you kidding?" Craig interrupted him, sounding surprised. "Of course I do!"

"Wh-what?" Clyde sputtered and he moved to look at Craig. "What?" He repeated. Craig rolled his eyes and petted his hair some more.

"Of course I love you, you dingus. You just told me at a moment I wasn't really fit to respond properly." Clyde felt a grin, probably the biggest of his existence creep onto his face.

"Really?" His face was starting to hurt because of his grinning

"Yes."Clyde pulled Craig against him and kissed him hard. His hands gripped Craig's black hair and Craig's hand slid to his waist, pulling him closer to him.

"Can you say it to me again?" Craig raised his eyebrows at him but remained silent. Clyde was sure he was being denied it but-

"I love you." Warmth spread over him and he kissed Craig again.


"I love you." He pressed Craig down onto his mattress, kissing him over and over. Craig accepted his kiss, permitting himself to be pushed against the cushions. Clyde propped himself up on his elbows, laying down on Craig's warm body with a grin still on his face. He felt himself get aroused again and didn't hesitate in pressing it against Craig's leg.

"One more time."

"I love you." He could tell Craig was getting slightly annoyed but he ignored it and kissed Craig some more. The declaration of love somehow sounded incredibly hot when it came from Craig's mouth. Not only did it make him feel all warm and happy it also aroused him terribly. Craig moved his hips and Clyde felt how Craig was getting equally aroused. He moved up and pulled his shirt off and threw it on the floor, already ready for round two.

"Again, say it again." He demanded

"Oh my God, I'm going to be in bed all day, am I not?" But Craig smiled and ran his hand through Clyde's hair some more, one of them shifting lower. It looked like Craig was also up for more. Clyde smiled back as he leaned in. He kissed Craig again and murmured against his lips:

"Oh, hell yes."


Surprise! Clyde on top! But, well, they are equal after all. I really hope you enjoyed this story and can find a minute to leave a small message with your opinion. I really love this pairing and I am planning on writing more :) Thank you for reading this story, you guys are awesome!