I had inspiration for another Cryde fic so here it is! Not a one shot, don't worry ;)

This fic depics the (mis)use of alcohol, please remember: alcohol is dangerous and for the record I don't try to glorify it. I hope you enjoy this story!

Whiskey equals Affection

Clyde really shouldn't hang out with Stan so much, he always ended up drunk when he did that. The black haired boy always had some liquor on him, mostly whiskey and always shared it willingly with Clyde. The two of them were both always under a lot of stress to not drink, with hockey tournaments almost every time and school and jobs but whenever they could: they would get wasted. Their coach sometimes reprimanding them for showing up hung over on the hockey field.

Stan didn't drink as much as he used to. After one tantrum by Kyle in the middle of class he laid off it for a bit. Until Kyle went home on parties that is. Then he found Clyde and they would do shots together. It was only at parties and very often they didn't have the opportunity at all due to girls throwing themselves at one of them but when they had the time they would go for it. Sometimes they would ignore Kyle all together and get drunk anyway. But now, the school year was over and the parties were everywhere. Parents seemed to have realized that keeping their children indoors when it was warm, school was over and they were in the need for a party was useless. Clyde loved this time of year: everybody relaxed, no obligations and getting drunk with Stan. Just like now.

"Okay, okay, one more shot, because I can see Kyle looking at us and he ain't happy." Stan said, grabbing the bottle of Jack Daniels. They both had a grin on their faces. Whiskey made Clyde feel giddy and happy and loving. Right now he loved Stan and his bottle of whiskey. Doing shots was the best, he decided.

"Sure." Clyde agreed, pushing his shot glass towards Stan.

"What are we toasting to this time?" Stan asked, filling their glasses.

Clyde proposed: "Sex?"

"Dude! We did that the last three times, think of something else."

"Blow jobs?"

"Oh, hell yeah." They clinked their glasses together and threw them back. The soft, soothing feeling of the booze was warming him up and clouding his mind. The party was already fully going: music blasting, people dancing and Butters puking in the front yard.

"Speaking of meddling friends…" Stan gestured towards the other side of the room where Craig's blue eyes met Clyde's. He looked like a stern parent who just discovered his child had secretly been smoking. Craig always disapproved of Clyde getting drunk. Normally Clyde would be a bit annoyed, but now he just loved his friend more because of it. Craig was his best friend after all.

"Still looking after you the way he does?" Stan smacked his lips to get some whiskey of his lips.

Clyde raised his glass at the glaring figure at the other side of the room. "Yup, like my mom." Craig had brought Clyde home after a night like this more than once.

"Why doesn't he drink?" Asked Stan.

Clyde shrugged and grabbed the bottle and stealthily poured some into their glasses. "He says he doesn't get it why people need to intoxicate themselves to have a good time. Just as well though, at least then we have a designated driver." He smiled at his black-haired friend across the room, who raised his eyebrow at him.

"Dude!" Stan had noticed his refilled glass. But his reply sounded more like he felt obligated to protest. They silently clinked their glasses together.

"To, uhm, hand jobs!" Stan said. They had barely downed their drinks when Kyle appeared at their side.

"I think that that is enough, Stan." Stan slung his arm around his best friend, drew him in and kissed him on his curls.

"Why are you so strict, Kyle? I thought we agreed that was only for the bedroom!" The redhead blushed as Stan and Clyde laughed loudly.

"I love you, man." Stan murmured in Kyle's ear and Kyle smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, all right." Kyle could never stay mad at his best friend, especially when he turned all gay on him even though Stan was straight. Clyde grinned and got up. He felt like dancing and as soon as he entered the dance floor he was hijacked. Bebe this time. She pushed her body up against his, boobs rubbing against his chest. The music sounded so much better when he had had something to drink and girls felt so much softer and nicer too.

He grinned again and grabbed her ass, grinding their bodies together, completely loosing himself in the music. He enjoyed Bebe's presence a lot and his eyes drifted over her back and her backside he grinned. His eyes swept over the crowd, taking in the people present at the part. Token was dancing with Annie, hands dangerously low on her hips. In some corner: Kyle and Cartman who appeared to be bickering about something, standing rather close together. And near the door: Craig talking with Tweek, their blond friend was too jittery to dance.

After a while Bebe murmured something in his ear about going outside and he whispered his response in her ear.

"Sounds great." She pulled him away from the dance floor but when they passed the door he was stopped by Craig who grabbed his arm.

"It's late, let's go home."

"But, but, Craig…" he pointed to Bebe who was smiling and trying to tug Clyde outside.

"Now, Clyde." Craig looked sternly down at him and Clyde groaned in defeat.

"Okay, okay." He turned to Bebe and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll call you, okay." He whispered in her ear. She giggled and stroked his arm as he was dragged away by Craig. But Clyde was popular and couldn't leave so easily. He had to hug Token goodbye, slap Stan on the back and thank him for the whiskey and was pulled into hugs and kisses by some of the girls. They got outside and Craig got his car keys as Clyde stumbled across the yard. He caught up with Craig and declared to the world in general:

"I like these parties." He felt so overcome with love for the gathering they had had. And when he caught sight of Craig he felt overcome with love for him as well. He giggled and clutched Craig from behind as he was about to open the door.

"But I like you the most, Craig." He hugged his tall friend from behind, burying his head between his shoulder blades nuzzling the cloth of his jacket.

"Just get in the car." Craig shook him off and got in. Clyde walked around the car, waving at Token one last time before getting in. He sighed and buckled up as Craig drove away.

"Shall we get something to eat first?"

Craig groaned. "It's late."

"But I'm hungry!" He whined.

Craig snorted. "What else is new?"

"Craaaaig." He grabbed Craig's thigh and leaned in, whining in his ear. "I wanna eeeat." Craig flinched.

"Fuck, you're annoying when you're drunk."

"Please, Craig, please!" He pressed his cheek against Craig's.

"I have some leftover pizza at my place."

Craig squeezed his thigh harder and shouted. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Let's go to your place! Oh, God, yes!"

"Hold your orgasm, Clyde." But they arrived at Craig's house and Clyde stumbled out of the car, still giggling.

"Keep it down, will you?" Craig unlocked the door. They walked inside and went up the stairs. Clyde tiptoed into Craig's room but stumbled over his own feet, falling forward and clutched the lamp, which fell over and he fell onto the floor. Craig sighed and looked up at the ceiling, obviously silently praying for patience.

"Just sit down and I'll get the pizza." Clyde got up, room still spinning a bit and he put the lamp up, trying to figure out where it had been before it had ended up on the floor. He sat down on Craig's tiny sofa and closed his eyes. He felt the floor move and he opened his eyes quickly. Craig came in with a plate with cold pizza on it and a big glass of water. Clyde immediately grabbed the plate and dove in.

"Oh my God, this is so good." He moaned with his mouth full, taking big bites of the pizza. Craig sat down next to him, squeezing their legs together.

"Drink this." He pushed the glass into Clyde's free hand.

"Mnot thirsty." Clyde mumbled.

"You'll thank me in the morning." Craig grabbed a slice of pizza before Clyde would eat it all. They ate in silence and Craig drunk his glass of water. He yawned and rested his head on Craig's shoulder.

"Can I crash here?"

"Thought you would ask that."

"Soooo, can I?"

"Sure, it's fine." Clyde got up unsteadily and nearly fell in Craig's lap.

"Come on, you drunk dumbass." Craig grabbed his arm and led him towards his bed, it was a twin bed, big enough for the two of them to lay in without being uncomfortably close. Normally Craig would forbid him to sleep in it with him, because he said he was sure that Clyde would kick him in his sleep. But on very rare occasions, such as when it was too late at night to get out a spare bed from the attic would he make a compromise on it. Or maybe it was because Clyde wasn't waiting on it and just sagged down on Craig's bed, taking off his shirt. Craig looked down at him.

"You really shouldn't drink so much, Clyde."

"You're not my mom." He mumbled as he kicked off his shoes. He fell back on Craig's bed, not bothering to ask permission for it, and got out his phone and tried to text his father. His tongue peaked out as he retyped his text three times finally settling on.

"Craching by Craigs placce."

Craig walked to his closet and pulled out an old t shirt and threw it at Clyde. Clyde clumsily put it on, it was way too tight on him but for the night it would be fine. Craig sat down on his side of the bed, taking off his clothes and putting on some old pajama jeans and an old red racer t shirt. Clyde dropped his phone on the floor and struggled out of his jeans.
They got under the covers. Craig turned the light off. Clyde closed his eyes and let the feel of Craig's clean sheets and the smell of the pillow wash over him. Craig's smell was everywhere and it made him relaxed and calm. It always did. He felt Craig's presence nearby, even when they were not touching. Suddenly he felt overcome with love for his friend and he wondered why they didn't do this more often.

"Pst! Hey, hey Craig."


"I like sleeping in the same bed as you."

"That's good."

"Why don't we do it more often?" He reached out and stroked Craig's shoulder.

"Because you talk too much when you drink." Craig turned to lay on his back and looked at Clyde who was slumped on his stomach. Clyde pulled himself up on his elbows and looked down at his stoic friend in the soft light of the streetlamp outside.

"Do you mind?"


"Sorry." He lay down, this time on Craig's chest.


"You're so warm, Craig. It's nice." He heard him groan in exasperation but he ignored it. Especially when he felt Craig's arm around his shoulder and pull him closer to him.

"Yeah, yeah, all right. Just don't drool on me or anything."

"Can't promise it." He fell asleep.


He awoke feeling really relaxed. He was warm, but not too much and very comfortable. He realized that was because he was lying on Craig's warm chest again. Craig's arm around his shoulder. It was all very nice. But he knew Craig was probably awake already. He lifted his head only to realize he had lain in a small wet spot. Drool.

"Oops." He grunted in his morning voice. He looked up and he met Craig's stare.

"I told you not to drool on me." Craig also had a low morning rumble instead of his usual voice. He had one arm behind his head, looking down on Clyde on his chest. His eyes were already alert and had a stern look in them. Clyde grinned and leaned up, looking down on Craig.

"Good morning sunshine."

"Fuck, I hate it when you're like this." Clyde leaned in and placed his head on Craig's collarbone, sighing contently.

"I want to get up."

"Aren't you comfortable like this?"


Clyde just chuckled and wrapped his arm more around Craig, pressing his body against his side.

"Yeah you are." He then made a low snoring sound, pretending to go back to sleep.

"God damn it." Craig muttered and he grabbed his shoulders, trying to pull him off. Clyde just gripped him harder.

"Clyde, let go." Stern, stern voice. Clyde just moved closer, flinging his leg over Craig's, trapping him.


"Okay, okay." Clyde mumbled defeated and moved away. Craig got up immediately, moving to stand in his room. Clyde took the opportunity to lay down across the bed.

"I'm going to take a shower."

"Hmm." Clyde really couldn't be bothered, having the bed all to himself was amazing. It still felt so clean, he wondered how Craig did that. He heard Craig leave the room and he sighed contently, drinking in the feel of the soft covers and the slight smell of Craig that still hung around him. Craig always smelled great, all the girls in school talked about it. When they had made a list named 'Boys that smell nice' he had come in first. Cartman coming in last, again. It had been a good day for Kyle.

He was slowly drifting off to sleep when he heard the door open and some angry mumbling. Then the covers were yanked off of him.

"What-, CRAIG!" He whined, pressing his face into his pillow.

"I'm going to get some coffee, when I get back you better be up." Craig left the room again. Boy, he really was cranky in the morning. Clyde sighed and got up, grabbed his clothes and walked into the shower. He showered quickly and dressed in his clothes from last night. Borrowing a shirt from Craig to wear during the day was out of the question, Craig was way too skinny.

It was okay to sleep in, but even that only barely. Clyde remembered a sleep over a few months ago a when he had spilled hot chocolate all over himself and Craig had lend him one of his shirts. It had been an extremely tight fit making him, as Token pointed out laughing hysterically, look really, really gay. Even Tweek had laughed a little. Craig had merely turned pink and had resumed watching Red Racer.

When he came back, fully dressed and hair still most, Craig was already back. He had gone out to get some coffee from Tweek Bros. Grinning, Clyde took his double latte vanilla with extra sugar. Craig always commented that Clyde would do from a stroke before he was thirty. Needless to say, Craig only drank double espressos. Craig was still silent and Clyde just couldn't keep quiet.

"Want to play Xbox?" Craig was still silent for a bit before responding.

"Okay, sure." They quickly hooked up the controllers and booted up the Xbox. Clyde made sure to let Craig win, without making it too obvious. Craig loved winning. And Clyde saw a small smile appear on Craig's face even though Clyde was sure that Craig could tell he was losing deliberately. After a few games he decided it was time to go.

"I think I gotta go, man." Craig nodded and led him to the front door. There, Clyde turned to Craig.

"Thanks for letting me stay here."

"That's okay." But he was still smiling a bit. Clyde threw his arms around him and Craig very tentatively hugged him back. Craig wasn't a big fan of physical contact.

"Glad it was good for you too." He smiled in Craig's hair. A soft grumble in annoyance came in return. Clyde pulled back, keeping his arms around Craig's neck and smiling up at him .

"No, really. Thanks, Craig."

"I told you, it's okay." Craig looked down at him, still smiling very, very faintly. It was Craig's way of saying: I love you dude. Clyde just had to tell him back.

"I love you man!"

"Good, now will you please go?" Clyde laughed and stepped away, ruffling Craig's hair as he did so.

"See you later, dude."

"Whatever, Clyde."

Hope you liked it! Let me know in a review :)