Ok, this is my first attempted at fan fiction so give me some slack. Also forgive any error mistakes. I am not in English II right now. Anyway this story is based on the 60s Batman starring Adam West and Burt Ward. I do not own Batman; otherwise I would have a younger Dick Grayson somewhere. Also the narrator's lines will be in italics.

Thanks and enjoy.

Chapter 1

(Narrator)-A peaceful night in Gotham City. But in the Gotham City Orphanage records, things aren't as peaceful.
A man walks through the hall of the GCO's office and opens the records. "Let me see, Gregory, Gram, Gray, Ha Grayson." Picking up the file, the man closed the cabinet and left. "I'm coming for you Richard, and no one is going to stop me."


"And you're sure no other file was taken? The commissioner asked. That is odd, I'll get right on it… no don't call Bruce Wayne just yet. We don't want him to worry…Your welcome, goodbye."

"Begora. Who would want to steel Richard Grayson's file?" Chief O'Hara asked.

"That's what has me baffled Chief. The only person that I can think of that would want…Tony Zucco!"

"That's right Commissioner. If Richard was killed then Zucco's would be labeled innocent! Saints be parsed." The chief said.


Meanwhile in Stately Wayne Manor home to Bruce Wayne and his youthful ward Dick Grayson,

"Gosh Bruce, this homework assignment is really bringing back memories. A one page report on my family; But everything I can think of that I can put in here is negative." Dick Grayson said.

"Positive Dick, I can personally think of one event that made you very happy." Bruce said.

"Why when I became your ward"

"Precisely, you were a wonderful addition to the family and I think Alfred agrees with me on that." Bruce said

"Of course I do sir. He certainly brightened up the manor and you as well master Bruce." Alfred said

"Gosh yes, I'm sure I can find a memory that takes up the entire page. Alfred, can you think of anything I can use?" Dick asked

"I would need a refresher first sir, but will let you know if I can think of one."

"Yes, well I have to run to the Wayne Foundation for a meeting." Bruce said.

"Ok;" Dick said.

"I suggest you ask your aunt Master Dick, I'm sure she'll know something." Alfred said.

"Great idea Alfred." Dick said.

Little does Dick Grayson know that a familiar face is sneaking on the grounds of Stately Wayne Manor. Zucco comes and notices the door that leads to the Wayne living room. Taking note that no one is inside, Zucco goes in the door and is standing in the middle of the living room.

"Holy worst nightmare!" Dick shouts as he came back into the living room.

"Hello Richard. Long time no see a. I wonder if you even remember me." Zucco teased.

"I would never forget you and what you did Zucco."

"Well you do remember now you are…"

"Dick? I just thought of a memory for your-AHHHHHHHHH!" Screamed Dick's Aunt Harriet.

"Hello ma'm. I hope you don't mine me stopping by." Zucco said.

"You're Tony Zucco. You killed my brother and his wife!" Aunt Harriet said.

"Yes, now I hope you don't mine but I'm taking Richard with me for a little family reunion."

"No! You're not taking him anywhere! ALFRED! HELP!"

"You called madam? Alfred saw who was in the room. My word!"

"I've had enough of your current family Richard. Say goodbye to them." Zucco said and then threw something on the ground that made a red smoke come out of it.

"Aunt (cough) Harriet run!" Dick screamed and fell to the floor unconscious.

"Dick!" Aunt Harriet screamed and she too fell unconscious as did Alfred. Then Zucco picked up Dick and left the Manor.

So how did I do? Don't worry I'll update as soon as I can as long as I'm getting reviews, otherwise I'll just start a new story.

