Something I've been wanting to write for a long time, but could never figure out how to.
UPDATE: 6.24.14
I fixed an error and I'm continuing this! :) If anyone wants to beta, let me know.
A brunette girl laid down on the bed, half in tears, half asleep, curled into the blanket next to her. Her stomach was barely there, just barely decreasing after giving birth to her son two months prematurely. Her gray eyes were filled with tears, there was nothing else she could even think of besides the infant that was crying behind her.
She wouldn't look at him. She wouldn't hold him. She couldn't. If she did, the girl surely knew her Father would have her head. This child wasn't hers. He was another woman's child. A responsible adult woman. A woman with a husband, and ready to take on a child. This was not Trisha Elric's baby.
Riza Mustang watched the infant as he wailed. He was so tiny and small, she didn't even know if it was safe. Her blonde hair was short, stopping at the base of her neck. Her brown eyes looked at her son intensely. Her son. She couldn't stop thinking about it. He was her son.
Roy Mustang watched the infant as well. He was a small infant, and his eyes hadn't opened yet. He just continued to wail, waiting for someone to pick him up, for warmth to be brought to him, for him to be fed. It was almost hard to watch, though every child acted like that.
Eventually he could be held. He was able to be fed, and was given formula through a bottle. Riza held him as she fed him quietly. She sat in a rocking chair as she rocked him slowly, humming as she fed him. Roy watched the sight, knowing that this was what they wanted. They had been yearning for children since they had been married.
They noticed Trisha. They couldn't help but notice her. It was odd to watch someone seem so depressed. Her eyes seemed empty, she was almost like a dead person. They only knew that she wasn't dead from the tears leaking from her eyes, and the suppressing of sobs sounding the room.
"We'll need a name for the birth certificate," a nurse said as she walked in the room. She had a cart with forms on it, and pens for the parents to sign the papers. "So, a name?"
"Mustang," Trisha managed to choke out. She had to be the one to give the name. Otherwise they wouldn't take it. "Mustang Edward." she managed to speak the name the three of them had decided on.
"Alright, then the adoptive parents need to come to my desk and fill out some forms," the nurse said, seeming oddly perky. "I'm sorry, I know it's hard to separate, but I need you to leave him here." she said, referring to Edward.
"Alright, I'll put him down and we'll go," Riza said as she stood from the chair. She walked to the small bed that had been made for infants and placed him in it. "Thank you for being born, my little Edward." she said softly before leaving with Roy and the nurse.
Trisha was left alone with the infant that began to wail as soon as the adults left the room. The teenager felt the urge to pick up the infant, to feed him her milk, hold him, and rock him back to sleep. That wouldn't happen so easily, though. It couldn't. It wasn't allowed.
Soon enough, Roy and Riza returned after filling out the forms. Roy couldn't count how many times he had ran his hands through his black hair in exhaustion, or how many times his onyx eyes took a glance at his wife to see if she was stable. They had been up all night, and knew they wouldn't get any sleep in a long, long time.
"Congratulations, Mommy, Daddy, you can leave with your new baby as soon as you're ready." the nurse announced once the paperwork was filled out. The two were filled with joy. Everything had gone exactly as planned, and they didn't have any fuss with the teenager.
Roy and Riza left as soon as possible. They got little Edward, and everything they were given by the hospital, making sure to leave quickly. They didn't want to risk Trisha changing her mind at all, even if she had months to change her mind.
Trisha was glad they were gone. She was glad they took her child, she was relieved. She didn't want to ever see him again. She couldn't. If she did, the brunette would surely bring shame upon her family.
"How have you been holding up?" Gracia Hughes asked as she sat on the sofa of her home. Gracia was married to a friend of Roy's, and had easily become a family friend to the two. She had invited Riza to come over just days after Edward's birth, in hope of getting her out of the house.
"Well, I've been pretty tired," Riza couldn't help but laugh softly. She held the small blue bundle in her arms. Edward had been born prematurely, though he was able to go home soon after his birth, and he had tests later on to see how he was developing. "I wouldn't have it any other way, though"
Gracia was about to speak again when she heard her daughter call after her. Gracia had a three-year-old daughter, Elysia. Elysia had just woken from her nap, and Gracia gave a soft sigh.
"Excuse me." she said softly, walking out of the room as she brushed back her sandy hair. While Gracia was gone, Riza cooed to Edward, and admired him as he slept quietly. Gracia brought Elysia back, and the toddler had her sandy hair brushed back in two pigtails, and her green eyes that matched her Mother's locked on to the infant.
"Aunty Riza, is that your new baby?" Elysia asked as soon as she reached the blonde woman. Riza and Roy had been friends of the Hughes family since before Elysia's birth, and were always around. As an effect of them being around so often, Elysia had taken to calling Roy and Riza her aunt and uncle. Riza had to laugh softly at the child's curiosity.
"Yes, Elysia, this is my new baby. This is Edward." Riza said softly.
"Aunty Riza, if this is your baby, why wasn't your belly very big?" Elysia asked quietly.
"Well, Elysia," Riza dreaded having to explain this to a three-year-old. "I can't have babies of my own, so someone who couldn't take care of their baby asked me to take care of him. Edward wasn't in my stomach, but I'll be taking care of him as if he were my baby."
"Oh," Elysia said in understanding. "Can I hold him?"
"Of course, sweetie. Just sit on the sofa and I'll hand him to you," Riza said. Elysia sat on the sofa, and Gracia positioned a pillow on her lap for the baby to be supported on. Riza carefully laid Edward on Elysia's lap, and his head was easily supported on the pillow. "Make sure you help support his head."
"Look, Mommy, I'm holding a baby!" Elysia squealed in excitement. Gracia couldn't help but be amused at the sight.
"You sure are," Gracia chuckled. At the sudden squealing noises of Elysia, Edward's face began to scrunch up in fuss and his eyes opened softly, revealing the gold irises that Roy and Riza had discovered when they first brought Edward home. "Oh, my, look at those eyes."
"I know, aren't they amazing?" Riza commented. "He gets them from his Father. His biological one."
"You met him?" Gracia asked raising a questionable eyebrow. She didn't think that Roy and Riza had met anyone other than the teen mother and the girl's parents.
"Only once," Riza told. "We had to meet him for him to sign the papers giving his rights away."
"I see.." Gracia trailed.
They spent the rest of the afternoon together until Roy was on his way home from work. Roy worked with Gracia's husband, Maes Hughes, and with the two husbands on the way home, the wives would want some time with them.
Riza came home to her husband and fed Edward for the millionth time that day and put him to bed. Roy stayed with Riza and helped to take care of Edward whenever he cried.
The two were happy. They finally had a child, the child they had been dreaming for since they had gotten married, and they were complete. They were a family.