Froim (Fragments of Imagination's nickname): This was my first Fic. I'm just fixing the grammar and changing, adding, or erasing a few lines here and there.
Edited: January 30th, 2017
Chapter 1
Disclaimer: I don't own Shaman King!
Thought / Dreams
'Telepathic dialogue / Thought that can be heard'
[Voice of the past]
Dangerous tone
A 10 years old boy ran through a field of flowers. His auburn hair danced along with the wind, and his onyx eyes glittered with joy. He ran happily away from the figure that was flying after him, somewhere in the sky behind him.
"Yoh! Slow down please?" Pleaded teen girl behind him, while flapping her mighty wings to stay in the sky.
Yoh laughed and kept running at full speed. "No! Yuki, you have to catch me!" He answered cheerfully. His voice was full of joy and happiness, it was clear he liked to play around with Yuki.
Yuki growled hearing that, but she was smiling at the same time. She then sped up and dove towards Yoh. Yoh yelped when a hand suddenly caught his arm, and he lost his balance and fell – dragging Yuki down with him, and they were then rolling on the ground because of it.
They slowly sat up with moan, before staring at each other. Yoh laughed cheerfully after seeing Yuki's annoyed look. His joyful laugh sounded so sweet and beautiful that it's contagious, and Yuki couldn't help but laugh joyfully with him, her previous annoyance forgotten.
"Really, Yoh. You're such a sweet boy, do you know that?" Yuki asked him affectionately while grinning at Yoh.
Yoh smiled at Yuki and hugged her lovingly. "I Love Yuki–neechan!" He exclaimed cheerfully again, and again causing Yuki to laugh with him.
Suddenly, Yuki's laughter died, since she sensed a strong power moving quickly towards them. Her body tensed at the realization that the power was from a Miko, a very strong Miko.
Yoh – sensing a strange aura coming from Yuki – looked up in confusion. "Yuki–neechan? What's wrong?" He asked innocently. The confused look on Yoh's face turned into that of dread though, the second he saw how frightened Yuki was when she looked at him. "Neechan?" He asked in worry.
"Yoh." Yuki whispered as she stood up, helping the boy up as well as she did so. "Run, Yoh. Run as fast as you can, and don't look back." Her voice was barely above whisper as she looked straight to Yoh's eyes.
Yoh's heart clenched at the fear in her voice, and he knew that something was about to happen. Whatever it was though, it wasn't something that Yuki could win against, and he could clearly see it in her eyes. Even if Yuki was an Ice Demon – a strong one at that, Yoh knew that Yuki thought that she couldn't win. He knew then, that this would be the last time he would be with Yuki. Yoh understood now – the Miko that was rumored to have come to their village was coming to their house, coming to eliminate Yuki. Because Yuki was a Demon – even if she was a gentle one – the people still viewed her as a dangerous creature that had to be destroyed.
With tear filled eyes, Yoh gave a small nod before running to the opposite direction from the one Yuki was facing, away from where the Miko was coming from. He ran as fast as he could to the forest, where he was hidden from the Miko's eyes.
Yoh hid behind a tree as soon as he entered the forest, before looking towards his house – the house where he lived in with Yuki. Yuki had told him not to look back, but he was worried, scared that the Miko might see him as he was running away. He inhaled deeply in order to calm down his racing heart, since he had to be calm to think of what to do, instead just running away blindly.
He regretted his action right away though, because right as he looked back, Yoh saw the Mikos – turned out that there were 5 of them – were attacking Yuki at the same time. Yuki screamed in agony as she was attacked, before her form disappeared right in front of his own eyes. His tears – that was threatening to fall earlier – now flowed freely downed his face as he cried silently.
To be continued . . .
Froim: Please review ^ ^