Into the Light 17: To the Future
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Bluestreak and Jazz were moving with swift, nervous efficiency through their newly built home overlooking what would become the new Helix Gardens. This was one of the first towers raised on the site of the former city of Praxus, a location that had been leveled, cleaned up and the basics of a functional settlement built. Work done mostly by Decepticon hands to keep them busy while the first exploration ships were built for them. More than a few mecha on all sides suspected it was also a gift to the mech who oversaw it as compensation for not being given Starscream's life, or at least wings.
Whatever the actual reason, it made Prowl happy and that was something mecha on both sides found appealing.
There were still small things that needed to be done, improvements and personal touches that Jazz wanted to make, but it was good to have a location to call home again that wasn't a military offering. He smiled at the sensations trickling over the creator bonds with all three younglings. As expected, Sunstreaker was in bliss being fussed over and detailed within an inch of his life by professionals while Sideswipe was tolerating it once his sire had managed to corral him and deliver him to the team that had been hired to tend to the family looks. Overdrive was still in hiding, but they all knew he was no match for his carrier. Even his displeasure wasn't real distress, but more of the warmth that youthful 'I don't want to' could create.
Even Prowl was finding it amusing for the time being.
"It looks good Blue. Prowl'll be happy." He told the younger mech, smiling as he patted the Praxian on the shoulder and looked around.
Jazz had been responsible for choosing the decor of the common rooms of the tower. The family dining room they were standing in was a reflection of Praxian style arrangement with Jazz's personal flare in the wall decor and the colors that Prowl found acceptable.
Bluestreak had set the buffet tables, selected and arranged the food, and asked Jazz for help with selecting a band to provide live music. That band, six mecha who often played backup for Jazz, were currently checking the tune on instruments and confirming what they'd play for the evening.
It was a blissfully normal moment for them all, a step back from the war and all that had brought. Jazz was fairly sure that Prowl had insisted this be formal and important, the invitation list stretching past seventy, even though it was only a housewarming party. To remind them all that despite the vorns they had suffered in Iacon, life would be normal once more. They were a merchant family once again, strong and important, and they were no longer mechlings. They were adults and they were ready to reclaim their place.
The thought brought Prowl's attention and a warm weaving of affection, pride and joy around Jazz's spark before Prowl appeared. He was polished and detailed as gloriously as he'd been on his promotion to Second in Command of the Autobots, but far more relaxed and excited.
Jazz patted Bluestreak once more on the shoulder before crossing the room and catching Prowl's hand, kissing the knuckles gently as love and admiration flooded the bond. "Get Overdrive delivered safely?"
"Yes," Prowl purred, resisting the urge to grab his mate and kiss him senseless. ~It's so good to see you the way I remember you in happier times.~
~Scatter-processored?~ Jazz teased, visor bright with laughter as he leaned forward to carefully kiss his mate. ~I'll be no match for you, even when the professionals are done with me.~
~Happy, and looking like yourself again,~ Prowl smiled and kiss back, the fire of desire as hot as when they first kissed. ~Silver was very pretty, I admit, but I am pleased you like your original look enough to return to it.~
~With a few improvements, I hope.~ Jazz countered, having liked the look of more elegant sensor fins instead of returning to the stubbier horns his old form had sported. Blue and black graced his once more slender frame, the bulk of the armor gone. With its loss had come the return of his inherent grace, and the ability to snuggle against his mate that he resisted right now.
~Yes,~ Prowl purred, reluctantly drawing away from the kiss as the lift approached. He too had shed much of his armor, though he'd kept a bit more than a civilian usually had. He'd kept his full sensor wings as well, a physical reminder to all of the rank he once held that put him on level with a royal. Except he'd kept them because his mate loved them, not because they intimidated others. ~Do you know anything of Smokescreen's lover?~
~That she really is a professional dancer, and that not all of her income comes from her official occupation.~ Jazz supplied.
~Which explains how Smokescreen met her,~ Prowl chuckled and stepped forward to greet his brother and the lovely little light Aerial on his arm. "Welcome home, Smokescreen," the formal words were full of genuine warmth for the cousin that had become a brother by choice.
"It is good to be welcomed home once more." Smokescreen answered as he stepped to the side and presented the femme on his arm. "May I present Cirrus, my partner for the evening. Cirrus, my cousin Prowl, and head of the family. The handsome mecha next to him is his First Bonded, Jazz."
"Welcome," Prowl smiled and canted his wings in greeting.
The pale femme's slender wings dipped in acknowledgement as her helm inclined. Every move was graceful and precise, a reflection of her form and function. "It is an honor."
Beyond Prowl and Jazz, Bluestreak was quivering in nervous excitement, leaning lightly into the comfort and supporting coils of his mate. Smokescreen motioned them forward. "Prowl's younger brother, Bluestreak, and his bonded, Idarassi."
Idarassi inclined his helm, giving the femme a warm smile, his tailtip lightly curling around Bluestreak's ankle. "Welcome, Cirrus." He kept his frame language neutral, knowing how much he still managed to startle or unnerve those who had never met him before.
"And greetings to you as well." She said nodding to Bluestreak and Idarassi, apparently not at all put off by the serpent mecha's rare form. "Your home is lovely."
"Thank you," Prowl puffed up slightly in pride and motioned them to enter. "Jazz did much of the decorating."
"Only because Prowl has no optic for color." Jazz said with a chuckle as he motioned to Bluestreak. "I did, but Blue was the one who organized the special things for tonight."
Prowl huffed with mock indignity, his wings giving away that he was teasing right back, as did Bluestreak's giggle.
"Never mind them, I live in a house full of insufferable mecha in love," Smokescreen flicked his optics as he explained the two bonded pairs in the room. "They all seem to think I should be too."
"Not that he's ever listened," Prowl smirked at his cousin, then shook his wings before looking at Cirrus. "As you can tell, even formal around here is fairly light-sparked."
"Which is a good thing, since I never quite got the hang of strict formality," the serpent-mech drawled, shifting his coils and wrapping an arm around his mate.
The soft laugh and genuine smile that accompanied reached clear to the femme's bright green optics. "Then I look forward to the evening a great deal. Smokescreen speaks often of his family."
"A flier?" Sideswipe's voice was excited from where he was standing with his brothers near the entrance to the rest of the home. "Smokey's got a flier?"
"And that would be Sideswipe," Prowl rolled his optics.
Sunstreaker started forward first, venturing as close as his carrier as he started in fascination.
"Hello." Cirrus greeted all three with a warm, welcoming smile. "If he is Sideswipe, then you must be Sunstreaker and Overdrive." She addressed the other two, wings flaring a little as she caught Sunstreaker watching them.
"Are you going to move in with Smokescreen?" Overdrive asked, blunt in a way the adults couldn't get away with.
"Just because the rest of us went about it backwards doesn't mean Smokey is going to follow the trend," Idarassi commented with a chuckle, glossa flicking out and fluttering rapidly. He let Bluestreak go when his mate got edgy about all the preparations being ready, watching as his love disappeared into the staff section to check in on the kitchen.
"I might consider it. But he would have to ask first. And very nicely at that." She said with a wink to the Praxian who had brought her.
"I want to be very sure neither of us want to play around any more first," Smokescreen chuckled, leaving the option open but speaking to his uncertainty with committing as well.
"Please be at home while you are here," Prowl motioned them to enter as he noticed the lift on its way down to bring more guests up.
Idarassi inclined his helm to Smokescreen and Cirrus, shifting slightly so that he would be easily visible to anyone exiting the lift. Best to get introductions out of the way first and make sure everyone knew he was there, than startle someone by accident later. Besides, with his long tail, he would be more in the way than helpful in the more crowded kitchen areas.
Jazz stepped up beside his mate to greet the next round of guests as Smokescreen led his date deeper into the tower. ~I do rather like this arrangement.~ He said to Prowl across the bond. ~Being able to greet guests with you since Blue is seeing to all of the fine details.~
~You will never find me complaining about having you at my side in anything,~ Prowl purred softly as the long greetings began. It was a smooth process. They knew all the mecha invited, and most were Praxian survivors, eager for a taste of post-war celebration as they put their lives and city back together.
A quietly freaked out call from the tower door guard warned them that Optimus Prime had indeed taken them up on their invitation and was on his way up.
~I wasn't sure if he would show or not.~ Jazz said across the bond as they waited for the lift to arrive.
~Neither did I, though the odds said he would,~ Prowl replied softly before the lift arrived. ::Smokescreen, Bluestreak, Idarassi, to the main lift please to greet the Prime.::
A moment later the lift opened. "Welcome to our home, Optimus Prime," Prowl greeted them.
That was enough to get the attention of everyone who heard.
Helms turned, optics bright in surprise as the Prime stepped through the lift door, Ironhide flanking him smoothly. "I am welcomed, and by very gracious hosts." Optimus replied with a smoothness that he had not possessed several vorns ago when the pair first met him. "Prowl, Jazz. You look well."
"We are, Prime," Prowl spoke easily. "I believe you've met my kin. My brother Bluestreak, his bonded Idarassi, our cousin Smokescreen, and our creations, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe and Overdrive."
Optimus nodded to them as well. "Thank you all for inviting me."
Idarassi shifted, lifting himself slightly higher to meet the Prime's gaze. "Optimus," he greeted, inclining his helm. Privately, he was smiling to himself. The first time he and the Prime had met, Optimus had stepped on his tail before realizing there was actually a mech there and jumping back a step.
"Please make yourselves at home," Prowl motioned them inside, privately smirking at the shocked expressions all around the gathering.
Jazz was snickering on the inside as well, knowing that this would be a boost to their status that would be talked about for vorns. ~Worth it just to see the expressions on their faces.~
~Very much so. One would think that the Prime would attend a party by his former Second. I resigned less than two vorns ago. Memories shouldn't be that short,~ Prowl laughed across the bond even as his features remained calm. They watched as the Prime that had matured so much in two vorns of leadership began working his way around the room, already familiar with each and every guest.
~More coming up love.~ Jazz nudged his mate. ~Though I think should be getting close to the last.~
~There are nine designations that have not arrived and did not send their regrets,~ Prowl focused on his duty as greeter while his family dispersed once more.
The very last to arrive, as expected, was Mirage. The mech on Mirage's arm was a surprise enough to flare Prowl's wings slightly.
"Mirage, Thundercracker," Prowl quickly gathered himself. "Thank you for coming."
The pair bowed and thanked their hosts graciously before joining the rest of the party.
Upon sight of the blue Seeker, the serpent-mech's scales flared and rippled before he forced himself to settle down. He had promised to be civil with the Seekers, even though he was no fonder of them than any Praxian. Nodding a greeting to Thundercracker and Mirage, he slid back into the gathering and to the effort of soothing his riled mate. Bluestreak was flawless on the outside, but the bond rippled and seethed with hatred only loyalty to his brother kept in check.
SxSxSxSxSxSxSxSx S===================S SxSxSxSxSxSxSxS
Jazz was twitching, wound up from the intense arousal coming from his bonded. Prowl and Bluestreak had been inside the master berthroom for nearly a joor after Jazz had strict orders to stay in the living room of the suite until Bluestreak came out to get him. At first he had tried to concentrate on his music, something to take his processor off the feelings rippling over the bond. Finally he had given up, and was struggling against the urge to prod his bonded.
As such it was an utter relief when Bluestreak finally walked out of the berthroom, though the feeling dimmed when he took in the mech's serious expression. It was a look that belonged on Prowl's face, not Bluestreak's.
A firm silver hand set on Jazz's shoulder. "Take good care of him."
Jazz stared at Bluestreak as the mech departed, then rose quickly, prodding at his mate in confusion.
~Just come in,~ Prowl's thoughts were thick with lust and need.
His mate obeyed, opening the door and freezing at the sight that met his optics. His mate was on his knees, his legs spread and bound. There was a cushion to make it more comfortable, but the vulnerability was undeniable even before Jazz's gaze followed the line of Prowl's arms and realized that not only were they bound overhead, but the chain forced him to overbalance slightly forward, exposing his valve. When Jazz's gaze flicked over the rest of his bonded's form, he realized that those lovely wings weren't just spread, they were locked in place by a combination of supports and chains that ran up to the ceiling.
A deep growl escaped Jazz, his entire frame shivering with lust and desire at the picture before him. His response only heightened Prowl's, who quivered and met his mate's optics with ice blue that had brightened to almost unseeing white.
He closed the door to the berthroom and hit the lock. "So lover..."He purred, circling the bound form before kneeling in front of Prowl. "What am I supposed to do with this lovely offering?"
"Take your time," Prowl trembled, the instructions more a plea. "Indulge. Claim. Everything."
"Give me a good reason why I should." Jazz demanded, leaning forward so that his lips stopped just short of his mate's.
"Because I'm asking?" Prowl trembled and tried to shift enough to capture the lips so close to his.
"Not good enough." Jazz said, helm moving back to avoid the contact, though one hand did come up so a fingertip could trace lightly along the edge of Prowl's chevron.
"I'll beg..." Prowl whimpered at the touch, wanting more so badly, wanting his mate to accept verbally what he'd already accepted by his actions.
~Never make you do that.~ Jazz swore, leaning in to kiss his mate. Hands shifted to hold Prowl's helm still as Jazz's glossa invaded, exploring and claiming. Prowl moaned, trembling in relief. Not that he didn't have to beg, he was more than willing to do that for his mate, but that his mate was finally touching him with the passion they both felt.
There was no resistance to Jazz's exploration, the claim welcomed all the way to Prowl's spark. He'd long since lost all doubts of Jazz's love, but for Jazz to command and dominate was still a sweet rarity.
"Where to start though?" Jazz hummed as he pulled back from the kiss, carefully studying the mech spread before him. "So many choices."
Prowl trembled under the scrutiny, the sweet anticipation of just how his mate would touch him, at why he would be made to moan first.
Gentle hands teased down Prowl's chest, the pressure just hard enough so that it didn't tickle. One hand moved to trace along a hip, the other tapped Prowl's spike cover in demand. "Let me see all of you, lover."
A whimper that was pure desire escaped before both covers slid open, allowing lubricant to drip freely onto the cushion and his spike to slide forward. Chest plates unlocked on their own, but remained closed.
"All mine." Jazz purred as his hand moved, fingers tracing the underside of his love's spike from base to tip before wrapping around the length to run back down again. Prowl keened, trembling with arousal driven need. His hips thrust into the touch, seeking more stimulation to bring his charge closer to his arousal level.
"Eager, eager." His lover teased as his other hand joined the first, caressing and squeezing the hard length in firm strokes as Jazz leaned forward to kiss his bonded once more.
Prowl moaned into the kiss, his vents hitching with each touch. "Blue ... talked the entire time..." he shuddered as his fans began to whine. "About what you could do to me."
"And did he imagine I would do this to you?" Jazz purred softly in his bonded's audio before turning his helm to lick the bright chevron.
"Yes," he stuttered, his charge and temperature rising rapidly at finally being touched by his bonded.
"Then I am going to have to work very hard to find something that your very creative brother didn't imagine." Jazz murmured against the chevron, his own frame quivering at the sensations traveling over the bond from his love. "After you overload for me, or course."
Prowl's ventilations picked up rapidly, his pleas tiny sounds rather than words. His optics dimmed, then turned off as his focus centered on the slid of his love's hands along his spike. As much as he reveled in the submission of denial, after a full joor he was eager to taste the bliss if it pleased his mate.
"Let go." Jazz ordered, wanting to see and feel his mate's release for the first time after such a long build up.
A low, resonant moan trembled with Prowl's frame. His focus was on the slide and squeeze of Jazz's hands along his spike, the crackle of energy as it began to leap between connectors and Jazz's plating. It was a touch that was intimately familiar and yet so very new in this context.
His vents gasping for cooling air that would never be sufficient. His hands clutched in open air before his frame arched sharply, thrusting his hips forward and straining against the bonds designed to hold him firmly until he was released.
"So very, very good to me." Jazz praised, his entire frame shivering with his own charge as he watched and felt his mate overload, the charged transfluid tingling against his plating as it splashed against his abdominals and coated his hands.
Prowl sagged, briefly spent and held up by the bindings on his legs and the chain lifting his wrists. His vents wide open and fans at full, he trembled at the praise and the random jolts of pleasure still crackling along his circuits.
Jazz lifted a hand, making a show of licking his fingers clean for his lover before leaning forward and claiming Prowl's lips in another kiss that was returned with a heat that grew as Prowl recovered his bearings.
~Love you,~ Prowl trembled and moaned, the kiss as hot for him as the touch to his spike had been.
~A fact I have never doubted.~ Jazz returned, smiling gently as the kiss broke and he stroked Prowl's face gently. "Now where to go next?" He asked, voice soft and teasing.
"Anything that pleases you," Prowl whimpered and sought Jazz's mouth again. He wanted nothing more than to be teased and brought to drawn out overload after overload until he slid from his bindings, limp and into a sated mate's arms.
Jazz indulged him with a quick kiss before moving away and circling his bonded until he was behind his love, hands tracing along the wings bound and spread for his touch. "Mine, mine alone." He growled possessively as his hands started working over the smooth surfaces.
"Yours, always," Prowl agreed with a gasp and burst of pleasure-lust across the bond.
Jazz leaned forward, lips playing along his bonded's neck as he spoke, hands still tracing over the wings. "Want you to hold off this time. I love playing with yours wings. How long can I do it before you crack this time?"
"Longer than you expect," Prowl shuddered and pressed into the contact. He forced his tactical systems to boot, intent on keeping his charge in check until he couldn't stand the arousal anymore.
"Really? I've had lots of practice at this." Jazz reminded him, hands finding wires and sensors in seams, taking his time to systematically work over and every one from the edges inward. Pleasure came in dizzying bursts over the bond as Prowl trembled and moaned shamelessly, loving every moment and the hardware that allowed him to enjoy the pleasure and the contact so much longer than most.
Jazz growled in return, reveling in the challenge when Prowl did this, loving the way his bonded reacted, and determined to 'win', as the case was. His fingers worked across Prowl's wings, explored the finely sculpted lines where the three fingers interlocked most of the time to leave a flawless impression of a single pane of metal.
"You know I love your wings." Jazz said, lips and glossa tracing along in the wake of his fingers, knowing his sensitive they were and using everything, from vibrations to ex-vents, to tease them. "They make you look so regal, so proud."
"So vulnerable," Prowl moaned the reminder of what had tormented him early in his Autobot career, only to be turned into an advantage once he'd learned how to fight bigger, heavier frames. Under Jazz's touch the metal quivered, responding with minute flexings to the wonderful torment being lavished on it.
"And you let me have them." Jazz said, tweaking the edges carefully, intimately familiar with the fine line between what caused pain, and what brought pleasure.
"Only you," Prowl moaned deep in his chassis, vibrating his plating from pedes to chevron and across his wings. "Never wanted another," he swore, a tiny part of him still feeling guilty for all the others who had possessed his frame over the vorns that Jazz had taken no one else. He knew his mate didn't feel betrayed. Their bonding had ended that question. It was far more a matter of Prowl still feeling a bit dirty about it for himself.
"I know." Jazz whispered, fingers slipping into the sensor housing. "And that is all that matters. All mine now. I know you kept them because I like them."
"Yessss." Prowl moaned and pressed into the touch, his weight shifting as he tried to alter his balance backwards instead of leaning forward. He knew his mate had no intention of delving into his valve just yet.
"You can do better than that." Jazz teased, easing the pressure on Prowl's wings until it tickled some, smiling and laughing against Prowl's back.
"More, please," Prowl begged as his voice rose into a near-keen when his charge began to abate, drawn up by the tactical computer's reserve system faster than the light touch was generating it. "So close."
"Too much for you?" Jazz murmured, doubling his efforts on the most sensitive parts of his bonded's wings, swirling fingertips over the flat surfaces and sliding them along seams to trace the wires underneath, paying special attention to the rarely offered edges between the fingers.
A deep, grateful moan at the return of intentional pleasure resonated up from Prowl's frame as the first tiny wisps of electricity zapped Jazz's fingers. "Not yet."
Fingertips pinched the edges of the sensor wing fingers, dragging along the edge with even pressure as Jazz pushed all of his own growing charge and the wonderful tickle of Prowl's growing charge against his fingers across the bond to his love. "Now?"
A whimper escaped the Praxian as he began trembling hard, the charge building to dance across his plating all across his frame, though it was focused on his wings. "Please ... don't stop," he gasped. He was so close, so very close to the automatic trip where the pleasure-charge turned off his tactical systems and tossed him into the deep end of a potent overload.
"Want to feel you go. Want to feel you fall." Jazz said, frame rubbing against his bonded's as he leaned close to nip and lick at Prowl's neck. ~And I will be there to catch you when you do.~ He promised.
~Plug in, if you want...~ Prowl offered something he guarded even more jealously than his spark.
One hand abandoned its pleasurable quest on a sensor wing to brush lightly over the cover of the nearest dataport on Prowl that Jazz could reach.
~Would love to share that with you.~ Jazz moaned as it slid open. He felt the intensity of the offer in his mate's field and was once more reminded that Prowl guarded this the way Jazz guarded his spark. Jazz would never understand it, but he did appreciate what it said of Prowl's trust of him to offer unprompted.
A shudder and core-deep moan was dragged from Jazz the moment he plugged in and tasted just how high Prowl's charge could go. The processors that his beloved spark powered opened up to him, offering him access without restriction. Shame and joy, pleasure and pain were easy to access, largely unguarded. It was code that defined and calculated every move Prowl had ever made, even those supposedly driven by his spark, that was the true prize, at least in Prowl's self-value. It soon quickly unfolded for Jazz, as alien and familiar as anything his mate had ever done. Jazz took a moment to admire and worship it, the emotion of how perfect Prowl was to him washing across the connection in waves.
It was only a moment before Jazz was reminded how quickly Prowl's tactical systems could absorb every scrap of free energy and he refocused his effort on his mate's wings. He relished in the feedback of just how good it felt for Prowl, but also the reminder that it was not how good it felt that really mattered to Prowl. That place belonged to the care and effort it took to drive him this high from his wings alone. A single mistake, too much pressure in any of a great number of places, and the pain would make it vanish.
While Jazz might not have his mate's memory power or his gift for planning, when it came to Prowl no effort was too much or too great, and Jazz reached into his memory for everything that worked best to bring his mate pleasure.
That one sensor deep in the left wing that was a hair finer than the rest and sent waves through his mate when caressed just right. The way that Prowl reacted when the fingers of his other hand reached into the sensor housing for the thick and surprising reactive cables and played them just right.
The way that Prowl would moan when Jazz hummed that particular note as he kissed the spread fingers of Prowl's wings.
They were memories that brought joyful pleasure to Prowl, moments of care, appreciation that Jazz thought enough of Prowl to put the needed effort in. It was a rare skill for a non-Praxian to master.
With a final physical tremor Prowl's tactical systems shut up, giving a brief moment of disorientation where Prowl didn't feel at all like himself before the charge cascaded through his systems at a peak that could never normally be achieved and all thought was gone but for the ecstasy tearing through him.
Jazz couldn't help but cry out as his mate's pleasure pushed him over the edge as well. The charge that had been building in his system triggered and tripped from all sides.
Physical pleasure against his frame from the energy washing over Prowl and on to him where they touched. Field pleasure from meshed fields that were together when they were close enough almost continually now. The deep and very rare sensation of the hardline connection and how his mate processed all the energy and the results.
And the deepest connection of all, the bond between their very sparks that hid nothing and held nothing back when opened so fully as it was now.
As the charge spent itself, Prowl sagged forward, his processors sluggish about rebooting.
Jazz had enough reason left to shift his weight back so that he was not putting extra strain on his mate, though he left his frame pressed against Prowl's, one hand traveling over a spread wing still. ~Amazing love.~
Prowl's reply was more sensation than words, a feeling of lazy pleasure than came when processors were only partially on line and in no real hurry to change it. His bonded hummed in agreement, basking in the comfortable warmth as they both came back to their senses.
There was a soft click as Jazz's spike covered released, drawing a burst of anticipation from Prowl as he leaned forward, offering his lubricant-dripping valve more prominently.
"No worries love. I'll get to that." Jazz whispered, still recovering as he stroked his mate's wings gently. He wanted that valve, very much so, but he was also determined to make it good.
Prowl whimpered at the delay, his ability to hold out sorely tested by his mate's playful and thorough mood.
"You know the longer I make you wait the better it will be." Jazz said, teasing his mate across the bond and with soft words. "Because you want it more, crave it more, and when you finally do get it..."
"Sometimes you can make me overload more than you do," Prowl's entire frame quivered. He wanted to be taken. He wanted to feel his mate inside him, the slide of a spike, the rush of hot transfluid against his valve nodes. Oh, he wanted.
"No objections to that tonight, I trust?" Jazz asked, hands sliding down his mate's frame to grasp Prowl's hips firmly. He rubbed the tip of spike against the hot valve before pressing in with agonizing slowness. "Want to savor this. Want to feel every bit of you."
Prowl's voice failed him at the exquisite pleasure of being spread open and filled with such care, unable to do anything about the speed. His valve calipers cycled and tightened, rubbing the valve lining against the invader.
Jazz moaned, his self control sorely tested by the tight grip of his mate's valve. "So good love, so very good." His hands gripped Prowl's hips a little tighter. The rush of lust, hot and so very personal, was the primary response, but woven into it was how much Prowl had anticipated this. How much his mate relished being taken, strong and deeply. To have his mate's last overload rush into him after he was too spent to get a charge from it.
"Soon love," Jazz promised, frame quivering at the tight squeeze of valve over spike as he continued to push in, the motion slow and smooth. "As much as you want, as long you can take it."
Prowl's moan rose into a keen of raw, trembling pleasure as Jazz finally seated himself fully, his spike housing rubbing against the soft platelets of Prowl's valve. ~Please...~ was all he could organize, his processors spinning at finally being fed the sensation it wanted for so long. Every pressure-sensitive sensor in his valve was firing pleasure across his neural net, overshadowing every other sense he had.
~Since you asked so nicely-~ Jazz murmured across the bond, kissing Prowl's neck as he drew slowly back before thrusting home again.
Prowl's keen rose even higher as his hands clutched at empty air. The bond sang with his pleasure, his desires, and the hardline fed the energy directly into Jazz's systems.
Jazz quivered, a growl escaping him as Prowl's desire washed through him and his hands tightened on Prowl's hips once more as he drove into his mate. ~You feel so good like this love. Going to take you, enjoy the way your valve feels holding me, how you will keen and cry when I push you over the edge again and again.~
Prowl's vents hitched as he felt his mate grasp and then sink more fully into Prowl's desires. He rocked back into each thrust as best he could, but between bindings and Jazz's hands ... and oh didn't they feel good holding him so strongly! - there was little he could do but take what was done to him. Jazz was giving no quarter as he slipping into his mate's fantasy, fingers sinking into Prowl's hip joints as the he drove into his mate, each thrust deep and strong in the illusion of absolute control.
The rush Prowl got from it, the intensity of the pleasure and the quickly building charge, made the act that Jazz normally couldn't even contemplate come much easier. They'd both been abused, their frames used against their will. It made this idea, spoken, unpleasant. Yet here where it was layered with trust and the knowledge that this was an act, a way for Prowl to take back what had been taken from him, it was incredibly good.
As tight as the slick slide of spike in valve was, as good as it felt, it was nothing compared to the pleasure of knowing that this was empowering to the bound mech, even if Jazz didn't understand how and Prowl couldn't, really, explain it.
With a bellowing roar Prowl's valve clamped down on Jazz's spike, pouring part of his overload charge directly into the most sensitive node clusters for it.
"Not yet." Jazz growled, forcing his own overload back and continuing to thrust through his bonded's. He wanted this, wanted to feel his mate's pleasure. And if this was good to Prowl he would draw the entire thing out as long as he could. He could feel Prowl's charge wane, only to build again at the continued stimulation. Deep, need-filled moans escaped the Praxian as his systems tried to cope with the charge for a fourth overload. It would be all he could take, his frame already trembling in exhaustion.
~Give me your pleasure.~ Jazz demanded, fighting to hold back and give his love what he desired.
Prowl moaned in reply, his processors past any ability to form coherent glyphs, much less string them together into a sentence. He understood the spark-delivered command however, at least in intent. Shaking, exhausted, his frame was still responding eagerly. His voice rose in a trembling moan of pleasure-filled desire that nearly broke into a scream when Jazz lifted one hand from his hips to pulse a strong magnetic field into his wing.
It was the break Jazz needed as he felt his mate let go, lost in another overload. With a roar of his own he stopped holding back, hips grinding against his mate with rush of transfluid, reveling in his own release and contentment of his mate's spark.
SxSxSxSxSxSxSxSx S===================S SxSxSxSxSxSxSxS
Idarassi lounged on the berth he shared with his bondmate, awaiting Bluestreak's return. For the last joor or so the gray Praxian had been doing unspecified but clearly highly arousing things to his older brother, judging by what had been echoing through the bond. The half-serpent could practically sense the heat radiating from his mate's frame even though he couldn't actually see his mate yet, but aroused scents were already wafting down the hall. Adjusting his position, he leaned back against a loop of his own frame, optics on the door.
It slid open to Bluestreak's frame. A fraction of a klik pause to locate Idarassi and the gray Praxian lunged for him, his intentions bright and clear across the bond. He wanted to frag, and now.
A laugh answered the lunge as patterned coils caught Bluestreak out of the air, curling around him and drawing him closer, the tip already rubbing against the smaller mech's equipment covers. Reaching up to run palms and clawtips over sensitive sensor wings, Idarassi caught his mate's lips in a fiery kiss, his agile glossa thoroughly exploring the depths of his mate's mouth.
~Have fun teasing your brother?~ the serpent-mech purred through the bond.
~A great deal,~ Bluestreak moaned as his interface covers slid open and the bond sang with the joy of being within its mate's field. ~He gets so hot when he's in the mood to be bound. I'm sure Jazz jumped him right away.~ He added a mental image of Prowl's field and appearance just before he'd left while he pawed lightly at Idarassi's interface cover. ~So responsive to words too.~
Idarassi purred at the image, the large scale covering his equipment splitting and shifting out of the way. Both equipment covers were open, ready for whatever Bluestreak had in mind. The tip of his tail teased along the smaller mech's valve platelets, catching the lubricant already seeping out. ~Very hot,~ he agreed. ~Though not as hot a sight as you wrapped up in my coils,~ he added a moment later, his mental voice a throaty purr.
Bluestreak shivered in anticipation, pleasure and how good he felt all coiled up in his lover's long frame. He'd never imagined being with anything other than another Praxian in the long run, his first proposal to the snake-mech one of simple bored curiosity, but once he'd felt what it was like to be inside that coil, he knew he'd never willingly give it up, not even if he bonded to another for the good of the family line. Every step closer he had become more convinced of just how right Idarassi was for him. Even so, he'd been joyfully shocked with Prowl had not only consented to the bond, but approved of it
From that moment on, Bluestreak was waiting for the right time, and it was finally here.
~The war is over, the family home rebuilt, all we have to do now is fill it,~ Bluestreak trilled softly, seductively, his intentions shining in his mind and spark.
Green-flecked optics brightened. Ever since Idarassi had learned that Jazz's changed scent meant he was carrying the big mech had yearned for some of his own, keeping that desire buried while the war raged on. He had channeled it into the raw protectiveness that had kept the Decepticons from getting anywhere near Prowl and Jazz's sparklings despite their best efforts. Now, he loosened his stranglehold on that desire, letting it filter forward to merge with his mate's. A shiver ran through his frame, his chestplates unlocking. ~I like the sound of that, love.~
~Good,~ Bluestreak all but melted in delight and relief that it was a shared desire. He leaned in for another kiss and ran a hand over Idarassi's interface equipment while his own chestplates unlocked. ~Who should carry, this time?~
Idarassi's forked glossa looped itself around Bluestreak's, the tips fluttering ticklishly against smooth metal. Another burst of desire flared through his field at the unvoiced statement that both of them would eventually carry. ~Perhaps the first sparkling should be yours to carry?~ he suggested, tailtip sliding from Bluestreak's valve platelets to lazily circle the rim of his mate's spike housing.
The Praxian moaned deeply, welcoming the idea with all his spark for many reasons he could name, and those that ran deeper. ~Then I need your spike, not your tail,~ he shivered in anticipation and squirmed, seeking to reach that much-loved spike. ~They will be ours.~
The half-serpent chuckled again, his tail curling around Bluestreak's waist to drape over his hip and continue teasing the gray mech's spike housing. Idarassi's own spike pressurized out of its housing, rubbing against Bluestreak's plating as a sinuous ripple ran the length of the bigger mech's frame. Gentle claws teased along a seam of a spread wing, finding all the most sensitive spots.
~Love you,~ Bluestreak moaned as he stroke the spike before him, then shifted to settle onto it, taking the full length deep into his chassis. His spike slipped free, welcoming his mate's attentions. With a ripple of his valve calipers, Bluestreak spread his chest plates fully and brought his spark chamber forward. ~Create with me, love.~
Silver-gray chestplates parted, Idarassi's bluish-purple spark flaring brightly and pressing against the side of its crystal cage. His tailtip curled around Bluestreak's spike, stroking and squeezing along its length in time with his own thrusts into his mate's valve. ~Of course, my love.~
A deeper moan escaped Bluestreak as he leaned forward and opened his spark chamber, releasing the warm blue spark to seek its mate. Though his frame coursed with pleasure, he was quickly beyond that, focused on the pleasure and intense intimacy of spark-to-spark, and the desire he shared with his mate to create a new life. ~Love you, want you, trust you, want to carry your creation,~ Bluestreak repeated almost endlessly in the background, a mantra of the moment.
Blue-hued purple ribbons of energy reached back, wrapping around warm blue and drawing their sparks together. Idarassi nipped lightly at his mate's jawline and lower lip, running his hands along the length of spread wings. Energy cracked between them as their sparks merged completely, the bigger mech's smooth thrusts into Bluestreak's valve speeding up. ~Love you, want you, would do anything for you,~ the half-serpent murmured in response.
Bluestreak could only moan in reply with a strong sense of love, acceptance and joy as he willingly lost himself in the merge, their mutual pleasure and desire to create.
Yellow optics flared brightly, staring unseeing at the ceiling as Idarassi gave himself over to the merge. His secondary processor kept his frame moving while the primary was swamped by the energy flowing back and forth, arcing through and over their merged sparks. Absolute love swirled through their bond, wrapping itself around Bluestreak's thoughts. That love was returned, washing back and forth between them. Energy built and built, finally crashing over both of them in a tidal wave of ecstasy.