thoughts: Some pretty little humor once in a while to keep me nice and sane. And of course it's going to be NaLu 'cause I alwaysalways have the feels and the only cure is more cowbell.
So like, I want to make this a connected drabble!series. No, you see, it's perfect 'coz I want to write a chapter story, but I abhor writing anything over 1500 words.
summary: He has cotton candy hair. And very messy handwriting.
disclaimer: I will only say this once: I do not own Fairy Tail. (fuck the police)


Lucy hates waiting in line.

Like, she hates it. Even more than she hates people who don't pick up after their dogs when they just happen to take a fat shit on her lawn, while she is watering her (incredibly perfect and pretty and wonderfully beautiful) plants some five feet away. Or even those annoying assholes who don't understand that movie s are not meant to be dubbed over by the audience, especially when it happens to be a really good movie and they just have to go and ruin the whole damn thing with their stupid talking.

But here she is, standing in line at the Starbuck's located across the entire mall from Barnes & Noble, where she happens to work, and all because it happens to be the only Starbuck's.

And to make everything worse, there is only like, one lady in front of her who can't decide (for the past half an hour now) if she wants a sandwich or a cookie. And Lucy internally bashes her head against the counter because hello, this is Starbuck's and no one goes here for the food. Honestly.

And then it's (finally) Lucy's turn, and so she gives the 'sup' nod to the dude at the register and he 'sup' nods back. She orders her regular dose of caffeine and he writes it on the cup, and all is going fine until—

Until she notices his pink hair, and like, that's not natural. It's far from normal.

So she kind of stares at him and he stares back, and he's smiling at her and it all feels inappropriate in a way.

"Can I get your name?"


He writes it on a cup and reads back her order, in which she nods in approval, and then yay, it's back to waiting. But when she receives her cup, she notices some writing scribbled messily on the little brown cardboard cup sleeve, and funny, 'cause it looks suspiciously like a phone number. Then her eyes shoot up to glance at the cashier guy who took her order (the one with the pink hair), and he's taking someone else's order but she swears he shoots her half a smile.

Lucy rolls her eyes a bit, and makes sure he's watching as she pointedly crumples up the (innocent) cup sleeve and lets it slip into the trash can. But her victory is short-lived because as she looks back down at her naked cup, feeling very proud of herself, she sees a couple of things that make her lip twitch and her smile fall.

Written neatly wherehernameis supposed to be is 'Luigi' (seriously, dude, what the fuck), followed by another phone number.

Lucy whips her head back to give him (he-who-hath-cotton-candy-locks) the look and he—well he's still grinning at her with his stupid, ugly (not really) face.

And yeah, she kind of hates him.




(Not really)

ending notes: Yes, this is ongoing thank you for asking.
Review 'coz you're a wonderfulamazing person?