The Future of This Story

Hey everyone, just wanted to say I no longer have any motivation to continue this story, due to the fact that it is way to complicated to finish, but I will list the answers to the questions you probably have after reading the story I was planning on telling in the second part of this series (which will never see the light of day). So the following are answers to all the loose ends I left in this story that were suppose to be in the second story.

Robin left the titans because he was injected with a deadly virus that was invented by Ragu, a new villain I created

Ragu injected the joker with this disease, but the joker being the joker did not give a damn and want on a crime spree through out Gotham and Jump City before his death

The Joker was actually already weak from the virus and Robin kills him

Ragu is an international villain who plans to take over the world by controlling young heros to do his bidding and if they do not do what he wants, they will perish because Ragu is the only person who has the antidote

Starfire eventually figures everything out and beats the shit out of Ragu

Ragu is defeated by the titans but before he is taken down completely, he sets off a trap of explosives in City hall killing hundreds of people

Ragu escapes

Jump City blames the titans for the deaths and the titans are forced into exile

Robin comes back from his hiding and purchases a black instricter bomb from an arms dealer (the black case from the Denny's) and plans to take down Ragu in a suicide bomb attempt

Robin arrives in his car and detonates the trigger, killing himself, Ragu, and his men

The titans are allowed back into Jump City after a worldwide vote to either banish the superheros forever or give them a second chance goes in their favor.

The titans gather around Robins grave, but then it is reveled Robin survived the explosion, while having a hideous scar on this face.

Well I hope that answers all of your questions, if you have any others, please personal message me and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Also is anyone wants to continue the story based off of my ideas or using their own, I am perfectly fine with it.

P.S. I am currently working on a new story that can be found on my profile called "A Trap For Raven." This story is about Raven waking up in a parallel universe where she is a normal teenage girl with parents and the other titans are transformed into normal teenagers too. Raven must find a way back to her universe or remain stuck forever. Please check it out if you have the chance!