Yeah the fun part! Troll's! This is A LOT longer than any other chapter almost 2times the size. I've always told myself if I get sixteen reviews for a chaptered I'd do something special so here goes! 4 is my favorite number and four 4's make 16 so I'm floating on air!

Thank you for all your support! I also realize it's not Thilbo yet but I hope many of you are starting to spot a little bit of it. Next chapter will have more!

Chapter 5

Bilbo didn't get to talk to Gandalf after the mud incident which was a good thing because the wizard looked like he wanted to strangle the smug hobbit, who rode with a large smile on his pudgy face for two days as the terrain and scenery changed around them. They no longer traveled through straight roads through forests but soon started climbing up the windy mountains across rocky landscapes. Bilbo finally got accustomed to riding Myrtle and learned if he moved with the rhythm of the pony he was less sore when they stopped for dinner. He also found that since he was still in the rear of the company, sometimes he could slip off his pony and run to collect some berries or wild herbs and run back to his pony and none of the dwarves where the wiser.

Thorin stopped the company two hours from sunset. The not-king shot Bilbo a look as if daring the hobbit to question his authority. Bilbo chuckled under his breath but nodded back to Thorin. The dwarf would here no complaints from him.

"We'll rest here tonight, Fili, Kili gather and watch the ponies."

As they got closer to their destination, which Bilbo was still a bit unsure of; his dreams became filled with fire and gold. He dreamed of a young man fighting against a white monster as gold trickled from open wounds like blood. In a dark hole in the ground flames flickered around a golden cavern and a colossal purple and green scaled beast, the size of a tower, with vast wings barded at the end with silver spikes held him in its sharp claws and stroked the hobbit like some pet. Whispering 'my precious,' as his red serpent tongue flicked against Bilbo's face. The dragons' massive eyes where the size of a shield and yellow as the gold it guarded, watching the hobbit like a hawk. On the other side of the room, lying innocently on a chest, a single gem glittered like the stars, calling to the hobbit, begging him to save it from the terrible monster. Struggle as he might the hobbit could not escape the dragons grasp and sliced his arms and hands in the process to bleed gold onto the floor. He needed to save the gem, to give the gem to his king. The same king who was fighting death at the moment. Bilbo would always wake up in a cold sweat breathing heavily and terrified his vision was real.

"Oin, Gloin gather some wood," Thorin commanded as he walked towards a burnt down house, Gandalf close at his heels. Bilbo ignored both men. Lately they had been arguing more then he and the king bickered, which made it nice for the hobbit since all of Thorin's icy glares where mainly for the wizard and not him.

"I'm going crazy," Bilbo muttered under his breath.

Fili and Kili turned at his admittance, grinning like a pair of cats that had cornered a bird.

"Well Mr. Boggins-," Fili began.

"We've certainly thought so-," Kili ended as they walked off laughing and collecting the other companies ponies.

Bilbo opened his mouth as a rough hand was placed on his shoulder. He turned surprised to see Bofur ginning at him. "Let 'm be lad. We let 'm have their fun when they can. Life ain't been easy for any of us especially 'em."

Bilbo closed his mouth and nodded. Sometimes it was hard to imagine that they were still so young. The hobbit moved to help Bombur and Balin cook. The dwarves where always amazed when he pulled out fresh herbs from his pockets that he had collected on that days ride. It only confirmed to them that Bilbo Baggins was a great burglar. Gandalf stomped through the company, startling all of the men. He looked ready to raise hell and take on the dragon himself.

"Where are you going?" Bilbo asked. He might not fully respect the meddling wizard but magic was very useful and the hobbit felt a bit uneasy that said magic was storming off.

"To seek the company of the only one who's got enough sense in this company," Gandalf growled as he walked off.

Bilbo looked over to Balin, figuring since the dwarf was brimming with potential council and wisdom he would be the person Gandalf sought out. Balin looked like he held the same opinion but didn't seem happy about talking to the grumpy wizard.

"And who's that?" Bilbo called.

"Myself," Gandalf shouted as he walked off into the cragedy forest behind them.

"What got his kickers in a twist?" Bilbo muttered to the older dwarf.

"I do not meddle in the affairs of wizards or Dragons," Balin said as Oin and Gloin returned with their fire wood and started to make a fire. "For I am small and crushable."

The dwarf's words cracked a smile on the tense hobbits lips but his posture remained ridged.

Gandalf didn't return as the sun set and night fell upon the group. Only the flickering flames of the fire alit the night as the cloudy sky blocked out the moon. The small hobbit felt something…..wrong. It made him edgy and nervous. He started pacing along the fire, throwing glances toward the forest. The hours passed and still nothing, the group must have also felt it because no one else bothered to sleep. Something was wrong, something was off and Bilbo couldn't pin-point what. It didn't help that Thorin glared at him from across the fire and all the other dwarves silently watched him; taking much amusement from his nervous pacing.

"I'm certain pacing is not proper for the gentle folk," Thorin mocked.

Bilbo ignored the not-king as the feeling of wrong grew; it swirled inside of his gut like a parasite making him feel ill and terrified. The poor hobbit couldn't figure out what was wrong but he knew it was from the forest, which were Fili and Kili where. Oh starts above, the wrongness was near the brothers! Where was Gandalf? Could he save them? Hobbits where such small creatures and Bilbo didn't have any magic or fighting skills, but he couldn't leave the brothers, not when they were just becoming friends. But what could he do?

Bofur approached the hobbit that looked on the verge of tears. He handed the small man two bowls of soup. "Here, do me a favor, take these to the lads."

Bilbo nodded curtly and rushed towards the forest like someone had a lit his tailcoat from under him. Bofur turned to the company, who chuckled fondly at the odd habits of their burglar. "He's an odd one ain't he?"

"Aye but he keeps the mood light and the king distracted," Balin said as he leaned back and looked up into the night sky.

Bilbo dashed into the forest, searching for the linked potential between the brothers. They were like two trees that had grown too close together and over the years became one. His eyes darted all around the darkened forest until he spotted them standing stone still, starting at the grazing ponies. A sigh of relief relaxed his shoulders as he approached. They were alive and well. Bilbo walked up with a smile, ignoring the still present uneasiness and handed them their bowls of stew. Instead of taking the bowls they continued starring at the ponies.

"What's wrong?" He whispered.

"We've encountered a slight problem," Kili admitted. "We were supposed to be watching the ponies."

"We had sixteen but now we only have fourteen," Fili finished.

Bilbo sagged looking over the ponies. "That's not good, not good at all. Should we go get Thorin?"

"No," Fili and Kili hissed in unison turning on the hobbit with desperate eyes.

"We've messed up once."

"Let's not worry him anymore."

Bilbo did not like the pleading looks the brothers gave him. He still thought they should tell Thorin, who would probably be better at figuring out these kinds of things and it would give him great practice. On the other hand the young princes also needed the practice. Bilbo sighed again hating his 'gift,' despising that although he was trembling to his toes he stayed firmly at the princes side –unable to leave- because that's where he belonged and if Thorin could learn some manners and become bearable to be around Bilbo knew that was his rightful place. Merely a pretty accessory to accent the power and grace of the true royalty who were currently pleading at him with large eyes. Some days –like today- it truly sucked to be him.

"What did you two have in mind?" He'd give in…..but just this once. At least that's what the hobbit repeated in his head. Knowing fully well they had found his weakness and by the shared smile he knew they knew it too.

They grinned and each took a bowl, shoveling the food as they led him deeper into the forest and away from help. The uneasy feeling intensified as they walked forward and the brothers led him to a fallen tree that had been pushed by the looks of it and by something enormous. Loud stamping and the whining of a pony alerted the three as they ducked behind the fallen tree and peeked over just as a monster approached. Bilbo covered his mouth to stop himself from gagging. Whatever it was it was huge, fat, almost naked and wrong. Oh so very wrong! He didn't like it, not one bit and the hobbit desperately wanted to run in the opposite direction of the monster that was carrying a wiggling pony under each arm muttering about 'mutton,' proving it was stupid too.

His unwavering loyalty to the royal family kept him steadfast. He couldn't run even if his life depended on it. Such was the honor and the glory of an accessory. Bilbo Baggins cursed Gandalf under his breath; this is why he shouldn't have left. Then he wouldn't have met the broken royal family and their loyal guards and become attached. Forming bonds was how he'd lose himself. His mother warned him, once he bonded with his chosen royal family Bilbo would be physically unable to ever leave them.

"It's a mountain troll," Kili said with excitement.

Bilbo shot a glance to the dark haired prince, partly wondering about his sanity, but he was related to Thorin so that was questionable. "Well I think it's going to eat the ponies, so we have to do something," Bilbo hissed.

"You go, you're our burglar," Fili said with a cheeky grin as the brothers tried to push him towards the campfire of the troll. Bilbo planted his feet and refused to budge. The brothers strained to move him as he smirked. Little known fact, hobbits can plant their large feet and can become almost unmovable. The two of them couldn't even make him budge. He ginned as they gave up.

"First off, this is terrible planning on your parts," Bilbo reprimanded in a hushed voice. "If you want your Uncle to stop treating you like children start acting like adults. I may be a 'burglar' but how will I free the ponies without a weapon. I don't carry one on my person."

Fili looked down before sheepishly handing Bilbo one of his own knives. Bilbo took the knife but wasn't even done with his lecture. No these two were going to get it. He was quite positive they would have pushed him towards the camp and ran for Thorin. Not that he could blame them the not-king could be quite intimidating when he chose and being his nephews must be demanding, but they were also princes. And this was his life too.

"What about back up? We have no idea how many trolls there are. How do we know we can handle them all and they are three times our size, one could step on me like a bug" Bilbo turned to Kili. "Let's start with what do you know about trolls?"

Kili paused for a moment before talking. "They're slow and stupid….. and they turn into stone in the sunlight."

Bilbo looked at the brothers and then emphasized looking up at the moon that was making its way back down to the horizon. It would almost be light soon since the summer nights where short. Kili smiled and looked at Fili who nodded.

"A distraction," they said in unison.

Bilbo nodded glad they had gotten that. But there was still something else. "How do we distract them?"

They turned on him again this time. Bilbo wanted to reach out and bonk their heads together at their cheeky grins. Those boys would be the death of him, if Thorin didn't glare him to an early grave first.

"I'll scout out the trolls if you two go get Thorin and the other dwarfs and quietly meet me back here," they nodded and rushed off through the thicket leaving the hobbit with two empty bowls, a knife and a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Why did he think this was going to end badly? Because it is, a small part of his mind whispered back. The hobbit shook his head and tip-toed towards the campfire. He shuttered as he neared. It reeked of wrongness, but he couldn't go back. Bilbo peeked into the campsite. Three ugly trolls sat around a large campfire with a rusty boiling pot and to the right and behind them the ponies where put in a tiny roped off square. Bilbo watched the troll's converse until he heard the approach of the company.

"There are three of them," Bilbo said before Thorin could open his mouth and demand the answer. "The ponies are roped in the back.

"Let's charge them," Dwalin said with sword raised, a few other dwarfs mirrored his excitement on rushing a group of large Trolls.

Bilbo looked over at Fili and Kili before looking back at the sky again. This was their chance to make a good impression on Thorin, not only as his heirs but as his capable nephews. He smiled as they interrupted.

"That's too risky,-" Kili said as all heads turned towards the brothers, Thorin looked thoughtful but didn't protest.

"One of us could get hurt or captured-," Fili said.

"We should distract them until the sunrises-," Kili cut in.

"And then they'll turn to stone," Fili finished with a wide grin.

Thorin nodded, his eyes flickering to the hobbit and then back to this nephews and then the campfire with the trolls. He was impressed with their planning; it made sense and would have the smallest damage margin. He was pleased they were also acting like the princes he knew they were meant to be. "What shall we do then?" Thorin asked.

Fili and Kili's eyes widened as they looked at their uncle and the group of men, ready to take their orders. They shared a look.

"First off we get another pony," Kili started as Ori rushed off to retrieve a mount. "When one of the trolls hears it, we lead him away."

"And take care of him away from the others. Maybe we can lure a second one out but if not we start making noises on opposite sides of the camp. With the group spilt up I'm sure seven of us can take on one troll each and if not we can just stall for time until the sun comes up."

"Sounds like a good plan," Gloin said with pride in his voice.

"What about the ponies?" Balin asked.

Fili and Kili turned to Bilbo who held two bowls in on hand and a knife in the other. "Our fine burglar shall take care of them."

The group quickly dispersed as Ori returned with the squealing mount and just as Kili predicted one of the trolls heard the pony and quickly got up to fetch it's meal. Bilbo heard it thunder off and quickly disposed of. The group then split up and started making loud noises on either side of the camp and just like Fili had said the trolls each got up. That was his cue. As softly as Bilbo could manage he crept past the trolls as they moved into the forest to investigate the odd noises. He ran up to the frightened ponies quietly shushing them as he hurriedly tried to saw the thick rope with Fili's knife. Once freed the ponies dashed back to the heard, leaving Bilbo alone in the campsite listening to the trolls roar as they fell and the triumphant yells of the dwarf company.

Thorin burst into the campsite striding towards Bilbo with a brilliant smile on his face as the sun slowly rose behind him. The sight took Bilbo's breath away. The golden ray's haloed Thorin's hair and alit his bright blue eyes. It was in that moment Bilbo realized he had broken all three of his mother's rules become sometime during the last two weeks he had gone and fallen in love with the dwarf king.

"With your help halfling we will get back my Arkenstone and restore my kingdom back to its former glory," Thorin said with a grin as he clasped Bilbo on the shoulder

Bilbo tightly smiled back, biting his lip to keep from voicing his words. There was no getting back the Arkenstone for Thorin because Bilbo was already at his side and planed never to be apart again. This was his call and Thorin was leading him to his beacon, the jewel that would finally give Bilbo the power to grant Thorin his kingdom back. To fight the darkness off with the purest of lights.

"Just don't steal anything," Thorin said seriously. "Especially my Arkenstone."

Bilbo almost screamed into the not-kings face feeling all the warmth that was in his chest slowly seep away into a deeper place as his anger flared. Before any kingdom could be won, first they needed to work on manners.

Thanks for reading!

ShinobiTwin05- OMG Yes it is like John! Ahhhh I love Johnlock and Martin is just amazing! FTW!

Yana5- XD

ImploringIdeal- wicked name, I'm very glad you find my fic interesting I hope it only gets better

Laser-Chick- I thought it was funny too. I found that most of the hobbit was. You'll just have to wait and see

Leahreyan- I loved ch4 too…it was so fun to write. I felt Gandalf needed a bit of karmic payback!

Dobby134- He is quite a spitfire. I love his inner thoughts. Wish they could have subtitled some into the movie

AlexandriteSky- he is the judger of men and their potential. Kinda like a younger Gandalf with more anger and an insistence on manners

2lazy2thinkofaname- Cool name, Super psyched you loved my Bilbo enjoy the update!

Arianna Nevaz Roo- Yeah!

AllieJenzie- yep Bilbo will whip them into shape

Remus san- I'm very pleased you're grinning so much! Yes he should have thought but wizards meddle too much

Sazubo- hahahaha sweet revenge

JantoHarkness- That's one of my favorite too's, I wonder if in the movie it was mean to be an insult?!

LuffyMarra- He should stand up to Thorin. I think just shrinking back is what caused so many problems. Even when we're scared we must step forward!