So, I have no good reason for this ending. I am sorry, but I was trying out different endings. Can you believe I wrote this over a year ago?
Disclaimer: I do not own Ghost Hunt
Epilogue: Return
"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you home, Mai?" Damien asked, leaning against the doorjamb to his front door. Jessica stood beside him balancing a baby boy on her hip, bouncing him on her hip and entertaining him while still paying attention to the conversation.
"Yeah, Mai, it's getting late. You should let him walk you home," she interjected with a wide, teasing grin because she knew that it would take much longer if he accompanied me.
I shook my head vigorously, tapping my shoes so that they slipped completely into place. "No, I'll be fine. We're just a few block away. Plus, we'd get so sidetracked that it'd take three hours to get back. We can't be doing that," I said laughing easily. Even after all these years, it was still easy to talk and joke with this pair.
"Well, alright then," the pair conceded, "Just be careful alright? Stay to the light."
"Yes, Mom. Yes, Dad," I said jokingly, backing down their hallway, "I'm almost twenty-seven now, you don't have to treat me like a child. That's Monk and Ayako's job."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Get home!" Damien called, watching until I disappeared around a corner to shut his door softly.
I swung around, trotting quickly out of their apartment complex and down the road. The night was cool with stormy, cloud-covered skies. "I should get home soon. Naru will be getting worried," I murmured to myself as I turned down another side street. There were no lights down this particular road leaving my in inky darkness.
Humming quietly under my breath, I moved along, the smile from my visit still lingering on my lips. By the time I noticed the extra cold leaking through my thin layers of clothing, it was too late.
'I told you I'd be back. I've got you now,' the raspy, husky voice of one ghost I hadn't heard in many years whispered in my ear. My attempt to scream was silenced by the hand that slammed over my mouth. A muffled screech pushed through my lips as pain curled through my body and tears rolled down my face.
'I'm sorry, Naru. I love you. I love you all,' I thought at the man I knew would hear it even nearly a mile away before only pain became my reality.
Naru bolted into a sitting position on the couch as that one, mournful thought rolled through his sleep muddled brain. Fear pierced the deepest part of him. "Mai," he whispered fearfully.
Sirens split the still night air. Blue and red lights flashed through the slats in the curtains creating colorful patterns across the ceiling. The children who slept in the back rooms furthest from the door let out cries of fear.
"Daddy!" the younger twins cried from their room, tears obvious in their voices.
Sophia and Matthew, their older sister and brother, exited their room, the same fear they felt brightening their chocolate eyes. "Daddy, something happened to Mommy," they murmured together, reverting back to the childish names they'd used for their parents that they only returned to when they were terrified.
"Stay here. Lock the door. You're in charge," he told the pair quickly, his mind reeling as he stuffed his feet into his shoes, "Don't open the door, unless they're part of the team. We'll be back soon." He dropped down, pressing his lips to their forehead before darting out the door.
He sprinted towards the sirens, weaving in and out of people with agility that he hadn't possessed for around five years. He followed the wails of the sirens and the whispers around him. His heart raced, threatening to break through his ribs, but not in a good way. The horrifying scene he was met with as he finally arrived at the crime scene had his heart stopping.
Mai lay on the concrete, her blood painting the area scarlet. Her clothes, once blue, had been turned a deep violet with the red of her blood. She had been cut and slashed and violated, her body and clothing the only evidence he needed. A police officer, Ryuu by the looks of him, was respectfully placing a sheet over her body.
"Mai!" Naru shouted, ducking under the yellow tape blocking the area off.
Two officers brought him to a stop, holding out their arms. He rammed into them, desperate to reach her. "Sir, you can't come in here. This is a crime scene," one said sternly, pushing him back a few steps.
"No, I have to get to her," he snarled, struggling against the pair.
"Sir, you can't!" the other officer shouted.
"But I have to! She's my wife! Mai!" he shouted for her, reaching desperately for her between the pair blocking his path.
Ryuu hurried over, the sound of Naru's voice drawing him to the spot. "Naru, I am so sorry about Mai, but please stand back and let us do our job," he said soothingly, the mournful look in his eyes only accentuated by the tears brimming in his eyes.
A female officer moved in, whispering soothing, kind words as she pushed gently on his chest. That small push, that gentle touch so like Mai's brought him back some of his sanity, even though there was no sanity in this moment.
He took a slow, cautious step back. "I… I have to make a few calls," he murmured, dropping his eyes to the ground and backing away a few more steps.
"Sir-" the female officer began in a sad voice, but he didn't let her finish.
He turned on his heel and walked briskly to the end of the short street. He dropped down on the curb, hanging his head between his knees. Tears slipped fear of their cage, slipping down his face. A ragged sob shook his shoulders. He wasn't known for crying, but he couldn't have stopped the tears this time even if he'd tried. "Why?" he sobbed quietly, clasping his fingers over the back of his head.
A thought crept its way into the turmoil that was currently his mind and emotions. He wiped the tears from his face hard, Mai wouldn't have wanted him to cry. There'd be time for that later anyway. Right then, he needed to focus on their children and the others of the SPR team.
He pulled his cell from his pocket, jabbing in the first number that came to mind. He waited impatiently as the phone rang, then…
"Noll? What is it?" asked a sleepy and very comfortingly familiar voice on the other end.
"Gene, I need you and Annabeth to go over to Mai's and my apartment and watch the kids," Naru said, hanging his head and refusing to look up even as he felt the eyes of bystanders on him.
Suddenly, all the sleepiness was gone from Gene's voice. "Okay, that's fine. What's wrong? What's happened?" His voice held worry and concern. In the background, Naru could hear him and Annabeth rushing to get dressed.
The words lodged in his throat. He felt the overwhelming sadness try to overtake him again. Tears crawled back up his throat, burning the back of his eyes. He tried to force the words out, but they just wouldn't come.
"Naru?" Gene asked, worriedly. A door slammed, keys jingled, shoes slapped against pavement.
"Mai's dead," Naru finally choked out, forcing the words from his throat, "Someone murdered her." The tears spilled over his eyelashes once more. His brother would be the only one he'd cry to.
"Oh my God, Naru. Do you need me to…?"
"I need you to go watch Sophie, Matthew, Micah, and Blaine," he told his twin sternly even through his tears.
"Okay, but if you need anything…"
"Help me call the others."
"Okay, you want me to just call the entire team?"
"Yes, thank you."
"Of course," he said before disconnecting.
"Daddy, why are we putting Mama in the ground?" Blaine asked innocently, looking up at Naru. He had his hand clutched around hers. Tears sparkled in her eyes as she picked up on the feelings of all of those around her.
"She won't be able to breathe if they put her in the ground, Daddy," Micah said, holding onto his twin's hand. Sophie held onto Naru's other hand while Matthew held onto hers, tears streaming down their pale faces. They understood perfectly what had happened.
"Mommy," she whimpered quietly, trying to act as strong as her father.
Gene appeared beside them, tear tracks running down his own face. "M-Micah, B-Blaine, come here to Uncle Gene," he said, holding out his arms to them. They threw themselves into his arms, sobs coming from their small bodies. He picked them up, coming to stand beside his twin.
Naru bent down, pulling his two older children into his arms and cradling them against his chest. They buried their faces in his neck, sobbing their hearts out now. He could only just contain himself enough to not do the same.
The rest of the SPR team slowly stepped up beside them, Ryuu amongst this group. Everybody Mai knew made a circle around them and Mai's grave, listening silently as John gave a sermon. The casket was slowly lowered into the hole. Flowers were tossed gently inside, quiet words spoken for the women they all loved. Sobs echoed.
Hours later after the hole had been filled in and the others had dispersed, the team was still there, sitting around the grave. Sleeping children, dreaming of their mothers and happier times, leaned against each other in a small group. Naru only wished he could do the same.
"I love you Mai, always have, always will," he whispered, staring at the name on her gravestone, "We'll always miss you, never forget that." The tears he'd been holding back finally rolled down his face. He closed his eyes, leaning into his brother, and let himself grieve.
I am so sorry you guys, this almost made me cry myself TT-TT Thank you all for staying with me until the end. I can't thank you enough. I guess my last question for y'all is, "How was it?"