John. Come home immediately. –SHWhy? Sherlock, I'm at work. –JWJohnnnn. Come homeeee. –SHSherlock Holmes, I am with a patient. –JWThey're obviously unimportant if you're still texting me. Either that or you're lying. –SH

John? –SH

John, I checked the time and you're supposed to be on lunch break right now. Why won't you answer? –SH

John. This is tedious. I'll shoot holes in the wall. –SH

John –SH

John? –SH

Are you kidnapped again? It's been an hour since your last text. –SH

It better not be Mycroft –SH

Actually, I take it back. He won't hurt you. So I guess I'd rather it be Mycroft. –SH

John? –SH

Fine. I'll see you in two hours anyways after you get home from work. –SH

Sherlock sent the last text. Sherlock was bored and waiting for John to come home.

He trudged over the couch and plopped down dramatically and got into pouting position. Curled up in the fetal postion, facing the back of the couch, making his back turned to the rest of the world. Perfect. Now when John comes home in 15 minutes, he will see pouting Sherlock.

Little did Sherlock Holmes know, John Watson was currently in the store, looking around the chemistry department. After going through the isles and realizing Sherlock has most of these things in some shape or form or model, John almost gave up. Then he saw it. He smiled and walked over, already 15 minutes later than Sherlock assumed he'd be home. John's phone had died due to poor planning on his part. He had forgotten to charge it overnight after a long and tiring case. On February the 13th of all days, as well. There goes last minute gift shopping. Try last possible second.

Sherlock had gotten up from his pouting position and began pacing when John as an hour later than usual. Maybe he and Sarah are going out tonight?

Unlikely. They broke up and she didn't seem keen on the idea of a second date after the first one had gone so horribly.

Maybe he's going out with someone new? It IS February the 14th, some kind of significance in the world of the simple minded. Maybe a holiday. Something about lots of chocolate and sweets. Three Kings Day? Ridiculous. John is not of Spanish origin, and therefore may not even know what Three Kings Day is, let alone how to celebrate the holiday.

Sherlock sighed. He has to wait for three more hours until he can assume kidnapping or a date. Or that John may be out tonight overall. Something was bugging dear Watson and the Consulting Detective couldn't figure it out.

Sherlock Holmes can't figure it out? Sherlock nearly laughed at this. How is there something he can't figure out? Sherlock sat on the couch deducing.

Now, John is either trying to hide something from me, feeling ill, or is thinking a lot about something- resulting in absent minded-ness. More likey a combination between the later and the former. Okay so he could be thinking of something he'd like to hide from me, and the more he thinks about it, the more I could possibly deduce about it. John Watson is not dumb, not ignorant, and not by any means totally stupid or brain-dead. Maybe he need to get off. He hasn't been out with a girl in some time. Almost 6 months, which is a pretty long time for John. He's very polite and strong and handsome. He could easily get someone. Why doesn't he? Maybe attraction to someone else.



John is in love. Maybe he's out with her tonight. Maybe he's currently ravishing her until she screams his name. Maybe they're having a nice fancy dinner. He's probably forgotten about our plans tonight. He wanted to show my the Star Wars trilogy tonight. We were going to have a two-day movie marathon between all the Star Wars movies and the Lord of The Rings (and The Hobbit) marathon. It would be hours of me commenting on the inaccuracy of the plot, possibly getting into it. It was going to be popcorn and tea and sweets on sale from whatever holiday was going on. It was going to be great.

Sherlock sat up and pouted to himself. He's getting sentimental and he knows it. Time to text John.

John, if you are out with a woman, I will be very cross with you. We had made plans. We had at least 7.5 that I ditched for this. –SH

John? –SH

Come home already. –SH

About another half hour later, John walked through the front door of 221B and into the foyer where sherlock laid in his pouting position. John sighed to himself, smiling slightly. He walked over and plugged his phone into the charger, then turned to walk back into the room with a very grumpy Sherlock.

"What's her name?" Sherlock's deep baritone voice bellowed from the couch.

"Who?" John nearly jumped out of his socks right then and there.

"The woman! The one you're in love with! You're obviously in love. Who. Is. The. Woman?" Sherlock demanded. John paused and bit his lip.

"Well, not she….exactly." John blushed. "Well…it just so happens to be you…Uh," John scratched the back of his head "Happy Valentine's Day, Sherlock"

AH, Valentines day. The day of love. I must've missed that.

I also missed the fact that John Hamish Watson has fallen in love with me. I'm such an idiot.