Hello! So, this story was going to be added in the Jyder fan fiction, but I wanted to make a separate story. I really hope you like this story, comment and tell me what you think! Thank you! (:
POV; Kitty

I ran down the streets, scared as hell. If I didnt make it to school today it would be the 5th time I was late. Its not that I care about what the teachers think, but its what my parents thought that scared me. They hated it whenever I didnt meet their standards. I finally got to the school, and ran down the halls. I charged through people like a tank. I got to my locker, and quickly unlocked it. I grabbed my stuff, and checked the time. Phew, I still had 10 minutes until my first class. I looked over and saw Brittany, the dumbest person I ever met, at her locker twirling her hair. I looked to the other side and saw Marley, glee club 'superstar' standing there. I looked behind me and saw one of the football players. I quickly whispered something into their ear, making them nod.

They walked over to Marley, and watched as they insulted her and her mother. I saw them walk away, and she started getting upset. She ran down the halls, in tears. I didnt like making fun of her, but as the head cheerleader, I felt obligated to. I headed over to Brittany, not having anything better to do. "Hey Britt." I said, smiling. "Oh. Hi..." She said, a bit confused. She thought off into the distance, and pondered something. "Who are you again?" She asked. I sighed. "Kitty? Kitty Wilde." "Right.. Anyways, whats up?" She asked. "Not too much.. Just waiting for class."

Brittany nodded, as the bell rang. I headed to my class, and sat in a seat near the back. I looked to my side and saw Jake sitting beside me. "Hey hot stuff." I said, winking at him. He sighed, and looked over at me. "What do you want?" He asked, a tad aggravated. "Just saying hi. Dont be such a fuss." I said, innocently. "I heard about what you said to Marley. Not cool." "Oh calm down... Obviously I didnt mean it." "Do you not remember what you got those guys to say?" He asked, angrily. "I told them to insult her and her mom.. So, no. I dont know what they said." "They told her that she shouldn't be alive, and her fat mom shouldn't be either."

Thats what they told her? "Jake, I didnt know they'd say that..." I apologized He nodded, and looked at the front of the class. "Alright class.. Today I'm giving your tests from last week back. Im impressed with some of you, but some of you, need to really try harder." The teacher said, getting off her chair. I crossed my fingers in hopes of getting a better mark then last time. Last test I got a C+ and my parents hated that. I looked over and saw that Jake was smiling at his test mark. It had B+ Good Improvement! written on the top. I looked up and saw my teacher above me, frowning "Kitty.. I expect better from you." She said, disappointed "I sent your parents a message about this." She said, giving me my test. I looked at the top and saw an F on it.

"I dont know why this is happening. Im studying every night..." I said, upset. "You just need to work a bit harder I guess." She said. I nodded, and stuffed the test into my binder. I buried my face into my books, and sat there upset. I couldnt get too upset, then people would think that I was a wuss about getting a bad mark. I felt a tap on my shoulder, so I looked up. It was Jake. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked. "Fine. Im fine. I just need some air.." I said, getting up. "Miss Wilde. Sit down." Mrs. Burns said. "I'll be right back.." I said, leaving the room. I headed down the halls and out the doors. I just leaned on the walls, and thats when the tears came.

My parents were going to kill me. An F? And I thought getting a C+ was bad, but this? This was total death. And my parents could know right now. Or now. They could be calling me right now. They could be planning on how they were going to punish me.. I started breathing really heavily, and leaned myself to the ground. I curled up into a ball, and just cried. I took out my phone, one message from 'mum'. Oh no.. She saw it. If she saw it, dad saw it. I couldnt open it, I just couldnt. If it said what I thought it said, than I was toast. I put my phone back, and wiped some tears off my face. I headed back into the school, and went back into class. "Kitty, I see you decided to come back." Mrs. Burns said crossing her arms."I just, needed a minute." I said, heading back to my seat. "I'll let it slide right now, but next time I wont allow it." She said. I nodded, and sat down.

By the end of the day, I had gotten 5 texts from my mom. I couldnt bare to read them yet. Not until I got home at least. I grabbed my stuff, and started heading home. I crossed Marley, who looked really upset still. "Marley Im sorry. I didnt know-" I started. "I know. Jake told me.." She said, smiling. I smiled back, but I still felt something missing. I had to insult her.. It wasnt intended though. It just slipped out. Something inside me was forcing me to say something rude to her. "No get away from me freak." I commented, making her smile disappear. She ran off, and I just sighed. "Dammit.." I said to myself.

When I got home, I felt horrible. My parents were going to kill me, I wasnt going to have friends anymore because of my insults, and my teacher was going to keep failing me when I didnt even know how to do anything. I opened the door, and set my stuff down. I crept through the house, trying to get to my room. I was making progress, but accidentally stubbed my toe on the desk. I yelped a bit, making my parents notice me. Oh no... "Kitty." I heard my father say. "Hey guys.." I said, walking into the kitchen.

"Anything you want to say?" He asked. I shook my head. I didnt like lying to my parents, but if I wanted to be safe, I had to. "Oh, alright." He said, waiting for me to leave. But I heard him walking over to me. He grabbed the back of my shirt, and pulled me closer. "Do you think Im an idiot?!" He yelled. I shook my head, and he screamed at me again. "I got the message!" He screamed. "You failed?!" He asked. He let go of me, forcefully. "Daddy Im sorry... I study but-" I started, but he grabbed my hair. I yelped loudly. "Daddy, stop.. Please." I said, starting to weep.

"Stop it. Just stop it!" He yelled. He threw me against the wall, and I fell to the ground. I sobbed on the ground for a bit, until I felt pain again. Dad was in front of me, kicking me in the stomach. I cried even more, and begged him to stop. He continued kicking me, until I finally got him to stop. I screamed loudly and cried out. "Get up to your room right now, now!" He shouted. I nodded, and got up. I help my stomach, and headed upstairs.

When I finally got into my room, I slammed the door shut. I fell onto my bed, and just buried my head in my pillow. I muffled screams into my pillow, and cried loudly. I was in so much pain. I needed to find a way for my dad to stop, but I couldnt figure out anything. I took out my phone and decided to look at the texts from my mom. Kitty, we got the message from your teacher. Whatever your dad does, you deserve it. You're NOT my daughter.

I threw my phone against the wall, and sat there, in tears. I breathed heavily, and sealed my eyes shut. I stuffed my head in my pillow, and sobbed into it, leaving some stains from my makeup on it. I just wished that they wouldn't hurt me every time I did something wrong... Just for once. I was broken, everything in my life was broken. Its like my life was a vase, and right when I read that text, it got tipped over and shattered.