Disclaimer: I own only Amber.
Big thanks to Lady Elizabeth of New York and ptl4ever419, I'm glad you like it!
Sorry for the long wait, but here it is!
If you have any comments/suggestions please let me know!
Chapter 3
"We have Defense with the Slytherins first then double potions with the Ravenclaws." Lily remarked at breakfast.
"I wonder if this years professor is going to be any good, especially since last years was horrible." I said and rubbed my hand remembering the detentions Professor Gregotski had given me. He had made me write lines with a quill that used my blood for ink. Now the words I will not be rude are in the form of scars on the back of my right hand. I shuddered remembering how he had used the cruciatus curse on me and had almost killed me. But that was all done now and he was locked away in Azkaban.
"Let's not talk about him, your brother is coming and we don't want him to go on another rampage." Alice said and we quickly changed the subject. I turned to Lily,
"So, how's the weather?"
We all sat at the back of the Defense Against the Dark Arts room and waited. It was five minutes past when we were supposed to get started that Professor Blake showed up. She panted as she walked or rather limped into the room... on crutches. Our professor was missing a leg.
"Sorry I'm late." She said walking up to the front of the class. "I forgot how annoying those stairs were to climb."
Blake smiled at us. Today she was wearing a dark blue turtle neck, but this time since I was much closer to her I could see that she was trying to hide little black lines that were running up from her chest to her chin. It was strange, I'd have to ask Remy about it later.
She sat down on top of the professors desk at the front and said,
"Open your books everyone, and turn to page 104 please."
We started the lesson on none verbal spells, Professor Blake promised we would practice them next class which I was looking forward to.
It was late at night in the common room when the subject of Professor Blake came up.
"Did anyone else notice the fact that the new professor has an incurable disease?" Remus asked suddenly, interrupting Sirius and James talking about a rather embarrassing prank they pulled on me over the summer. Sirius had too hold me down from attacking both of them. I had eventually given up but he had refused to let go of me.
"I did." Lily said coming towards us from where she had been studying at a near by table. She sat beside Remy. James looked a little put out that she didn't sit beside him, but then there wasn't much space there. Peter was taking up most of the space beside James.
"What is an incurable disease?" James asked.
"Well, there are three types of incurable diseases. Two of them take about a month at the most to kill you. The process is rather painful, one burns you from the inside out and the other fills your lungs with fluid, there is no way to stop them. You can't even numb the pain! The one that Professor Blake has takes years to kill. You get that disease from Dementors. You catch it by being around them for to long, though most people don't ever get it, some people are just really unlucky. A type of acid starts coursing through your veins, killing you slowly. Near the end of the disease the person suffers from memory loss. From what I read it is extremely painful." Remus said. WE all took sometime to digest what he had just said.
"Well, if she has limited time alive, then why is she a professor? Why not do something fun?" Sirius said.
"I dunno. Though the more concerning question is why was she around Dementors for so long?" I said. Nobody said anything.
"Well, I'm going to find out." James stated.
"Oh no, you're not. That is her personal life. You have no right to go snooping around!" Lily said angrily. James ignored her.
"Who wants to help me?" James asked. I smiled apologetically at Lily, who huffed and stormed of towards the girls dormitory. All of us Marauders could not keep our curiosity at bay, even Remy. We quickly agreed. I had a feeling that that was going to b e one heck of a year.
Sorry for the shortness of the chapter. I just really wanted to post it. I'm experiencing a writers block. Updates will be slow.
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