Dear Cartographical: I'm sorry you're stuck in meetings today. I made this for you.

Apparently a young uniform cop accidentally brushed against someone's breast at a crime scene last week.

Gates is a stickler for regulations, and insists she doesn't want a liability hanging over the precinct because of an accident. Which is why Ryan finds himself sitting in a large conference room listening to a representative from the Department of Labor drone on about the dangers of workplace sexual harassment.

The presentation is more or less a joke. Everyone in this room is a police officer, trained in hand-to-hand combat and fully licensed with multiple firearms. They've all heard all of this before. And poor Erickson, the guy who caused it all - he looks mortified. He's been getting dirty looks all morning. Well, from anyone who's still awake. The Department of Labor rep is a severe-looking older woman who seems to vehemently dislike men. Her presentation is...not exciting.

Esposito pokes Ryan in the side. "Bro. Think she might start handing out rape whistles?"

Ryan coughs to cover up the laugh. "We should be so lucky."

The rep drones on. Ryan tunes out when she points to a picture of the human body and begins explaining the green, yellow, and red zones for touch. He checks his phone, but nothing from Jenny. Too bad. She's usually good at keeping him from dying of boredom during stuff like this, but it's a schoolday. No luck.

Ryan tucks his phone back into his pocket and catches a glimpse of Beckett, perched on a chair at the side of the room. She's sitting alone, her eyes glazed over with disinterest. He tries to smother a grin. Kate Beckett would break the nose of any guy stupid enough to approach her yellow zone.

But out of nowhere, she flinches just a bit, and reaches into her pocket for her phone. Ryan crosses his fingers. Come on. Let it be a body. Let it be a DA. Let it be anything that can get them out -

But her lips twitch, and she shakes her head, tapping out a response to whatever the message was.

Only one person it can be. Castle, to Gates' exceeding displeasure, is in meetings with the publishing company today. He'd stopped in this morning, handed Beckett coffee, and hightailed it to Black Pawn before Gates saw him. Which leaves Beckett here, alone, smiling at her phone.

It buzzes again, and this time, when she looks at it, her face gets red. Her lips part. And she gets this dreamy, guilty look on her face before she bites her lip and sends back a short reply.

No way.

Ryan stares, then pulls out his own phone again and sends her a message.

Castle sexting you?

She shoots him a glare, but her cheeks are still flushed. So - yes. Castle is definitely sexting her.

She's still sending him a look of death, but she's too far away to actually slap him, so Ryan texts her again. Remember, he has to ask permission for anything past green zone. No means no.

That makes her actually smile a little, though she quickly smothers it. She types a quick response and sets her phone in her lap again as Ryan looks down at the message.

He already invaded the red zone this morning.

Ryan shudders.

Way tmi.