"I swear Shan, they're going out." Tom insisted as we walked to form.

"They are not going out." I moaned giving him the look that stopped him in his tracks. Only this time, his gaze was averted to where Maddy and Rhydian were chatting quietly outside her locker.

"There's that look again…" He warned as we silently watched from afar. Only this time I noticed Maddy shove him lightly. She flung her head back as she laughed. She was acting so differently, she was beaming. And Maddy wasn't alone in the act either. Rhydian ran his hand through his blonde waves and laughed at Maddy's flushed cheeks. They didn't act like this around us…

"Oh," the word left my lips before my brain fully registered them.

"See Shan. And don't even try to deny what you just saw. It's all over your face," Tom paused, "she's never looked at me the way she looks at Rhydian."

I shook away the horrendous thoughts, for Tom's sake. "Oh Maddy's not allowed to laugh now?" I swallowed, I hated lying to Tom, and this was the only way to prevent him from getting hurt. "She laughs at your jokes all the time. Rhydian's just her cousin. It's impossible." We both knew that was a lie.

"Distant. They might as well not be related at all." He almost whined.

As we reached Jefferies room, I quickly glanced back but they weren't there. In answer the darkroom door closed. What were they up to?

I would love to continue this story for you guys. Suggestions? Let me know