Disclaimer; I do not own Merlin

Hey, this is my first fan fiction, hope you all like it. Please review and suggest ideas if you like.

Merlin woke up with the most terrible headache he had ever experienced. He felt dizzy just sitting up. Gaius came in hurrying Merlin out to work. 'Quick, you're going to be late! You know what Arthur is like when you don't get him his breakfast on time!'. Groaning, Merlin got up, slipping into his clothes, and rushing out without even a bite to eat. On the way to the kitchens, he tried to recall the last time he had eaten. Two days ago. Great. Not only is he feeling terrible, but he is also incredibly hungry.

Hastily picking up Arthur's breakfast, he ran as fast as he could to his chambers, whilst still managing to balance the breakfast on one hand. Merlin rushed into Arthur's room, quickly opening the curtains after laying the breakfast tray onto the table.

'Rise and shine!' Merlin said, trying not to sound in pain, as a wave of pain crashed through his head. Arthur noticed straight away something wasn't right with Merlin. He didn't have that same happy tone as he usually did when he woke him up. Nor that smile which was usually plastered on his face. Arthur chose not to say anything, I mean, he didn't want to sound too concerned about his servant. He would be teased for weeks by Merlin, if he had sounded worried.

'You're late, again!' Arthur wined.

'Yes, sorry, I...' Merlin tried to think of a good enough reason for being late, but Arthur quickly interrupted.

'We are going on a hunting trip, prepare the horses and pack for an overnight stay'

Merlin didn't have the energy to argue. He hated hunting and Arthur knew it. Sometimes he felt Arthur just went on hunting trips, simply because he knew Merlin hated them. But he turned on his heel and left without another word. 'There is definitely something wrong with him' Arthur mumbled quietly to himself, before digging into his breakfast. He tried to push Merlin out of his mind but he couldn't. He was his best friend. The only person he trusted. But he would never admit to that. Nor would Merlin. What a weird friendship.

Three quarters of an hour later, Arthur walked down to the court yard, to find Merlin ready to go.

'Wow, what wrong with you? It usually takes up an hour to get ready' Arthur joked.

Merlin just gave a half-hearted smile and got onto his horse. Pain shot through him and he was unable to keep back a strangled cry as he positioned himself on the horse. Arthur quickly got on his horse and rode past him giving him a worried look. Without saying anything, they both rode on into the forest.

When they finally set up camp, after a long days hunting, Arthur had had enough of the silence.

Merlin was just finishing off with setting up the fire, his face was pure white and visible sweat droplets were forming on his forehead. Merlin was in deep thought, thinking about the food he was about to cook. He was so hungry and felt so dizzy. Arthur interrupted his train of thought.

'Look Merlin, I know I tell you to shut up, but it pains me to admit it but you rambling on seems to be your only redeemable feature. Tell me whats up?'

Merlin thought about what to say, he wanted to scream 'Whats up?! I'll tell you whats up! I have a full time job working for you, I am constantly doing chores for you, and when I finally get back, Gaius piles on chores for me as well. I don't even have time to eat anymore! Oh, and did I mention, if Im not doing either of those Im forfilling my destiny by saving your ass, by using magic, which seems to be in constant trouble, and if anyone ever found out I had magic I'd be burnt at the stake! And when I finally get to sleep, it is plagued by nightmares, which wake me up every ten minutes!'

Merlin turned to Arthur, putting on a fake smile and said slowly 'Im fine'

'No your not, tell me whats up' Arthur spat back, knowing that 'I'm fine' was the answer he was going to get.

Merlin stood up, too quickly considering his condition, and swayed on his feet. Arthur raised his eyebrow in concern. In a moment, Merlin's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he crumpled to the ground, landing in a heap.

Arthur was over at his side in a flash, his face drowned in worry. He knew something was up.

He placed his pillow underneath Merlin's head. It took about three minutes for him to come round again. Merlin's eyes flickered open.

'What... what j-just happened?' He spoke weakly.

'You passed out, when's the last time you drank something?' Arthur asked.

'Five minutes ago'

'Oh yes, I remember' Recalling seeing him drink the last of his water. 'Right what about the last time you ate?'

Merlin stumbled on this question. And Arthur could see this in his face.

'Tell me the truth!' He said, a little too harshly.

'Two days ago' Merlin replied, so quietly, that he couldn't hear him.


'Two days ago'

'You're kidding right?'

He could tell be the look on Merlin's face that he wasn't. Merlin was still lying down, avoiding Arthur's gaze.

'Merlin, why? Why haven't you eaten?' Arthur asked him, sounding very concerned.

'I-I haven't' had time, I've been really busy, with doing chores for you, chores for Gaius..' Damn, Arthur had forgotten about that. Merlin also worked for Gaius. '..and other stuff on top of all of that, that I simply haven't had the time to eat yet'

Merlin then sat up and went to continue in getting dinner ready.

'What are you doing?' asked Arthur, frowning.

Merlin looked at him. He still looked very shaky, and for the first time, Arthur noticed the dark circles forming underneath his eyes.

'Im getting dinner ready' he replied sarcastically 'like I always do?'

'You have just fainted! Sit. I'll do it'

Merlin snorted in laughter. 'You? Cook?'

'Oh come off it, it can't be that hard'

Merlin shrugged, obviously too tired and hungry to argue, sat next to a tree, awaiting his dinner, cooked by the king himself. He chuckled to himself, thinking of all the possible outcomes. He couldn't help himself drifting off.

Fifteen minutes passed, and dinner was ready. Arthur looked round to see Merlin asleep on the floor next to the tree trunk, he went to wake him, until he noticed Merlin was mumbling something. His face was scrunched up, like he was scared. The mumbling's got louder, until he could make out what he was saying.

'Stop, please stop! I'm sorry, s-so sorry-y! Please let me explain' Merlin started to cry, and Arthur tried to wake him by shaking him, but he seemed stuck in the nightmare.

'Arthur, I'm sorry! Please Arthur!' he raised as he heard his name.

'What could he be possibly dreaming about me?' He thought.

'I swear Arthur, please, let me explain!'The tears were becoming heavier. Merlin screamed. That type of blood curdling scream, that shook you to the bone.

'MERLIN, WAKE UP!' Arthur shook him harder. Getting worried.

Merlin woke with a start. Tears rolled down his cheeks, he was breathing so heavily, and shaking so much.

'Merlin, are you ok? You were having a nightmare! And a bad one at that!' Arthur was still holding on to his arms.

Merlin was still disorientated.

'Look, here's your dinner' Arthur said, a little too over enthusiastically.

Merlin looked down and the lumpy mess. Well, at least he'd tried. He gave a smile, without complaining, down it and made himself comfortable.

'What were you dreaming about? I heard you say my name'

Merlin froze. He was dreaming about Arthur discovering his magic, and he wasn't to pleased, then he quickly changed form and became a creature with the head of a lion, and body of a snake. He was trying to eat him. He couldn't tell him that, of course.

'You were giving me a load of chores'

Arthur knew this was a lie. But he let it go, Merlin obviously didn't want to talk about it. So Arthur gave a quick laugh and settled down to sleep.

'I'll be on watch first and I will wake you up half way through the night' Merlin said.

'Alright, just remember to wake me' Arthur replied before drifting off into a deep sleep.

When he awoke in sunlight and found everything was packed and ready to go and a breakfast ready and waiting. Merlin was sitting by the fire, glazed eye, in deep thought.

'I thought I told you to wake me up!'

'Oh, well, I wasn't tired and I didn't want to wake you for no reason' Merlin said, after jumping out of his thoughts.

Arthur noted his appearance suggested otherwise. Dark circles now more prominent underneath his eyes, and his skin whiter than it was the day before, if that was even possible.

'Right, you look awful, we can head straight back to Camelot, after I've eaten my breakfast'

Merlin nodded and put out the fire.

On the way back, the boys exchanged their usual banter, and Arthur was more relaxed, convinced Merlin was getting better. When they arrived in Camelot, Arthur was whisked off to a council meeting, and Merlin packed away everything, and then headed to Arthur's chambers to clean them before he got back to change clothing, before he dined with his knights and guests. Merlin went to collect one of Arthur's shirts from the kitchen, and bumped into Gwaine.

'Hey up Merlin' He had to double take. 'Bloody hell mate you look terrible, worse than me when I have hangovers!' He joked.

'Oh, I'm fine' He lied through his teeth. He felt awful.

'Anyway I'm in a rush, don't want to be late for Arthur!' Merlin paused. 'Shouldn't you be in that meeting'

Gwaine replied 'Oh, that, erm yes but.. they bore me'

Merlin laughed before rushing off. When Arthur got back, he was ready and waiting. He got Arthur dressed in a flash and before he knew it, he was standing in the great hall, holding a jug and keeping everyone's glasses filled.

Suddenly, his head felt like it was going to explode. Without realizing he dropped the jug, with a massive bang. Everyone turned and looked at him, but he failed to notice, concentrating on keeping up right. Before he knew it, blackness indulged his vision, as he fell unconscious to the ground, hitting his head hard on the stone floor. The last thing he saw was Gaius, Gwaine and Arthur's worried faces looking at him.

Arthur tried to not let his worry show, but he knew it was no use.

'What happened? Merlin, Merlin can you hear me?' Gaius almost shouted at Merlin.

Arthur cut in 'He fainted in the woods on the hunting trip yesterday, but afterwards he seemed fine. I thought he had told you it happened'

Gaius shook his head.

Arthur carried on, still looking at Merlin's unconscious face.

'He told me he hadn't eaten in two day,s because he had been so busy, and he ate a good amount of stew I made him, but he didn't sleep-'

Gaius cut in saying 'Someone carry him to my chambers'

Gwaine went to pick him up but Arthur shoved him out the way, and lifted Merlin, hurrying along after Gaius, who was surprisingly quick for an older man.

Merlin was so light, he could feel his shoulder blades digging in to his arms and how thin his legs were. Merlin's head was unsupported, hanging off the edge of his arm.

Placing him on his bed, Merlin started to wake up.

'Merlin-'Gaius started

'Where am I, what happened?' Confusion was written all over Merlin's face.

'You fainted again, hit your head pretty hard. Here, drink this.' Gaius advised. Merlin downed the potion that Gaius seemed to have pulled out of nowhere. It dulled the pain in his head, but it still hurt. He looked up to see Arthur and Gwaine with the most worried faces he'd ever seen them pull in his life. Gaius was cutting up some bread and cheese, placing it on a plate before giving it to Merlin.

'Don't eat it too quickly, you know what happens when someone hasn't eaten for a while, and then they decide to consume loads' Gaius said

'Yeah, they throw up' Gwaine added.

Merlin took slow bites, chewing them slowly. But his pace got faster and faster, as he only just started to realize how hungry he actually was. Looking up, it startled him to see all three of them, giving him that concerned look.

'What?' Merlin broke the silence.

They all seemed to look at each other before Gaius answered him.

'We are worried about you Merlin. It seems we have forgotten how hard you work for us, and you seem to be forgetting to look after yourself properly. You have fainted twice in the past two days. We all agree, in thinking that you need a week to recover-'

'No, I want to work, I have to work-'

'No Merlin you need to rest. I do not expect to see you working for me in at least the next four days' Arthur spoke, like it was a threat.

Merlin nodded, before leaning over the edge of the bed, and throwing up everything he had just eaten, all over the floor.

Gaius, Gwaine and Arthur, all said simultaneously 'I REST MY CASE'. Merlin hated this. He hated just sitting in bed not doing anything. He felt like if he wasn't at Arthur's side, something bad would happen to him. Anyway he felt fine. He just needed to eat more. Merlin quickly slipped into a restless sleep.

'Rise and shine!'

Arthur narrowed his eyes to focus his vision, to find Merlin standing there with smug grin on his face.

'I thought I told you do stay in bed! You still look ill.' Arthur said whilst sitting up, and making his way over to his breakfast laying on the table.

'Oh, well I feel better now.' He was lying. He felt worse, his head hurt so much. But he kept the fake smile on his face as he begged himself not to pass out again.

'You don't look it'

Merlin joined him, standing next to the table with a jug of water, making sure his cup was full. They engaged in their usual banter, Merlin getting paler and paler. He was trying so hard not to faint, but it was too much.

He swayed on his feet. Arthur noticed this straight away, and before he knew it, he was standing in front of Merlin, gripping onto his shoulders.

'Merlin, look you're still ill. Why won't you just go to bed, your always moaning about the amount of chore you're getti-'

Arthur stopped himself from saying anything further, as Merlin's head fell backwards. His body became limp. Arthur grabbed him and lower him onto the floor. Merlin's body started to shake violently. His eyes were rolled backwards, into his head, so you could only see the whites. Arthur froze in fear.

After what felt like an eternity, he stuttered out 'G-Gu-Guards! Fetch me Gaius, and be quick!'

The guards rushed in, and after taking in the scene, ran towards Gaius's chambers.