*Steamy Rain*


by: WhiteGloves

"The heart of a woman whom one likes...

how can someone accurately deduce that...?"

- Edogawa Conan/Shinich Kudo to Ran Mouri

*Rated: M for some parts*

"What did you do to her…?" he hissed and then it struck, all the anger Shinichi was feeling suddenly reflected on his eyes: anger, disappointment, rage—all exploded that moment, "WHAT DID YOU DO!?"

"Hey, chill out," said the voice from the other side, "I haven't done anything yet. True, I maybe a womanizer and really terribly attracted to this young woman right now, but I won't strike… not just yet…"

"Where are you?" Shinichi could barely speak at his mounting anger. If this guy laid even one finger on her… he, Shinichi will not stop until… until what?

"Base on your reaction," said Jiro casually again, "you must be this poor girl's boyfriend, eh?"

Shinich turned the radar on his glasses on and saw the red mark he was looking for. Without wasting anytime, he dashed out in to the pouring rain.

"You cruel guy," Jiro continued suddenly that made Shinichi pay attention, "how can you let a cute babe like this wonder outside in a cold atmosphere on her pyjamas and sleepers with only a jacket to go with? And on top of that, she's sick! You amaze me, man!"

"I…I'm coming to get her now…" Shinichi whispered as he ran on where the locator was pointing.

"She was calling your name again and again…"

Shinichi remained silent.

"You know, usually I don't let girls go by… I'm sneaky around them and take every opportunity I got to take them for myself. Do you think she's gonna be an exception?"

Shinichi's eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you mean?"

He could hear Jiro chuckling on the other side.

"Well… I dunno about a guy like you who seemed to have no idea the first thing about kissing a girl but, unlike you, I sleep with girls, man."

A struck of lighting made Shinichi stop on his tracks.

"Bastard," he whispered, grinding his teeth, "what are you saying…?"

"I'm just saying, despite what she told me that we are so much the same, I don't think you're half of the man that I am… and I'm gonna proved that to you just now."

Shinichi clenched on the badge.

"What are you… gonna do?" he asked so quietly.

"Well… who knows… if you're really a man, then you know what I'm gonna do. Imagine a very beautiful woman lying unconscious on your own bed… having no idea of what's going on around her… with that air of innocence around her… imagine how that will make me feel…"

"Bastard… don't you dare…"

"I'm climbing on the bed, bastard… she seemed to feel me already. Why don't you listen on?"

Shinichi started running again as fast as he could like his life depended on it. He didn't care if it was raining, let alone with thunder hitting every now and then… nothing else mattered… nothing else…


"Shinichi...what are you…doing…?"

Shinichi heard her voice and couldn't help but to shout.


"I'm opening your buttons… d'you have a problem with that?"


"…to do this."


Shinichi's vision was clouded as he ran past the street, almost colliding with a motorbike but he didn't care. He didn't care at all.

"You really make a pretty good sound, Ran…"


"Hey, Shinichi-kun, are you listening? My hands are on top of her breast and she seemed to really feel it…tell me, have you ever fondled her here? I can't help getting excited I may just eat her right here."

"Stop it…" Shinichi breathed angrily as he blindly went pass all his obstacles, "STOP IT!"

"Can you do anything about it from where you are? It's your fault for leaving her like this unprotected, isn't? Too bad I'm not such a good guy as you were… and what more, she really thinks I'm you."

"…ahhh… stop it… Shinichi…"

"…oh, but your breast is just too soft and untouched… shame your boy couldn't make you happy, huh? And if I kiss it here—"


"BASTARD, DON'T TOUCH HER!" Shinichi shouted wildly, "STOP ALREADY!"


"RAN!" Shinichi shouted in panic as he looked around and saw an apartment standing by. It was where his locator was pointing. He didn't hesitate, "RAN!"

"Easy babe…hey, Kudo kid? Are you really a man? To stop yourself from giving pleasure to a girl as tender as this… I don't quite understand you. Oh well, if I don't do it… I'll be damned."

There was another moan from Ran and Shinichi dropped the badge with a wild look on his eyes. He jumped over the wall and headed for the only room with its lights turned on. That's gotta be it.

Please let me find her soon!

With his pounding footsteps on the floor, he spotted the door where his locater was pointing so directly. And with an urge from Ran's cry on the other side, Shinichi broke down the door with the use of his shoe.

"RAN!" he shouted looking aggravated around as he went directly to the next room where the bed room was—"RAN!"

And then the boy stopped as he found the bed inside a semi-dark room. The room was empty except for someone breathing by the bed. There on the bed lies a silhouette of a sleeping person. Conan hesitated as he approached the bed.

The air blew on the open window and the moonlight shone around the body. Conan stopped beside the bed with eyes on the person sleeping on it. It was Ran. She was sleeping rather uncomfortably on the bed with the blanket on her shoulders and completely tucked in. Conan noticed a basin from the side table and the medicine beside it. His eyes then darted back to Ran and there was a sweat drop on the side of his face. With shaking hand, he reached for the blanked and lowered it down. His eyes rounded and after a moment a sigh of relief escaped his lips.

Ran's buttons were completely untouched. It was all a fluke—whoever that Jiro guy was probably was playing with him. It didn't seem like Ran was touched after all… thank God…

He looked around again with a clearer mind and sharper eyes. He found no one in the room except for Ran. Biting his lip, he touched Ran's hand and found it too cold for his liking. So she was really sick. Bringing it up to himself, he rummaged for his phone and dialled the Professor's number. That was when he noticed a note lying beside Ran's elbow together with his own detective badge.

Reading it, the paper said like this…

Did you like my little trick, boy? It's your fault for leaving her unguarded! She came back to the park with a burning fever and I thought it'd be fun to take her away from you for awhile. Save my little trick about the moans and touches for later! I was on a job when she found me lurking around Beika Park. If you're not careful someone might really snatch her away from you. No one's that strong, little detective. Consider tonight's event an eye opener- Kaito Kid

Conan blinked at the letter and the next moment he found his knees give away. He dropped himself on the edge of the bed and sighed really loudly.

"You bastard…" he mumbled with face on the bed, "I'll make you pay for this…"

He stayed quiet for a long time on that position. Then he closed his hands into balls of fists and before the dark room and the unconscious Ran Mouri, Edogawa Conan shed his uncontrollable tears.

Ran opened her eyes in the dark and found herself inside her own room. With effort, she pushed her body into a sitting position and felt very warm. She touched her forehead and found she was burning. Breathing slowly, she unbuttoned two of her button to let in some fresh air, then looked around her room in confusion.

"…so… it was a dream…?" she whispered softly, "… I thought… I found Shinichi…"

Her room door opened. Ran looked up and found herself staring at Conan who came in carrying a basin of water. Conan blinked at her and then walked near her bed.

"Ran-neechan, how're you feeling?" he inquired worriedly as he touched her wrist and felt for her pulse. Ran blinked at him and then at her alarm clock. It was half past two in the morning already.

"Conan-kun… it's already this later… were you taking care of me?" she asked softly as Conan stared at her.

"You're sick so…" Conan started as he lowered his eyes on the floor, "Ran-neechan… I'm so sorry…"

"Huh? Why?"

"It's because of me that you are sick… I'm very sorry."

He looked up at her in earnest and Ran was surprised at his meaningful look.

"Conan-kun… is something the matter?" she whispered uncertainly as she saw something in his eyes that made her suddenly worried, "did you cry?"

Conan's glasses flashed as he looked down again.

"I won't let anyone hurt you…" he said that made her stare at him fixedly, "I promise I'll protect you… no matter what it takes, Ran."

Silence fell between the two as Ran continued to eye the boy with concern in her eyes. Conan couldn't bear to look at her yet, but before he knows it, her light hand had tapped the top of his head, making him look up. He found her smiling down at him.

"Don't be so down," she whispered with a sad smile on her face, "Conan-kun… please don't be so down… you're taking my heart with you…"

Conan's eyes widened. Ran smiled again.

"Conan-kun, would you like to sleep beside me?" she suggested as she budged a little on the bed, "we can share the bed tonight… I'd very much like you beside me… since you're so down for some reason."


Ran leaned a little and helped Conan on her bed, she tucked him beside her with her arms around his neck. Conan froze as he felt her warm arms around him. He felt himself reddening as he felt the hat of her body next to him.

"Conan-kun's so warm…" Ran snuggled her face on Conan's head and pulled him close.

"R-Ran-neechan…" Conan gulped as he felt her squeezing him. When she pulled him closer, he found his face pressing on her chest with two buttons off the hook. Conan saw her cleavage and froze again. He gulped at the position he found himself in.

Oh, shit! This is bad… this is really bad…

The next morning, the classroom door opened.

Haibara looked around and then blinked. Conan just entered with his face hiding in a mask. Ayumi, Genta and Mitsuhiko instantly gathered around him upon his arrival.

"EHH? Now Conan-kun's sick!" Ayumi exclaimed as Conan dropped his bag on his chair.

"Ran-neechan's flue must be very contagious!" Mitsuhiko concluded with a concerned face.

"Well then just eat a lot of food, I'm sure that'll cure you!" Genta offered sounding convinced.

Conan rolled his eyes and found Haibara standing in front of him with a smirk on her cool face.

"My my," she went on with arms behind her that made Conan gave her an exasperated look, "to be infected by such a small case of flue isn't like you, Edogawa-kun. Unless of course, you've made a 'close' contact with the sick person… and when I said 'close contact' it's something that involves a millimeter distance… neh, Edogawa-kun?"

The kids blinked from Conan to Haibara while Conan gave the latter a meaningful look that clearly says, oi, oi… mind your own business!

"So then, what happened?" she pressed on with a hint of little seriousness, "the professor said she was really sick that bad…"

Conan remembered this morning's event and found himself reddening again. Haibara blinked in surprise while the other kids rounded on Conan's table shouting—

"AHH! CONAN YOU'RE NOSE IS BLEEDING!" Mitsuhiko cried, "your flue is bad after all!"

"Hurry up and go to the clinic! Hurry!" Ayumi cried as she tried to push him toward the door.

"Lead him to the cafeteria, I'll say!" Genta cried in spite of himself.

"No—you don't understand!" Conan tried to pry away from his friend's hands, "lemme go! Oi—oi!"

Haibara was left staring after Conan and then after a moment she sighed.

"How do you expect kids to understand that nosebleed, detective-kun?"

She shrugged and watched as Conan struggled to be free from the Detective boy's grasp.

"L-let gooooo!"

In her own school, Ran received a message from Shinichi Kudo that was asking how she was. With a smile on her face, she replied.

I'm much better. By the way, somebody who looks just like you kissed me. If you want to know about it, call me! Talk to you soon, Shinichi!

Conan received the message later that afternoon and made a mental note to throw Kaito Kid off a building without his flying stuff with him. That'll make him feel much better.

That bastard!


Thanks for Reading!