A/N: Okay I couldn't do it, I couldn't wait for the fourteenth; Hope your're not mad ;) I was starting to nitpick at the work which is bad thing, cause things started getting changed from what I originally wanted and so on. But I don't think My Readers, will mind though, and the date a was really to make sure I could get it done in a reasonable amount of time…which I did. *maybe I should start doing dates…but I like to surprise y'all with what I update next. Decisions, decisions. Anyway I'm going to start putting my two cents on my thoughts while writing in the A/N at the end. So without any further ado, here it is the sequel to The Doe-Eyed Fawn and Murry. WARNING: This story won't be updated often.

Chapter One: Limelight by Yinx1

"Okay, so our next guest has been guest starring on TV's number one hit series, Scandal, as detective, Ian James. Season six will be premiering this week on Thursday at nine eight central. Everyone give a round for, Chord Overstreet!" Jimmy Fallon stood up after announcing his guest.

The tall dark washed blond had a defiant change of appearance since his big break on Glee. His hair was cut short into a layered style and he sported jaw and cheek scruff with a trim goatee. He was older, the audience could tell, but he still had that boyish Matthew Broderick charm.

Chord strode in a well-tailored dark navy colored casual English-cut suit, with a light green shirt that made his eyes pop, the first three buttons undone. It was like walking sex and the girls, woman, and maybe a few men agreed with screams and cat calls. He smiled and waved his silver wedding band catching the over-head lights. He winked at a girl audience member yelling for him to marry her. Chord sat down mouthing the word "Wow."

"Wow is right. I thought I was going to need a firehouse for the front row," Jimmy smirked as the cheers and yells calmed down.

"Especially her right there," Chord point to the woman, giving her a lopsided smile that made the dimple in his right cheek deepen. She swooned asking for his hand again. "Sorry, but I'm off the market," he held up his left hand.

Jimmy chuckled at the impromptu interaction, "Yes, that's right, how long have you and your wife been married"?

"Going on six years, thank you," he smiled as the audience clapped. "And…and we still going strong by Hollywood standards we are an old couple."

"Yes it's very hard being in Hollywood and having that perfect marriage seems like everyone's is getting divorced."

Chord shock his head proudly, "Not us, 'cause I think if you start off right you'll end up right. It's all about a solid foundation especially in this business."

Jimmy nodded in agreement, being happily married himself. "Yes, you both work and on the same show matter of fact."

"Yup, Amber plays Olivia's younger trouble making sister. And the funny thing is her character on the show is just like at home," Chord gushed. "You know without all the espionage, but my wife is most defiantly a minx." He waggled his eyebrows teasingly.

Fallon's eyes bulged, "Really"?

"Yes, like these things she does in the bedroom…" There were giggles and Oooo's coming from the audience. "Sorry you meant her character"?

"Either one is fine," Jimmy answered nonchalantly.

Chord chuckled talking with his hands, "Amber is constantly playing pranks on the cast. It's so funny 'cause Columbus tells me all the time, "Can't you control your woman"? And I'm like." He gave Jimmy 'The Look'. "I'd like to see you try."

The audience laughed.

"So, what's it like working with your wife on set cause because on the show your character is kissing and making out with Kerry Washington."

"Well yeah it's…that's the interesting part," Chord gave a nervous laugh running a hand over his stubble. "When we had the script read for the first time Kerry and I kissed…I was oh no; Amber was sitting next to me and yeah." Jimmy and the audience rolled over laughing. "She said she would castrate me if I enjoyed it so I took that to heart, yeah. Kissing Kerry is all good but my wife can make me…" his voice trailed off. He gave a knowing look at Jimmy, who blushed.

Chord cleared his throat, "But, no we've both have been on jobs…movies and TV shows, where we had to kiss, make out or have a sex scene with another. It's acting 'cause one, I know my wife and I know the sounds she makes when she is enjoying it and when she's not so..." Chord's ears turned red; the audience giggled.

Crossing his legs, Chord continued, "Like I remember vividly the first time my wife had to kiss someone else." He shook his head as if reminiscing, "Any man that has a wife in this business…I've got to tell you; it's hard. That first time she was doing a role with our friend Chris Colfer's movie. The scene was a dream sequence and somehow Chris had gotten her celebrity crush to film it with her. So anyway he comes over and introduces himself and Amber just lost it."

"Was she fangirling like she did," Jimmy pointed to the girl in the front row.

"No, I'm fine with that screaming and yelling stuff, but Amber she just stared at him like opened mouth." The audience laughed. "But the worst thing is she forgot my name. This woman I have known for two years, dated for two more and have been married to for one; but I think it just comes with being a celebrity. Even we have someone we go ape[bleep] over."

Jimmy nodded and in a serious tone stated, "I felt the same way when I met Ron Jeremy." Chord snorted. "So who…who is your celebrity crush"?

"Amber Riley." Chord said wisely.

"Keeping yourself out of the dog house smart man." He saw Chord glance behind him. "Is she here, Amber"? Jimmy asked; Chord nodded. "Amber Riley, can you please come out"?

They waited a few minutes for her to step out in a pencil black skirt showing off her thick toned legs. Her hair cropped short with a wave of bangs that were dyed a golden brown at the end. The multi-colored platform heels made the five two walking talent, grow a few temporary inches. She wore a loose fitted butterfly winged crisp white v-neck blouse that showed off her bust tastefully. A crimson braided belt around the middle finished off the look. If ever a woman wanted curves or how to dress for their body type, they looked to Ms. Riley for inspiration. The woman was flawless.

Chord turned around to his visually stunning wife. He was grinning like a boy on his junior prom date. Standing he started over holding out his hand.

Amber shook her head feverishly backing away but she waved and blew a few kisses at the adoring crowd. "I have the baby with me," she called out to Jimmy. She waved a few more times before going backstage again.

Chord came back to sit. "Yeah, I forgot we brought the baby with us 'cause after this we are heading for the airport to pick up my parents."

"It's okay," Jimmy shrugged, "so your kid is..."

"Three? Four"? He glanced back stage as is asking for help from his departed wife. "I know she's walking and talking so..." he shrugged teasingly.

"Now you and your wife are very private people like I almost never see paparazzi photos of you guys. Question, how do you do it? Me and inquiry minds want to know."

Chord's eyes twinkled, "It's a matter of skill," he scratched in a Shawn Connery voice.

"Dude you need to be SNL...that was golden," Jimmy cried.

"It's still a dream of mine, but I like MAD a bit better," Chord blushed. "We do a lot of our shopping online, clothes wise, and we grocery shop at night or early morning. It's really easy; I think that those celebs that say they want privacy but are very flashy with an out and about demeanor...don't really want privacy. It's a show and if you really want it is very easy to get," he spoke wisely.

Jimmy shook his head in awe, "I'm learning so much. Well you have a very lovely wife and from this picture taken two years ago a very cute one legged daughter."

Up on the screen behind them, flew a picture of the couple out shopping with their two year old daughter clutched tightly in her father's muscular arms. She was covered up with a light pink and purple Disney princess blanket, though it being nice and sunny outside. One dark mocha leg clade with a cute butterfly crusted Zulily sandal had snuck out of the protective covering.

Chord covered his mouth as he chuckled. "I have to be more careful next time. She's the Mystery Child after all."

No one knew what the child looked except family and close friends because she was rarely seen out and about. Chord and Amber were very strict with their family and friends of their child being in the public eye. Just because they were people's entertainment doesn't mean that she was too. Most celeb blogs and TV had played Morph This Image with her parents trying to figure out what she looked like. But as much as her mother and father tried to protect her she was dub Hollywood's Mystery Child.

"You know about the Mystery Child"?

"Yeah," Chord rolled his misty green eyes. "You think the ones that are doing the acting would be get more press…but everyone wants to know what my kid looks like." He scoffed just slightly angry at the media's aggressive need to see his daughter.

Jimmy, sensing the discomfort on the topic, changed the subject, "Now tell me about this season on Scandal."

A smile returned, "Well President. Fitz is running for his second term and he is a bit peeved at me because I am heading the team of investigators into his election conspiracy. I also am going after his woman, Liv, so he is all around pissed off."

"And you brought a clip of this week's premiere."

"Yeah he and I are having it out."

The clip played and ended with Chord's character saying a few choice words to Fitz. Cyrus came in asking if everything was okay and Fitz gave him an intense stare shaking his head. Cyrus then nodded understanding the hidden meaning; he pulled out his untraceable cell phone.

Jimmy thanked him from coming on the show. After he was de-mic he opened the door to the green room. Amber was sitting on the floor helping their four year old read, Olivia and the Rain Dance. She had changed her shoes into some flats that matched her daughter's, Kamaria.

Kamaria "KA-O" Overstreet looked like the perfect blend of both parents. She didn't look like most mixed babies being only two shades lighter than her mother with hair that could rival Macy Gray's when in an Afro. Kamaria had her mother's dark smoky topaz doe eyes and small button nose. Her mouth was a cute rosebud shape with her father's lip fullness and when she smiled his deep dimples were present on each cheek. She was the apple of his eye.

Her nickname came about a few weeks after she was born. Chord had forced Amber out the door, with the help of her sister, Ashley, and Chris for her first baby-free day out. Kamaria sleeping in a wheeled basinet by the couch, while her father and Mark Salling played vintage game of Mortal Kombat on the X-box 360. Everything was going well he told Amber when she called for the sixth time that hour. Chord had feed his baby and rocked her to sleep much to the comments from Mark's peanut gallery, of him already being whipped by a day old baby. Chord didn't mind though, it made him proud that he was someone's father and lucky that Amber had chosen him to make a baby with.

The two sat on the taupe straight line couch of their cute suburban two-story bungalow. Though the home had a homey feel Amber with little input from Chord had designed it with modern touch. She had kept a few of his things like the cushy bean bag chairs they were using as foot rests.

"I told you 'grats on the baby, right," Mark asked doing a combo button routine that made lighting come out of his player's hands.

Chord nodded, "Yeah, thanks again," he casted his best friend a smile.

"So you gave her a name yet"?"Err…you were there at the dedication…it's Kamaria," Chord, playing in first player, paused the game. His eyebrows in his hairline, "It means beauty of the moon…because of her name we had the nighttime service. You…you were standing right next to me!"?

Mark scoffed rolling his hazel eyes, he unpaused the game giving Chord's player a few hits before Chord started again. "Duh, I remember I meant like a family name, a nickname."

"Oh," Chord chanced a glance over at the basinet that nudged his knee. Kamaria, asleep, was suckling fiercely at the light up pacifier her Uncle Mark had given her. The blue, green, red, and purple lights flashed rapidly giving her mushed face of someone that was attending a rave. Chord made a mental note to hide it before Amber was home. "No, she really hasn't done anything but sleep."

"And eat, and poop," Mark smirked also glance over at the bundle. "Well once she does make sure it's a kickass name."

"Dude, no cussing around the kid." Chord warned. "Amber's rules…"

Arching a bushy eyebrow, "Really, I'm sure she heard a lot more obscenities when she was being born…by her mom."

"You don't even wanna know what she called me…" Chord looked at him sadly. "Amber was so so mean."

Mark snorted laugh loudly as the two went back to the game. Each player down to their last millimeter of red, Chord and Mark a swiftly did button combination. Kamaria sneezed and farted at the same time for the first time, waking herself up from her nap. Both men rushed to her side hearing these new sounds from the baby. Her dark eyes looking around for the source of the disturbance; not finding it pushing out the pacifier with her tongue; Kamaria began to wail. Chord and Mark's players lying on the ground; each one had K-O the other.

Amber brushed a few strains of her bangs out of her face, "Great job, Babe." She smiled up at him then made to get up.

Chord swatted on his haunches clapping his hands and his baby came running into his arms. Standing he tossed her in the air a few times. "Thanks, but why didn't you come out with me"? He asked settling a screaming with glee child on his hip.

Amber packed up Kamaria's play bag handing it to him. Chord swung it across his broad chest like a messenger. Grabbing her just a big purse Amber took his hand leading them out.

'Cause Little Miss Thang was throwing a fit at the time," she answered walking through the studio. "She didn't want to finish her reading," Amber eyed her daughter which had a sudden interest with her father's pocket square, sucking in her bottom lip.

Chord raised an eyebrow at the kid in his arms that was putting on a very innocent baby cherub face in the mist of her sensing trouble. They caught an elevator and Amber rummaged through her purse for a blanket. She handed it to Chord who placed it over the child. He felt her tiny arms wrap around his neck and her breath at the crook. "Don't think you're not in trouble, KA-O," he mumbled, adjusting the cover so it hid her face from view.

The elevator doors opened just as Amber handed him shades. The flashes of the paparazzi cameras were enough to make a blind man never to want to see again.

Chord held his daughter tighter to his chest and her legs linked his waist. Grabbing on to Amber's hand firmly, he lead the way keeping his head slightly down. Walking fast they made it the outer doors in no time but the flashes followed. One bold pap not remembering the past incident tried his hand at capturing the first pic of toddler, Kamaria in two years. If he got her face he wouldn't have to work for at least two months. He stepped closer.

Chord stopped in his tracks, "Move!" He barked at the cameraman.

"Look man it's a free country," the pap replied in the mist of his consistent camera flash.

"Not when you trying to get illegal pictures of my kid," Chord yelled back. "Now move out of my family's way, please!"

The pap's bad judgment would cost him dearly. Chord tried to move his family around the aggressive pap, but the camera blocked them with its harsh flashing. Snapping pictures so close the outline of Kamaria's face could be seen in the flash. Chord cussed loudly.

The child started to tremble; sniffing she asked for her mother from under the cover. Chord passed her off gently to his wife making sure the blanket was still intact. The pap move his attention to mother and daughter causing Chord's temper reached Incredible Hulk size.

Snatching the camera so hard and fast the strap tore in two. He began to remove the sim card. Angry the pap went for Chord only to be stopped by other paparazzi that had put down their cameras.

Though flashes and recorders continued, Chord twisted the flash off the camera then smashed it to the ground. He tossed the camera back to the man. Their eyes lock both in fury, though Chord's turn into an intense smirk. He bent the sim card until it snapped in two and tossed the broken pieces at the pap's face.

"I'm so going to sue your ass!" The pap yelled. "That was a five hundred dollar flash!"

Chord turned jerking his head toward their car, signaling to Amber it was time to go. He took his child back who sounded like she was asleep, how it amazed him. The couple made it to the car with the rest of the paps in toe but a few safe feet away.

Pinching his eyes tight, he tried to ignore the incisive ringtone of Mark Salling's cover of Fat Bottom Girls; why he hadn't change it after The Saw came to visit them for a weekend over two months was still a mystery. Maybe it was because he had and was deeply in love with one himself.

Grumbling, Chord muttered for it to go away. It stopped ringing as commanded but began again for two seconds later.

"Baby, get it 'fore I smash it," Amber's breath kissed his collarbone.

Cursing, he moved out of their honeymoon hug cuddle turning over fumbled with the light. He put on his glasses looking at the time of four am, then at the caller ID. It was his publicist.

"Yeah"? He answered the phone sleepily.

"The hell were you thinking breaking that guys camera, Overstreet! Do you know what I'm dealing with now; you are acting like a young Russell Crowe..." Earl Martin continued to yell through the receiver.

Amber turned over placing a pillow over her head as the yelling continued. Chord rode out the vent zoning Earl out, his eyes wandering to his wife's curves. Settling his hand on her waist he traced from the dip to the rise of her voluptuous hips. His long fingers inched over and began playing on the outline of her V through the sheets.

Amber flicked his hand, grumbling, "Finish your phone call, Chord."

Chord whimpered, pouting as he slowly removed his hand. He pinched her butt in protest before leaving her alone. "Are you done," he asked Earl irritably.

"No," a few seconds past then a 'Yeah' was heard.

He tried to start off calm but it was four in the morning. "If you saw the pictures or videos then you know the man was harassing my kid. And if you think for one second I'm going to worry 'bout his little shitty camera you are so fuckin wrong." Chord hissed. "Don't call me again until this is cleared up, Earl. I have two weeks off and I'm spending it with my family not worrying about some asshole. You, however aren't on vacation, do you job."

Chord pressed end on the call before Earl had a chance to retort. Setting his phone down, then his glasses; he switched off the light before turning back to his wife.

"Someone's cranky," Amber told him, her voice heavy with sleep. She felt him remove the pillow and kiss her temple. "You need to call him back."

"Yeah, but I'mma let him stew for a while maybe get this cleared up before callin' him back this afternoon." He began to spoon placing a platter size hand on her up thigh again, his fingers inched their way to the V.

"Well, don't forget about it, Chord," she mumbled on the way back to sleep. "Earl may be a pain, but he does great work for your career."

Chord slipped his hand under her nightshirt. "I know, Babe, and I will. So since you are awake..." His voice trailed off as his hand slipped into her panties.

"So with my sleepy voice or morning breath is not going to turn you off." Amber asked squirming slightly as a finger slipped between her lower lips rubbing the tip of her clit. She swallowed a loud moan; Amber's eyelids fluttered closed.

"Can't turn off perfection," he cheesed and Amber's eye roll could be seen through the lids. "How 'bout a quickie," Chord's voice husked in her ear his lips just kissed the shell as he spoke.

Amber turned to face him embracing him pulling him into a heated kiss. "You think we have time"? She asked him between pecks, running a small hand over his scruff.

Nodding Chord knew how to work fast in these quick situations. Moving his arm between her waist and the bed, he hooked it around and pulled her flesh to him. Chord wrapped her leg over his own hip, his fingers lost no time in pushing her panties aside and entering her. His mouth engulfed hers, both gulping down the others moans. Amber's hands sipped into his boxer briefs jerking the shaft and massaging the balls.

Amber did give a short sharp cry as her husband entered her. Chord immediately removed himself and ducked down under the covers and proceeded to get his wife to the right amount of wetness. Amber's back arched jerking as she came into his mouth. She muffled her scream into a pillow.

Chord came up placing himself in the same position. Pinching her chin between his thumb and forefinger his mouth devoured hers let her taste herself. He entered her again with one smooth stroke.

An hour later after short snooze and a steamy warm shower together the couple got dressed. At least Amber tried and so did Chord but somehow ended up back in bed.

"Ms. Pretty, please let me have some dignity and let me out of this bed." Chord sighed contented as he lay sprawled on his stomach; the covers escaping his body for the moment, leaving his glory for his wife to see. He gazed over lovingly at her profile.

Amber giggled lying on her back she turned to face him. Chord blooped her nose and burst out laughing. "As I recall, Murry, you were holding my panties ransom that's how we ended up back here."


"I'm not going commando while your parents are here." Amber stated firmly knowing he was about to talk her into it.

Chord smirked, "So you would go without if they weren't here"?

Here it comes, Amber scoffed, "I didn't say that…"

"But you did imply it, Fawn," Chord grinned mischievously, "and I'll keep that in mind once they leave."

"Oh gawd," Amber shook her head at him.

"So why can't you start now with the no panties, 'cause I'm loving the sound of that," He pestered her some more.

She scooted her face close to his pecking his full lips. "Cause one you have a habit of having uncustomary table manners, Chordy," Amber finger combed his hair then taking a lock twirling it, "and I don't attend to have another repeat of the Cheesecake Factory while eating dinner with your parents." She pecked his lips again.

Chord placed his hand behind her head aggressively deepening the kiss. His fingers slipped underneath her silk cap, fingering her soft hair underneath. "Still why not; your cum face isn't that noticeable anymore you could pull it off. OW!"

Amber smacked his arm lightly though Chord liked to over exaggerate her pats. "Oh, right, you talk about mine while yours look like you just dropped a load," she teased.

"I did," he snarked back earning a harder pat. "I don't know if I'm liking this abusive relationship I'm in," Chord rubbed his arm as if he actually hurt him. "I mean one makes his wife cum like there's no tomorrow and she just so testy." He chuckled at her eye roll. "What's number two"?

"Two is what if KA-O caught us."

Groaning, Chord sat up on his forearms, "Not seeing the problem I would tell her this is how Daddy got Mommy pregnant with you with that hip roll and thrust," he began humping the bed.

His wife couldn't help but cackle. It was true Chords new little gestures had given her one of the most amazing orgasms she had had in years. She had needed a few hours to recover and in two weeks time she had learned she was pregnant.

"I'm leaving your crazy behind," she smiled getting out a bed. She placed her face down between her breasts sniffing to see if she smelled like sex. She did. Sighing slightly frustrated that she had to take another shower, Amber checked underneath her silk cap making sure her curling rods were still in place.

"You're not finishing your list, Ms. Pretty, only two things," Chord cooed turning over quickly and moving behind her, "You smell like sex," he locked his toned arms under her breasts.

"Yeah, I know and it's your fault again," she smiled softly as she was pulled back to bed. "We have to get out of bed Chord...we have-" she was silenced by a kiss and being slowly pressed back into the bed.

Chord moved over her, "Quiet, Amber," he whispered on her plump lips, "and let me love you, again," he grinned down at her. He maneuvered his way between her thighs. Gripping her ankles holding her legs in the air; his manhood poised, ready for reentry.

Finally after another hour and shower later the couple met up with Chord's parents who are entertaining their grandchild with pancake flipping skills.

"Morning, sleepy heads," Julie Overstreet laughed as each parent kissed their daughter's cheek giving her a brief goldfish look.

"Sorry about coming down so late," Amber said pouring Chord and herself a cup coffee, then going to the cabinet and refrigerator for sugar and cream.

"It's alright, Ria was just entertaining us," Julie grinned happily at her first granddaughter. "Are you okay Chord"?

Her son looked up from the stove where he was fixing his wife's and himself plate of the homemade breakfast. "Yeah," his raised an eyebrow. Taking both plates to the table, "Why"?

"Well I was watching Access..."

Chord cast Amber a knowing look as he sat down besides his daughter at the nook table. "Mom, he was getting in KA-O's face and I don't allow that, ever. All the rest of the paps knew that and this ass-,"he covered Kamaria's ears- "hole" -he let go "thought he was going to get the Mystery Child's picture. Hell no, it wasn't going to happen not on my watch."

"I understand all that but the guy's suing you. If you would just release a photo of Ria...," she stopped at the look he was giving her.

"Our private life is just that, Mom. Private. And me and Amber have told you that."

"I know but it does suck that I can't show pictures of her to friends or have her up on my Facebook wall with my other grandchildren."

"We talked about you and Facebook, Mom." The fork clattered onto the plate as Chord held up three elongated fingers. "Three things, one, it's creepy that you have one. Two, KA-O is my child I will raise her the best way I know how and that's out of the limelight. And three it's still creepy you have a Facebook."

"Okay…okay," Julie sighed shifting uncomfortably in her seat. "Fine okay but can I at least show Becka," who was his mother's best friend since childhood.

Her son threw up his hands, "I swear in one ear out the other," Chord sighed defeated. "Dad, can you"?

"You know good well I can control mine about the same as you can with yours," Paul tried not to smile.

"I'll take the compliment, Paul," Chord's wife smiled pouring a glass of juice before coming over. Amber set down her husband's coffee and a glass of orange juice. "I told you to call Earl back," she whispered. "He could have ran interference."

Chord glared at her, "I was busy this morning," he retorted turning back to his food. Amber sat on the other side of their daughter helping herself to the meal.

"I have everything under control," he said reassuringly to his mother. "And I'll make sure by calling Earl back after breakfast," Chord made his point to Amber but made a jab by adding, "But if he did his job I wouldn't be getting sued if he was greatat it." He sipped his orange juice. Trying to show that he could do what his father couldn't.

Amber side-eyed him sticking her tongue in her lower jaw, she took a curly lock of her daughter's hair twirling it making the ringlet tighter. "It's too early for you to get read, Chord, I suggest you eat your eggs," her eyes flicked dangerously up at his.

Chord turned away gulping hard his eyes focused on his eggs and began shoveling them in his mouth. The grandparents glanced knowing at each other.

"So, I was thinking about us going on an outing maybe the zoo"? Julie asked breaking the tension. While Paul buried his face behind the morning paper trying with all his might not to bust a gut.

Kamaria eyes lit up as she sucked on an orange wedge. She looked between her parents, both whom were side-eyeing the other. "I wanna go," she dark eyes turned to the one she controlled the best.

Chord's soft greens glanced at her, "Ask you mother," he mumbled turning back to the last bits of his eggs.

Her Mickey Mouse afro puffs bounced as she turned quickly in her seat. "Mommy, I wanna go to the zoo," she placed the half eaten orange back on plate.

Taking her fork Amber, divided her daughter's eggs, and sausage patties. "Eat this, and we'll see if you can go," she also handed Kamaria half of her buttered toast.

The child dove in, not wanting to miss her chance at seeing the wild animals. Her mother went back to plate, before answering her mother-in-law.

"I'm free, but Chord has a call to make so he can't come," Amber answered curtly forking some sausage and egg into her mouth. She didn't have to look to know he was gawking.

Chord groaned pushing his unfinished plate away balling up his napkin throwing it on top. Reaching in his pocket for his phone, "Hey Earl yeah…" Chord got up from the table making his way out of the room. "Yeah man I was meaning to call you back earlier," he ran his hand over the back of his head. He glanced back at his wife.

Amber kept her back to him but she could feel his eyes on her until he left the kitchen.

"Where were you when I was raising his stubborn behind," Julie chuckled.

Amber giggled hearing the door to their bedroom close upstairs. "You and Paul did a great job I wouldn't have married him if you didn't."

Paul threw down his paper letting out the jolly laugh, he kept in long enough.

The San Diego Zoo was an adventure waiting to be conquered according to the Overstreet's first granddaughter. Kamaria's rainbow light-up high-top shoes ran ahead tugging her grandfather along crying out that she wanted to see the elephants. Amber followed the two reminding Kamaria not to be so rough. Julie and Chord brought up the rear.

"Why don't you take Amber on a little mini date," Julie suggested with a little nudge.

"Why so you can take illegal pictures of my kid"?

Julie rolled her eyes, "Chord, as much as I don't like your rule I'm going to respect it. Ria is your baby. Now go on by you wife an ice cream or funnel cake."

Chord narrowed his green orbs studying her intently, sizing her up. "Fine, I'll go," he started away.

"Don't act all happy about hanging out with your wife, Chord!" She called after him.

Shaking his head, Chord caught up to Amber, taking her arm, leading her away from the family.

Amber glanced back at her daughter seeing that she didn't bat an eye that her parents were leaving she felt a little better that she was being dragged away. "Err, where are we going"?

"On a date," he grinned walking over to a concession stand. "I know it's rare thing and we are mostly home bodies but yeah let me splurged on you a bit. I'll take one frozen lemonade slush." He ordered from the concessioner.

"Oooo, yeah big spender a three dollar dessert; I feel so lucky that you lavish me with such expensive treats," Amber smirked up at him.

Chord's eyes crinkled at the corners, "You know it, only the best for my Boo."

Amber watched as the cup was loaded with the tart icy drink. "Just one"?

"We can't share, Ms. Pretty," Chord cooed paying then taking the frozen treat and a spoon. "Hey!" he exclaimed once Amber playfully snatched the desert out of his hands. He watched her walk away laughing; he turned back to the stand ordering two hot dogs with everything.

Across the park near the elephant reserve, Kamaria eyes were as wide as saucers barely taking everything in. "Grandpapa, look at how big they are," she cried getting up on her toes peeking over the wooden fence.

Paul grunted picking her up so that she rested her feet on the wood planks and sat on his broad shoulder. "You see the baby one"? He pointed to the small elephant that was nursing from it's mother.

"Yeah, it's feeding, like what I used to do with Mommy," Kamaria smiled watching the sight.

Julie gave her husband a curious look, "What do you mean, Ria"?

Her granddaughter looked down at her, "Mommy used to breastfeed me," she stated matter-of-factly.

"Oh you know about that," Julie blinked rapidly at sensitive information.

Kamaria glanced down at her nodding absent-mindly playing with a beaded necklace her Uncle Nash had given her.

"Oh…so what else do you know," Julie inquired. Kamaria began tell the household secrets, from strange noises coming from her parents room in the early morning hours, to getting in trouble when her science project went a little wayward.

Chord found his wife sitting on a bench in front of penguins. "I remember when you used to walk like that." He told her sitting close.

"I couldn't help it; I started waddling at like five months," Amber shook her head, "I looked like a pumpkin."

"A very cute pumpkin," Chord added.

Amber scooted away from him. "And look I saved you some, oh well," she drank the rest half melted slush.

Chord's shoulders slumped. "I brought you a hot dog," he handed it to her.

"Thanks," she smiled taking a bite turning her attention back to the penguins. Amber swallowed, "I think penguins are my favorite animal." She handed him a freshly bought frozen lemonade, she had hidden under the bench. Chuckling as his eyes lit up. "Did you know they can mate for life"?

Digging into the dessert, Chord shook his head. "Interesting…"

"Do you think we will mate for life"?

"Errr I wouldn't have married you," he chuckled going from the slush back to his hotdog.

"I'm being serious, Chord. I was reading online yesterday…"

Chord gave her a stern gaze, "Amber, what have we said about the internet"?

Amber sucked in one of her cheeks chewing on it. "I know, but I just saw this thing on Yahoo about celeb kids you never see, and KA-O was on it." She stared at her half eaten lunch, "Then I went to comments…" her voice trailed off.

Chord set down his meal placing a strong arm around her. "Amber, this is one of the main reasons we wanted to keep KA-O out of the limelight because of the crass comments made. She has a right not wanting be scrutinized with every move."

Laying her head on his shoulder she watched two penguins cuddle close as well. "Don't you think if we give out a photo-"

"No," came Chord's harsh interruption. "They will always want more, but the thing is they will move on eventually…there's always something…someone else that will come along."

"She cried herself to sleep, Chord. She was so scared yesterday, shaking like a leaf in my arms. We could barely protect her."

"Yeah," he sighed his lips brushing her temple as he spoke, "That won't happen again…not on my watch," Chord husked. "As much as I don't want it maybe we should hire a bodyguard."

"No." Amber said flatly.

Chord rolled his eyes, "Look you just said we couldn't protect her-"

Amber interrupted him sitting up straight. "I know what I said, Overstreet. I'm not having some tank of a man hustle my child around."

Chord tilted his head to the side, "But…"

"I said no." her eyes narrowed with a look of finality.

He held up his hands in defense, "Okay…damn this was supposed to be a date not a fuckin boxing match."

Amber chuckled taking his black fedora and placing it on her head, "Says the guy that got knocked out."

His eyes worked over her new head wear. She always looked amazing in his hats. "Hardy-har-har, come here and feed me this," Chord handed her the cup of lemonade, then laid down on the rest of the bench like it was his sick bed. Amber scooted next to him spoon feeding him. "Would you do this if I was sick," he asked between bites.

"Depends, how sick are you"?

Chord's green eyes grew bigger as he stuck out his bottom lip, "Really sick, I have a fever…and chills."

"Nope," Amber smiled cheerfully, spooning another bite.

"Why not," Chord asked with his mouth full.

"Men are babies when their sick, it's disgusting. You are more than able to take care of yourself if you have a cold."

"K, what if I had the flu"?

"Same." Amber answered bluntly.

Chord sat up on his forearms, "Are you saying you won't take care of me…sickness and in health…ring a bell"?

Shrugging, "Not really," she snorted at his lax jaw. "Okay…maybe if you have the flu, I'd take care of you, Baby Chord," Amber leaned in pecking his lips.

"Promise," he pouted.

Amber nodded she finished feeding him the slush, "Wouldn't have married you if I didn't want to take care of you for the rest of my life."

A lopsided grin spread across his lips. Taking her arm and pulling the top half of her body to lay with him. "I'd take care of you if you got sick." Chord told her taking her hand, brushing his lips against the palm.

"That's good to know but I don't plan on it," Amber told him laying her head on his chest watching him lace then unlace their fingers.

He snorted, "You can't help that, it's human nature."

"I have too, you and KA-O get into it when I'm not around…and I have to clean up the mess."

"It's not my fault, she told me that you said she could use purple dye in the volcano."

"She's four, Chord, and has Daddy wrapped around her finger. My kitchen looks like the purple spotted cow decorated it."

Chord chuckled. "Every home needs character, and maybe I'll try to be tougher with her." Amber rolled her eyes, I'll believe it when I see it. He shrugged but inwardly knew that as true, and took pride in it. "But you know the cure for Daddy's Little Girl…" his voice faded away and Amber looked up at him

Seeing the knowing look on his face as he wiggled his eyebrows, "Soon, I want to get KA-O in school first."

"But we can still practice though," Chord asked.

Amber winked at him before settling back, "Practicing is the best part."

"Damn right."

"Ian enters his small basement apartment tired from the day's work. Yawning he tosses his jacket and briefcase on tattered college days chair and walks to the dank dingy kitchen. Not knowing someone is watching his every move from the bedroom," read Mark Wilding one of the executive producers of Scandal.

The six long tables pushed together as the actors and two producers sat around doing their read through.

"Ian sticks his head into the refrigerator, a camera shot from inside the frig. Ian sniffed a carton of milk, then an old plate of spaghetti. The audience sees a shadow coming up over his right shoulder, then a white glove wrap swiftly around Ian neck and his head shoot up into the refrigerator light, then blackness."

"Ya killed me," Chord cried out gapping around at the table. "Harsh really harsh." He shook his head.

The room laughed.

Mark shook his head, "Yeah well we can't keep everyone," he adjusted his horn rimmed glasses, looking at Amber.

Her eyebrows extended into her hairline, "Am I dying too"?

Betsy Beers the other producer cleared her throat, "Not yet. Can't go killing everyone off then no one will watch the show…it will be like Misfits."

The table chuckled.

"Well, I guess I get to bring home the bacon," Amber sighed truthfully patting her husband's arm. "…for now."

The session wrapped in the next twenty minutes. Betsy and Mark approached the couple which were gathering their things.

"Shonda would like to see both of you in her office." Betsy said with a bright smile.

"She going to kill me for real"? Chord asked warily.

Mark chuckled, "No, no, I think you will both like what she is going to propose."

"But I'm married," Chord stated as Amber rolled her eyes.

The ride home was a quiet one, each lost in thoughts. Shonda proposal wasn't what they had expected, but it did give light to why Chord was being killed off. She had offered them their own show.

"I'm trying my hand at a lighter show though it could be a bit dark at times…" Shonda flashed her brilliant white teeth. "I'm still working on the pilot episode. The network is cancelling Grey's but wants another show to fill it's spot. So I've come up with this storyline of a satire look into the life of a Hollywood starlet.

"Do I get to be the starlet," Chord asked seriously, crossing his legs and drumming his fingertips together.

Shonda chuckled while Amber slapped his arm hissing at him to shut up.

"No actually the starlet is going to be played by Amandla Stenberg, you Chord are going to play her "nanny" and Amber her aunt/guardian. Basically it's taking Pink song Stupid Girls on a grander scale."

"Will there be lessons learned as in continuity"? Amber asked skeptically.

Shonda couldn't help but laugh, "I see that show still makes you wary…it would make anyone wary really." She shook her head remembering when she was casting Amber and she watched back episodes of her breakout show. The connection from one episode to the next was so appalling that people would call themselves writers.

"No worries Amber, I do make outlines of all my characters and I have learned things from my Grey's and Private Practice days." She said reassuringly.

Amber nodded content, looking over at her husband for his input, Chord shrugged. "Sound very promising, can we discuss this…how long will you give us."

"Well, you do have time because the pilot isn't finished…but the sooner the better because of how I write." Shonda smiled knowing that she liked to write with specific actors in mind.

Chord pulled up to their home still thinking on the days meeting. "What are you thinking," he asked glance over at his wife that was looking out the passenger side window.

"I'm not sure," Amber muttered then got out. She looked at Chord over the car. "I have options to weigh."

Chord's eyes lit up eagerly, " Really!"

Amber nodded, "When is KA-O supposed to be back"?

Clumsily Chord fished in his pocket for phone. Hastily taking it out it slipped and fell to the floor. Chord snatched it up "Um we have about two hours," he looked back at her. "You think you have enough time"?

Amber shrugged making her way up the walk and steps into their mudroom. She hung up her jacket then sat on the bench taking off multi-color Nike high-tops, "I don't know," she sighed, "There is so much to sort out. Like KA-O's schooling and with the show we will be on longer hours."

Following suit, Chord tucked his shoes into the cubbyhole labeled Daddy. "School…you think she's ready for that," he watched her placed placing her shoes besides his, then left through the window door to the kitchen.

"I don't know…maybe we can have her tested, to see if she's ready to go. KA-O is very smart but still," she trudged up the stairs to the master bedroom; Chord followed close behind. "I don't want her in something she's not ready for…not for our benefit."

"Neither do I," Chord agreed.

She glanced in her daughter's bedroom, seeing a mess of toys and dress up clothes littering the floor. Amber made a note to have the Tazmanian Devil clean it up as soon as she was home.

Amber turned abruptly on the landing, "Chord, what are your thoughts on this"?

Chord glanced over her head at the double doors that opened to their bedroom. So close yet so far. "Errr, whatever you decide is fine with me," he tried to walk her backwards towards his goal but was stopped with a small hand to his broad chest. He pouted.

She folded her arms glaring at him crossly, "Chord, I can easily do my thinking without you so tell me what's on your mind," she repeated testily.

Seeing you naked.Chord's head fell back with frustration. It wasn't in a sexual way, okay maybe it was a little or a lot. He couldn't help it. He was a millimeter away from the best sex he could have and she wanted to talk first. An idea popped into his head.

"Wait, doesn't this go against everything, don't you usually want to talk after; I don't want to ruin your process, Babe," he gave a wary smile praying she wouldn't see the undertones.

Amber, taken aback thought on her husband's words. She did have a process and it worked wonders. "You're right," she grabbed his shirt in the chest area dragging him toward their room.

Giddy, Chord willed himself to stay calm, but his insides were happily dancing to a point he almost clicked his heels together. He grinned cheekily down at her allowing himself to be forced roughly against the closed door. Amber grabbed the collar of his shirt bringing his lips down to her, Chord already harder than granite before they touched. Groaning at the feeling of her sticking her tongue in his mouth the tip lipped the roof. His knees buckled.

Amber let go of his mouth drawing up the hem of his shirt. Chord helped her the rest of the way as she went for the belt kneeling in front of him. Unzipping the fly, she pulled the ash wash jeans down over his hips and bum along with the black and grey boxer briefs.

His already erect shaft welcomed the release by nudging her chin with the tip. Wrapping her hand somewhat around, she pumped it a few times producing a cloudy liquid to escape the tip. Licking away the pre-cum she stood leading him by the manhood to the bed.

Shamelessly shedding his socks and pants and knowing the drill like the back of his hand. Chord laid sprayed eagle on bed his erection twitching against his tight steal-toned abs; he gazed eagerly up at her like a puppy awaiting his favorite toy.

Amber removed her dark green tank, revealing a lacy hunter green demi bra. She watched Chord lick his full lips in a circle twice before biting the lower one in high expectation. Her hands went for the button then zipper of her jeans when she stopped, cocking her head to the side, staring at him.

"So you don't need me," she scoffed; her hands on her hips. Her husband was practically masturbating in front of her; his large hand pumping himself at a quickening pace, his laurel eyes fixed on her chest.

"Huh," his eyes dragged slowly up to her disgruntle face.

Deriding, Amber turned heading for their bathroom that had access to their closet and dressing area. She finished getting underdressed placing a short silk black robe over her underwear. She turned around to find Chord standing in the doorway with her boxers back on but the erection still in full effect.

"I'm sorry, Babe, this was supposed to be your time and I ruined it," he sighed staring mournfully at her.

"Yeah," she strode by him only for his arm to wrap firmly under her rib cage. "I told you I can do this myself, really," Amber sighed annoyingly, as she was pulled flesh against his chest.

Chord smiled picking her up bridal style and carrying her back to bed. "I know you can," he smirked letting her fall on the bed with a small, 'yelp.' "But you know I can make you cum to a decision faster." Covering her with his body he nestled his face with hers. "Forgive me, Fawn," Chord asked her softly.

Amber nodded pushing him back slightly, capturing him mouth. Chord moaned untying her robe and letting his platter size hands wander over her abdomen caressing her gently. He settled down between her thighs, his kisses feathered from her lips to neck leaving the previous destination swollen and bruised.

Sitting back on his haunches Chord hooked the band of her white, of what people would call, granny panties. They didn't faze him one bit knowing that this was the usual when they were on set or script reading. There was no dressing up the undergarments on those long days. Amber lifted her hips and Chord tossed the Raggedy Anne type bottoms toward the bathroom.

Heat rushed Amber's cheeks and ears. The way Chord looked at her when she was naked nothing less in short of a mix of awe, desire, and tenderness. She swallowed hard at the mischievous wink he gave her before spreading her thighs further apart and settling down into his spot, then shimmied his boxers off. Chord liked his room when he feasted, thus making Amber's lower body more limber.

She felt him place a gentle kiss on her inner thigh next to his mark. It was still there even taking on the camouflage appearance of a birthmark when it wasn't refreshen weekly but that was few and far between. Amber watched as he took the slightly raise patch into his mouth sucking on it roughly; making her cry out, her womanhood respond boldly. She knew he really didn't have to suck on it so hard but did to make it known in her mind that she was his and there would be no one else.

She would admit when they were first dating the scrutiny on her part was unbearable to the point where she had deliberately cause fights between them, in hopes he would break up with her. The arguments didn't last long, because Chord found it hawt when she got angry with him and they usually ended up in bed too sore to move. Chord did figure out why she was acting out so much when she filmed her This Is How I Made It video. Where she talked about begin judge for being over-weight and only offered rolls that had a character that were demeaning to her as a black woman with curves.

Chord's heart went out to his girlfriend. It also frustrated him that Hollywood who wanted to be cutting edge and in the fore-front of society could be so backwards.

Once home he asked her to give him the sights of the backlash. She had only seen him that angry on the day they reconciled their friends with benefits relationship. He had actually thrown his laptop against the wall of their townhome.

"People think me and Emma make a better couple!" He yelled pacing the living room floor. "If those fuckers only knew what she is really like I mean she fucking left me outside the after party at the 2012 SAGs. She's a bitch...sorry," he mumbled sheepishly. Amber shrugged her thoughts were always if you act like one don't be surprised when people call you one. Chord continued his venting.

"And Dianna. Don't people know she has been married not for two years and people say we were so cute when we dated? I NEVER DATED HER!"Amber sat him down he was starting to hyperventilate.

Chord lifted his head up from between his knees. "Okay, so this this is what we are going to do there will be no more looking on the Internet at what people say about us. No looking at the comments no browsing that gawd awful tumblr sight, okay"?Their pack lasted a good while, until a couple weeks ago when Amber saw the Mystery Children article on Yahoo. It got her to think about it again.

Amber felt his lips travel from her mark do to her crotch. Spreading her lips wide, Chord dove in tongue first, slowly licking the outer walls before divulging deeper. Taking her clit between his thumb and forefinger giving it a pinch and rotation; her screams filled his ears. He felt her yank his locks then pushed his face closer to her rolling hips.

His mouth, chin and some of his cheeks were covered with her essence as he loomed over her. "Made a decision yet"? He asked as Amber's dazed eyes finally adjusted to smiling face. Chord chortled as he was thrown onto his back and his wife mounted him. He couldn't wiped the lopsided cheesy grin off his face if he tried.

Striding him, Amber stroked his manhood a few times before lowering herself guiding him in. Amber, moving slowly up and down on his shaft until she found her rhythm; Chord had her hips in a vice-like grip as she switch to rolling them back and forth. His eyes fluttered closed as he cursed fiercely feeling his balls constrict prematurely, hating that he was about to blow his load so soon. He felt butterfly kisses caress his face, paying close attention to his eyelids, mouth and just below his ears.

Capturing the right lobe between her teeth, Amber felt his release deep inside her as his back arched pressing himself chest to chest with her. She kept her stride not giving him any time to come down from his high. Sitting back up, she watched him shudder at the end of his orgasm. She smiled stroking his cheek with her knuckles as she rode his still hard member to another near orgasm. She halted it by pulling at thin membrane between the shaft and balls. She was near but he was going to come again before she got off.

Amber's came hard, soaking her husband midsection as well as the bed sheets with her juice. Their cries joined forces as Chord released himself with the help of her nails scrapping his chest. He gripped her hips harder, there would be bruises there in the morning. His toes curled and back arched, as his wife gave him a body, mind, and soul orgasm. Amber let out an exhausted curse toppling onto the bed next to him, one leg still draped over his hips.

Chord stared at his inception spot on the ceiling, "So what have you decided on," he panted.

"I can ask mom to keep KA-O until we can get her enrolled in a pre-K class," she answered gasping for air. She brushed her wet bangs off her sweaty brow.

"K," he nodded, glancing over at her sleepily, "and the show"?

Amber watched him yawn then sit up taken the discarded covers and tucking them in around them. He placed his face close to her nudging her nose with his. Amber combed his soaked hair away from his forehead, "What do you think about it"?

Giving her hip a few lazy love pats, "Great opportunity, not every day you're offered your own show? And the producer has you in mind while writing it. It's the best any actor can wish for," he gave her his two cents. "I'm all for it."

"It would mean a lot of time being away from KA-O though," she whispered sadly, her fingers traced his lips and he kissed them back, "And these are those special years you don't want to miss anything."

Chord snaked his arm around her waist, "Amber, all of KA-O years are something we don't want to miss, but how about we homeschool her and take her with us. Your mom can help."

"You think Shonda would want a screaming four year old around set"?

"She has to if she wants us," Chord stifled another yawn into his fist, his eyes barely staying open now. "I mean we are probably the first husband and wife to work together since Lucy and Desi."

Amber smiled, "Just hope we don't end up like they did."

"Nah, Babe," he sighed he was mumbling now almost in dreamland. "I love you too much," Chord plastered a satisfied grin on his face as he fell asleep.

"Love you too, Baby," Amber pecked his lips before shimming out of the bed grabbing her phone from her purse. Tying the robe around her, she stepped quietly into the bathroom, not before casting a last look at her dreaming, and calling hogs husband. She looked through her contact list on her phone before finding the one she wanted.

"Hi, Shonda, how are you"? Pause. "We are doing just fine, thank you. Well the reason I called…Chord and I didn't want to run you along longer than we had to. But we talked and," Amber smiled into the phone, "we would love to do Limelight."

A/N: I am a firm believer that an actor is only as good as the script and director. Don't believe me look up Sean Bean in Silent Hill: Revelation 3D. Anyway, though most of us have only seen Amber in Glee as acting wise *a lucky few in CCP, but I'm not bitter*; she however lifts up the person she has a scene with whether it be singing or acting. Everyone remembers Amber and Chord's scenes on the show were really the best season three had to offer. And their duets oh how I miss them; it is just fact that Chord didn't have that kind of maturity behind his voice unless he was singing with/to Amber. So this is the reason behind me having Shonda Rhimes put them on a show together. If you are a smart producer/creator of the show, you know what works and who works well together and that chemistry that makes the scene POP. Obviously, something the previously mention show hasn't figured out.

Yet this show gets a fifth season. I seriously have no clue what that show is going to be about; I purposefully didn't watch this season and from tumblr rants and vents I'm glad I didn't. And I get what happens through the gleecritic/thatcritic; so apparently Puck is a statutory rapist now. I hang my head in shame that I ever gave this show my time and money. But the good thing is Amber, Dianna, Jenna, and the rest of the original cast will be released from their contract, since it was for four seasons. I don't think Lea can leave muhahaha since she's the pet or Cory since she has him on a leash.

Anyway done with my rant and back to the story…I also wanted something different from Rhimes' regular serious *though has its laughable moments* melodrama doctor/political show; so I came up with Limelight. Haha you see what I did there. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the thinking sex ;)

The next update will be in mid-spring, though I'm not sure of the date for now. I think it will contain a wedding flashback…think that will be cute, and more Daddy's Little Girl moments. Well, TTFN!