Disclaimer:  I do not own any of the Yugi-Oh characters.  The only people which I MIGHT claim to own are the people without purpose, who run around and a substitute teacher.

In their high school, Yugi, Tristian, and Joey were shuffling their cards, as they waited for Bakura and Tea to show up.

"I had enough of waiting for them.  Let's START already," Joey whined.

"But, we can't start a five person duel, without five people," Tristian told Joey.

"So?  What should we do until they get here," Yugi asked.

"Let's duel one another, every man for himself."

"No way!  It took me all night to remake my deck.  And, I'm not going to let you guys see it and make strategies against it before we play a round-a-bout," Joey said.

"Well?  What do you suggest we do?"

"Truth or dare."

"Come on!  You've got to be kidding me!  That's a girl's game!"

"Come on, Tristian.  There's got to be something that you want to know about all of us, that you've never asked before."

"Well?  Who goes first?"

"I go first, smart guy."  Joey gives no second thought about his question, "Will you admit to us that you like Miho?"

"JOEY!  I outta-!"

"Take the truth or do the dare."

"Well?  What's the dare?"

"You have to ask her out."

"OK, OK!  You win.  I do like Miho."  Tristian starts to blush.

"You next, Yug."

"Do I have to?  I really don't have any questions to ask."

"Come on, Yug.  Ask me!  Ask me anything."

"Ok….  So, what's your strategy for using that deck?"  Yugi starts to laugh along with Tristian, after a few seconds.

Joey replies sarcastically, "Very funny, you guys.  Now, what's the real question?"

"All right.  In a one on one, friendly duel, who would you least like to duel?"

"Good question."  Joey thinks on it, a bit, "I'm going to have to say Bandit Keith.  He's two-faced, ya know."

"Wow.  I thought it would've been Pegasus," Tristian commented.  "But, Yugi?  I've never seen your parents.  What are they like?"

"Yeah.  I've never seen or heard your parents either.  Good question, Tristian."

"That's a tough one to answer guys," Yugi replied.  "But, I'll try my best.  And, this is going to be long.  Which one do you want to hear about first?"

"Your father," Tristian answered.

"Well, …my father-."

"Hi, guys," Bakura busted into the room.  I'm sorry I'm late.  I was supposed to meet up with Tea."

"Tea?  Where IS Tea, Bakura?"