"Elladan? Can I come in?" Elrond asked and knocked gently on the door.
After a second he heard a soft reply from the inside, "Yes"
Elrond opened the door and walked over to Elladan who was sitting on the bed. He looked out the window but then shifted his gaze to Elrond when he came closer. There was worry in his eyes.
"Elrohir isn't back yet…?" Elladan asked.
Elrond shook his head and sat down beside Elladan.
"I thought I felt panic come from my link with him some time ago, but I'm not sure…"
Elrond panicked slightly, but calmed himself for Elladan's sake, "I'm sure he is fine. He'll come back soon, you'll see."
They sat in silence for a while until Elladan broke it by saying, "I'm sorry Ada. I didn't mean for it to go that far…"
Elrond shook his head, "I bear the responsibility as well. I made the problem bigger than it actually was and instead of talking rationally with you I began arguing."
"I did that as well."
"Yes, you did, but I am your father and I'm many years older than you I should have known better. It helped no one that I got angry over it." Elrond said.
Elladan sighed, "No you were right, it was irresponsible of me to miss the meeting and then make such a big deal about it afterwards." He looked down on his hands.
Elrond smiled and placed his hand under Elladan chin. He raised his head no he was looking at him. "That you admit it makes you responsible. You are still a child Elladan, my child and I would have it no other way. I should not rush you into growing up and taking responsibility, those things take time. You are very responsible when it comes to very important things, and at times like that I know that I can always count on you. I am proud of you Elladan and I love you so much, don't ever question it."
Elladan nodded, his throat constricting painfully.
"You and Elrohir are very different from each other, even though to most people it does not seem that way. You have a very large temper while Elrohir is very composed in most situations. That does not make me love you less Elladan, you and Elrohir are different people who handle things differently. I love the both of you just as much and it would hurt me more than anything if I were to loose one of you. Don't ever think that you're inferior to Elrohir, Elladan." Elrond said.
"I hit him Ada…" Elladan choked, "I have never hit him like that before… What if he hates me?"
Elrond shook his head, "Elrohir doesn't hate you. He loves you Elladan and even after you had hit him he tried to cover for you."
Elladan looked up sharply at that, "He did?"
"Yes, he tried to convince me that he had run into a bookcase."
Elladan paled, "I told him I didn't care if he died…" Elladan choked, "What if he is hit by a tree in the forest, and that would have been the last thing I said to him?"
Elrond pulled him into his arms and held him tightly. "Shh… Feel for your bond with Elrohir… You can feel that he is still alive…" He felt Elladan nod against his chest. "I think both of us owe him an apology when he comes home as I still owe you one…"
Elrond tightened his arms around Elladan, "I am so sorry Elladan, I almost hit you… I don't know what came over me at that moment. I can only guess at what would have happened if Elrohir hadn't jumped in. I am so sorry… Can you ever forgive me?"
Elladan nodded against his chest. "I love you Ada…" He mumbled, "I didn't mean it when I said that I wanted you and Ro to die."
"I know my son. I know."
They sat there for a while comforted in each other's arms. Then a knock sounded on the door. They let go of each other and Elladan said, "Enter."
Glorfindel came into the room and closed the door behind him, "Are you finished talking?" He asked gently.
Both Elladan and Elrond nodded so Glorfindel walked over to them till he was standing in front of them.
Glorfindel breathed deeply before saying, "Elrohir came back half an hour ago."
Surprise and relief flashed in Elladan and Elrond's eyes. They exclaimed, "What? Why haven't you told us?" and then they stood up quickly and moved towards the door.
"Elladan, Elrond." Glorfindel's voice stopped them. They looked back at him, now they were worried, "He was out there for a long time. The Bruinen had swollen in the storm and he was in a tree above it. When he decided he needed to go home he made to climb down from the tree but he stepped on a branch that was too frail to hold his weight. He fell into the river."
Elladan and Elrond got paler as the story went on.
"He almost drowned Elrond." Glorfindel said and looked at him, "He managed to grab hold of the roots of a tree and pull himself out."
Elrond swallowed hardly, "Is he injured?"
"A piece of the branch was forced through his arm when he landed. Other than that he has a sprained ankle, some broken ribs and he seems to be in shock." Glorfindel sighed.
"Why didn't you tell me this before?" Elrond asked horrified.
"He wanted you and Elladan to talk things out first."
With that Elrond and Elladan ran swiftly from the room and over to Elrohir's. They didn't even bother to knock before they entered. It was dark inside the room the curtains were blocking the windows and the only light inside was from the fire that was burning dully from the fireplace.
Elrohir was lying in the middle of the bed. Two extra covers thrown over him. They had to get closer to se his face. He was sleeping, his eyes closed and breathing hitched. There was a bluish tingle to his lips and he was shivering slightly despite the covers. Guilt rushed through then anew when they saw the bruise on his cheek and his pained expression.
"Elrohir…" Elladan gasped and sat down on the bed. He gently reached out and brushed the hair away from Elrohir's forehead. Not even that woke him up.
Elrond put his hand on Elrohir's forehead. His hair was still damp, but it seemed to be from a bath and not from the rain. The coldness of Elrohir's skin frightened him. "Elladan we need to warm him up." Elrond said and then walked over to the fireplace to put more wood on it.
Elladan nodded and got under the covers next to his brother. He pulled Elrohir against him wanting to warm him up with his body heat.
Elrohir gasped suddenly and his eyes flew open. He clenched his teeth together tightly; he felt that his twin was near so he guessed Elladan was the one tightening his arms around his broken ribs. "Elladan…?" Elrohir asked tightly, "Loosen your arms…"
Immediately the arm Elladan had placed over Elrohir's ribs lifted.
"I'm so sorry Elrohir. I forgot, I'm so sorry." Elladan apologized.
Elrohir let his eyes close again he was still exhausted. "It doesn't matter…" He murmured tiredly and moved slightly closer to his twin.
Elrond had come over as soon as Elrohir had woken up, but neither of them had noticed yet. He sat down on the bed beside Elrohir and thereby alerted him of his presence. Elrohir opened his eyes again and looked at Elrond.
"Ada…" He sighed and then asked both of them. "You worked it out?"
Elrond answered, "Yes."
As Elrohir was about to close his eyes again Elrond tapped him gently on the cheek. "I want to see your wounds."
"I already took care of them Ada… No need to worry. Just let me… sleep." Before Elrond had the chance to stop him Elrohir's eyes closed and he descended into darkness. Elladan held him gently and kept him warm. Elrond pulled a chair over to the bed and sat down.
"Is he supposed to be this exhausted Ada?" Elladan asked him worriedly.
"He must have fought hardly for survival in the Bruinen. I wonder how long he was in the water before he managed to pull himself out. Then he walked the whole was back on a sprained ankle; maybe the river had even carried him farther from Rivendell. Plus he lost blood from the wound on his arm." Elrond said, "I think he had good reason to be exhausted. Hopefully his body will let him sleep for a long time."
The water closed in around him and no matter how hard he fought to get free it was like there was an invisible weight around his waist pulling him down. His own heart pounded in his ears. He had to get up! He couldn't breathe! Help! The surface disappeared completely from his sight and the only thing he could see over him was darkness. His own heart beating to a stop and he gasped for air where there was none to find. Swallowing mouthful after mouthful of water.
Elrohir gasped suddenly and his eyes flew open. Elrond was woke up from his doze immediately and hurried over to his panicked son. Elrohir was still gulping down air, there was sweat rolling down the side of his face as well.
Elrond placed his palm gently against Elrohir's cheek, "Shh… Elrohir. Calm down, breath slowly…" He whispered and knelt beside the bed.
Elladan was still sleeping behind Elrohir; he never had been the one to wake easily. Elrohir locked eyes with his father. Breathing had sent fiery stabs of pain through his broken ribs. He complied and slowly managed to get control over his breathing. He followed Elladan's breathing pattern since he could feel Elladan's chest rising against his back.
"How are you Elrohir?" Elrond asked while noting Elrohir's paleness.
Elrohir blinked sleepily now that the panic had left his mind he was again ruled by exhaustion. "I'm tired. Body feels heavy… But I am warm."
Elrond felt Elrohir's temperature and was relieved to find it normal. It seemed as though Elladan had warmed him up.
"What did you dream about Elrohir?" Elrond asked.
Elrohir sighed, "I was back in the water, drowning. Only this time I couldn't get through to the surface, something was holding me down and pulling me deeper."
Elrond looked at him sadly, "How long were you in the water Elrohir?"
Elrohir shrugged, "I don't know. A long time."
Reaching out to caress his son's cheek Elrond looked sadly at him. Elrohir had through much the past evening. He had almost died, because of stubbornness and one argument.
Elrond reached over Elrohir and shook Elladan's shoulder. Elladan's eyes cleared from elven sleep and noticing that both Elrohir and Elrond were awake he smiled at them.
"Good morning." He greeted. Elladan let go of Elrohir and moved slightly aside as Elrohir rolled over onto his back. Elrohir grimaced in pain but then let out a sigh and looked at Elladan.
"Good morning yourself." Elrohir said, "But I think it's closer to good afternoon." Elladan and Elrond nodded in agreement.
Elrohir closed his eyes for a minute, when he opened them again he saw that Elrond and Elladan were looking intently on his. Their faces were guilt filled.
"I'm so sorry Elrohir." Elladan said thickly, "I'm so sorry for hitting you and telling you that I didn't care, that you could just die. I didn't mean any of it and I'm so sorry for hurting you. I wasn't thinking straight, all I said to you was said out of anger and I didn't mean any of it. I love you Elrohir and I wouldn't know what to do without you."
Elrohir hugged his brother closely with the arm he hadn't injured. "It's okay Elladan. I know I knew the moment you said it that you didn't mean it."
"But there was so much hurt in your expression anyway. I never want to hurt you Ro, you're my brother, my twin. I wasn't supposed to do something like that…" Elladan said.
"I already forgave you Elladan."
"Ada told me what you did, that you tried to cover for me when he had come to your room afterwards. I betrayed you, but you still tried to cover for me. Why?" Elladan asked.
"Because you are my brother and I love you also. I covered for you because I knew that he argument would only be taken to the next level if Ada found out what had happened." Elrohir answered.
Elladan nodded. After a few moments of silence he grinned, "You walked into a bookcase? That has got to be the worst cover story I have heard in my life."
"If I had had more time to think about it maybe I would have lived up to some standards dear brother." Elrohir said lightly. Elladan pulled out of Elrohir's arm and smiled at him.
"I must apologize as well Elrohir." Elrond said.
Elrohir looked at him, "I thought I told you that I didn't want your apology because I wasn't the one you had intended to hit. It was my own choice to jump between you."
"I apologize that I ever put you in the position where you had to take a blow from me intentionally or not. If I hadn't been that hardheaded in the first place then none of this would have happened. You were right I was behaving like a child and I should have never lost my temper with Elladan. I apologize, to both of you." Elrond said sincerely. "I love the both of you so much and I know that the way I acted brought a lot of pain to you."
"We forgive you Ada." The twins said at the same time.
Elrond smiled, "You've grown up so fast…"
Elladan and Elrohir groaned exasperatedly. Making all of them laugh until Elrohir whimpered and braced his arm against his ribcage.
"I'm taking a look at your injuries now." Elrond said, "Elladan will you go and get some supplies?"
Elladan nodded and got out of the bed. "I'll be right back." He said and left the room.
Elrohir felt slightly chilled now Elladan was gone the feeling only spiked when his father asked his to take off his shirt. Elrond helped him pull it over his head.
Elrond gasped as he laid eyes on Elrohir's bruised chest. Most likely the bruised ribs were under the mass of colorful bruises that covered the right side of Elrohir's ribcage. There were also other smaller bruises here and there, but these were the most serious.
"What happened?" Elrond asked.
Elrohir looked down at his chest, "The stream and then waves slammed me against some of the large rocks in the river." He answered.
Elrond nodded and moved on to his arm. Elrohir had already bound bandage around the wound so Elrond unwrapped it. It was a large wound and serious, but he could tell that Elrohir had cleaned it out nicely yesterday so hopefully there would be no infection. Still Elrond wanted to stitch it.
When Elladan came back with the supplies Elrond went to war with all Elrohir's injuries. He spread a salve over the bruises on his chest and made sure that the ribs had broken cleanly and that they were in the right position. He wound some bandage around Elrohir's chest to help keep them in place.
Then he cleaned the wound in his arm gently and stitched it together. Luckily there were no remaining splints of wood in the wound. While he bandaged it he asked already knowing the answer, "How did you get the piece of wood out of your arm."
"I pulled it out." Elrohir answered weakly. He was sipping on some pain-relieving tea.
Elrond nodded slowly he knew that it must have been painful.
His ankle was sprained badly, and he hadn't helped it by walking all the way back, but Elrond guessed that it had been unavoidable in that situation. He wrapped the ankle in bandages to make it as immobile as possible.
"Now are there any more injuries that you have kept hidden from me?" Elrond asked knowing that the twins had a habit of doing that.
"I broke both my legs in six places." Elrohir answered blankly.
Elrond rolled his eyes at Elrohir, but discovered that he couldn't help but glance at Elrohir's legs.
"You should sleep some more." Elrond said to Elrohir while taking the teacup out of his sagging hands.
Elrohir looked at him weakly, "You drugged me…" He accused blurrily.
Elrond nodded slowly and lowered Elrohir down onto his back. He lifted Elrohir's legs onto the bed as well and spread the covers over him. Elrohir was again sleeping with closed eyes, but Elrond wasn't as worried this time because he knew that the herbs were also at fault.
He kissed Elrohir's forehead, "Sweet dreams Elrohir, and may no nightmares haunt you tonight."
"Nightmares?" Elladan asked and looked at Elrond.
Elrond nodded and explained, "He had a nightmare that he was drowning again."
Elladan looked down at Elrohir and brushed the hair away from his face, "Be at ease brother, I will not leave you…" He whispered.
Elrond smiled and stood up, "I'm going to do some paperwork." He said and then left the room.
Glorfindel met him in the hall. "How is Elrohir?" He asked.
Elrond smiled, "He'll be fine. Thank you Glorfindel."
Glorfindel smiled as well, "You're welcome."