AN: This is my idea about how the trilogy should end. I own nothing but that idea


"Emmett help", Clara Clayton screamed as a part of her dress, hanging on a metal knob on the train which was driving faster and faster towards 88. mph., was beginning to ripping off.

"Clara," Doc Emmett L. Brown said and tried to get her but he was hanging with his hands on a broken metal bar.

"Doc," Marty McFly, who was sitting in the DeLorean Time Machine Car which was pushed by the train, said. "I will give you my Hover Board"

He took his pink hover board and was about to put it on the ground.

"Marty," cried Doc, "Watch out"

Marty turned his head and ducked back into the car and avoided the wood sign. He leaned out again.

"Ready Doc," he said and put the board down, "catch".

Doc caught it and made his way over to Clara, grabbing her just as the dress tore completely from the metal knob. He swooped her up bridal style and quickly carried her to the car. Both of them got in and closed the door just as the time sequence started.

"That was close," Doc said, "Hold on Clara".

Clara hold on as the time machine went into its final sequence and went straight to the year 1985.

October 26.

As the car arrived it manege to roll a long way before it stopped.

"We did it," Marty said.

"Well Clara," Doc said, "Welcome to 1985."

"Emmett," Clara said silently, "is that what I think it is."

She pointed right in front of them as another train came towards them.

"GET OUT," screamed Doc.

Doc and Clara jumped out to the right while Marty jumped out to the left. The train smashed the DeLorean and once it was gone Marty, Doc and Clara stood at the car wreck.

"Well Doc," Marty said looking on him, "now it is destroyed."

"Just like I wanted," he said.

He then looked on Marty and said:

"Our adventure has made me realize that Jennifer must learn the truth. Me and Clara will get some 80's clothes while you go get her. We will meet here in 2 hours."

2 hours later...

"Hello Doc and Clara," Marty said as he and Jennifer arrived at the wreck.

"Marty," Doc said, "you look a little shaken."

"I am," Marty said, "that idiot to Needles tried to goat me into racing his truck against mine. If I hadn't got my lesson there in the Old West, I might have done it and ended up crashing into a Rolls Royce."

Doc smiled and said:

"Good Marty. I knew, that you could fight it."

He looked at Jennifer.

"Jennifer Parker," he said, "meet Clara Clayton."

Clara and Jennifer shook hands and Marty said to Doc:

"Then both of us has got something out of this time travel stuff. I have got a successful father, a sober mother and in fact my family has a better economy. And you Doc, you have got a nice girlfriend."

"Plus," said Jennifer, "now when you didn't caused an car accident and broke your hand, your dream as a rich rock star may not be gone."

"You're right about that," Marty smiled, "completely right."

And this is my meaning about how it should end. I know that thanks to the animated series and other things the story continues beyond the films . But my end does NOT exclude this either.