Chapter Eleven
Third Person Limited
"Leah," Jacob sighed, walking behind her. It was dark, and he had somehow convinced her to come home from the studio. "Come on, Leah, talk to me." She hadn't said a word since they left, and started home, through the mass of trees and bushes in the woods. Leah had refused to phase, he assumed it was so she could keep her thoughts to herself because by the looks of it, she had plenty.
Still, she stayed quiet, walking ahead of him.
"I was an asshole. A complete and utter fucking asshole," he grovelled. "But just... hear me out. I like you, Leah, I like you a lot."
"And you also like her," finally, she speaks.
"But I like you, too."
Leah didn't stop, but she started laughing half-hysterically. When she finally composed herself, she took a deep breath in and looked over at him from a sidelong glace. He finally caught up to her. In human, and wolf form, the older female was faster, even if he didn't like to admit it. "You know, you're probably more like Sam than I ever realized."
Ouch. He didn't respond though, because by the look on her face, she clearly had more to say. "You don't respect anyone's privacy anymore. You always put your nose in where it doesn't belong. Plus," she took a deep breath in. "You know what, forget it. Jacob, we're fine. You're my alpha, I'm your beta. It's fine. You're forgiven."
Jacob quirked a questioning brow. Just like that? Leah was able to hold a grudge, that was for sure. But just like that...
"I'm not like him," he said strongly. "I'm nothing like him." Or was he? "I know he said the same thing to you; about Emily after you phased and found out. I know he hurt you but I don't want to be that guy."
She turned to face him and stopped walking just as they arrived at the edge of the forest. "It doesn't matter. Fate has chosen Nessie for you," she said unhappily. "I don't want to fight anymore. With you, with Sam, with anything. Including fate. It's always been a losing battle. I won't fight it anymore. I've told you before, I won't be second best, Jacob."
"You're not," he pleaded.
"I am," she said, no anger in her voice just... truth. "I am second best with her. I deserve a hell of a lot better than that. From you, and everyone else. So give up on this little joke. Trying to be in a relationship? It's been a joke since the day I mistakenly kissed you. You want the truth? There it is. I've had a lot of time to think, and I don't want to have to think anymore. Be with Nessie, be happy. I'm done. You told me if it got to the point where this wasn't working out we would stay friendly and I think we're there."
Leah turned on her hell when she finished, and jogged toward the house. It was time for her life to get easier, not harder. She was ready for a change, a good one and Jacob obviously wasn't it.
Deep breaths, Jacob, deep breaths. He kept repeating the mantra in his head as he watched Leah leave. He wouldn't let her do this; walk away. He wasn't done. He wanted to fulfill his obligation and duty. He was her boyfriend, and he wasn't letting her end things right now. He ran up and caught her hand. "No," he said strongly. "You're not breaking up with me. We're an awesome match, and that's that."
Leah looked confused, so, so confused, and he grinned. "You can only have one girlfriend, Jacob. I'm not into the whole sister wife thing, you know. I don't exactly like to share." She was only half-joking, but the mirth was there and Jacob smirked.
"I know. And you're my girlfriend. I'm Nessie's protector; her brother. And I'm your boyfriend." Leah didn't really know what to say, and she sighed, but before she could speak Jacob opened his mouth again. "Just sleep on it for tonight. We'll talk in the morning. We can make this work somehow."
"Whatever," she brushed him off uncertainly, and walked into the house.
The night was uneventful and the morning came fast. Their patrols had dropped significantly, and Jacob found himself over at the Cullen's at the crack of dawn. He wanted to see Nessie, and get some more answers about Nahuel.
However, as he stepped inside, he saw the half-vampire standing at the end of the staircase, laughing with Nessie. When he entered, the rapidly growing child looked up and smiled with her large, brown eyes. "Hey Jake."
"Hey," he said uncharismatically. "What's up, Ness?"
"Nothing, Nahuel was just telling me stories about when he was on the boat. Would you like to hear them?"
Jacob looked between the two and shook his head. "That's fine, you can go listen to Nahuel. I'm going to go talk to your dad, okay?"
She shrugged. "Alright."
Jacob noticed her sweet way of... well, dismissing him. Since when had he become so.. unfamiliar to her? She used to jump into his arms. Despite his words to Leah the night before, he felt, well, disposable.
"Hey," he walked into the kitchen where Edward sat at the table, Bella rushing around to get Nessie some breakfast.
"Hey Jake," she said sweetly. "Would you like something to eat?"
"No thanks, Bells. I'm fine. Hey, is he like...staying here now?"
Edward chuckled. "Only for a little while. Problem?"
"Of course not," he grumbled.
"Uh," Bella hesitated. "Nessie wants to talk to you, Jake."
"Oh? About what?"
"Edward, dear, can you go occupy Nahuel and tell Nessie to come in."
He nodded, and got up from the table, going out into the living room. A moment later, Nessie came in. He swore her hair was an inch longer from the other day, and her height.. She was getting much taller. "Hey," she said, smiling up at him. She climbed up onto his lap, and Bella put her breakfast on the table before joining her husband in the other room. Nessie put her hand on his cheek, and without saying a word, she showed him all the times she saw him looking at Leah, both from afar, and otherwise. "You want to be with her, don't you?" she said. "I know I only look like I'm thirteen, but my brain... It's fully developed, Jacob. I know... Well, everything there is to know about... most things. Mom and I talked the other day... She said you were with Leah. I just... I told you that I want you to be whatever you want to be, and I do, but... Well, I want to know what that is."
Woah. Well then... "What do you want it to be?" The imprint was speaking; not him. His immediate reaction to her was to make her happy; make sure she was safe and looked after; love her. Even though the back of his mind was screaming at him. You picked Leah, it growled. You need to pick. For real. Stop flip-flopping.
Nessie's eyes dropped from his and she let a small sigh escape her chest. "I asked you, Jacob. I refuse to damn you from your human life. My mom told me... If we were together, you would have to phase. You wouldn't age. Just like me. Are you okay with giving that up? I'm not asking you to, but I need to know. You've been there for me since I was born, and that's awesome, but... Do you really see us having a romantic relationship? I know you love Leah, too. I'm not asking you to destroy that, I just want to know if you love me in that way. I'm not five anymore. Aunt Alice told me she's had visions about us being together. When I look older." She sighed. "But she hasn't said anything about them in a long time. The futures always changing, of course."
She was so, so wise. The strong words coming from such a young girl... It would be hard to ever see her physically as her full mental potential until she was finally full grown. It was easy to dismiss her as a child, but she was fully matured on the inside.
"I like Leah," she whispered. "But you're my imprint." They were supposed to be together, right? She felt the connection to him, and she did have a crush on Jacob. He was hot; really hot. She wasn't blind anymore. She noticed. But... She also noticed Nahuel, and Jacob and Leah. It wasn't that easy. "I am your imprint," he said strongly. "I love you, I do. But right now.. it's still a brotherly love." Until she looked fully matured, he didn't feel any sexual desire toward her. Not like... Leah. He knew it would come; she still didn't look her age, and he was scared that when it did come... He would be just like Sam, despite his claims the night before. He would hate himself forever if that happened. Not because he didn't love Nessie, but because he could already picture the hurt in Leah's eyes. It could break her; really break her. He couldn't be that guy. It was so hard. He wanted to be with one girl, and was told by every fibre of his being he was meant for another.
"So you love Leah more?" Her small voice asked curiously.
Instinctively, Jacob shook his head. "No, just in... a different way right now."
"Will you love me in that way someday?"
Jacob couldn't see the future like others in the household, but he nodded despite his better judgement. "I think so."
"Then what about Leah?"
God, they were going in circles. "Nessie," he said softly. "Where are you going with this?"
She shrugged. "I want to know where your head is to. Jake... you... you're hot," she blushed. She wanted him to know she really was mentally grown, and saw these things. "And I know you're supposed to be with me, and it's fine that you're with Leah right now, but do you intend on staying with her?"
Moment of judgement, despite the grin on his face from her previous 'hot' comment. "I can only give you my answer right now," he said softly. "And right now that answer is yes."
Nessie nodded and frowned. "I'm not mad," she said softly. "I understand. I still love you, Jacob. As a brother, or... whatever way I'm supposed to. I'm not making you choose right now, or telling you you should choose me. I just wanted to know."
He kissed her forehead, and hugged her tightly. "I love you, Ness, but I love Leah."
"And she's hurt and needs you," she completed his sentence.
The day was long for Jacob. He stayed around the Cullen's for a while before going home. He needed a break from all this imprinting stuff, and hugged his rapidly growing imprint goodbye before making the brief jog over to his home. Leah was out on the small patio, headphones in, with a book in her lap.
"Hey Lee," he said, strolling up to the railing from the ground.
Hearing him approach, she took one head phone out and looked up, but only for a second. "Hey."
"You still mad at me?"
She kept her eyes focused on her book. "Nope."
"Doesn't seem like it."
"Well, I'm not," she said defensively. "I'm trying to read, I don't want to play twenty questions, Jacob. What do you want?"
"To tell me that I'm the best boyfriend in the world," he grinned, pulling two tickets out of his pocket. He had actually managed to talk to blondie long enough today to get her to get him two tickets to that night's dance show in Port Angeles. He wasn't sure the details, but Rosalie said Leah would love it.
Leah chortled, and looked up to contradict him before seeing the tickets. "What's that?" She got up, placing the book beside her, strolling over to the railing. She took the two small pieces of paper from his hands. "Tickets..." It was a travelling dance show - all women, actually - that was in town, or close enough. Her brow furrowed. "When did you get these?"
"Today," he said simply. "So I hope you're okay with Seth taking your patrol tonight."
She smiled down at him. "Thanks, I'll call Rachel and tell her she's coming with me."
Jacob frowned. "Hey, what! I thought you were going to take me?"
Leah smirked. "I'm kidding, Jake. But do you really want to go to this... I mean, it's not exactly a wrestling match."
"I want to make it up to you; what I said." This was the best way he knew how.
Despite Leah's apprehension, she walked down the steps, and wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning in. "Thank you, it's a start," she winked before he grinned and their lips came together in a soft, brief kiss. She couldn't deny that it was kind of awkward, and her nose curled up. "You stink."
Jake chuckled. "Yeah, I was over talking to Nessie. Sorry."
"About?" She questioned, dropping her arms, sitting on the steps.
"You, actually," he grinned, sitting beside her and taking her hand.
"Well, she knows we're together. She just... wanted to know I guess, how serious we were and if we were staying together."
"And you told her what? That when she's fully grown you'll run off with her?" She asked, trying to make a joke out of it, but the harsh feelings weren't falsifiable.
"No, that right now, I'm with you, and I will be for my foreseable future."
Leah rolled her eyes and hit his arm. "Sure, Jake. You already got me the tickets, stop sucking up."
He decided to leave it at that, and leaned over, kissing her cheek, and then down her neck. They hadn't done any... experimenting since the blurry drunken night a couple weeks ago, and Leah giggled. "Stop," she scolded him. Could Leah really accept him as her boyfriend? Knowing he was forever connected to another... Well, soon enough, woman? Jacob continued his path down to her collarbone, and she couldn't help but to giggle and elbow him just as she heard a familiar voice.
Authors Note: I figured since it took so long to update I should give you a little cliff hanger to assure you the next chapter will be out as soon as I can! Reviews always make them come a little faster. (: - Dramaticfield