RonaldXWilliam – Ch. 1
hi guys! heres another story of mine, chapters will be coming out this week :P
i dont own kuroshitsuji or any of its characters blah blah hope you enjoy!
bruuuyuuuuuuuuu-tut-tut-tut-tututututut phwahh… "Come on! Start!" Will sighed angrily and punched his steering wheel, knowing it wouldn't help the situation. He got out of his car and started walking towards the Shinigami Dispatch. Lucky for Will, it was a sunny day and work was only a few streets away, but he was going to be late. Will hated being late. He was about a quarter of the way there when a car slowed down beside him and the owner rolled down the passenger window. "Hiya, boss!" chirped Ronald Knox. "Good morning, Knox." "Need a ride?" he offered. Might as well… "Thank you, Knox, I greatly appreciate it." Ron stopped the car for Will to get in and they went off to work.
"Sutcliff! Do your work!" snapped Will, looking at the two (barely finished) sheets of work Grell had managed to do in 45 minutes. "But Wiiilll, I'm tired!" moaned Grell, lifting her head from her desk where she had been falling asleep moments ago. "Then go to sleep earlier at night!" he glared at Grell and stormed out of his subordinates' office. Grell whined, scribbled what was meant to be work, and dropped her head back down to go to sleep.
30 minutes later, Will checks on his subordinates again…
"Slingby! Humphries! Stop showcasing such vulgar actions and get back to work!" he practically yelled. Alan and Eric had been making out and avoiding work. Grell had woken up at the sound of Will's loud voice and immediately pretended to work. Ron came in carrying a tray with 4 coffee's, of which he deposited one on Grell's desk, "Latte with 3 sugars, cream and cinnamon." He took another cup and placed it on Eric's desk, "Cappucino with cream." Ron took the second to last cup and handed it to Alan, "Black with two sugars." He turned to Will, "Anything for you, boss?" sipping his coffee. "I don't drink coffee, Knox, only te-" "I'll make it a surprise!" a certain gleam in his eyes. Ron took one last sip of his coffee and dashed off to the break room. Will sighed and went back to his office.
A few minutes later…
knock knock… "Come in." Will kept his eyes on his work as Ron entered, carrying Will's drink. He put the cup next to Will's work, grinning. Will took the cup, oblivious to Ronald's smirk. He took a sip and was about to put the cup down when his hand froze mid-way. Will swallowed it, and looked up at Ron, who was smiling like a buffoon. "Knox…is this coffee?" "Nope!" he flopped on the nearby couch, putting his feet in the air. "Then what is it?" "Hot chocolate!" Ron took out his cell and started texting. "I see.." Will put the cup far away from him and went back to work.
"Shouldn't you be working?" inquired Will. "Maybe." Ron hopped off the couch and went to stand behind Will. He peered over his boss's shoulder, looking at what he was writing and placed his gloved hands on Will's shoulders.
Will's pen froze. "Boss, your too stiff. You need to relax." Ron said, starting to massage Will's shoulders. His eyebrow twitched, he didn't like his subordinate touching him…he preferred it if everyone kept to themselves. But he did enjoy it…ahh how long had it been since he'd last been to get a massage? Must be ages…I should call to make an appointment this weekend…but why? I have someone giving me one now…and he's so good at it too… Will had been complying to Ron's touches and moving his head around, relaxing. He stopped immediately, realizing his actions, "You should get back to work, Knox." "Sure." Ron left the room, not noticing how awkward the situation had been.
The rest of the day was fairly busy, Will spent his time yelling at Grell, Alan and Eric to do their work, while Ron spent the day reaping and coming back far too late. His scythe broke that afternoon, thanks to Ron. Knox was checking out his lawnmower scythe, claiming it was faulty and accidentally started the machine. It revved across the room, knocking down Will's scythe and breaking it in several pieces.
Will didn't get mad this time, he remained calm and went to bring it to Repairs. He'd had enough slacking off, yelling and threats of over-time for one day, another disappointment didn't make much of a difference. Ron repeatedly apologized while Will took several aspirin to help soothe his headache, but Will only brushed him off saying, "Knox, it's quite alright. You yourself said it was faulty, it started by accident and killed my scythe, that's all. Nothing more to be said. Get back to work." He drank water from one of those little paper cups that surprisingly hold water without leaking and swallowed a couple of blue pills. "Alright, then."
Ron knew Will was only saying that, he loved his scythe, and he'd broken it. How many times had he caught Will in the act of polishing it, or testing out its length? Or just holding it, he loved it that much. Thinking about that only made Ron feel worse. He entered his office glumly and started working quietly.
The rest of the day was fairly quiet. Once Grell, Alan and Eric had heard about Will's scythe, they decided it be best if they worked and kept quiet, not wanting their boss to commit suicide for having a terrible Monday.
6 p.m. – Shinigami Dispatch closing time
Will sighed… for the umpteenth time that afternoon. It was finally the end of the day, he could finally go home, take a bath, order something in (he was too worn out to cook) and watch one of his favorite movies on tv. He locked his office, glad that he had actually managed to complete a lot of work today, considering the lack of effort his subordinates had put in today.
He reached the parking lot and started to look for his car, not finding it anywhere. Will frowned and felt like crumbling to the floor in exasperation when he remembered his car was broken, and that he'd have to walk home. He was extremely tired and hungry, and only wanted to go home. "Need a ride?" offered Ron who had pulled up alongside Will, again. "Knox you do not know how much I really love you at the moment." blurted Will, not thinking before speaking. He blushed while getting in the passenger seat. "That's not what I meant-" "I know, I get it." Ron smiled as he drove towards Will's house.
theres chapter 1! hope you guys like it! reviews are my favorite, so please tell me how much u liked or loved or found this story amazing or how much its your favorite or how much u didnt like it :P